Robert Pattinson at MTV TRL-A few new pics.

Just a few more new shots of Robert Pattinson giving "The Look" at MTV.


p r i s c a said...

i don't get it. He throws me off with the tie. Did TRL happen the same day as Mi TRL?

Dani said...

Yes I believe it did. And that is also the same outfit he wore to Planet Hollywood event too. Don't know if that was on the same day but we know Rob wears the same thing every day so who can really pin down what day he did what is beyond me.

bella's mom said...

I don't remember where I saw it but in one article it said he left the PLanet Hollywood to go to TRL. I'll try to find it when I get back from picking up the kids.

p r i s c a said...

yeah, im thinking TRL was one day, Then planet hollywood and Mi TRL was another. *shrugs* It doesn't matter really...Just feeding my addiction.

Amy said... has a new post up about some new merchandise at Hot Topic - it's a Baseball shirt with the Cullen crest on the front and a number on the back with TEAM CULLEN above it! They are really going all out with the merch, haha

bella's mom said...

If you want more options for Twilight merchandise, try they have oodles and bunches!

Anonymous said...

Part Deux of La Times interview

Emily said...

I imagine it all happened the same day - TRL, Mi TRL, and the Planet Hollywood thing. Maybe not but it looks to me like Rob just put on a jacket for TRL, then exchanged the jacket for a skinny tie for the Planet Hollywood and Mi TRL appearances. Of course you are right though, Dani. It is hard to date certain events based solely on his ensemble. The beanie does seem to be worn at the same crooked angle in all the pictures though. Who knows? Maybe he never takes that off, either.

I just noticed he's wearing the exact same thing in the interviews as well. And the button of his left shirt pocket is undone in all the pictures.
I'm not a stalker...I'm just, uh, observant. Yeah, that's it.

Tess said...

Rob! why so fierce? Come here, Lemme give you hug

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