Pattinson finds 'Twilight' is his Dawning Moment

New article about Rob. Here are the parts that are new/semi-new :-))

He "obsessively" read and re-read the Stephenie Meyer novel on which the movie is based. And he spent five hours a day in the gym, trying to chisel out a six-pack before the cameras rolled.

"Afterwards, my friends gave me such a hard time because, literally, I had never set foot inside a gym before that," he said.

During a phone interview from Los Angeles, Pattinson does his best to downplay his status as a heart throb in ascendance. While admitting that his mom gets a big kick out of all the hullabaloo surrounding his first starring role, the 22-year-old actor insisted the attention hasn't made much of an impact on him.

"I can separate myself from it," he relates. "I can go into a room of screaming teenage girls but my mind doesn't absorb it."

Stephenie Meyer said casting Edward was the one of the filmmakers' trickiest challenges.

"(Edward) has to be everything," she said. "He has to be beautiful and dangerous and angst-ridden and intelligent. A lot of guys were pretty but they weren't dangerous. Other guys were dangerous but not pretty enough. Rob Pattinson has both sides."

Meyer's books are full of the kind of dramatic mood swings which are often difficult to capture on film. Pattinson, for his part, was committing to giving Edward a transfusion of humanity.

"When I read the book, I did notice the extreme emotions all the time," he said. "But I liked that. I like movies that are operatic. That said, I did try to make Edward as un-cheesy as possible. I tried hard to stir him in a more realistic direction."

Music was another big motivator for Pattinson. On the eve of the movie's more romantic moments, he revved himself up by listening to CDs by British newcomer Laura Marling ("She's very young but she has a desperate quality to her voice") and Gyorgy Ligetti. (Gozde: Here is a video from Laura Marling, it's bautiful_

Pattinson rose to a different kind of challenge when he was required to fly through the air with the greatest of ease.

"Wire work is so hard," he groaned. "You have to look like you're controlling your movements when you're not. It's incredibly painful, too. You're hanging there all day from two straps on your crotch. Not the most comfortable experience in the world."


Jewels64 said...

Goz, I'm brain dead right now. Did ya'll post the 15 minute Variety interview. I'm watching it right now and I don't remember seeing this?

Gozde said...

You mean this? :-)

Gozde said...

By the way for future info: at the left upper side you can do a blog search :-))

Jewels64 said...

Ha ha this blonde moment was brought to you by Clairol!

Jewels64 said...

Yeah, I was cruising through the website RobPattinsonWho? He makes me lose my mind.

Gozde said...

LOL, that's what happens when you cheat on us :PP

Jewels64 said...

I bow down to your infinite wisdom, mercy and beg forgiveness. I won't happen again. You and Dani ARE the RPattz Goddesses!

Jewels64 said...

oops..."It" won't happen again. It's so cold in my house my fingers refuse to type correctly.

Jewels64 said...

That video is hauntingly beautiful!

Kate said...

Ooh loved that interview!!

Gozde said...

Well as long as you don't let it happen again :)) It's cold in Atlanta too but I'm going to Chicago on Tuesday so I think this "cold" will feel like a summer day once I'm there :P

Lynn said...

Jewels---what I wouldn't give for a bit of cold here in Vista! My poor dogs are starting to come in ashy due to the LA fires. Fucking global warming!

Hey, I like Laura Marling, she kinda reminds me of Sia who has the most beautiful voice.

bella's mom said...

oooooooo lynn, Sia's song Breathe Me is aesome!!!

You take care there, if there is that much ash and stuff you guys be careful about going out and breathing it all in.

Be Safe!

bella's mom said...

* awesome.. please excuse spelling.. lol

Ellie said...

Hi, "Bella's mom! :)
I saw your note this morning when I woke up. I'd love to "compare notes"! I hope you didn't think I was disrespectful of the kids with my "zoning out" comment. It is what it is~lol. I love them dearly; got to have a sense of humor.

bella's mom said...

Oh my gosh no Ellie, I say that all the time.. these kids are great and they make me laugh so hard. You should hear my son's version of a knock knock joke.. oh wait. on second thought, I'll spare ya of that.. lol

toss me an email if you get the chance...

Tess said...

Goz- good article, great song! thanks for posting.

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