Showing posts with label I am dead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I am dead. Show all posts

Gorgeous *NEW "Breaking Dawn" Stills With Robert Pattinson

Gorgeous *NEW "Breaking Dawn" Stills With Robert Pattinson

GAH I can't take it!!








Source EW

NEW STILL: Robert Pattinson as Eric Packer in Cosmopolis

NEW STILL: Robert Pattinson as Eric Packer in Cosmopolis

Photo Credit: Caitlin Cronenberg



I can't type. Here's the tweet: New @Robby_Pattinson's pic from #Cronenberg's new film #Cosmopolis. #RobertPattison

Kate made it LARGER because we all want this in HQ, maintenant! ;)


If you build it...

ChrisGreuet_CEO via CosmopolisFilm

Tons Of NEW/Old Pics Of Robert Pattinson WFE NY Prem Pics That Will Make You Weak

Yes you read that right these New/Old Robert Pattinson WFE NY Pics WILL make you weak at the knees.
Thanks so much to our lovely reader DeansHoneyBear who sent them to us. And it's such a perfect day for them with it being WFE DVD release day and all.

These ones just finished me off. Look at that tongue *THUD*



Smilie Rob


Don't worry Rob your tongue is still there!



LOTS more Pic and I mean LOTS After The Cut & Also A Vid

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson has shaved and has...a goatee??

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson has shaved and has...a goatee??

OMG. That's what it looks like, right?? I can not WAIT to see clear pics!!!

UPDATE: The source of the pic says: Not really a goatee but there is some scruff there - pic is bad quality.

We certainly can imagine what he'd look like with one though, can't we? Come on, Paris! We need clear pics. ;)


Photo caption: Met Rob and Ashley at their hotel in Paris.

Fan account:
Took the train from Germany to Paris with my friend yesterday to go to the Breaking Dawn event on Sunday. As we didn't get tickets, we hoped for a good spot at the red carpet but there is still no confirmation if they will even give autographs there.
After some sightseeing we walked past a street and noticed five girls at the back entrance of an hotel. Without knowing who they were waiting for (Rihanna was in town as well), we stood on the other side of the road and waited - for six hours. Some time in the evening they closed the garage of the hotel so Rob and Ashley (a girl told us she is 100% positive that they are staying at that hotel) could get into the cars unnoticed to go out for dinner. As we were just eight people they actually came out, took photos with us and personalized our autographs. Rob was handsome as ever (the bear on his face is gone) and Ashley was just as beautiful and charming. Both of them were really nice and funny though they must have been exhausted. Rob even had to borrow my pen to sign everyones autographs and he looked for me and my friend later to give the pen back to us - such a considerate young man.
Later on the hotel staff thanked us for being so nice and for not screaming and freaking out. That's the way to go, girls! ;)
Thanks Skylar for the tip!

Source: LoveInTuscany

Showcase Saturday starring Robert Pattinson

Showcase Saturday starring Robert Pattinson

Yes, I'm sneaking in an alliteration post. 2 reasons...

First reason, Dukkesa31 just uploaded a GREAT video that can't wait until the next drought. It feels like the video for the opening games of PromoRob! She's even got BeardyRob pics from yesterday in the vid! The song feels like our anthem in the dark recesses. So it MUST be watched. :)

Second reason...



Gifs: WeHeartPattinson Tumblr

Inside The Exclusive Meet & Greet With Robert Pattinson & Co At Comic-Con

@17ForeverLisa was lucky enough to win a place for the exclusive Meet and Greet after the "Breaking Dawn" Panel at SDCC 2011 and got to meet HHH himself........ Robert Pattinson!

Here's her account of what happened and also a few new pics from the BD Panel


Click and Click Again For Larger

You could feel the excitement ripple through the line. It was indeed the big three, along with the director. Once you entered the room, the line ran along the left, and they were spread out and seated behind tables to the right. The line curved around so that you received autographs in this order: Taylor, Rob, Kristen, Bill Condon.

To say it was surreal is an understatement. All you could do was stare while you waited in line. They were right there. He was right there. Right. There. (Kate: We get ya!) Finally it was my turn.

"I wished Taylor (his teeth are SO white and he’s super confident) good luck with his upcoming movie, Abduction. I may have said a little a little more than that, but I had my eye on the prize.(Kate: Good woman!)

Rob: Hi. How are you?
Me: Trying not to pass out. (I know. Not cool. He smiled.)(Kate: I would be DEAD at this stage)
Rob: Well don’t do that. (Kate: My plan would be to faint so that he might be the gentleman and catch me :-})
Me: (deep breath) So…the hair…Cosmopolis reshoots?
Rob: (his bent fingers went to the long side of his hair; my breath hitched) No. I don’t think there are going to be any reshoots, actually (a little bit of surprise in his voice).
Me: (smiling) So you just like it then.
Rob: (laughs and rocks back in his chair) Yeah! (Kate: Oh Rob, that's why we love you! You little weirdo {giggle})
Me: I really enjoyed Water for Elephants and made it to the premiere in New York City.
Rob: Cool. Thank you so much.
Me: I’m really looking forward to watching your career unfold and hope it includes some music in the future.
Rob: Maybe. (My heart took that as a yes.) (Kate: Eeeeeeeek) Thanks for your support.

Read the rest over at Pattinson Post (where she meets Kristen & Bill)
via Robstenation

Robert Pattinson Wants To Make Our Heads Explode

UPDATED with youtube (Scroll down)

Well Robert Pattinson has done a pretty good job of that already today but he's gonna try again with the sex scenes in "Breaking Dawn"

Source Moviefone

You Tube Thanks To cybermelli

Did Someone Say They Needed Robert Pattinson "Bel Ami" Screencaps ??

Well it just so happens.....................
No animals were harmed in the making of these screencaps but I can't say the same about me................I feel a bit dizzy!






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