Showing posts with label I want to be Rob's cigarette. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I want to be Rob's cigarette. Show all posts

Robert Pattinson - Night Filming 07/02/2009

A source from NYC tells us: Last evening, a shoot at an Indian restaurant after NYU finished. Date night for Tyler+Ally wearing the same clothes from street festival.

Thanks to for the pics :) Check 'em out for larger LQs of these :)

Very Clear Video of Robert Pattinson on Set of Remember Me 06/15/2009

Thanks to RobPattzNews for the tip

ROBsessed Report from NYC :)

One of my friends , Trixie, she of the fabulously hot videos, went down to the Remeber Me Set and here is her report:


They just broke for lunch so everything was going to be shut down for at least an hour. Good time to head back to the office, I guess.

I should have left an hour ago, but I couldn't tear myself away. I mean, HE
WAS RIGHT THERE! Just across a narrow one way street. RIGHT
there. I could see his eyes! I could hear his VOICE! Couldn't fully make
out the dialogue, but could hear him.


Anyway, the crowd was very respectful, not unruly at all. People were spread
out a bit so there was plenty of room to maneuver.

I watched Rob do at least 5 takes of a scene where he is chatting with his
"side kick" and then walks away by himself. Ciggie in mouth (heaven help
me). I seriously don't know how he does it. Keeps his focus and does his
job while he knows that all of us gawkers are there just to stare at him.
Truly amazing.

When I first got there, they were shooting an earlier part of the same scene
where he is walking and talking with the "sidekick". They did a few takes
and then he went back into the building as they set up for the next shot.
Well, his entrance to the building was not being protected and a bunch of
girls ran up to him and tried to talk to him and get his autograph. Totally
RUDE. They guy is WORKING! Anyway, he was having no part of it.

When he was walking around between takes, he had 4 big guys around him at
all times.

Anyway, I'll NEVER EVER forget this day. EVER!

I'm still in complete and total shock. I can't believe it was that EASY to
see him and to get that close.

Pictures from TwiFans and PacificCoastNewOnline
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