Showing posts with label Rob is so good to his fans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rob is so good to his fans. Show all posts

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson and the 'stache make another person's day at work! (Chicago Oct. 11)

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson and the 'stache make another person's day at work! (Chicago Oct. 11)


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Photo caption: Best day to be at work... Had the pleasure of serving Robert Pattinson today. #twilight #TeamEdward #lwoods #leye #lettucelove #BestTableEver

Click HERE if you missed the pics of StacheRob from last night!

Source | Thanks Sunny!

PICS: Robert Pattinson spreads his charm and hotness all over the Maps To The Stars TIFF premiere

PICS: Robert Pattinson spreads his charm and hotness all over the Maps To The Stars TIFF premiere

When PromoRob comes to town, he coats the festivities with his charm and hotness. The evidence is always in the pictures. 

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Always so good to his fans!

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The media always gets smitten too. It's completely understandable.

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Susie was there and grabbed some gorgeous shots of Rob inside the theater...

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When he blew a kiss to David...did people look around afterwards? Make sure ladies in the line of this kiss didn't fall out?

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They can't help themselves. His very presence demands your smile and attention.

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We'll see if we get anymore PromoRob before the year is over but for now, enjoy this maddeningly handsome profile and the most gorgeous pensive face ever.

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LOADS more under the cut!

Adorable NEW Fan Pics Of Robert Pattinson From Outside The 'Maps To The Stars' Press Conference

Adorable NEW Fan Pics Of Robert Pattinson From Outside The 'Maps To The Stars' Press Conference

Awwww always making time for his fans!

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Photo Caption: "A voluminous - haired #RobertPattinson after visiting the #NKPRIT14 Gifting Lounge. #TIFF14"

Click For Larger

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Thanks PJ

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson sweet and scruffy poses with a fan while bowling with Zac Efron (July 22)

UPDATE: Added another new pic from last night below 
NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson sweet and scruffy poses with a fan while bowling with Zac Efron (July 22)

ROB!!! That sweet smile is making me the love.

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Photo caption: Robert Pattinson could not have been sweeter to my little cousin tonight. I love nice people. I also love seeing Kaylie all starry-eyed... We are clearly related.

That pic is so cute! And the Photo Caption is A++++++++++

That tweet (he has 1.4M followers) also made Rob and Zac a worldwide trend!
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Source | Thanks Nancy!


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Great NEW Video Of Robert Pattinson Signing For Fans At 'The Rover' LA Premiere

Great NEW Video Of Robert Pattinson Signing For Fans At 'The Rover' LA Premiere

I LOVE this video. Feels like it was yesterday ;}
Rob is so good to his fans!

Thanks Nancy for the heads up!

VIDEOS: Robert Pattinson on the red carpet being SO good to his fans (The Rover LA edition)

VIDEOS: Robert Pattinson on the red carpet being SO good to his fans (The Rover LA edition)

We showed you some great fan pics yesterday and now here are some more red carpet videos of Rob working his magic at The Rover premiere. The first video is another interview (starts at 11:27) and he's as cute and charming as ever. He may be opposed to leading man roles but we're glad he's still mixing it up (Life, he'll be a leading man after we see him support in MTTS and QOTD). After the interview, you see Rob working the fan line but as he's called away, he lets his adoring fans know, he'll be back. :)) And back he came. LOVE THIS MAN!'s SHOCKING to see Dean laughing it up with Nick, Stephanie and Jeff. Seems so out of character. LOL

We posted a bunch of videos from the premiere earlier (link at the bottom) but here are a bunch more!

MORE under the cut!

PICS: Robert Pattinson is always so good to his fans (The Rover LA edition)

PICS: Robert Pattinson is always so good to his fans (The Rover LA edition)

We're playing a little catch up and we couldn't let these beauties pass us by. We attended The Rover premiere in LA and it never gets old to feel that electricity in the air when you're waiting for Rob to arrive. When his blacked out SUV drove up, it was enough to make your heart burst to know he was going to his fans first. As you've seen in videos, Rob hopped out of the car and strutted in his electric blue suit right over to the fans cheering for him. Our adoring faces couldn't be hidden if we tried and you can see that clearly in this collection of fan pics....

Photo assumption of fan..."You are lovely and I shall adore you to the end of days"



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Over 150 great fan pics of Rob under the cut!

VIDEOS: Footage of Robert Pattinson at The Rover LA premiere signing for fans, on the carpet and inside the theater

VIDEOS: Footage of Robert Pattinson at The Rover LA premiere signing for fans, on the carpet and inside the theater

A bunch of videos of Rob working his premiere magic...

PICS & VID: Robert Pattinson says his fans are really sweet and more great shots from The Rover Sydney premiere

PICS & VID: Robert Pattinson says his fans are really sweet and more great shots from The Rover Sydney premiere

UPDATE2: More great pics!
UPDATE: Added another great fan pic!

We can't embed this new video from MTV but if you're in Australia, you can view HERE. The article attached to the video is at the bottom of this post. I decided to include some new fan pics and video of Rob from The Rover Sydney red carpet since the article has Rob mentioning his fans are sweet. :)

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From MTV Australia:

If you ever want to know what a full blown mental breakdown looks like all you have to do is tell a diehard Twilight fan that Robert Pattinson is coming to town.

If you were anywhere near Sydney’s State Theatre on Saturday night you might have been mistaken for thinking we were back in the times of Beatlemania, as hundreds of fans lined the streets to catch a glimpse of the British heartthrob.

In an MTV exclusive, we quizzed the former Twilight star on what he thinks of his adoring fans that came out to see him ahead of the Australian premiere of his new film The Rover for the Sydney Film Festival.

“They’re really sweet,” he blushed as they hysterically screamed behind him.

Before he hit the red carpet the 28-year-old generously spent around forty-five minutes chatting to his biggest supporters, some of whom had been patiently waiting on the street since 6am.

The humble and softly-spoken actor seems to be going from strength to strength with a slew of hard-hitting films coming out over the next year; a definite departure from his star-making role in The Twilight Saga.

If he wasn’t blessed enough with some fine acting chops and a face that could turn a house-wife into a bumbling mess, he’s also got an impressive set of pipes, but says he’s unfortunately not releasing any new music.

“No, not in the foreseeable future,” he said.

If you’re aching to hear him sing you can catch him in The Rover hilariously singing along to a Keri Hilson song, one of the many memorable moments as he delivers a brilliant performance as Rey alongside Aussie great, Guy Pearce.

Click HERE, HERE and HERE if you missed other great fan pics and video

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