Showing posts with label Vogue.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vogue.. Show all posts

Robert Pattinson On Reese Witherspoon "She’s Tough"

Robert Pattinson Tells Vogue What Reese Witherspoon is REALLY like. I'm scared!


Interestingly, the elephant in the room turned out to be the least of anyone’s troubles. (As Pattinson puts it, “She was the most consistently professional creature I have ever worked with.”) It was the horses—two white Andalusians and two black Friesians—that turned out to be high-strung and unpredictable. “Reese grew up around horses,” says Lawrence, “and she owns a couple that she rides now, and even she was scared of them.” Says Witherspoon: “I’ve always been a little bit of a tomboy that way, so I just always enjoy the thrill of doing something dangerous.”

She got more than she wished for. Not only did she get thrown from a horse one day, Pattinson tells a story about shooting a scene in which one of the horses is lying down in a train car with Witherspoon curled up on the ground next to it when suddenly the horse jumped to its feet and stepped on her leg. “I could see in Reese’s face that it must have hurt more than anything, and she played it off like it was absolutely nothing,” says Pattinson. “And then the next day she had this enormous bruise. It could have quite easily broken her leg, but she didn’t mention it to anybody. She is just incredibly brave that way.”

Witherspoon’s toughness was one of the main reasons Lawrence cast her in the film. “What I liked is that there’s that determination, but there’s also a sense of humor and a sense of vulnerability. It must come from her family and upbringing. You sort of feel like if she sets her mind to something, it’s going to happen—nothing is going to get in her way. And that’s part of what keeps her interesting—and oddly a little dangerous.”

Pattinson, too, thinks there’s more to Witherspoon than meets the eye. “In terms of public perception, she’s thought of as America’s Sweetheart. And she kind of is in a lot of ways. But I think that she’s a lot bawdier than that, a lot more raucous. It did actually shock me to see that. She’s tough. You wouldn’t want to get into an argument with her at all.” He laughs.

“You can always tell that she will be incredibly nice to anyone who’s not an idiot, but it’s always very clear that there’s a line you really shouldn’t cross.” (When I tell Witherspoon that Pattinson said this, her response is classic Reese: “Oh, yeah. I’m a little junkyard dog.”)

Read the rest of Reese's interview over at

Robert Pattinson In "Vogue" (Russia)


Click and Click Again For Larger

This seems to be made up of snippets of old interviews.
Bear in mind (as always) that some is probably lost in translation!

Translation via fleetbuddy of imdb

This is the fifth time I’m meeting with Robert Pattinson.

He came to the interview by himself, without any entourage. He looks like he just rolled out of the bed. “I don’t care what people think of me, even if it sounds cocky” – he says like he could hear my thoughts about his appearance. – “I don’t like to be surrounded by crowds. The more people around you, the more judgment. I don’t have stylist or publicist – I don’t need them, and I don’t have to spend my money on them…”

After his first “Twilight” movie Pattinson turned from cute star-neophyte into major male movie icon following traditions started by Rudolph Valentino, Clark Gable and now-a-days continued by Jude Law.

When he was 12 years old, Robert started his career as a model and even was a face of Britain fashion house Hackett, but now he talks about it as the most unsuccessful career of a model ever.

Robert Pattinson is one of the reasons the “Twilight” movie turned into a phenomenally successful franchise which never semms to end. First part of final book “Breaking Dawn” will be released at the end of 2011, the second – in 2012. But we don’t have to wait that long to see Robert on the screen – circus drama “Water For Elephants” will be released in April… [Author tells about movie plot]…
When this movie is released, everyone, even Robert’s critiques will have to admit that his acting is supreme and the women’s idol is ready for new roles.

Does Robert consider himself a sex-symbol? He prefers to joke about it saying that vampires are real sex-symbols because they are forever young.
Robert - “I wouldn’t say that I’m a fan of vampires, but I don’t have anything against them…There is an opinion, that the platonic relationships between Bella and Edward has a positive influence on teenagers. Also, just think about it, as a vampire I have to apply tons of makeup – it’s so sexy! And, before Twilight I couldn’t find a girl that would agree to go on a date with me, and now everything changed! Isn’t it weird?”

Robert Pattinson wallpapers: Making You The Love in photoshoots volume 7

Robert Pattinson must be under a witness protection program because he is MIA in a big way. It's great that he's not being harassed but let's not fool ourselves. Droughts are tough. Thank goodness we have creative readers who like to play with Rob ;)

Here are a few gorgeous wallpapers by Marina H. to help with this "dry spell". My theme today is celebrating some of Rob's photoshoots.

I LOVE this shot of him and was even MORE thrilled when the Vogue shoot came out in HQ. Look at that swagger! Love the way he walks...


This shot is also a favorite of mine. Who DOESN'T swoon out of their chair at the thought of Rob playing the piano (or doing anything musical for that matter)? Why doesn't he make a movie about a piano player? I'd die instantly. Kate gave us a great flashback post from the stunning Vanity Fair shoot.


This photoshoot is hmmmm....well....just look at the beautiful man in that leather jacket and snug, thigh-hugging jeans...and that wand.


Marina also designed a couple of Cosmopolis themed wallpapers for Cosmopolis Film blog. If you've read the book, you'll understand the tone...



Click the thumbnails to save the HQ versions

Click HERE to revisit volume 6, that gorgeous Golden Globes edition :)

*NEW* Robert Pattinson Outtake From Vogue Photoshoot & Other Outtakes Now In HQ

I love HQ Robert Pattinson.
This one is new and the others we had before but not in HQ.


Click and Click Again for HQ

Source via Pattinson Stewart Fans

Better Quality Pics of Robert Pattinson's Vogue shoot

Better Quality Pics of Robert Pattinson's Vogue shoot



love the strut!



Robert Pattinson & Emilie DeRavin Make Vogue's Best Dressed Of The Week List

Best Dressed Of The Week - 19/03/2010
MARCH 2010 - Emille De Ravin, in Oscar de la Renta, and Robert Pattinson made a stylish couple at the London premiere of their film, Remember Me

Thanks to RobPattzNews for the tip!

More Beautiful Robert Pattinson Wallpapers- "Vogue" Shoot &"Remember Me"

We're spoiling you today with all the gorgeous wallpapers. These beautiful ones are made by Adoring RPattz

Wallpapers are resized to fit the screen. Right click and save, they will save at full size.

Robert Pattinson & Emilie DeRavin In Vogue (Better Quailty Pics) With Transcript


Twilight's phenomenon Robert Pattinson and Lost's Emilie de Ravin drop the fangs and the fear in a new love story.
By John Powers. Photographed by Norman Jean Roy.

Ask Robert Pattinson and Emilie de Ravin about shooting their new movie, Remember Me, and they instantly start talking about the throngs of Twilight fans and pushy paparazzi who swarmed around them as they filmed on the streets of New York.

"It was the most ridiculous experience," says Pattinson, flashing the sweet, shy smile those crowds hoped to see. "You're trying to stay in character and you're trying to walk down the street, but all those people keep reminding you that you're not this character, you're—"

"A show pony," cracks de Ravin, and the two burst into laughter.

Although this duo could hardly be more different—de Ravin, 28, boasts the easy physical confidence of a onetime ballerina, while the slouchy 23-year-old Pattinson is all self-effacing bemusement—their effortless rapport is the emotional anchor of Remember Me. Pattinson stars as Tyler Hawkins, an alienated and confused young man from a wealthy family—"It's not too Rebel Without a Cause," he jokes—who gets involved with Ally (de Ravin), the daughter of a cop who arrested him after a street fight. Where Twilight treats him as the object of desire, a role that requires as much posing as acting, this character-driven drama brings out his most emotionally complex performance so far. Whether Tyler's raging at his distant father, Charles (played by Pierce Brosnan), or charming Ally, he has a surprisingly deft comic touch; Pattinson is now the one doing the chasing.

"Rob and Emilie are gifted actors who really like each other," says Remember Me's director, Allen Coulter. "And the movie reveals them in a whole new way."

Which is precisely what both of them wanted—to show what they can do outside the juggernauts of Twilight and Lost.

Remember Me may well prove the big-screen breakthrough for de Ravin, an Australian still best known as the new mother, Claire, on Lost, a role that was often undemanding. "I was always holding the baby in every scene," she says, "while everybody else was going off shooting people." Here, she throws herself into the conflicted passions of Ally, a young woman who, eager to escape an adoring but overprotective father, struggles to break through her own veneer of toughness.

For his part, RPattz (as he's known to his teen worshippers) is eager to start playing complicated human beings and not just heartthrobby vampires. Not that he doesn't relish being Edward Cullen or feel loyal to his fans, but he still hasn't figured out how to cope with being an international icon in an era when it seems impossible to escape the public eye.

"Everybody knows where everybody is," he says. "The Twitter thing is unbelievable. I went out a couple of times with Pierce. He's totally recognizable, and he makes no effort to tone it down. Some people were glancing over at us in the restaurant, and he just went over and introduced himself. And it does work. It dissipates all the attention."

So, does Pattinson use this trick?

"Me?" he says, shaking those famously tousled locks, "I just crawl under the table."

Source Vogue

Robert Pattinson On Vogue UK's Best Dressed List

Johnny Depp's got it. David Beckham's got it. Tom Ford's got it in spades. Style is not easily defined or faked, so the men who have made it into our Best Dressed list - in no particular order - are the real deal.

As the menswear shows kick off in Milan this weekend, we take a look at those fashionable gents who are nailing it in the style stakes. From Robert Pattinson's insouciant cool and Take That's four-fold elegance to the Kings of Leon's rockin' edge to Mark Ronson's nouveau Mod look, we bring you the chicest chaps around.

Source Vogue Uk via Mr Pattinson

Robert Pattinson in Chinese Vogue - Scans

All beautiful images we've seen and drooled over before, just in a different format this time.

Source via Spunk-Ransom

Robert Pattinson & Emilie de Ravin Shoot for Vogue - Confirmed!

So yesterday we told you that Rob & Emilie were rumoured to have a done a photoshoot for Vogue magazine. Today there's a bit more to add to the story.

Gossip Cop can confirm that Robert Pattinson and his “Remember Me” co-star Emilie de Ravin shot a spread for Vogue yesterday in Los Angeles.

Pattinson and de Ravin posed for a number of photos in different exhibition spaces throughout the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA).

Much of the shoot took place in cordoned off areas before LACMA opened to the public at noon.

The photos are slated to run in Vogue’s March “Power Issue,” which hits newsstands just about three weeks before the release of “Remember Me.”

Emilie de Ravin’s rep confirmed to Gossip Cop that details of yesterday’s museum shoot were “accurate.”

Kate: How exciting is that? I CAN'T wait!

Will We See Robert Pattinson In Vogue?

From E! Online
We know where Robert Pattinson was today.

Across the street from our offices—at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art!

But he wasn't exactly checking out any exhibits…

Sources tell us that hottie R.Pattz and his stunning Remember Me costar Emilie de Ravin were there being photographed at the museum (aka LACMA) for Vogue magazine.

I'm told editors at the fashion bible are planning a multipage spread of the twosome for the mag's annual Power Issue that rolls off the presses just in time for Remember Me's March 12 release date.

"The theme is a date at LACMA," one source says.

Photographer Norman Jean Roy is said to have shot them in several spots throughout the museum, including interior and exterior setups. "It's kind of edgy in a Vogue way," the source says. "Emilie is wearing high fashion but it's like sort of tattered-looking. Rob is mainly in suits."

Pattinson arrived at about 9 a.m. before the museum opened. But it's not like art lovers—or Twihards—were going to get a good luck at him during the day anyway. Locations were blocked off with blue tarps and surrounded by security guards.

—Reporting by Dahvi Shira

Mmmm can we believe them?? Please make this be true. I would love to see another fashion photoshoot so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
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