Showing posts sorted by relevance for query tinkrbe1l3. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query tinkrbe1l3. Sort by date Show all posts

Chris Weitz talks Robert Pattinson on Twitter

New Moon director, Chris Weitz, recently joined twitter and tonight, he answered many fan questions about Robert Pattinson :)

Here are some highlights:

@heyitsdani @chrisweitz what do you think about water for elephants' trailer, new Robert pattinson movie?
Chris Weitz: That's my boy right there. Looks lovely. I'm in line 1st weekend.

Tink: awwwww :)) Showing Rob some love for his WFE trailer day.

@tinkrbe1l3 @chrisweitz what happened to that kissing scene Chris...the one OUTSIDE in Montepulciano? (still love what u did with NM :))
Chris Weitz: Oh. Well, even with R+K, too much of a good thing...

Tink: say whaaaa? Look who got a question answered :)) You guys have NO idea how much I've b*tched about this missing scene. It was smokin' hawt and GONE. At least I still loved CW...unlike some OTHER Twilight directors *eyes Slade* I can't even broach the subject of the horrifically edited scene post-dog kiss.

@robzsinger1 @chrisweitz Is Rob even more dreamy in person? do tell. ;)
Chris Weitz: He is so dreamy that I am sometimes asleep while talking to him.

Tink: And this sealed the deal. Chris Weitz is hilarious and I'm following him now.
Visit Robstenation to read what he said about New Moon, Kristen, and Taylor and give him a follow if you like his witty banter. I'm a little smitten by him since he answered a question of mine that has haunted me since Nov. 20, 2009 ;) Even though his response wasn't exactly lengthy, I'm satisfied and appreciate the director of the film even bothering with my question. Thanks for the closure on this:


I told him to stick it in the director's cut box set :P

Kellan Lutz mentions Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart on Kyle & Jackie O (Australia)

Kellan Lutz mentions Robert Pattinson on Kyle & Jackie O (Australia)


I grabbed the direct Rob mentions from the show and put them together in the sound cloud.

Question 1: Who do you get asked about the most?
Kellan: Rob.

Question 2: Girls that want his number and all that sort of stuff, right?
Kellan: They always ask if I have his number and if I'll give it to them. Bless their hearts for trying. Of course I wouldn't divulge my friend's info out to anyone.

Question 3: Are Rob and Kristen still going strong and are they going to get married? (fan question)
Kellan: You know what, I haven't talked to them in a little bit. It's not really a question that i can answer because I don't know them but they seem adorable every time I see them and madly in love so. You know who knows. Hope the best for them that's for sure.

Memo-7 by tinkrbe1l3

Source: KyleJackieO

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Jan.30 ~ Fave Josh Interview

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Jan.30 ~ Fave Josh Interview


I have the strangest feeling that all 3 of us are going to pick the same thing ;-p
Let's see if I'm right!


"WELP. i love them all (WFE, Cosmopolis MTV First stand out) BUT…you know it was going to be this one…."


"I think this one is a given and will come as NO surprise to anyone that I'm choosing this interview. It will always have a place in my heart (along with Rob & Josh) If I had to choose second place it would be the "Cosmopolis" MTV First."



"I'm not looking at the blog b4 I pick, but I think I know what & picked! This is mine!"

Click the thumbnail if you need to review the January calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)

*New* Robert Pattinson Wallpaper

*New* Robert Pattinson Wallpaper

Another wallpaper using the new image from "Homme" Magazine.
Big thanks to tinkrbe1l3 for making it!

Wallpaper has been resized to fit the screen so just right click and save and it will save to full size!


Fan Encounter and Picture from 08/08/2009

Remember tinkrbe1l3 that froze on her tracks when she saw Rob on Friday night? Well last night she didn't :) I have a huge smile on my face because she is the cutest! Read it, you'll agree ;)

*Gozde: You see 100 pix of Rob smiling and 1 picture without a smile makes everyone get up in arms about his "well being". Just read the cute story man, don't judge every picture...

Sooooo…me again and do I have a story for you (can u tell by the pic???). This one is a little longer because of the build up but it’s a goood story IMHO. Where did we leave off from Friday night: I’m a moron. I don’t know how to talk to people I adore. I don’t know how to look at people I adore. My best friend rocks. Did I mention what I do for a living? I teach public speaking. Yeah. Seriously.

Here’s how I gave myself a Cher (Moonstruck) slap and snapped outta it. During Marcus’ show Friday night he mentioned he’d might play the piano for his Saturday show. I’m a sucker for some good piano playin’ and since my brain was melting on Friday, I didn’t get to really take in the show like I wish I could have. So I considered going again if there were tix and if I could get someone to come with. There WERE tix (crazy!) and I got a friend to tag along (not the best friend who was busy). All was good. I knew Rob wasn’t gonna come because…I don’t know. That’s just what I told myself at the time. My goal? Marcus on the keys. This is when it all starts to be God/kismet/meant to be/luck/whatever you pray to because if Marcus didn’t mention the piano, I wouldn’t have gone to see him again.

My friend had asked me earlier in the day what my ultimate goal was here with Rob (she was just getting the story of the night prior). I said I suppose the icing on the cake is a pic with him. I added since that was near impossible considering his popularity, I’d settle for a distant viewing of him at a public appearance of his choosing (trying to respect the man, trying to respect the man). We get to the show and we’re at the end of the line but its ok. No pressure tonight. Go inside and grab a good spot at the front and hear the opening act. He was great! Kevin Earnest. Well Mr. Earnest played his set with a violinist and a cellist. Suuuper sexy. At least to me. I’m a sucker for strings. Keys and strings. He mentions he’s selling cds after his show and I know I gotta get it if he’s got the strings going on. After the show he doesn’t seem too sure where he’s selling stuff (???) so I take it upon myself to go towards the entrance in the
back and ask the merchandise ladies what’s up. I tell my friend to hold down the fort, I’m gonna go get a cd. And here we go….

I walk to the back and the ladies don’t know what’s up with the guys cd but I see Marcus has his live disc for sale (awesome cd btw). I go to buy it when the world shifts to slow-mo and the door right by me busts open. I turn to see what startled me and see random flashes outside. Who was it that came in like a living god? Rob. Robert. Robert Pattinson. He looked dead at me (there was no where else TO look, that’s how small this area was). What did I do? Looked away immediately and made an audible gasp (reference the first story to understand why I’m a moron). I shoved myself away from the merchandise desk as if I was struck and backed up against the wall. Whether I was trying to give space for the gorgeous living god before me or melt into the wall to disappear, I don’t know. Here’s what I was saying in my head: Breathe. You can’t stop breathing. Why are you alone?!? Where is your best friend?!? Where are your legs?!? Keep breathing.

I had no plan WHATSOEVER to take a pic. I couldn’t move let alone grab my camera out of my pocket but I’ll forever be indebted to this bold, slightly obnoxious, woman. I hear someone say quite casually, “Oh my god, can I have a picture?” She then gave Marcus her camera (where did HE come from?!?!) and Rob laughs (LAUGHS!!!) and says something like: he’s gotta be in it too, he’s Marcus. This didn’t faze the woman. She had Marcus take her shot then gave Rob her camera to take a pic of Marcus and her. This all happened in front of my petrified eyes but something was simmering. Her boldness was sprinkling out onto me. I had tried to tell them all I could take the pic but it came out barely in a whisper and no one heard. I don’t know if I actually even said it out loud now. But I had to do something else to inject myself into the situation or I would never forgive myself. I got my opening.

After her camera show, I increased my vocal volume and asked Rob if I too could have a picture...please. He said sure. But then! There was commotion over back by the merchandise ladies. Rob’s posse of Brits were saying something which made Marcus ask something which made Rob turn away (ACK!!!) to see what was up (it wasn’t anything and I really didn’t care if it was something). I asked bold girl if she’d take a pic for me and she said of course (that is if he remembered me…ha!). But he did. He turned back around (we’re still operating in slow-mo here) and I put my arm around his waist (help) and he put his arm across my back or shoulder or waist (damn that part is foggy) and I smiled for the camera. He’s very serious in the pic and looks tired (although surprisingly younger in person) and I felt a little bad. As he walked away and I struggled to collect myself, I let the first thing that came to mind tumble from my mouth.
“Congratulations on all your success.” His back had been turned to me at that point as he was leaving the small foyer but he turned around and flashed me thee smile. The genuine, classic, Rob smile and said, “Thank you so much.” And then he was gone and I floated far far away. I didn’t get the smile shot he threw at me but it’s ok. Feels more intimate that way ;-) It’s imprinted in my memory only. I saw him from a distance sporadically through the night (I think the woman’s bold dust sprinkled on him too) as he moved about but I already had my moment. All that’s left to say is veni vidi vici.


Robert Pattinson talks about giving up smoking, David Cronenberg freaking him out and more

Robert Pattinson talks about giving up smoking, David Cronenberg freaking him out and more

UPDATE: We support you, Rob!

Rob said he gave up smoking!!! This makes me REALLY happy. Good luck, Rob! We're rooting for you because we want you to liiiiiiiive.

He says other great stuff with great expressions. Of course ;) A portion of this interview was already shown HERE 

On our ROBsessed twitter, I asked fans: Show of twitter hands....who's happy Rob is quitting smoking?


ckmom: *hand raised!*;  mholshev: *raises twitter hand*; JulieAnX2e: *RAISES HANDS*; Sempre4ever: o/; tinkrbe1l3: *waving hands like a maniac*; Erika_Conway: yay for him!; Mystikalj2: Very very happy!!; yukkei87: TWO HANDS UPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!; julia_lindh: good rob xx; iamheatherlewis: This can be the motivation I need too!“; Mariarobpatt: I F*CKING AM; TwilightWord: Good for you Roooooob; Marystat: MEEEEEEE!; RosalindRing: Want Rob to have long healthy life!; Chudygirl: *waves hand in air*; socalmom2four: Me! *tears of joy* for #healthyRob; Miss_Caino: raising my hand! Right here!; LisbethTejada: Yay!♥ \☺/; NW4RPatz: Me 4! *tears of joy* for #healthyRob; KrisAndRob26: Beyond happy; SlaveforRob: I am!!Go Robert,I'm quittin smokin 2; blondemel47: ABSOLUTELY OVER THE MOON!!! SO much better for his health. So Icy was right yesterday when she said this.; fab_w: o/; jenniferrhines: Awesome!! Yay!!; yertlesmom: ME ME ME!; loucharod:  meeeee!!! For his own good! And ours!; ShirlSitler: *raises hand, waves frantically*; lasark38: me,me,me,me. Lol; Lucerne28: Raising hand high. So glad to hear that.; rittersr6: *waving hands like a maniac*; JulieM1288: Raises hand!; BayanAbudahab: OMG! This makes my day! I'm so happy for him! :') I feel like a proud mama now!; CiscadeBeer: Seriously!  Good for him!!!!; lchatman10: so happy about that; TwiCarolS: ME!*belatedly waving twitter hands in air*; beaumontb7: *waving hands like a maniac*; PinjaYlakotola: I'm happy; RPattzgirl: ! o/; jcopas1: All hands on deck!!!; Calihi27: *Raises hand & waves in the air; Hearts_Kaos: *waves arm* Here!; XxTwilighterxX: i think he's making a great choice, all that smoking does is basically smoke your life away! i'm a very happy fan! :D xxxxxxx; SiLviLiS: o/ Quitting smoking is not easy, but Rob can do it! :); EmeraldKate: Whoot

And not to mention the overwhelming support in the DR. :)) He may look sexy while doing it (he makes everything sexy) but this is awesome news. It's not easy to kick that habit and we support him no matter what happens but for now....


What Chris Weitz Said About Robert Pattinson On Twitter Part 15780

I think this may start to become a daily "What Chris Weitz Said About Robert Pattinson On Twitter" post.
He was at it again last night although I missed it this time (I was in the land of nod) but Tink managed to get another question answered!

SO here's what Chris said:

@SarahCullen2010 @chrisweitz Hi Chris! R & K said they ad-libbed a line in New Moon. I think it was in car scene after Bella's b-day. What is the line?
chrisweitzBella saying I love you to Edward. Then the studio got me to replace it, then R and K talked me back into it.

@AngelAtTwilight: @chrisweitz We know the scene was filmed, we saw stills of it. Just wondering where did it go and why it wasn't in an outtake at least?

chrisweitzBasically, it was cut for narrative smoothness. I don't control the DVD extras! :(

@tinkrbe1l3 @chrisweitz OH MY GOSH! cant believe i haven't asked you this. What happened to the RKT commentary on NM??? not that u weren't exciting....
chrisweitzThey were veeeeeeery tired, long press tour. I hadn't gone out as late the night before recording...

@DrVivibuff @chrisweitz SO in every Twilight movie the thing that everyone has got wrong is that they really can't fight Edward.. if you follow the book he is always able to hear what their next move is gonna be so they never get near him.. but in the 3 movies threes a fight with Edward and people almost killing him... were u aware of that stuff while filming and just changed it cause it works better that way for the movies?
chrisweitzYes. "action sequences" for the boys.


@chrisweitzfan @chrisweitz Okay. No lying. Who's better looking up close. Rob or Taylor?
chrisweitz On the molecular level they are almost identical. Love the avatar.

@MsChopsy @chrisweitz Does it haunt u when peeps pick up on things like Edward's eyes being the wrong colour in Voltura or can u let it go and move on
chrisweitz I think of Mandela's 21 years in jail and move on

@RobMozDean @chrisweitz won't respond to my Rob, Morrissey & James Dean question :( ~heaven knows I'm miserable now~
chrisweitzWhat unites them is a quiff. Never met Mr.Dean. met Mr. Morrissey and ADORE him.

There you go.
And just in case there's anyone that may have missed this vid when it was originally out I thought I'd pop it up :-)

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