Freeze Frames: "New Moon" Trailer Preview

"New Moon""It's my birthday," Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) asks as her iconic truck pulls into frame
"Can I ask for something?" Bella says to Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson)
"Kiss me," Bella demands
Edward takes Bella's direction
"I love you," Bella whispers
Full trailer for New Moon will air on the MTV Movie Awards tomorrow night.
Check your local listings for time.

ALL Kinds of Wrong: Dress Up Robert Pattinson

You can dress up Rob HERE :) It's actually pretty good, they seem to have really based it on Rob's clothes. Fun times :)

Thanks to Cheyenne for this gem :)

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Leave Italy for L.A..

source thanks to Kate for the tip ;)

OK! Magazine Scans

Thanks to cool_chubz0319 and RobPattzNews for the scan :)

Entertainment Tonight 05/29/2009

New Song from Robert Pattinson and Sam Bradley?

According to The Twilight Examiner, Amanda Bell, the following song was co-written by Sam Bradley and Robert Pattinson! She penned a fan's experience at Sam's L.A. shows, you can read all about it at her page here.

Thanks to showme for the tip :)

New Interview of Rob from Cannes

Thanks to Jewels (Jules) for the tip :))
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