NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson poses with a fan at Seth MacFarlane's Christmas party!

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson poses with a fan at Seth MacFarlane's Christmas party!

UPDATE: Added details about the party under the pic!

Cutie <333

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Photo caption: gavinnavarro
#robertpattinson #xmasparty #twilight #sethmacfarlane #selfie

Click HERE if you missed other pics of Rob from the Christmas party!

From US Weekly:
Peter, Lois, and Stewie couldn't make it, but Seth MacFarlane still had a pretty impressive turnout for his holiday party on Saturday, Dec. 13. The festive soiree took place at his private residence in Beverly Hills and played host to A-listers like Charlize Theron, Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert Pattinson, Sean Penn, F.K.A. twigs, Zac Efron, Kate Beckinsale, Martin Scorsese, Ashley Greene, Ryan Seacrest, Matt Bomer, Darren Criss, Lori Loughlin, Camilla Belle, and Emilie Hirsch.

An eyewitness tells Us Weekly that the venue was transformed into a winter wonderland, including an ice bar with fur coats for the guests to wear. Carolers greeted partygoers at the door, and lights decorated the interior of the home, which boasted numerous fireplaces, glittering displays, and Santa's sleigh.

Theron, 39, and Penn, 54, arrived together, holding hands and stayed in the back booth until it was time for the performances. Host MacFarlane took the stage to sing show tunes with the live orchestra. His A Million Ways to Die in the West costar Theron put in a request to conduct the orchestra alongside him.

Surprised and laughing, MacFarlane announced in the mic, "Charlize, if you f--k this tempo up I swear to God!"

Theron made it through "Let It Snow" and got the appropriate cheers. Pals Pattinson and Efron also spent the evening hanging out with the Twilight star's new girlfriend F.K.A. twigs. The new couple appeared to be having a great time.

The eyewitness tells Us, "They were cute and looked happy. He was joking with her about something, and she was laughing and yelling at him, and he pulled her hands and put them on his face."

Source | Thanks Cali!

NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson, FKA twigs and friends enjoy the holidays at Seth MacFarlane's Christmas party in LA (Dec. 12)

NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson, FKA twigs and friends enjoy the holidays at Seth MacFarlane's Christmas party in LA (Dec. 12)

He's so sweet. Look at his face :)

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How does the woman maintain balance? Great skills she has.

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There were some tweets that came out before the pictures were found that let us know what the occasion was.
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Photos: Via | Tweets: 1 2 3

The ROBsessed Advent Calendar Day 14

Oooh Rob just looked at today's treat on his phone and thinks you're going to love it!

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On The 1st Day Of Robmas, Robert Pattinson Gave To Me...

On The 1st Day Of Robmas, Robert Pattinson Gave To Me...

One of our favorite things for Robmas is when we look back at the year of Rob and celebrate the 12 Days of Robmas. Sing with us and count down 12 Rob events that stood out in 2014!

Clear those throats, DR!

On the first day of Robmas, Robert Pattinson gave to meeeeeeee....

The doorway to ROBsessed's dark re-cess-eeesss!!!

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to be continued tomorrow....

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson checking out some furniture at J.F. Chen in Los Angeles (Dec. 13)

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson checking out some furniture at J.F. Chen in Los Angeles (Dec. 13)

UPDATE: The source said the picture is from Saturday, Dec. 13th.

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Rob was with FKA twigs too at J.F. Chen. Mr. Chen doesn't specify if the pic was from today (although FKA twigs is done touring since a few days ago) but based on Rob's hair, it looks recent. The hair forever being our timetable LOL


Werner Herzog about Robert Pattinson as T.E. Lawrence: "He is a smart man and the choice was quite natural."

Werner Herzog about Robert Pattinson as T.E. Lawrence: "He is a smart man and the choice was quite natural."

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We have two films to look forward to in 2015 and both of them have Rob tackling real life characters. T.E. Lawrence is arguably the better known character and Werner Herzog has nothing but praise to give Rob for his take on the iconic figure in Queen of the Desert.

Translation by PAW of Bande à Part:
Can you tell us more about your next movie 'Queen Of The Desert'?
In less than ten days, I will start the mixing. The filming and editing are completed and I should be able to put an end to the movie in the first days of december.I don't know where or when it will be shown for the first time. 
The cast is really impressive: Nicole Kidman, James Franco, Robert Pattinson...
They all really wanted to work with me. I was asked why I chose Pattinson. It's not a big part, and it matched perfectly. I needed an englishman who still looks like a schoolboy but which is very smart. He plays Lawrence of Arabia, but at the age of 22, on an archeological site. Kidman, who plays the main role is wondering what that kid has to do in a place like this, and an archeologist tells her that this kid has a PhD.Pattinson is really good in that role. He is a smart man and the choice was quite natural.
If you understand French, here's the original text: 
Pouvez-vous nous dire quelques mots sur 'Queen of the Desert', votre prochain film? 
Dans moins de dix jours, je vais débuter le mixage. Le tournage et le montage sont terminés et je devrais pouvoir mettre un point final au film dans les premiers jours de décembre. Je ne sais ni quand, ni où il sera montré en premier. 
Le casting est très prestigieux: Nicole Kidman, James Franco, Robert Pattinson… 
Ils voulaient tous vraiment travailler avec moi. On m’a demandé pourquoi j’avais choisi Pattinson. Ce n’est pas un grand rôle, et il correspondait parfaitement. J’avais besoin d’un Anglais, qui ait encore l’air d’un écolier, mais qui soit très intelligent. Il joue Lawrence d’Arabie, mais à 22 ans, sur un site archéologique. Kidman, qui joue le rôle-titre, se demande ce que ce gamin vient faire là et un archéologue lui répond que le gamin en question a un doctorat. Pattinson est très bon dans ce rôle. C’est un homme intelligent et le choix était tout à fait naturel.

New/Old Photos: Robert Pattinson in Maps To The Stars and during The Rover LA press junket

New/Old Photos: Robert Pattinson in Maps To The Stars and during The Rover LA press junket

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I finally got to see Maps To The Stars last week during it's award qualifying run - which proved to be successful since Julianne Moore scored the Golden Globe nomination they were seeking.

I loved it. It was an enjoyable satire on the absurdities in Hollywood. Extra'd out in some cases...or maybe not. ;)
I'm not a fan of Rob being in small supporting roles. It's torture. He was great as Jerome and I wished we had more scenes with him. But alas, it was not Jerome's story and it's up to Rob what roles he takes. My role is to buy tickets and see the movies. I'll gladly support the film in February when it's officially released as well. But the struggle is real with these mini roles.

Here are some cute shots that make you smile from PromoRob during The Rover LA press junket

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Source | Via: Roboshayka
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