Werner Herzog about Robert Pattinson as T.E. Lawrence: "He is a smart man and the choice was quite natural."

Werner Herzog about Robert Pattinson as T.E. Lawrence: "He is a smart man and the choice was quite natural."

 photo WernerHerzogampRobertPattinson.jpg

We have two films to look forward to in 2015 and both of them have Rob tackling real life characters. T.E. Lawrence is arguably the better known character and Werner Herzog has nothing but praise to give Rob for his take on the iconic figure in Queen of the Desert.

Translation by PAW of Bande à Part:
Can you tell us more about your next movie 'Queen Of The Desert'?
In less than ten days, I will start the mixing. The filming and editing are completed and I should be able to put an end to the movie in the first days of december.I don't know where or when it will be shown for the first time. 
The cast is really impressive: Nicole Kidman, James Franco, Robert Pattinson...
They all really wanted to work with me. I was asked why I chose Pattinson. It's not a big part, and it matched perfectly. I needed an englishman who still looks like a schoolboy but which is very smart. He plays Lawrence of Arabia, but at the age of 22, on an archeological site. Kidman, who plays the main role is wondering what that kid has to do in a place like this, and an archeologist tells her that this kid has a PhD.Pattinson is really good in that role. He is a smart man and the choice was quite natural.
If you understand French, here's the original text: 
Pouvez-vous nous dire quelques mots sur 'Queen of the Desert', votre prochain film? 
Dans moins de dix jours, je vais débuter le mixage. Le tournage et le montage sont terminés et je devrais pouvoir mettre un point final au film dans les premiers jours de décembre. Je ne sais ni quand, ni où il sera montré en premier. 
Le casting est très prestigieux: Nicole Kidman, James Franco, Robert Pattinson… 
Ils voulaient tous vraiment travailler avec moi. On m’a demandé pourquoi j’avais choisi Pattinson. Ce n’est pas un grand rôle, et il correspondait parfaitement. J’avais besoin d’un Anglais, qui ait encore l’air d’un écolier, mais qui soit très intelligent. Il joue Lawrence d’Arabie, mais à 22 ans, sur un site archéologique. Kidman, qui joue le rôle-titre, se demande ce que ce gamin vient faire là et un archéologue lui répond que le gamin en question a un doctorat. Pattinson est très bon dans ce rôle. C’est un homme intelligent et le choix était tout à fait naturel.


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