Video: Was Robert Pattinson's MTV Kiss A Surprise For Taylor Lautner?

We all remember Robert Pattinson & Taylor Lautner's MTV Awards Kiss, don't we?


Well iVillage asked Taylor if it was as much of a surprise for him as it was for us.
Find out what he said in the vid below

Video Of A Smilie Robert Pattinson In Rome In 2008

Well it looks like today is the day for Rome Robert Pattinson.
I'm not sure if this is new, it looks familiar to me but I think it's because we have seen photos or a similar video. Anyway it's doing the rounds and was only uploaded yesterday and who could resist that smile and just look at the gorgeous sex hair. Is it any wonder we love Rome Rob so much?

Source RPItalia
via Robstenation

Showcase Saturday With Robert Pattinson

This week on "Showcase Saturday" with Robert Pattinson I decided to dedicate the videos to my fellow Robsessed ladies.

First up is this one especially for Goz as she loves a little (or a lot) of Rome Rob

Next up we all know how much Kat loves Rob's eyes, so I picked this one just for her.

And finally Tink is ALL about the lucious lips so there's plenty of them in this....

Hope you all enjoyed this weeks "Showcase Saturday" and that the videos had some of YOUR favourites too.

Trainer Omar Von Muller Says Robert Pattinson & Queenie Bonded

You may not recognise the name Omar Von Muller but you will recognise one of his dogs because he is the owner and trainer of Uggie better known to us as Queenie from "Water For Elephants" and if you were anything like me you will have fallen head over heals for Queenie.


In this week issue of LAWeekly Omar talks about his dogs and mentions working on "Water for Elephants" with Robert Pattinson & Reese Witherspoon,
He also clears up the rumour that was going around at the time of filming about Rob wanting to adopt "Queenie"

Free-For-All Friday with Robert Pattinson

Have you noticed our daily alliterations with Robert Pattinson?


Ok Rob, maybe not everyone got it. Sheesh. It started with Showcase Saturday (Kate and I bringing you the sexytime with Robvids) and Sinful Sunday (Robsession Confessions from the week on display so we might all ask for forgiveness)

This past week we have debuted more alliterations, more Rob, and more fun times:
  • Moaning Monday (Kat bringing you the picspams that make us melt)
  • Torture Tuesday (I try to make your brian explode with impossible questions)
  • Wicked Wednesday (Kate makes you weep with gorgeous wallpapers)
  • Tumblr Thursday (Kate tackles the best edits on tumblr and shares the fandom talent)

These daily posts not only help you guys out during the drought but they help us too. We like being devilish and finding different ways to throw Rob at you. Don't we all love it when it's raining Rob??


Our final alliteration of the week was going to be Fantasy Friday. Kate, Kat, and I would switch this day off and post a picture and let your fantasies run wild with captions. Then I got lost in YouTube while I was typing up this post and hung out with 2008 Rob. Made me feel like this should be Flashback Fridays. But let go of Fantasy Fridays?? No way!

Free-For-All Fridays was born!

Why limit ourselves? Let's have it alllllllll!


Rob's excited! Some Fridays can be a flashback, some Fridays can be our fantasies captioned, some Fridays can just be f*cktastic! *wink at Aussiegirl* It'll only depend on the mood of the mod typing up the post. :)

So my mood? I miss me some PremiereRob/RedCarpetRob. Nick isn't returning my calls. The fandom-created stress over Rob or no Rob on the BD soundtrack has my dream catcher freakin' out. I feel out of sorts.


Fantasy Friday it is! Bring on the funnies, ladies!



Have at it and be sure to "like" your favorite captions! Tell me, what are Rob, Nick and Stephanie saying??

Updated Pic of Robert Pattinson Out in LA

Tink re-set the drought timer yesterday with a great pic of Rob out and about in LA. Now we have the full pic... I love it when Rob's pictured with fanboys!



Via LuvMeSumEdward: "So my sister’s friend ran into Rob today at This Is Not Ikea in LA, it’s some vintage furniture store. Anyway, she just sends this text like no big deal!"

E!OnLine also ran a story after the pic came out - obviously he was there, but the details of his visit I'll take with a tiny bucket of salt.

Robert Pattinson plays an old vampire in Twilight, so it makes sense that he likes old furniture, right?OK, maybe not.
But we did just get word that R. Patz spent a nice chunk of time yesterday shopping at one of L.A.'s most popular vintage stores.

Pattinson and a pal spent more than two hours sifting through the items at T.I.N.I., a two-year-old store just steps away from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
He spent almost $550 total on a small green distressed wood bench, an industrial gray desk lamp and a really cool metal pipe floor lamp, according to a source.

And no, Mr. Pattinson didn't mention Kristen Stewart while he browsed and shopped, but the source did say that Rob mentioned that the purchases were for his L.A. area home.
"He took a couple of photos with some other shoppers," the source said. "He was very nice."

Full pic Popsugar via Robstenation

Robert Pattinson, Bruno Mars, and six degrees of separation

Robert Pattinson, Bruno Mars, and six degrees of separation

UPDATE: According to HitFix, the full soundtrack listing will be revealed on Monday, September 26th. Click HERE to read the article. *prays and chants*

Twilight just announced on twitter the 1st song on the Breaking Dawn soundtrack:

'It Will Rain' by Bruno Mars is the first song unveiled from the Breaking Dawn soundtrack!

Yeah. Cool. I won't act ridiculous about this choice until I hear the song. ;)
*whispers* Psst, Summit. We all want to know about one announcement regarding the soundtrack...your hint is the name of this blog.

So why am I posting this? Fun tidbit time!


Bruno Mars performed on Jay Leno when Rob was there for Eclipse promo! We all know that appearance and adore it (daddy emails! hello!). I also attended that show but didn't register anyone singing. When Rob went over to listen to the musical performance...I was watching Rob. Duh. Was there even singing?

Thanks Nancy for the Pattinson/Mars connection reminder!

Source: @Twilight
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