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Showing posts sorted by date for query sexy. Sort by relevance Show all posts

ROBsessed wishes you a Happy Valentine's Day + enter our giveaway for Emma Chase's steamy series!

ROBsessed wishes you a Happy Valentine's Day + enter our giveaway for Emma Chase's steamy series!

UPDATE: Winner announced below! We will email you for your mailing address :) Thanks for participating!

We love you guys and we love Rob so spread the love and have a great day!

Verena made a sultry video featuring DiorRob2.0 for VDay. He's the perfect muse *sigh*.

We also want to offer a new giveaway for the day of love. In the past, we've featured Emma Chase's Tangled series on the blog. I started reading the Legal Brief series because I've been on this lawyer kick in romantic novels. Overruled (HAAAAWT) and Sustained (and HAWWWWTTER) were released last year and Appealed was released last month.

So who's interested in some steamy reads with some of the finest attorneys around?? Check out the synopses.

The first book is about the southern charmer, Stanton, and also introduces you to the two other leading men in the rest of the series. Drew from the Tangled series also makes an appearance. A smorgasbord of yummy men that starts with Overruled:
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A Washington, DC, defense attorney, Stanton Shaw keeps his head cool, his questions sharp, and his arguments irrefutable. They don’t call him the Jury Charmer for nothing—with his southern drawl, disarming smile, and captivating green eyes, he’s a hard man to say no to. Men want to be him, and women want to be thoroughly cross examined by him. 
Stanton’s a man with a plan. And for a while, life was going according to that plan. 
Until the day he receives an invitation to the wedding of his high school sweetheart, the mother of his beloved ten-year-old daughter. Jenny is getting married—to someone who isn’t him. 
That’s definitely not part of the plan. 
Sofia Santos is a city-raised, no-nonsense litigator who plans to become the most revered criminal defense attorney in the country. She doesn’t have time for relationships or distractions. 
But when Stanton, her “friend with mind-blowing benefits,” begs her for help, she finds herself out of her element, out of her depth, and obviously out of her mind. Because she agrees to go with him to The-Middle-Of-Nowhere, Mississippi, to do all she can to help Stanton win back the woman he loves. Her head tells her she’s crazy…and her heart says something else entirely. 
What happens when you mix a one-stop-light town, two professional arguers, a homecoming queen, four big brothers, some Jimmy Dean sausage, and a gun-toting Nana? 
The Bourbon flows, passions rise, and even the best-laid plans get overruled by the desires of the heart.
What we know about Jake is limited in the first book and I suspect he likes it that way. But Sustained is HIS story and it's a goooood one:
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A knight in tarnished armor is still a knight.
When you’re a defense attorney in Washington, DC, you see firsthand how hard life can be, and that sometimes the only way to survive is to be harder. I have a reputation for being cold, callous, and intimidating—and that suits me just fine. In fact, it’s necessary when I’m breaking down a witness on the stand. 
Complications don’t work for me—I’m a “need-to-know” type of man. If you’re my client, tell me the basic facts. If you’re my date, stick to what will get you off. I’m not a therapist or Prince Charming—and I don’t pretend to be. 
Then Chelsea McQuaid and her six orphaned nieces and nephews came along and complicated the ever-loving hell out of my life. Now I’m going to Mommy & Me classes, One Direction concerts, the emergency room, and am knee deep in a damn compost pit. 
Chelsea’s too sweet, too innocent, and too gorgeous for her own good. She tries to be tough, but she’s not. She needs someone to help her, and defend her…and the kids.
And that—that, I know how to do.
The last book gives us Brent's story and I can't wait to see what Appealed is all about. It looks like it's the lawyer story I've been searching for - prosecutor and the defense going at more ways than one. ;)
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When Brent Mason looks at Kennedy Randolph, he doesn’t see the awkward, sweet girl who grew up next door. He sees a self-assured, stunning woman…who wants to crush the most intimate – and prized – parts of his anatomy beneath the heels of her Christian Louboutins. 
Brent has never let the loss of his leg in a childhood accident affect his ability to lead a fulfilling life. He sets high goals–and then he reaches them.
And now he has his sights set on Kennedy. 
When Kennedy looks at Brent Mason, all she sees is the selfish, Abercrombie & Fitch catalogue-worthy teenager who humiliated her in high school to join the popular crowd. A crowd that made those years a living hell. 
She’s not a lovesick social outcast anymore – she’s a DC prosecutor with a long winning streak behind her. Brent is the opposing attorney in her next case and she thinks it’s time to put him through a little hell of his own. 
But things aren’t exactly working out that way. 
Because every fiery exchange has her wondering if he’s as passionate in the bedroom as he is in the courtroom. Each argument and objection only makes him want her more. In the end, Brent and Kennedy may just find themselves in love…or in contempt of court.
APPEALED is a sexy, humorous romance about first crushes, second chances and the final verdict of the heart.
Giveaway Guidelines
  • You only have to click a button, which you'll see when you enter. Tweeting the giveaway is optional but gives you more chances to win!
  • Giveaway is US/Canada only! 
  • You MUST enter using Rafflecopter or your entry will not be counted.
  • You can enter once a day, everyday, until the closing date - Monday, Feb. 21st.
  • There will be 1 winner receiving Overruled, Sustained and Appealed by Emma Chase!
  • The winner will be chosen by and announced after the giveaway ends.
Good luck!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
If you want to purchase any of the latest books featured in this post, click the Amazon links to buy now!

ROBsessed Giveaway: Enter to win WICKED SEXY LIAR signed by Christina Lauren and all the books in the WILD SEASON series!

ROBsessed Giveaway: Enter to win WICKED SEXY LIAR signed by Christina Lauren and all the books in the WILD SEASON series!

UPDATE: The winner has been announced! Scroll down to see the winner in the Rafflecopter widget. The winner will be emailed for further information. Thanks for participating!

We tend to hold these book giveaways on Fridays but the publishers have reached out to us with a great prize and we want to start the giveaway tout de suite!

The final book in the Wild Seasons series is coming out Feb. 2nd and we're not only giving away that hot novel, we're giving away the whole series!

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The winner will received SWEET FILTHY BOY, DIRTY ROWDY THING, DARK WILD NIGHT and a signed copy of Christina Lauren's latest, WICKED SEXY LIAR.
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When three college besties meet three hot guys in Vegas, anything can—and does—happen. Book Four in the New York Times Wild Seasons series that began with Sweet Filthy Boy (the Romantic Times book of the year that Sylvia Day called “a sexy, sweet treasure of a story”), Dirty Rowdy Thing, and Dark Wild Night.

For two people ambivalent about dating and love, they sure get naked around each other an awful lot . . .

London Hughes is very content to surf daily, tend bar, hang out with her group of friends, and slowly orient herself in the years after college. Everything’s going great and according to the non-plan.

But when a wave knocks her for a loop one morning, then Luke Sutter’s flirtatious smile knocks her for another that evening, she veers slightly off course…and into his path. Sure, he’s a total player, but the Why not—it’s only one night is a persistent voice in her ear.

For his part, Luke’s been on hookup autopilot for so long that he rarely ever pauses to consider what he’s doing. But after an amazing time with London, he realizes that he hasn’t been moving on from a devastating heartbreak so much as he’s been drifting to wherever—and whomever—the current takes him. With London he wants more.

Every relationship involves two people…plus their pasts. And as much as she enjoys her fling with Luke, when London learns about his past—more specifically, who’s in it—everything becomes the brand of complicated she strives to avoid. It’s up to Luke then to change some things in order to try and ensure he’s not something she’ll outright avoid as well.
In case you haven't heard of the other books in the series, here are the synopses of all the books in the giveaway!

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One-night stands are supposed to be with someone convenient, or wickedly persuasive, or regrettable. They aren’t supposed to be with someone like him. 
But after a crazy Vegas weekend celebrating her college graduation—and terrified of the future path she knows is a cop-out—Mia Holland makes the wildest decision of her life: follow Ansel Guillaume—her sweet, filthy fling—to France for the summer and just…play. 
When feelings begin to develop behind the provocative roles they take on, and their temporary masquerade adventures begin to feel real, Mia will have to decide if she belongs in the life she left because it was all wrong, or in the strange new one that seems worlds away.
 photo 81g2wF-U8rL.jpgDIRTY ROWDY THING synopsis:

Despite their rowdy hookups, Harlow and Finn don’t even like each other...which would explain why their marriage lasted only twelve hours. He needs to be in charge and takes whatever he wants. 

She lives by the Want-something-done? Do-it-yourself mantra. Maybe she’s too similar to the rugged fisherman—or just what he needs. 

We interviewed Christina Lauren about DIRTY WILD THING (my fave of the series so far) when it was released last year...
Q: Fan casting is fun. Who have you fan casted for Harlow and Finn? Or who have you seen others suggest? 
 photo ScreenShot2014-09-25at112139PM.pngChristina Lauren: Ooh this is a good one but our answer is going to be a cop out—but wait! With good reason! See, it’s really hard to find an actress who fits Harlow. Harlow is half Spanish, half Irish-European mutt, so she has darker hair and skin but light brown eyes. In our mind her face is very Emma-Stone, but she’s more golden, darker-eyed. Finn is similarly tricky for us to cast. But since it’s a Rob site, we can totally confide here that if Rob put on about 30 pounds of muscle, he could rock the role. 
Click HERE if you want to read more from our interview!

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Lola and Oliver like to congratulate themselves on having the good sense not to consummate their drunken Las Vegas marriage. If they'd doubled-down on that mistake, their "Just Friends" situation might not be half as great as it is now.  
...Or so goes the official line.  
In reality, Lola's wanted Oliver since day one - and over time has only fallen harder for his sexy Aussie accent and easygoing ability to take her as she comes. More at home in her studio in her studio than in baring herself to people, Lola's instinctive comfort around Oliver nearly seems too good to be true. So why ruin a good thing? 
Even as geek girls fawn over him, Oliver can't get his mind off what he didn't do with Lola when he had the chance. He knows what he wants with her now...and it's far outside the friend zone. When Lola's graphic novel starts getting national acclaim - and is then fast-tracked for a major motion picture - Oliver steps up to be there for her whenever she needs him. After all, she's not the kind of girl who likes all that attention, but maybe she's the kind who'll eventually like him. 
Sometimes seeing what's right in front of us takes a great leap of faith. And sometimes a dark wile night in Vegas isn't just the end of the day, but the beginning of a bright new life.
Giveaway Guidelines
  • You only have to click a button, which you'll see when you enter. Tweeting the giveaway and following the author (@ChristinaLauren) are optional but give you more chances to win!
  • Giveaway is US/Canada only! 
  • You MUST enter using Rafflecopter or your entry will not be counted.
  • You can enter once a day, everyday, until the closing date - Monday, Feb. 1st.
  • There will be 1 winner receiving Sweet Filthy Boy, Dirty Rowdy Thing, Dark Wild Night and the latest, Wicked Sexy Liar signed by Christina Lauren!
  • The winner will be chosen by and announced after the giveaway ends.
Good luck!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you want to purchase any of the latest books featured in this post, click the Amazon links to buy now!

ROBsessed Awards: Robert Pattinson's Best Sexiest Look Of 2015

ROBsessed Awards: Robert Pattinson's Best Sexiest Look Of 2015

Tough one up next (like any of them are easy!). This time we're asking for you to vote on Rob's Sexiest Look of 2015.
Here's what you have to choose from......

Met Ball

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Go Go Gala

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Berlin Film Festival

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Heaven Knows What Premiere

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Vanity Fair Oscar Party

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So there you have it.
Cast your vote below and remember:
You only get 1 vote and polls close at midnight (ET) on Dec. 31st!

May the (sexy Rob) force be with you.

Click HERE to view the guidelines for the 5th Annual ROBsessed Awards

ROBsessed Awards: Robert Pattinson's Best Facial Hair of 2015

ROBsessed Awards: Robert Pattinson's Best Facial Hair of 2015

This was a beardy year for Rob! Both of his films he worked on had him sprouting some serious facial hair. And typical Rob, when he was all done, he tried out the oh-so-special, soul patch. So now its time for you guys to figure out which follicle adventure you enjoyed the most on Rob. Pick wisely! They didn't stay around long.

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FYI: We didn't include Rob's typical scruff because that would no doubt win. ;)

There are your Best Facial Hair nominees!  Cast your vote below and remember:
You only get 1 vote and polls close at midnight (ET) on Dec. 31st!

Click HERE to view the guidelines for the 5th Annual ROBsessed Awards

On the 12th Day Of Robmas, Robert Pattinson Gave To Me....

It's here! Robmas is here... sing it one last time, sing it loud, sing it proud.
Merry Christmas to you all from all of us here at Robsessed.

On the twelfth day of Robmas

Robert Pattinson gave to meeeeeeeeeeeee.......

Twelve months of fan pics...

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Eleven Musical Events...

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Ten Countries Visited....

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Nine sartorial statements .......

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Eight Panty Droppers...

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Seven Sports A-Showing...

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Continue Singing After The Cut

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