Billy Burke talks to The Examiner about Robert Pattinson

With The Twilight Saga: New Moon coming out in 3 days,or 2 if your going to see the midnight showing Thursday, every Twi-hard is on edge about how the film will turn out. In this interview, Billy Burke, who plays Charlie Swan, dishes about the movie, his relationship with Kristen, and his hidden affair with Rob.

While addressing the Kristen and Rob romance rumors in the past, you actually came clean about your affair with Rob.

Billy: I was just really surprised that no one picked up on that. Yeah. I feel sorry for the rest of the cast. Because they can’t walk by us without us pretending we’re not holding hands or staring deeply into each others hair. It’s rough; it’s a tough thing to hide. It seems that none of the tabloids have picked up on it yet, so I guess we’re doing a good job.

Did you have an opportunity to form an individual bond with each member of the cast?

Billy: We’re friends. Facinelli and I are friendly and Rob and I will go out and have a drink every once in a while. I didn’t really get to form a bond with anybody else, because we all have pretty varied and busy lives. I speak for myself, having a 15-month year old daughter is a whole other world.

Check out the rest of Billy's interview HERE at the source.

Parade Interview With Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson turned millions of females around the world into frenzied fans when they saw him heat up the screen in Twilight as the heartthrob vampire Edward Cullen. And the love continues as Pattinson returns in New Moon.'s Jeanne Wolf got up close and personal with the devilish and charming 23-year-old superstar. Pattinson shared his thoughts on being romantically challenged and getting a handle on becoming an overnight celebrity.

The love bug bites the deepest.

"What's interesting about this story is that it's supposed to be about this all-powerful immortal creature. But he's completely destroyed just by falling in love with this normal girl. He can't control anything afterwards. His entire life turns upside down. So I guess love can be more lethal than a vampire bite."

A new perspective on relationships.

"Getting involved in Twilight has definitely changed my mind about how people are kind of fanatical about wanting to have the perfect relationship. I had no idea that people were so desperate and felt like it was so unobtainable. They want to put this idea of unconditional devotion just so high above everything else, which is why they can't get enough of this story."

Advice to the lovelorn Bella.

"I keep wanting to tell people who think she should choose between Edward or Jacob that she should choose someone else. Jacob seems like the perfect viable option at the beginning of New Moon, but he turns out to be just as tortured as Edward is. So I guess Bella is just an unlucky girl."

Breaking up was hard to do.

"There was something weird about doing that scene where Edward tells Bella he's never going to see her again. Millions of fans see it as the ideal for a relationship. So breaking up the ideal relationship is pretty daunting. As for a breakup like that in my own life, I can't think of one."

And don't ask him about being romantic.

"I don't know, I can't think of a single romantic thing I've ever done. That's terrible. Wait. I put a flower in someone's locker when I was 15-years-old. It was a girl named Maria. She thought it was somebody else that had done it and the other guy was trying to take credit."

The scene where he almost took it all off.

"I felt pretty goofy stepping out into the sunlight in front of 2,000 people in a town square, ripping my clothes off. I was essentially doing a striptease. But here's the irony, it was also one of the moments where I've really felt closest to people's emotional attachment to Edward. There were so many extras in that scene who were Twilight fans who had flown in just to be a part of it. It was a moment where I've felt the whole weight of anticipation, and I guess responsibility as well, of being Edward, for all the people who were kind of so obsessed with the stories. It was quite uplifting and it was also very nerve-wracking."

Going head-to-head with Taylor Lautner.

"I didn't see Taylor until just a little bit before we started shooting. I had the same reaction as everybody else. It's like, 'Jeez, now I have to go to the gym.' Looking at Taylor's martial arts videos from when he was nine, I wouldn't really want to fight him for real unless maybe I had some kind of weapon. But in the story as it's written, I think it's actually a fact that Edward would win over Jacob. So I guess I can hold onto that for my ego."

The good news (and the bad) about becoming famous.

"It's a scary situation to be in, in a lot of ways. You really have to question yourself a lot more. Before Twilight, I did any movie that I could and I tried to make the best of it afterwards. But now you're expected to come and provide, not only economic viability at the box office, but also a smashing performance as well. When no one's watching your movies and you get a part, you can do whatever the hell you want. I don't have that luxury anymore."

What he has in common with Edward.

"I guess stubbornness in some ways about some things. Edward is pretty self-righteous, and I guess I am too. I get quite obsessive about things and possessive as well. I have very specific ideas about how I want to do my work and how I want to be perceived, to the point of ridiculousness sometimes. I don't listen to anyone else. That's why I don't have a publicist. I can't stand it if someone is trying to tell me to do something, even if it's probably a mistake sometimes. I'm like a control freak about it. I've never really struggled with anything until recently. I've got to stop being so self-depreciating because people are starting to believe it. Like, 'That guy is an idiot.'"

Producer of New Moon Discusses the Casting Of Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart

Source via Source

Robert Pattinson in Gucci is Too Hot To Handle

Rest of the pictures are HERE ;)

Robert Pattinson on "The Paul O'Grady Show"

Robert Pattinson Interviews with Talking Pictures and Reelz Channel

*2 New* New Moon Premiere - After Party Pictures

Look at Sam Bradley all smiley in the background :) According to reports Marcus Foster, TomStu, Lizzy and Victoria Pattinson were also in attendance...


Thanks Pop Sugar!

Rest of the after Party pictures are HERE.

50 Cent Confirms Robert Pattinson's Rock Star Status :)

If someone told me 50 Cent would be at the New Moon premiere I'd tell them they lost their minds. Yet there he was :)

Still hoping for an Ayo Technology remake with 50 and Robert Pattinson :)

Extra talking to Robert Pattinson at the New Moon Premiere

WIN Tickets To New Moon Screening in NYC and Buy Your Way In to The NYC Premiere

Malaria No More sent us this information:

To raise awareness of the scary things that come out at night – malaria mosquitoes, vampires and werewolves – Malaria No More is offering Twilight fans the chance to win two tickets to the early and exclusive New York City Press Screening of “The Twilight Saga: New Moon” Wednesday, November 18th at Lincoln Center. Encourage your readers to embrace their die-hard Twilight side by scoring seats to the movie preview two days before its official launch in theaters on Friday, November 20th! Additional details can be found here:

You can win tix to the early screening on Nov 18th but Malaria No More is also selling tickets to the "Special screening of of New Moon on November 19th at 6:30PM in New York City.Tickets for this exclusive event start at $1,250.

As we have reported before Robert Pattinson is supposed to be attending a Special Screening of New Moon in NYC on November 19th. And if I'm putting 2 and 2 together correctly THIS is the screening he'll be at. Got money for charity? You might just get lucky and bump shoulders with Rob :)

HERE is the link to all the information.
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