Robert Pattinson on "The Paul O'Grady Show"


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I love my job, but now I have a new favorite job. Rob's bum massager. Hmmm, and they actually paid someone to do that??? Gah.

noisefaidaus said...

Cutest interview ever and he treated her with respect and not like a little kid, now that's a class act way to go Rob!

Anonymous said...

Aaaw so sweet! I like how he adapts his answers to the person who interviews him. He takes her seriously - where some people might have appeared patronizing -and makes sure she understands what he means. Another proof of what a fine man Rob really is

robgirl86 said...

I am really impressed how sweet he was with this little girl, totally adoring his dedication to find answers appropriated to her age...and the cute moment he helds the dog....What a classy man!

Miss A said...

awww! he's adolesense-friendly! ;>

Anonymous said...

probably his favorite interview ever LOL too cute!

alynutzapattinson said...

He was adorable. I really liked how he spoke to her. He was so sweet. Someday he will be a lovely father.

Unknown said...

oh god my head just blew up!thinking about rob as a daddy.....oh gaawwd...........!

Maryann said...

Awww this has to be one of the cutest interviews yet...too adorable!

Angie said...

I love this man!

That was so cute!

Emily said...

Okay, that was sweet. How cute was that girl? She did a good job, much better than some of the idiots that he's had to talk to that do that for a living.

I agree with you, Wen. He didn't speak to her like a little child and still put a lot of thought into his answers.

Thank you for posting this!

milfy goodness said...

That was such an adorable interview. The little girl did a fabulous job and Robert treated her with tremendous respect. I didn't think I could be more impressed with Robert, but he did it. Wow.

Ellie said...

Rob was so cute with that girl!

So, so sweet.

spellbound said...

awwwwwww, that was so sweet!

Anonymous said...

He was so sweet with that little girl. Awww. So nice. I love that little girl's accent. Everything she said sounded like a song.

asoihgapoh said...

Ok, that's the cutest crap ever. EVARRR.

skorpia said...

OK this is so cute! better than that wanna be playboy chic from the other day! and so professional.You know he had a blast! That must have been refreshing for him...ahem-Rob I volunteer my bum massage services.

Elena said...


He is so cite with the little girl...

Susana said...

Look at her face!! OOHH! So sweet!
And he, what else can we say about him! Even his speaking is softer... *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Hi guys! After months of lurking, I'm finally commenting! Needless to say, I'm very excited =)

This interview made my ovaries do a little dance. It was too damn cute.

And where can I sign up to be Rob's personal bum massager? heheh

Rhonda said...

How adorable. And I could listen to him say Bum Massage all day long.

T said...

I love how he says "thank you very much" and seems genuinely intrigued by the gift, holding and looking at it.

BTW did anyone catch what the gift actually was a .... holder for the car???

I agree too Rob was SO sweet with the girl, you can just tell he'll be a great father one day! *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Welcome, Sara!

Rob will be an excellent father and a grandfather.

He's already thinking about his legacy to his grandchildren.

Okay, men folks, observe (Rob) and learn.
(He could be a role model to young men [except the smoking part?].)

T said...

Yep I think guys need to observe and learn from Rob... hopefully they're noticing that it is ROB not Edward that we're really loving.

If only there were enough Rob's for everyone!

Tejiri said...

that was the sweetest thing ever!! so cutee!! now i love rob even more....can't wait to see him settle down one day with his beautiful wife and kids!!! he would make a great dad!

Unknown said...

OMG! OMG! I almost cried when he got the present and thanked her for it! That was so sweet! People who interview him should give him gifts more often!
And the dog thing is cute! I think it's supposed to be a bobble-head thing...I'm not sure...but it's cute nonetheless!!

RPLover said...

I'm pretty sure the gift was a bobble-head dog, the kind you stick on the dashboard of your car.

This has got to be the cutest interview I've seen, I love how he talks to her, and she's so sweet and looking at him all googly eyed. :)) Just adorable.

Cheeky Chops said...

awwww she is definitely a cutie..looks like they both had fun with it..her accent is "lovely" and I'm sure he was soo glad she didn't burst into should have hired her for the red carpet premiere we wouldn't have to have listened too..(in anya's half baked voice)..yea I'm on the do u see her dress..see my dress..oh did I tell you I'm on the soundtrack..ohh look at her hair..did I mention the soundtrack..yea I'm on it....


MMc said...

Very cute - he was soft spoken with her but didn't hold back much - he seemed to try to shock her a little with the blood and bum comments but she handled it quite well.
I like it when he seems so relaxed like that and quiet and not threatened by anyone......did you notice he didn't stroke his hair one time????

MMc said...

He said that one time that he doesn't like children .........but he's so good with them like in this interview and I can't WAIT to see Remember Me and how he acts with the young girl -who plays his sister - in that one.

T said...

Ahh that makes sense... it sure was a cute bobble-head!

The girl really did do a great job interviewing Rob, and I agree I am sure he appreciated having someone so adorable be the interviewer. And Rob's voice was just lovely when he spoke to her, SO damn sweet *sigh*.


rob was really nice with the little girl but I feel kinda sorry for the girl cause she seemed nervous if I were her I probably would go crazy...the little dog was nice

LM said...

As if we needed more evidence--Rob is one classy guy. A real gentleman. The girl was great too. She didn't gush and moon over him but was very poised and ladylike.

Cali said...

Oh my cute was that?! Rob is a total class-act and the young lady did a fantastic job. She was very composed and Rob was very relaxed. Perfect!

kat said...

very very cute and sweet. both of them!

AP said...

I like that he didn't patronize her, too. I think he was trying to make her laugh with the 'bum' comments, because he would.

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