Entertainment Weekly Featuring Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner


The December 4th issue of Entertainment Weekly is out on Firday and has a choice of three different covers Team Edward, Team Jacob & Team Bella.

From EW

NEW YORK – Hot off the tail of the New Moon pre­miere, this week’s Enter­tain­ment Weekly explores the phe­nom­e­non that is the Twi­light series.

Chris Weitz opens the door to his beach house look­ing like a wilted rose. He’s unshaven, pale and wear­ing clothes he appears to have found wadded in a ball on his bed­room floor. It’s exactly the way you’d expect to find the direc­tor the morn­ing after his movie The Twi­light Saga: The New Moon opened around the world to num­bers no one thought pos­si­ble. But Weitz isn’t recov­er­ing from a long night of rev­elry. He’s just exhausted. In the last ten days, he’s been in more time zones than the sun, on the last stretch of pro­mo­tional duties for his movie. “I’m at the point of phys­i­cal col­lapse,” says Weitz, 40. “Hope­fully I will now lapse into obscu­rity. That’s my plan.”

We can think of 140 mil­lion rea­sons that’s not going to hap­pen – all of them dol­lars. On open­ing week­end, New Moon made the kind of money usu­ally reserved for comic-book heroes and boy wiz­ards, break­ing records for mid­night screen­ings and Fri­day box office. More sig­nif­i­cantly, Weitz has made the high­est gross­ing female-oriented movie since James Cameron opened Titanic in 1997. And, with San­dra Bul­lock scor­ing a career best open­ing with $34.5 mil­lion for The Blind Side, he’s taken part in one of the most female-driven week­ends in history–one that should wake up what­ever Hol­ly­wood exec­u­tives still under­es­ti­mate the spend­ing power of the purse. Still, Weitz won’t make any grand claims for him­self. “The degree of credit I can take is lim­ited,” he says. “I’m just the glo­ri­fied conductor.”

OK, he’s got a point. Those hun­dreds of tween girls, and grown women for that mat­ter, that lined up days in advance of New Moon’s Los Ange­les pre­miere weren’t sleep­ing on con­crete to see Weitz. They were des­per­ate for Kris­ten Stew­art, Rob Pat­tin­son and Tay­lor Lautner–who, despite the micro­scopic level of scrutiny they’re under, still seem to appre­ci­ate their sup­port­ers. “I would rather spend tonight hang­ing with the fans than answer­ing any more ques­tions,” said Stew­art at the pre­miere. Pat­tin­son added, “I don’t know how the Bea­t­les felt but I imag­ine it was close to this. Very few human beings will ever get to expe­ri­ence the love we feel at Twi­light events.” That vis­ceral, obses­sive amour for every­thing in Stephe­nie Meyer’s lit­er­ary world has turned a $50 mil­lion teenage melo­drama into an event that knows no geo­graphic bound­aries. The global take for the week­end? $258 mil­lion. Says pro­ducer Wyck God­frey, “It’s a world­wide cul­tural phe­nom­e­non that no one could have predicted.”

Pop cul­ture has been burst­ing with blood-suckers of late and audi­ences are clearly respond­ing– as evi­denced by the suc­cess of CW’s Vam­pire Diaries, HBO’s True Blood and a slew of vam­pire nov­els which hit the best-seller lists in the wake of Twi­light. But what Hol­ly­wood has to fig­ure out now is what to do with this audi­ence next. “It’s great that the green­lighters in town have real­ized that lit­tle girls go to the movies,” say MGM’s pres­i­dent of mar­ket­ing Michael Voll­man. “But this genre has worked for­ever. To Sir With Love was an angsty girl movie.”

So what will this fickle, yet incred­i­bly devoted audi­ence turn to next? Dis­ney and pro­ducer God­frey think it might be… fairies. They’ve scooped up Apri­lynne Pike’s best-selling young adult novel Wings. New Regency is bank­ing on a new novel from Ann Brashares (author of the Sis­ter­hood of the Trav­el­ing Pants) about a col­lege cou­ple who turn out to be soul mates who’ve been lov­ing and los­ing each other for cen­turies. And Lion­s­gate is hop­ing tweens line up for an adap­ta­tion of author Suzanne Collin’s The Hunger Games, about a dystopian world where teenagers fight to the death. “Some will work and some won’t,” Summit’s co-chairman and CEO Rob Fried­man says of the girl-driven projects. “There will be a lot of imper­son­ators. But it won’t be the Twi­light Saga and it won’t have the fan base. Twi­light is unique. I’ve never seen any­thing like it.”

Nei­ther has direc­tor Weitz, who’s still recov­er­ing. He’s defi­antly off the hook for the third Twi­light movie, Eclipse, which David Slade (30 Days of Night) is already edit­ing for release next sum­mer. But what if Meyer and Sum­mit come call­ing again for the fourth and final novel, Break­ing Dawn? The stu­dio still hasn’t decided if the book should be one film or two. But if they call, will Weitz answer? “I’d do it for Stephe­nie, Rob, Tay­lor, and Kris­ten. I feel a great deal of grat­i­tude for those peo­ple,” says Weitz. “But I don’t think I could do another press tour like we did. I just think I would die.” Care­ful, you might come back as a vampire.

Enter­tain­ment Weekly also show­cases the Break­out Beau­ties & Beasts of New Moon that have grow­ing fan-bases of their own. The newly anointed stars include Alex Meraz, Dakota Fan­ning, Ash­ley Greene, Chaske Spencer, Michael Sheen, Anna Kendrick, and Char­lie Bewley.

Source EW via newmoonmovie.org


Victoria said...

The Rob cover better be the one that comes in my mail on Friday!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

OMG, no other words come to mind (that I would out in print anyway)

As usual I can bet my local b&N won't have it. They never have the mags I want, but they have tons of OK Crap.

Haystackhair said...


Angie said...

I know which one I want!

I will hunt till I find it!

Just Jac said...

i wonder which one comes with my subscription? i doubt i'll be lucky enough to get all three!!! can't wait!

Butterfly25 said...

Ohh, the stare, the shirt(or rather what can be seen from under the shirt), the leather jacket, the stare again... OMG...

The camera just loves him...
How can anyone look like this, I mean, he's just pure beauty.
He dazzles even cameras and photographers as well I guess...

Anonymous said...

Ok Rob like always really really yummy, but anyone else notice the Kristen cover is just like a Kate Moennig photoshot, is Kate her older sister? WOW.. http://www.robbywells.com/images/kate-moennig-1.jpg

...wowie! said...

Victoria...I wonder which one I get in the mail too. I hope to hell it's the one with Mr. Pattinson. DAYUM

asoihgapoh said...

holy mother of crap, he looks AMAZING!

AP said...

'A wilted rose...'?? Live that one down, Chris. Lol.

I'm so over the whole 'Team' thing, particularly since it's now been appropriated by the media at large and commercialised by BK and others. Not a good 'team player' but I will be a well-behaved fan.

KT Grant said...

Team Jacob! *fingers crossed I get that EW cover in the mail*

noisefaidaus said...

@ Hairstackhair I think you summed it up in one word!!

Kathy S said...

Yes, Team Edward better be on the cover I get in the mail too or there will be blood letting!!

Kathy S said...

Yes, Team Edward better be on the cover I get in the mail too or there will be blood letting!!

chaos! said...

Stewart looks really good in this one...
Good evening, girls!

Devi said...

I'll go to the airport :O They'll definitely sell it there. When is this coming out? Or is it out already?

Butterfly25 said...
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Butterfly25 said...

Just found out that Taylor Lautner will host the SNL on December 12.

I wish it was Rob, but I guess it would be too much for him...

Shani said...

I do have to say that I'm lovin me some Charley Bewley right. OH. YES.INDEED. *fans self*

I fell for him when he did an interview that was posted here awhile back. He was so yummy and pretty as hell. Flawless skin, pretty blue eyes, and charming as hell.

But I can see that he is a bit of a player. Especially when he acted a bit nervous about answering if he was "single". He answered "I'm independent". But that interviewer was so wrong in what she said next..."Do you have ho's in different area codes". My jaw dropped and I was like, NO SHE DIDN'T. He blushed a bit then said "next question". LOL BAD BOYS. Got to love them.

Karina said...

gah, another three magazines to buy, another reason for my husband to think I'm a hoarder now with this huge bin of magazines in the living room...lol Talk about three good looking young kids! Dang, it's like an endless clearasil commercial with all of them.

Marna said...

I better get the Rob cover! I'm going to be pissed if I look in my mail & see Kristin or Taylor.

Anonymous said...

Lol. I'll have to wait for the magazine scans, like rpattzgirl, we never get any of these magazines over here...****
They seriously can't use a cover other than Rob's...can u imagine the out cry...
GODZE thanks for posting the thumbnail thingy of the cover, I never get the full pic otherwise. Have a great day ladies :)

Anonymous said...
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JBMolina said...

If Rob doesn't come in the mail I'm going out to buy it myself. DAYUM.

Tejiri said...

i think they all look good...

skorpia said...

Dear God! *thunk* I love his mojo!!

paisleywicker said...

I think they all look good too...
I think when they do double or triple cover releases they have the other ones on the inside, so everyone should have all the covers.

I'd like any of them on the cover (especially Rob).

kat said...

Uuunnnggh. So desperately wanna put my face in that chest hair...

Marna said...

I got the December 4th issue today, & the cover was a tribute to everyone who died in 2009! What the hell???? On the table of contents page, they give credits for both the dead people cover & the New Moon covers, so i got ripped off by having a subscription. I am really pissed off. I'm going to send EW a real Happy Thanksgiving email.

MatildalovesRob said...

Why does the UK have to miss out on all this ? grr !! That said, I'd be parked outside the store waiting for opening time for my Rob edition if I were residing in the US !!
I'm so glad that Rob doesn't feel that he should be waxed to within a inch of his life for his roles. I know in the US, society seems to accept the bronzed, buffed, hair-free kind of guy more readily as being a hearthrob, but it's nice that Rob's able to stick to his roots since in the UK it really is more about the personality than anything else ( although it's great that he's so beautiful too, that's a major bonus ! ) I think only 12 year old girls adore the whole tanned with a six pack look over here since they don't really comprehend the fact that a guy who spends 4 hours in the gym every day, 1 hour in front of the mirror deciding on what to wear whilst spending copious amounts of time waxing and tanning, does not make for good company in the long run !! LOL !!

jlsentangledweb said...

Rob's cover is amazing! It's like they caught him mid-saunter/swagger; it honestly seems like he's going after something (someone?) he wants.
Where I live, all the magazines are put out one month behind the mainland, so I just order it on ebay--no matter what price!

Kathy S said...

I subscribe to EW and none of the New Moon stars were on the cover of this week's magazine-It was a tribute to "Late Greats". Needless to say I was a bit disappointed:( However, our stars have years to make covers and the dear departed-this is their last gasp):(

Anonymous said...

My Dec. 4 issue that came in the mail is the "Late Greats of 2009"-a trib to celebrities that died this year. Will have to see what the newstands have as their cover. Anyone see it on the newstands yet?

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