Kevin Durand and Jeff Rawle have nothing but compliments for Robert Pattinson

Kevin Durand and Jeff Rawle have nothing but compliments for Robert Pattinson

UPDATE: More Kevin talking about Rob :)

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Kevin Durand talks about Robert Pattinson and of course mentions how awesome Rob is.

And a mention that goes back to Rob's origins, the actor that played his father in Harry Potter had nothing but lovely things to say.

Rob is forever consistent. His professionalism shines yesterday, today and tomorrow.


Robert Pattinson and David Cronenberg talk about US promotion for Cosmopolis - LA & NY!

Robert Pattinson and David Cronenberg talk about US promotion for Cosmopolis - LA & NY!

This is exciting! PromoRob isn't done with us yet. ;)


The Globe & Mail spoke to Rob and David and they talked about US promotion for Cosmopolis:
“With big movies, it’s usually six or seven countries,” Pattinson says. “But this is way harder getting people to see. For smaller films, they just say, ‘Oh, just New York and London’ or ‘New York and L.A.’ I don’t really understand it.”

“We have the U.S. to come,” Cronenberg reminds him. “I’ve heard both July and August from the U.S. We will be doing New York and L.A.”
David is dropping July and August and as I told you guys yesterday, the producer told me the release date (first half of August and it's a double digit).

Full article under the cut!

*New* Interviews Robert Pattinson, David Cronenberg & Paul Giamatti Talk to

*New* Interviews Robert Pattinson, David Cronenberg & Paul Giamatti Talk to

Great interview again with Rob & David. They make a great double act. I love watching their interviews.

Paul talks about his character at the start and then about Rob around 3:15

Sarah Gadon Talks About Robert Pattinson's Powerful Masculinity & We Get Another New Still

Sarah Gadon Talks About Robert Pattinson's Powerful Masculinity & We Get Another New Still

Well it's actually Robert Pattinson's Powerful Masculinity as Eric Packer but we know Rob's got it too, right?


Gadon and Pattinson did not rehearse, the idea being that their unfamiliarity would work to their advantage given the unfamiliarity of their characters. That said, I ask what she thinks Pattinson is really good at.

"Um, what is Rob really good at?" She chuckles. (Kate: Wiggles eyebrows) "He's good at a lot of things! I think he was really great as Eric Packer. (Kate: He sure is good at a lot of things and one of them is definitely being Eric) And I think that was one thing that kind of surprised me, because I didn't really know him very well. And in real life he's very kind of... I mean, you heard him in the press conference: he's British and he's self-deprecating and he's much more self-conscious [than his character].

"And then all of a sudden he put on his suit, and this American accent would come out, and he would be so sure of himself and so powerful! (Kate: Gotta love powerful Rob) And direct! And it was amazing to me to see that transformation of going from himself into Eric Packer. And I think that there's few, few guys right now in the industry who can pull off that kind of powerful masculinity at such a young age." (Kate: WOW great praise from Sarah. I love it!)

Pic Source viaSarah-Gadon-Italian-Fans / SGadonFans

Christina Ricci Tells Jimmy Kimmel Why Robert Pattinson Used To Make Fun Of Her

Christina Ricci Tells Jimmy Kimmel Why Robert Pattinson Used To Make Fun Of Her

No better man to do it I think LOL

No Pic Left Behind: More Cute Robert Pattinson Fan Pics From Toronto

No Pic Left Behind: More Cute Robert Pattinson Fan Pics From Toronto




Click for Larger


First Pics Of Robert Pattinson & The Cosmopolis Cast On Strombo & Show Details

First Pics Of Robert Pattinson & The Cosmopolis Cast On Strombo & Show Details




Details of the show Thanks To
After The Cut (Contains Spoilers)

Gorgeous *NEW* Toronto Press Conference Pics & Some New Quotes From Robert Pattinson & David Cronenberg

Gorgeous *NEW* Toronto Press Conference Pics & Some New Quotes From Robert Pattinson & David Cronenberg


Click For Larger

And some new quotes from the press conference that made me smile really big!
After The Cut

Better Quality Videos From The "Cosmopolis" Q&A Toronto With Robert Pattinson & Co

Better Quality Videos From The "Cosmopolis" Q&A Toronto With Robert Pattinson & Co

Same videos as the post below but the audio is a better in it

Paul is SO funny telling Tink to hurry up

*NEW Vids: Robert Pattinson & His Cosmopolis Family At The Toronto Q&A

*NEW Vids: Robert Pattinson & His Cosmopolis Family At The Toronto Q&A

What a great way to wake up in the morning. I'm sitting here now with a big smile on my face thanks to giggly Rob at the Q&A.
Check out these vids and I dare you not to giggle

Intro before the movie

Tink asks her question at 11:47 ;-))

Part 2

MORE Gorgeous Giggles After The Cut

*NEW* Interview: Robert Pattinson Talks To Cinematrix In Cannes

*NEW* Interview: Robert Pattinson Talks To Cinematrix In Cannes

All of a sudden I fancy a lollipop

Rob interview w/ Cinematrix from the Cannes... by veronicaspuffy

Or watch at the Source via Source

Kristen Stewart Talks About A Brooding Robert Pattinson In "Vanity Fair"

UPDATED With More Quotes from Vanity Fair
Kristen Stewart Talks About A Brooding Robert Pattinson & Rob talks about Kristen's passion for fashion In "Vanity Fair"


On getting scolded for off-screen antics with Robert Pattinson:

“Me and Rob got into a lot of trouble. We were getting notes from the studio. They wanted me to smile all the time. They wanted Rob to be not so brooding. We were like, ‘No! You need to brood your a– off.’”

Robert Pattinson on Stewart’s passion for fashion:

“I never saw that coming.”

“The perception of her is that she’s ‘awkward,’” Rob admits. “But it’s funny knowing her. It’s the absolute opposite of what people think. She’s insanely confident.”

On top of battling personal reluctance, Stewart also struggles with the public’s preconceived notions about her personality. “People have decided how they are going to perceive her,” Robert Pattinson tells V.F. of Stewart. “No matter how many times she smiles, they’ll put in the one picture where she’s not smiling.”
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