*NEW* Interview Robert Pattinson, David Cronenberg & Paul Giamatti Talk About Eric Packer's Fateful Day With Cineplex

UPDATED: Added You Tub
*NEW* Interview from the Toronto Press Junket where Robert Pattinson, David Cronenberg & Paul Giamatti Talk About Eric Packer's Fateful Day With Cineplex

Source cineplex.com via RobPattzNews

More *NEW* Pics Of Robert Pattinson Touching Down In LA (June 5th)

More *NEW* Pics Of Robert Pattinson Touching Down In LA (June 5th)

In case you missed the pics from earlier. Check out Rob leaving Toronto HERE and landing in LAX HERE


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*NEW* Fan Pics: Revisiting Robert Pattinson At The Apple Store Q&A London (1st June)

Check out these gorgeous NEW Fan Pics of Robert Pattinson at the Apple Store "Csomopolis" Q&A in London on 1st June.
They were taken by Antonella diTroia and edited by Francies Cullen.
A big thank you to them & thanks to Cristina for sending them into us.

NOW on with the pics. First though a WARNING. Line your floor with cushions/pillows etc, grab your helmets or any other protection you use. DON'T say I didn't warn you.

"I'm going to make you all faint. Are you ready?"



"Mmmmmmm that worked on half of you now for the half other half"


"David you've gotta try this. Just play with your watch like this and see what happens"


David: "I don't think it's working Rob"
Rob: "I see where you're going wrong. Just do one thing at a time, you need to loose the bottle & just try the watch porn on it's own. The 2 together will just kill them and we don't want that. They need to be around for our next movie"


Because I care about your health, the REST are After the Cut

Coming Soon (Italy) on Set Interviews With Robert Pattinson & David Cronenberg

Coming Soon (Italy) on Set Interviews With Robert Pattinson & David Cronenberg

There's also some extended "Cosmoplis" clips (which are unfortunately dubbed)
THANKFULLY the interview parts are NOT dubbed! ;-)))

There's a new bit at the end of this video which you haven't seen before

Original Vids After The Cut

New Pics: Robert Pattinson arrives back in Los Angeles (June 5)

New Pics: Robert Pattinson arrives back in Los Angeles (June 5)

Enjoy the down time Rob!





MORE pics after the cut

New Pics: Robert Pattinson leaves Toronto after stellar Cosmopolis promotion

New Pics: Robert Pattinson leaves Toronto after stellar Cosmopolis promotion

This wonderful man! Such a giver with this amazing promotional tour for Cosmopolis. SO many pictures and videos and deliciousness! And yet there's going to be more in a couple months!

I hope he goes home and just woooooooosaaaaaaws. You were awesome, Rob! Thanks for the fantastic promo :)



Video: Full Cosmopolis Press Conference with Robert Pattinson, David Cronenberg and more

Video: Full Cosmopolis Press Conference with Robert Pattinson, David Cronenberg and more

This is fantastic! We got the whole presscon now. Be sure to give yourself some time or bookmark the post so you can watch. :) It's yummmmmmy ;)

3 more videos after the cut!

Robert Pattinson and David Cronenberg weigh in on the MTV Movie Award Best Kiss win

Robert Pattinson and David Cronenberg weigh in on the MTV Movie Award Best Kiss win

I'm cracking up looking at David's expression during this exchange but he's very funny: "It's a good talent to have."


Kevin Durand and Jeff Rawle have nothing but compliments for Robert Pattinson

Kevin Durand and Jeff Rawle have nothing but compliments for Robert Pattinson

UPDATE: More Kevin talking about Rob :)

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Kevin Durand talks about Robert Pattinson and of course mentions how awesome Rob is.

And a mention that goes back to Rob's origins, the actor that played his father in Harry Potter had nothing but lovely things to say.

Rob is forever consistent. His professionalism shines yesterday, today and tomorrow.


Robert Pattinson and David Cronenberg talk about US promotion for Cosmopolis - LA & NY!

Robert Pattinson and David Cronenberg talk about US promotion for Cosmopolis - LA & NY!

This is exciting! PromoRob isn't done with us yet. ;)


The Globe & Mail spoke to Rob and David and they talked about US promotion for Cosmopolis:
“With big movies, it’s usually six or seven countries,” Pattinson says. “But this is way harder getting people to see. For smaller films, they just say, ‘Oh, just New York and London’ or ‘New York and L.A.’ I don’t really understand it.”

“We have the U.S. to come,” Cronenberg reminds him. “I’ve heard both July and August from the U.S. We will be doing New York and L.A.”
David is dropping July and August and as I told you guys yesterday, the producer told me the release date (first half of August and it's a double digit).

Full article under the cut!

*New* Interviews Robert Pattinson, David Cronenberg & Paul Giamatti Talk to Tribute.ca

*New* Interviews Robert Pattinson, David Cronenberg & Paul Giamatti Talk to Tribute.ca

Great interview again with Rob & David. They make a great double act. I love watching their interviews.

Paul talks about his character at the start and then about Rob around 3:15

Sarah Gadon Talks About Robert Pattinson's Powerful Masculinity & We Get Another New Still

Sarah Gadon Talks About Robert Pattinson's Powerful Masculinity & We Get Another New Still

Well it's actually Robert Pattinson's Powerful Masculinity as Eric Packer but we know Rob's got it too, right?


Gadon and Pattinson did not rehearse, the idea being that their unfamiliarity would work to their advantage given the unfamiliarity of their characters. That said, I ask what she thinks Pattinson is really good at.

"Um, what is Rob really good at?" She chuckles. (Kate: Wiggles eyebrows) "He's good at a lot of things! I think he was really great as Eric Packer. (Kate: He sure is good at a lot of things and one of them is definitely being Eric) And I think that was one thing that kind of surprised me, because I didn't really know him very well. And in real life he's very kind of... I mean, you heard him in the press conference: he's British and he's self-deprecating and he's much more self-conscious [than his character].

"And then all of a sudden he put on his suit, and this American accent would come out, and he would be so sure of himself and so powerful! (Kate: Gotta love powerful Rob) And direct! And it was amazing to me to see that transformation of going from himself into Eric Packer. And I think that there's few, few guys right now in the industry who can pull off that kind of powerful masculinity at such a young age." (Kate: WOW great praise from Sarah. I love it!)

Pic Source viaSarah-Gadon-Italian-Fans / SGadonFans
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