*NEW* "Remember Me" Stills With Robert Pattinson

*NEW* "Remember Me" Stills With Robert Pattinson

Oh My these are beautiful! I Love Robler!


Click for Larger

Thanks to RobertPattinsonSource

UPDATE - Robert Pattinson's Artwork for Charity

We posted a couple of days ago about Robert Pattinson's art creation for the UK based charity PACT.

The auction is now in full swing and you can place your bid HERE. Bidding ends on June 5th.


Thanks to Tess for the update.

Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner In Spain's "Cinemania" Magazine

Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner In Spain's "Cinemania" Magazine



Click for Larger

Thanks to RobPattinsonWorld for the scans

"Eclipse" Puzzle Balls Featuring Robert Pattinson

"Eclipse" Puzzle Balls Featuring Robert Pattinson

Mmmm puzzle balls, right, I'm not quiet sure why a person would want one of these and I don't have the patience for puzzles anyway but for those of you the do.......




Source Forbiddenplanet via Gossip dance

"Eclipse" Score Cover

"Eclipse" Score Cover

Here's what it looks like.


And you can Pre-Order it over on Amazon.

In the US

To Pre-Order in the UK click HERE

Screencaps From New "Eclipse " TV Spot "It's Starting"

Screencaps From New "Eclipse " TV Spot "It's Starting"





Loads more after the cut

Screencaps of Robert Pattinson Accepting His National Movie Award On The "Water For Elephants" Set

Screencaps of Robert Pattinson Accepting His National Movie Award On The "Water For Elephants" Set

Here he is accepting his award for Performance of the Year.

All I can say is THUD oh and Enjoy !




{giggle} So cute!


Loads more after the cut!

Robert Pattinson Message Accepting His National Movie Award

Robert Pattinson Message Accepting His National Movie Award

Rob won the award for Performance of the Year

Sorry I missed the beginning of it.
Will put up a better version when it comes in!

Full version

Eclipse Wins Most Anticipated Movie of The Year

"New Moon" Wins Best Fantasy Film At The National Movie Awards

*NEW* "New Moon" Wins Best Fantasy Film At The National Movie Awards

Peter Facinelli accepted the award and mentions Rob

*NEW* "Eclipse" Tv Spot

*NEW* "Eclipse" TV Spot

This is what was shown at the National Movie Awards

You Tube Version

Fabulous Robert Pattinson Wallpapers

Fabulous Robert Pattinson Wallpapers

I know you're gonna like these!

They are resized to fit the screen so just right click and save and they'll save to full size!

First up the fabulous Irmaida made these gorgeous wallpapers and sent them to us!




And this gorgeous one is by Stanimira


Robert Pattinson In The Popsugar Top 100 Final

Robert Pattinson In The Popsugar Top 100 Final

You can vote for Rob HERE

Exclusive "Eclipse" Clip To Debut At National Movie Awards Tonight

Exclusive "Eclipse" Clip To Debut At National Movie Awards Tonight


A world exclusive clip of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse will debut at tonight's National Movie Awards, Digital Spy has learned.

The footage will allegedly be delivered by secure escorted courier just hours before the ceremony begins at London's Royal Festival Hall.

Eclipse, opening in the UK on July 9, is nominated for the 'Most Anticipated Movie Of The Summer' honour at the NMAs, while New Moon and franchise stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner are up for the 'Fantasy' and separate 'Performance Of The Year' gongs respectively.

The National Movie Awards will air tonight from 8pm on ITV1. Stars including Tom Cruise, Diane Kruger, Chris Rock, Emma Watson, Gwyneth Paltrow and Daniel Radcliffe are expected to attend

Source Digital Spy

*New* Pic Of Robert Pattinson From Oprahs Home Visits

*New* Pic Of Robert Pattinson From Oprahs Home Visits

Remember the second home visit that Rob made on "Oprah" and the Mum said Rob was HAWT?
Well here's a new pic from that day.


Thanks to Patty for sending it to us!

*Enhanced* Pics of Robert Pattinson from Cannes 2009

I don't remember seeing these before... and they do look to be of the Cannes 2009 era - off to do some detective work but in the meantime I just have to share.

UPDATE: They are indeed Cannes... just with a little enhancement courtesy of tinkrbe1l3



Thanks to catherinelluc for the tip.

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