NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson in Tu magazine from Water for Elephants press junket

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson in Tu magazine from Water for Elephants press junket

His hair is taking flight! Love it. :)


Click HERE to read the translated article from Tu magazine

Twilight Poison via PattinsonLadies

On The Red Carpet talks to Robert Pattinson at the NYC Water for Elephants premiere

On The Red Carpet talks to Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon at the NYC Water for Elephants premiere

On The Red Carpet

Robert Pattinson interview from Fox Movie Channel on the WFE red carpet

Fox Movie Channel talks to Robert Pattinson, Reese Witherspoon, and Christoph Waltz on the Water for Elephants red carpet in NYC. Additionally, they speak to the screenwriter and director :)

via Source

Robert Pattinson mentioned during WFE press junket interview with Tai's trainer

Robert Pattinson mentioned during WFE press junket interview with Tai's trainer

Cute interview. Rob is so sweet. Of course he was all verklempt when it was Tai's final day of filming.


TV Guide interviews Robert Pattinson on the Water for Elephants NYC red carpet

Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon were interviewed on the red carpet by TV Guide. I love what Reese says because it's so true. Damned if you do damned if you don't kind of thing. Entertainment media is always looking for a salacious hook.

Rob is heavenly as always. Can't wait to see him suited and booted in Berlin!

TV Guide

Did Robert Pattinson Get To Keep Any Of The Clothes He Wore In WFE?

MTV asked "Water for Elephants" costume designer Jacqueline West.


From MTV
Have you ever wondered what becomes of all the amazing (and no doubt, costly) costumes after a movie finishes filming? (Kate: Not when Robert Pattinson around :-P)
Because that's ALL we could think about during "Water for Elephants." Seriously. The stunning gowns, the beaded circus wear, (Kate: They'd be safe enough, I don't think Rob would be interested in those) the boots worn by Robert Pattinson—what would happen to those things? Were they just going to be thrown in a trash can somewhere (and if so, WHERE IS THAT TRASH CAN)?

Luckily for us, "WFE" costume designer Jacqueline West stepped in before we descended into Dumpster-diving madness and provided some answers. The clothes, at least for "WFE," were not discarded (phew!). In fact, Jacqueline said that Reese and Rob actually kept some of the items.

"Reese, because we had multiples in most of hers, she kept the dresses, and I think one of each of her performance costumes," Jacqueline said, prompting us to wonder where Reese could possibly wear some of the circus outfits (Oscars red carpet?).

Of course, Rob didn't go home empty-handed either. (Kate: Does he ever?)

NEW Pic Of Robert Pattinson Getting Off the Plane In Berlin

I used google to translate it and I'm pretty sure it reads something like this ;-)
We get the picture anyway, right?

"From 8:52 the girls hearts in Germany are likely to be beating faster! Because this morning probably the most famous teen heartthrob in the world landed in Berlin. Robert Pattinson is in the capital."












Thanks to Sissibell & TeddygirlBrown for the tip!

More *NEW* Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Pics From St Thomas

More Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Pics from St Thomas.

I think I HAVE to put an OH HOT DAMN Warning on these.
Bare chested Rob (and Happy Trails) ALWAYS deserve an Oh Hot Damn!!
*Fans Self*










To see more pics (Kristen on her own) head over to US Weekly

*NEW* Pics Of Robert Pattinson Leaving For Berlin


Robert Pattinson is a traveling man with a new favorite sweatshirt. The actor headed to Berlin today ahead of tomorrow's Water For Elephants premiere in the city. He's kicking off his international press duties, though leading lady Reese has yet to join him abroad. Robert has barely had a free moment between his WFE promotional push and wrapping up Breaking Dawn

Click & Click Again for HQ


Robert Pattinson Says The WFE Set Was Stress Free

Robert Pattinson tells Canal F how the "Water For Elephant" Set was stress free, how Tai would follow him around on the set, the differences between "Twilight" & "Water for Elephants" and more.

Reese Witherspoon Talks About Robert Pattinson's Twilight Baggage On UK's Daybreak

Reese Witherspoon was also interviewed on "Daybreak" this morning and breifly spoke about Robert Pattinson.
Video is below.

Robert Pattinson Interview On Daybreak (UK)

Robert Pattinson was on "Daybreak" On UK TV this morning.
The Interview was short and sweet.
Watch Below.

New/Old picture of Robert Pattinson with Summer House costar

New/old picture of Robert Pattinson with The Summer House co-star Tallulah Riley

So adorkable!!! There is so much about him in this picture that is just perfectly Robert.



Video of Robert Pattinson with Times Now Online during WFE press junket

Robert Pattinson, Reese Witherspoon and Christoph Waltz sat down with Times Now Online during the Water for Elephants press junket.


Popstar coverage of Robert Pattinson on the Water For Elephants red carpet

Popstar coverage of Robert Pattinson on the Water For Elephants red carpet

I love that the question was about Rob's legion of fans that support all his premieres and events. Being someone who does these things and follows Rob's career like a groupie, I loved hearing his response.

Always so kind :)

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