Yet ANOTHER New "Old" EW Outtake

Rob and Kristen Leaving Italy

Thanks to our Affiliate Robert Pattinson Unlimited for the pictures :)

Sam Bradley: Rob goes for intelligent, experienced-in-life girls

From the UNcredible National Ledger and it says Sam talked to Life & Style. Sam...Really? Life and Style?

The things he said are cute though...

Rob Pattinson is a bit of a mystery man on screen as edward Cullen and off screen as Robert Pattinson as well. What's he really like? Life & Style talks to a Sam Bradley and they identify him as Rob's best pal. The magazine notes that "Bradley co-wrote the song “Never Think” on the Twilight sound track, is playing Dallas’ TwiCon festival in July and had New Moon cast members cheering him on at his recent Vancouver, British Columbia, concerts.

So - How did this British rocker, who played three sold-out shows at LA’s Hotel Cafe in May, get sucked into the Twilight zone? “Robert was the new kid when I was 12, and I showed him around school,” Sam reveals to Life & Style. The boys became fast friends, later getting a flat together in London, where Sam looked forward to Rob’s expert beans-and-toast making.

“He’s very well-rounded,” Sam dishes. “Rob is a really great cook. He’s extremely friendly, very outgoing, very intelligent, very well-read. He loves writing. He’s really talented.” So talented that Sam tapped his pal to contribute to his upcoming album, co-writing tracks influenced by the duo’s families, travels — and loves.

“Rob goes for intelligent, experienced-in-life girls,”(Gozde: Experienced in life sounds kinda slutty doesn't it?:)) he tells Life & Style. “And any chance I can get, I would love to be having a romantic meal with a lady.”

Thanks to our fabulous Rocio and Lindsey for the tips )

Remember Me Gets Lost?

I know, cheesy title. It's late and I'm tired :)


We hear rumblings that blonde ingénue Emilie de Ravin has been tapped to star opposite Robert Pattinson in his upcoming drama Remember Me.

Known for her turns on ABC's Lost and the high school noir film Brick, de Ravin will play Pattinson's love interest in Remember Me, about a couple struggling to stay together despite individual family tragedies.

Director Allen Coulter will head up the project, who previously made Ben Affleck's Hollywoodland and directed several episodes of Sex and the City.

Reps for de Ravin declined to comment.

Pre-production begins this month with an expected February 2010 release.

All right I'll Bite

In the name of "fair bloggerism" (yep I made that word up) I am posting a "gossip round up". I, personally, don't believe any of it. I am just posting it because 20 people sent it to me and I'm a people pleaser, plus Rob looks absolutely delicious in the pictures :)) Until Rob himself comes down from heavens and says he is with someone (or there is a sex tape (one can only hope) or an incriminating photo (just throw this girl a bone!)) I am going with "I don't care/What a Load of Crap" on Ted, Lainey, X17, Life and Style, OK, etc etc.... So there...

First there is always Ted screaming from the mountain tops that Rob and Kristen are in love and the big bad Summit is trying to hide it. It's a whole big conspiracy. I'm scared for Teddypoo's mental health. He probably has pictures of Rob and Kristen on his walls and he lights a candle every night praying to the Gods that they get together. He is definitely in danger of going ape sh*t crazy if Robsten doesn't come true.

Second X17Online claims Rob and Kristen had a "steamy night at a hotel". Proof? Rob and Kristen in the vicinity of the same SUV, video of Rob talking with a more "mature" lady outside of SUV (in which the lady kinda tucks his hair behind his ear at 2:24, it's like she has spent the whole night shagging him, it's so intimate :PP) (Update: So the "mature lady is Kristen's mom and the older gentleman is her grandfather? Sounds about right... I always call my mom and my dede(grandpa) after I have a steamy night with my lover, you know, it's an old custom most people ignore these days)

And then there is the always UNreliable Life and Style:

They say :

Just days before accepting the MTV Movie Award for Best Kiss, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart perfected their smooching skills during a 10-hour shoot for Twilight's sequel, New Moon, on May 27 in Montepulciano, Italy. From 6 a.m. until 5:30 p.m., Rob readily puckered up to his gorgeous co-star, capturing the emotional reunion scene between their characters, Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. "They were happy and laughing throughout filming," spills a set extra. "It was like they were the only two actors on set." (Gozde: yeah we all saw the video of the filming, it looks so intimate and sexy with all those people around!)

All eyes have been on cast members from the moment they descended on the quaint Italian town in late May. Pictures of Rob were placed in windows of village restaurants, bookstores replaced Tuscany guide displays with the Twilight series and the Montepulciano Tourism Center piled New Moon posters and fliers on its front desk. Despite all the attention, Rob's managed to share a few stolen moments with Kristen, who's maintained a flirty relationship with Robert while supposedly dating actor Michael Angarano. "I saw them surfing the Internet together," a hotel bartender at the Grand Hotel Admiral Palace in nearby Chianciano said. "They were looking and laughing at something."(Gozde: Gasp!!! They were surfing the net together!?! I surfed the internet with my sister 2 minutes ago, are we going to hell? On a lighter note, they were probably laughing at the comments on Shirtless Robward pictures :))

The rest of the British heartthrob's time was spent filming -- and refining his six-pack abs.(Gozde: Hahahahaha!) An insider reveals that producers told Rob to work out every day for the movie but believes the request was just a ploy to keep him from drinking the night before big scenes. "It was their way of keeping him in line," says the insider.(Gozde: Awwww, we all know he still drank :P You can't stop a BritBoy from having his beer!))

The charming rolling hills of Italy offered a marked contrast to the content of the New Moon shoot. "These are the most frightening and nerve-racking scenes," Ashley Greene, who stars as Alice Cullen, tells Life & Style. "It's when [the powerful Volturi vampires] are debating whether to kill Edward and Bella." But thankfully the Italian jaunt wasn't all dreary business. "I had a day off and went to Siena," Ashley, 22, told Life & Style at the MTV Movie Awards on May 31 in LA. "I took a ton of pictures and went to all the cathedrals. That was really fun. "Italy was everything it's cracked up to be," she continued. "We were in Tuscany, and it was beautiful. It was amazing. You step back and you're going, 'This is what I'm getting paid to do?' We didn't want to leave."(Gozde: Yeah i say that to myself everyday when I blog. "This is what I'm getting paid to do? Finding Rob Pattinson news and staring at him all day? Then I remember that I don't get paid and it's all tears after that :))

What a LOAD of Crap: Emma Watson says Robsten is Real

Russian Magazine I Love You has an interview with Emma Watson and has the translation. It sounds NOTHING like Emma and as polished as she is I call WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP on this "interview" :) It actually sounds like the interviewer had a dream and typed it up. Read the whole thing and you'll see what I mean :) and to remind you just how polished Emma is there is a video from Access Hollywood from December 2009.

Q: Well, but what about Rob Pattinson, who played Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?
A: OH GOD! Yes, he is absolutely hot! He’s driving me crazy…But we’re just friends and can just be talking on the phone for hours, because I know, that there’s something’s going on between him and Kristen Stewart. And I’m really happy that Rob became so popular on Twilight. He’s so gorgeous, that I wasn’t even surprised by that!

Thanks to Melissa for the link :))

Kellan Says Rob's Jewels are Real (I mean his abs :))

I volunteer to inspect the abs myself and rule, once and for all, if they are real or not. The things I'm willing to do for you guys has no limit! :)) And NO, I am not trying to find every article that mentions "abs" so I can post shirtless Robward pictures! ;)


Robert Pattinson's "New Moon" co-star Kellan Lutz has denied the actor resorted to make-up tricks to gain a muscled torso for the "Twilight" sequel.

The British star's stomach has come under scrutiny from Internet gossips in recent weeks, with many speculating his muscled appearance is the result of clever shading by the film's make-up artists.

But Lutz, who will appear alongside Pattinson in the vampire movie, insists his pal's sexy body is down to months of hard work in the gym with co-star Taylor Lautner.

Lutz tells the New York Daily News, "Taylor been training Rob a lot, and that's why he's got such ripped abs. Rob's been working hard. He's trying to be the best he can be."

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