Torture Tuesday: Robert Pattinson was the best Tyler, the best Jacob, the best Georges, but.....
It's Tuesday! Have you missed me?
Awww don't be like that. You know you love Torture Tuesday.
TOO BAD!!! Because your grumbles keep this day going. ;) Where shall I begin....
Yesterday, we found out that Rob was no longer going to be a part of Mission: Blacklist. I'm totally fine with this for reasons I shared in the comments but the one thing I am sad about is we lost a film with Rob in the lead and well, Rob as a lead......
This made me think about Rob taking on leading roles after he snagged Twilight yet before he became the KING OF CANNES with Cosmopolis...
In Remember Me, he was the charming and troubled Tyler, breaking our hearts and making us fall for him just like Ally.
In Water For Elephants, he was the compassionate, sweet Jacob, making us again fall in love with him like Rosie and Marlena.
In Bel Ami, he was back to charming and troubled....actually Troubled with a capital T. And this time, you were definitely in danger if you fell for poor Virginie here.
Rob would go on to knock it all out of the park in Cosmopolis as the leading man and start his reign as the KING OF CANNES but what do you think about these three leading roles/characters during the Twilight years? Great you say? Fantastic? Rob was the complete embodiment of Tyler/Jacob/Georges? Well what if I asked you this....
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Sept. 27 ~ BTS/filming pic/gif from Remember Me Part 2
It's the second part of our Remember Me bts/filming series. There were so many set photos from Remember Me, we probably needed more than 2 parts to even put a dent in this goodness.
Kate: "LOVE Rob in a suit. And he looked particularly gorgeous in this navy blue number.
Fancy some MORE suitporn? Here you go (HERE)"
Tink: "ooooooooooooo.....
VERY happy Rob quit because looking like this while smoking kills everyone nearby for sure."
Kat: Update when Kat posts!
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :) Click for HQ!
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: September 18th ~ Pic With Emilie De Ravin
""You had a nice time or you’re having a nice time. Because if you’re having a nice time, why rush to end it…hm?" GAH. i know this might seem so random for a DoR pick today but i love
love love how Rob flirts in this scene and i love love love how tall he
is against Emilie. she was great. look at her smitten face. Ally being
flirted with by Tyler are some of the best and lighter moments in this
film. i tend to put movies on when im working for background noise. if i
have RM on, i always pause what im doing to glance up when i hear “i
had a nice time” and watch this simple scene that makes me swoon."
"Loved this photoshoot they did for Vogue"
"Just the right amount of scruff…. and I lurve her dress :-p"
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the September calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
New/Old Robert Pattinson pictures from Remember Me promo shoot
We were just talking about Remember Me in the comments the other day and look what we have here! Broodacious Rob in new images from the Remember Me promo shoot!
He looks like he could use a hug. Or full body lick. Any takers?
Here are a couple more old pictures from that shoot that we posted long ago but are SO worth revisiting.
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: March 5 ~ Fave movie poster of Rob
Kate: "Tough choice because I love so many of Rob’s posters but I’m going with this one & what makes me love it more is that I own it ;-)"
" I love this one, Little Ashes is up there in my top three Rob movies. Plus, it shows off the Sanpaku like nobodies bizniz!"
Tink: "i thought this would be tough but it wasn’t. i love several of Rob’s posters - Cosmopolis, the first version of the Twilight poster, Water for Elephants - but the Remember Me poster gets me. it might be because out of all his posters, this is the one that looks most like him. it’s how Rob looks normally. it’s a sweet, romantic poster with hints of sadness. "
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the March calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :) If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb. 18 ~ 1st pic of Rob you saw today
Kate and I share the same brain sometimes LOL We're really hung up on our current Rob cell wallpapers. So after that...what Rob did we first lay eyes on today....
Kate: "Other than my mobile phone pic (which has been the exact same for the last couple of weeks) THIS pic is the first one I saw of Rob this morning when I posted it for the Morning Wake Up Call over on Twitter ;-) It made me smile ;-D"
Tink: "My cell wallpaper doesn’t count because its the same as last week. So I was curious what pic of Rob I’d see on tumblr first. How pleased I am with!"
Update when Kat posts :)
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the February calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :) If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
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