Robert Pattinson Appearing On Belgium's Radio Contact

Belgiums Radio Contact announced on their Facebook Page that Robert Pattinson will be appearing on their show soon.
No info as to when yet. As soon as there is we'll let you know.


Translation of FB Post: Do not tell anyone but Robert Pattinson will soon be a guest on Radio Contact ... (Kate: Don't worry we won't say a word ;-})

Source RadioContactFB via twilight-belgium via Source

Paul Giamatti talks about Robert Pattinson and Cosmopolis

Paul Giamatti talks about Robert Pattinson and Cosmopolis

Lucky us so many actors in Cosmopolis have movies out now because we keep getting tidbits about Rob! We've heard from Sarah and Kevin just this week. Now Paul Giamatti briefly discusses Rob and Cosmopolis again. This time with Collider.

Starts at 3:46:

Source: Collider

Kristen Stewart confirms she and Robert Pattinson are a couple? + Twilight producer talks Edward's hairstyle

Kristen Stewart drops a bomb! Look away if you in team Nonsten

The name Robsessed is mentioned and other fandom labels get dropped in the November issue of British GQ as well as talk about Kristen's relationship with Robert Pattinson:
There's no doubt that the young woman sitting across from me, sipping a beer quietly, with the smoke from her cigarette trailing up into the trees, is somewhat transformed from the teenage girl who set out a little naively (her words) on this whole joinery more than four years ago. Lessons have been learnt. "The main moment, when we knew it was going to be a big deal, was at Comic-Con in San Diego in 2008. It was the first piece of promotion for Twilight that any of us had done, so we had no real expectations. There were thousands and thousands of people waiting for us. That was the moment when we felt how powerful this thing was going to be. It was me, Rob [Pattinson], Ashley Greene, Taylor [Lautner], and we just looked at each other and were like, 'What the hell is going on'

All their hopes (and fears) were soon to be realized. Twilight was destined to become a full-blown trans-global youth culturequake and Kristen, along with British-born Pattinson, the main stars at the centre of the maelstrom, not least due to the are-they/aren't-they off-camera relationship rumours. The momentum ignited by the huge fanbase was soon plundered by those at the top of Summit Entertainment, the company at the helm of the cinematic adaptation. Nothing gets movie executives foamier around the mouth than the prospect of cashing in on the young, easily influenced and truly obsessed. Or, as the most ardent fans of Pattinson are known amid the darker recesses of the internet, the "Robsessed". (Tink: dark recesses?? *lights a candle* My laptop gives off plenty of glow from my den of sin.) "From that moment on, the guys from the studio were walking around with dollar signs in their eyes. Like, kerching! And then it began. The insanity. The schedules. The demands. The interviews."


Snow White and the Huntsman is filming in and around Gloucestershire, although Kristen is spending a good deal of time in a rental in Notting Hill, London. The day before, while at the GQ shoot, she had explained that she was looking forward to seeing more of the UK, as “my boyfriend is English”, although when I bring this up again the blood drains into her boots. “I never would have said that if I knew you were going to be interviewing me.”

I honestly hadn’t expected such a defensive reaction, but it’s clear when she feels her privacy is being breached, Kristen is quick to transform into “Tiger Mom”. The whole issue, if you don’t already know, has to do with whether or not she’s dating her Twilight co-star Robert Pattinson, the subject of which has seen more speculation than the origin of Barack Obama’s birth certificate. I tell her I’m surprised this is such an issue seeing as the evidence is already out there for all to see on the web - the photos, the stolen moments, the Christmas getaways... “Yeah, I know it is,” she admits. “So much of my life is so easily googled. I mean, it’s like, come on guys, it’s so obvious!” Her mood tights, perhaps all too aware of how much she’s already said. “But this subject, I don’t think you realise what a big deal it is for people. Well, it is a big deal. They would be ‘Oh. My. God’ There would also be still a 50/50 split. Some people would still be, ‘See, told you they’re not together.”

Kristen is acutely aware of all the gossipmongers. Far more so than I am, it seems. She knows about names: the “Robstens” (those who think K-Stew” and R-Patz” are together); the “Nonstens” (those fans who think they aren’t) and the “F***stens” (those who say they don’t give a monkey’s either way - but actually really do). I ask her who it is such a big deal to? These deranged fans? To her and Rob? What is it she’s so worried about?

"I don't worry about it at all. It's just one of those things. I'm selfish. I'm like, 'That's mine!' And I like to keep whatever is mine remaining that way. It's a funny little game to play and it's a slippery slope. I always say to myself I'm never going to give anything away because there's never any point or benefit for me."
Click the scans at the bottom to read the interview in it's entirety.

Crazy that Kristen mentioned the tired and true fandom labels: Robsten, nonsten, F*cksten. Duuuuude...

Don't get nasty, ladies and remember the motto..."if he's not shagging me, I don't care who he shags." Zennnnnnnnnn ;)

British GQ Scans

Twilight Saga producer, Wyck Godfrey, talked about Rob's hair at the start of Breaking Dawn filming. This is hilarious to me because I remember the meltdown. *clears throat* I might have contributed to the meltdown. The fandom is SO watched! LOL

Rob: They won't notice I don't have bronze hair, right?


Wyck explaining why Bill Condon was a good match for the final 2 Twilight films (mentions Edward):
"With Breaking Dawn, it’s a journey into adulthood. It’s a very mature step for Edward and Bella, moving into marriage and sex for the first time, pregnancy, birth. All of that really speaks to finding a filmmaker who could help our young actors, who hadn’t gone through any of that stuff … go through that process. Bill’s work has always come from a place of maturity, I found … He’s always directed films about misunderstood outsiders. And I feel that Edward and Bella are misunderstood outsiders, in terms of what they want. And Condon’s work also has some visual scale to it. Dreamgirls showed that he could direct a movie that had a really beautiful visual style to it."
Wyck talking about the Twilight fandom and our influence:
"The first day of shooting in Brazil, Rob and Kristen's pictures got taken everywhere. And overwhelmingly the response was, 'Oh my gosh! His hair is too dark! His hair is black! What did they do? His hair is too black!' And it literally forced us to go in the next day and look at him and go, 'Did we go too dark with his hair? Should we lighten it a little bit?' And I think we ended up lightening it . . . Also, you've read all the blogs about the books by the time you're making the movies. So, in some way all that is subconsciously affecting your decisions as you're working on the adaptations of the scripts. I know that numerous times we'll be in a room talking about the script and someone will go, 'No, No! That's one fo the fans' favorite scenes! WE have to do that!

UPDATE: I had to do it...


Kristen: Stewartsource Via: Robstenation Transcript: StrictlyRobsten | Wyck: SyFy magExaminer Via: PattinsonLadies

*NEW* Behind The Scenes Still Of Robert Pattinson In "Water For Elephants"

A NEW BTS still of Robert Pattinson & Frances Lawrence from the Polish "Water for Elephants" DVD


Source robpattinsonpl via Source

And we had this before but now it's in HQ and HQ Rob is ALWAYS the best!


Click For HQ

Thanks to robertpattinsonau

Sarah Gadon Talks Robert Pattinson & Playing His Wife In "Cosmopolis"

Update: You Tube added Scroll Down

Once again MTV videos are not available outside the US (so you tube as soon as we have it for the rest of us ;-))

Sarah Gadon Talks to MTV About Robert Pattinson & Playing his wife in "Cosmopolis"

Robert Pattinson, who will marry Kristen Stewart in "Breaking Dawn" this November, is also set to wed Sarah Gadon in David Cronenberg's "Cosmopolis." And, as Gadon revealed to MTV News, it's going be a very interesting journey for the newlyweds in the film.

"I think it's a really interesting film, and I don't want to give away too much, but I think in a really kind of pared-down version of the film, it's about a young millionaire who loses everything in the course of a day," New Class-er Gadon said.

"I play his new wife, so I'm one of the only characters that comes in and out of the story throughout the film. We have breakfast, lunch and dinner together, and those are going to be some interesting meals."

Having already worked with Cronenberg on the Freudian flick "A Dangerous Method," Gadon said she was fully aware what she was getting herself into, so watching Pattinson get into the director's dangerous method proved to be quite interesting.

"For me, it was really interesting and great to work with Rob at this point in his career," she said. "And I think David Cronenberg is a fabulous director, and to see Rob meet with David at this point in his journey as an artist was really special for me to watch.

"I think when you work with David Cronenberg, it's a really exciting and liberating and, at the same time, terrifying experience. And it was really great, having worked with David, to watch somebody new go through that ... I think it's really great for [Pattinson] to have chosen this role and be a part of our film."

Check out the rest of the interview over at mtv

Torture Tuesday starring Robert Pattinson and the characters he's played

Torture Tuesday starring Robert Pattinson and the characters he's played




There you go, ladies. Our 3 worthy contestants. Contestants for what you ask? Contestants in the evil, torturous, impossible game of FMK. Based on the types of men Rob has played, pick which man you would F*CK, which man you would MARRY, and which man you would KILL. *releases maniacal laughter*

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