Here He Is. Robert Pattinson. Mr Dior

Always worth the wait. No more words required. Just Robert Pattinson, Mr Dior.

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Source @mariateam.... with thanks.

Assuming a screenshot from the Dior ad itself. Dark and intense by the looks of it. Gah! Look at those cheekbones. Look at them.

The Robert Pattinson Drought Is About To End... Soon Is Here!

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Soon is upon us. The worst kept secret ever is no longer a secret.

The teasers have started... the press conference begins...

Journalist Yves Bongarcon posted this on his Facebook earlier... with the caption "Rob says"! Take that as you may.

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And the Dior party clues start... Tommy Raffa posted this PIC with the response

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in the comments when asked...

Also a lucky party throwing @Jeremycsimon tweeted

We'll continue updating as the Robert Pattinson Dior Goodness rolls in.

Smells good in here!

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: June 11 ~ Best Fallon Interview

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: June 11 ~ Best Fallon Interview

Myself and Tink are twinsies today. What a surprise that we both chose WetRob!I have a feeling Kat MAY choose the same ;p


And you know it's only fair that we get wet too right? ;-p (see you in the DR)

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"ugh. this sucks because this is probably everyone’s fave and the Fallon interview from BD1 PromoRob will be neglected and that one was AWESOME. but i couldn’t pick that one. no Rob stands a chance against WetRob. well….NakedRob does….get on that next, Mr. Fallon ;)"

"LOL I picked this earlier in the year when I got my Jimmy’s mixed up (I do that A LOT ;-P) Anyway THIS is definitely the Best Fallon Interview as far as I’m concerned. Rob was like a kid at Christmas and so were we, we got WetRob! ;-D"


I'll update when Kat posts

Click the thumbnail if you need to review the June calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

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If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)

Things That Make You Go YESSSSS!: Press Conference With Robert Pattinson

Things That Make You Go YESSSSS!: Press Conference With Robert Pattinson

Another tweet just now from the french journalist in LA to interview Rob

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Are YOU Ready??

Things that make you go "I'm ready!!!!": Robert Pattinson does press for Dior

Things that make you go "I'm ready!!!!": Robert Pattinson does press for Dior

Yeah. Your mods are 100% committed to DiorRob. We're all in. DiorRob is real. DiorRob is COMING.

How are everyone's survival kits going????

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Whaaaaat??? That doesn't seem like the DR is preparing properly for the massive impact of DiorRob.

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Why aren't you guys getting ready??!

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Y'all need to take this seriously. We've been warning you since last October - DiorRob is COMING. It's time to buckle down the hatches. Rewrite wills. Notify hospitals. Have emergency contact info and oxygen tanks on you at all times. Stop operating moving vehicles. Get ready to....

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Before we....

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We just updated you on DiorRob not even 24 hours ago HERE. The girl mentioned her father was flying to Los Angeles to interview DiorRob. And lookie what we have here from the father/journalist earlier today (June 10):
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Yup. It's going down. LET'S DO THIS, DIOR!!!!

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Missed the info about the director and cinematographer? Click HERE to catch up on that DiorRob news. 

Things That Make You Go Argggggggggh: Robert Pattinson's Dior Commercial Update Part 1547683934

As promised we've been keeping a close eye on any Robert Pattinson DiorRob developments that have been happening

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And look what happened today

A French journalist going to interview Robert Pattinson! Hmmmmm I wonder what that could be for?

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Could it possibly be................... DiorRob?

Is soon nearly here????

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Blanche just fainted, she's no good to us. Every woman for herself!

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"Ok I post a tweet about Robert Pattinson, and it gets crazy."

LOL Girl you just released 8 months of pent up excitement!
Prepare yourselves ladies...........he's coming for you.......................SOON!!!!!

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: June 10th ~ Favourite Rob Haircut

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: June 10th ~ Favourite Rob Haircut

Be warned, todays topic is a tough one. It's the glourious hair.
A few teaser pics first ;-D

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"NYCosmoRob is my highest Rob standard. i judge all other Robs by this Rob so he makes frequent appearances on my DoR selections. i hope he gets dethroned by DiorRob. before him, it was GQRob and RomeRob that owned me. they have something in common tho - that sexhair. NYCosmoRob’s natural hair color and pure, luscious goodness coifed up high just KILLS me. it’s my favorite haircut of Rob’s and i dont think his hair has ever looked better. i wanna send the person/stylist who made it happen a lifetime supply of love."

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"This is difficult because I like so many of his haircuts. I even love it when he shaves it all of because it highlights his features so well BUT as i'm pushed to pick a favourite I'm going to go with this one. I like this because it's still long enough for Rob & me (I wish) to run fingers through and also short enough at the back that you can see his little mole!"

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I'll update when Kat posts

Click the thumbnail if you need to review the June calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

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If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :) 
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