*New* Old fan pic with Robert Pattinson from Cannes

A new fan pic with Robert Pattinson from Cannes last year.


Source via Gossip_Dance


womadsart said...

Those SEX EYES!!!!!!! Lucky girl!!!!!

HeartThePretty_EvenMore said...

There's a girl in the picture! OMR! You're right! Couldn't get past 'the look'. Then I passed out. . . thud. . .

nikola6 said...

You guys remember that one shot from Cannes where he was standing there with that woman with the bodacious ta tas? And he was looking down at 'em? That look on his face?

That was the funniest damn picture.

I'm laughing so hard just thinking about it.

twilitemom said...


You are one very well versed lady!!! I love reading your comments, as I am always in agreement with what you say - you just say it so much better than I would even begin to.

Loisada said...

Yep, lots of eye candy in Cannes, and Rob indulged!

Though he probably should have just called it a night after the Amfar party. Course we loved seeing our tipsy boy toying with trouble... Was that really a full year ago??

nikola6 said...

Oh. Thank you Twilitemom...

That was so sweet of you. I sometimes feel like I'm coming off insincere when I thank people for their kind remarks to me. It's just that people are being so nice to me and I keep thanking them and please believe me when I say, I am always humbled by the kindness of the people around here.

I mean it SINCERELY.

Thank you.

Babs said...

@ nikola

I do remember that pic, it was so funny! A trip to Cannes, 1000$; a picture with Rob staring at your boobs, priceless! LOL
God he was so hot in Cannes...

Noe said...

lucky!!! ima use her body... haha.

Noe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Noe said...

i didn't have that pleasure. can u send me the link to the tata stare?!??! i want in! my mind is going crazy trying to imagine it. too good!

nikola6 said...

Oh crap Noe...

I don't know how to do links. But I know that everyone who was around here last year, swiped that picture (it was priceless).

Could someone please put up a link for those who never saw that shot?

I'm so sorry Noe. When they coined the term 'technotard' they were looking at my picture.

No shit. It's all I can do to log on.

nikola6 said...

Now that I think of it...

That just may have been the picture that brought me out of lurkdom.

I can't be sure because I can't remember what I did 20 minutes ago let alone, a year ago. And that's because I suffer from a terminal case of CRS.

But it is maybe, my all time favorite 'candid' shot of him. So human. All man.



sarsaparilla said...

Totally out of context but valid, I think it is time this boy settled down, males and females at any age have different needs , Females want more certainity,emotional love , not that they don't have physical need , Males at any age Physical need supersides all the others.Not that marriage gives sure shot immunity towards illicit relations , ( exemplified by our own Tiger!)still it surely calms the needs for a certain ammount of time.
Sorry for a crude and out of context comment and I accept all kinds of criticism.

HeneciaD said...

@womadsart I have to say that I couldnt pass that look too

Loisada said...

Noe and Nik: the pic on the right!


Noe said...

my love it is all right. that is why we'll marry tech savvy men... hopefully their last names are pattinson.

and thanks for putting word out there for it came out fruitful!!! pun intended.

thanks babes

nikola6 said...

You're welcome Noe. And thanks for the link Loisada. I knew that one of you would come through.

And I was looking at the pic on the
left and I'll be damned if he isn't checking out Kristen's boobs. Guess he's a boob man.

What am I saying? They're all boob men.

MMc said...

That pic looks fake - too off color.

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