*New* Old Pics of Robert Pattinson from Cannes 2009

Cannes Rob rocked our worlds.... and here are some new/old pics from back in 2009









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lan88 said...

i love his interview here, full of giggles.. miss you Rob, cant wait for eclipse.

spunkinator said...

why is it, that the picture of him touching his head from behind, is so adorable?

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

CannesRob is too much, he's too much for me. I am in a puddle. Love the FingerPorn!!


lostinphilly57 said...

spunkinator: I know, right? Rob touching his hair any time is awesome, but from behind,its just amazing! I also love the back of his head with that tail-thingy he has (and of course the neck freckles). Rob is just so gorgeous!

maaahtwi4ever said...

some ppl dont like this t-shirt but i think he is smoking hot in this outfit , well, like always

Marna said...

I lived Rob in his tux, he looked really great. I wonder if he'll be there again this year for Bel Ami?

LM said...

Left, right, front and back, perfect.

Cheeky Chops said...

Life is like a hurricane here in Duckburg
Race cars, lasers, aeroplanes - it's a duck blur
You might solve a mystery or rewrite history

Duck Tales, Oo-oo
Tales of derring-do, bad and good luck tales, oo-oo

D-d-d-danger, watch behind you - there's a stranger out to find you
What to do? Just grab onto some Duck Tales, oo-oo!
Not pony tails or cotton tails but Duck Tales, oo-oo!

When it seems they're headed for the final curtain
Bold deduction never fails, that's for certain
The worst of messes become successes!

Duck Tales, Oo-oo
Tales of derring-do, bad and good luck tales, oo-oo
Not pony tails or cotton tails but Duck Tales, oo-oo!

MMc said...

Cute outtakes - love 'em.
And I wish they'd show more bloopers on the DVD's - you KNOW they have some.

Anonymous said...

I agree that he looks really hot in that polo shirt. It's a shame he doesn't wear them more often. And I wonder what ever happened to that new Stoli shirt one of the websites had sent to him. Peter Facinelli tweeted that he had received it.

Layna said...

I'm with you girls that says that shirt is hot, idk why some of the others make fun of it I've definitely have seen him in worse! Not to mention Cannes is when I actually started to dig him and realize what the hype was about LOL.

Cheeky Chops said...

OK, busted. Who removed the back of Robert's chair so they can take pics of his tushy???

nikola6 said...

Holy Jaysus...

Even the back of him (when you can't see THAT face), is still unbelieveably HAWT!!! Or is it just me? I swear, if he showed up wrapped in burlap covered in doggie doo, I'd probably still say...'jaysus, he's HAWT!' Yeah. It's me. I mean...US! (what would I do without you guys? Who the hell else would understand? Thanks girlfriends.)

As for him going back to Cannes this week (or next)...
I dunno. There's another volcano erupting and it's bigger than the first one. Would he dare risk going back and maybe getting caught there again? I mean, he's gotta start filming in about two weeks. Although he'd be flying into France. So, who knows? Not me. He may not have a choice though if they're sending him once again to secure distribution rights (nothing like a little dazzlin' star power to open the purse strings and wasn't it announced that Uma would be with him?). If in fact, that's why he'd be going in the first place and I can't think of another reason why he would. The film is still wet for crying out loud so it's not like they can enter it in competition. Maybe show a bit of footage to potential backers? I dunno. But oh how I wish it were done. I think a film like this could do very well in competition there. Depending on word of mouth, it could be entered (or at least shown) in Venice and Toronto later this summer.

Well. Have I chatted enough here?

Yakfuckinyak...(you poor things)

Vangie said...

do any one know if rob is going to cannes this year because bel-ami is having screening,i know he is going to please the critics in that movie one more night and then is D-DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Rob is gorgeous from any angle!!!!!!

God I would love to see him at Cannes again, but I agree Nik...might be too risky right now....

nikola6 said...

Quick question...

Is that a freckle on his neck, or is it a mole? The reason I ask is, until I saw Remember Me, I never realized just how many moles he has. I've seen his bare back before (Haunted Airman, Little Ashes, New Moon) but not like in that scene when Tyler was changing his shirt. I gotta admit, I was stunned at how many he's got on his back. And yes, a little concerned. When your body grows that many moles, it means you've got a root and the concern is that your body has a tendancy to grow 'things'. And they have to be checked periodically. And with so many his on his back, he cannot see them and if there were any changes in some of them, he wouldn't know it. And I know what I'm talking about because I have a root too and have had to have some suspicious looking ones removed. I would imagine when he goes for his checkups, that they're looked at. Hope so. Moles (especially that many are nothing to ignore).

And that ladies and gents, was a quick question. *rolls her eyes*

HeartThePretty_EvenMore said...

Love the hair and the fingers! There are no bad angles! Don't you just want to reach out and touch the hair (and more). *sighs*

womadsart said...

CannesRob is one of my favs.. right after RomeRob!!! Even from behind he's hot... why!!!????
BECAUSE HE'S... ok. RObertFuckingPattinson!!!

Cheeky Chops said...

Mole on his neck, Nik..that I would love..to lick..nibble..bite..from behind..not to mention the ear....

Vangie said...

when i heard some people calling them freckles,i thought that the way you;ll called moles in the US and yes he has allot they are flat ones and i wondered how come he have not have them removed and may be he do always have them checked and i think he always at least that what i think someone always sees his bareback[rolled eyes] and hi nik

nikola6 said...

Hi evangaline...

The reason he probably hasn't had them removed (and for all we know, he may have had some taken off), is because he is very young. If we're going to have a problem with a mole, it will most likely show up as we get older.

Ewan MacGregor had that huge mole in the middle of his forehead for years (whenever I saw him, that's exactly where my eyes focused on his face) and he just recently had it removed 'cause he said his doctor said it was time. And he's nearing 40 (if he's not already).

What a weird discussion? Who started this? You did...you idiot.


Loisada said...

Have them removed?! Heresy.

There are countless ladies (ahem....) who are rather attached to those lovely moles. There are entire pic collections of Rob moleporn!

Seem strange? In fact those little "imperfections" are some of the only things that make Rob seem less other-worldly and more real.... which makes them incredibly endearing! So until a doctor says they have to go, we hope to keep watching that skin map of lovely constellations all over Rob's gorgeous body!

Susanne said...

I just love Cannes Rob!!! Great pictures and there´s a great video from Biel, too!!!


Vangie said...

i love rob wth all his imperfections an those moles never bothered me i never taught of them as such i just said anything because hollywood may be said something just as how they were fixing his teeth and nik i miss you ,you always keeps us informed and i wondered what rob is doing for his birthday?

nikola6 said...

Oh don't get me wrong Loisada...

That mole on his neck? Ooooh! I hope he never loses that one. Wouldn't you just love to run your tongue over that? Me too. Then run it up along the shell of his ear, then down to that spot where his neck meets his shoulder. (actually, I'd like to bite that spot). Okay. I need to stop now. No I don't. I like that one on his stomach too. Alright. Alright. I'll stop. We probably shouldn't be talking about our tongues on his stomach 'cause god only knows where that will lead. Actually. I know EXACTLY where it will lead...due South. Oh god. Sorry. Me naughty. Me normal. Me not a damn bit sorry. LOL!

But what I was referring to was the amount that are on his back. I couldn't believe how many there were and when you grow them at that rate, it could be an indication of problems in the future. And because he cannot see them back there, if a problem did develop, it could go undetected for awhile and I know how dangerous they can be if they turn and are not removed pronto.

Just me being a clucky mother hen again.

But I agree. If they never pose a problem, then leave 'em alone.

nikola6 said...


His moles don't bother me either. I was just alarmed at the amount of them, knowing that if they were to one day turn and being hidden on his back, they could go undetected for some time and he could be in some trouble with them. But as I said, someone with that many (and in a place where they cannot be easily checked), I'm sure has them looked at by a doctor during checkups. No worries.

And if you miss me (that's sweet), go on over and check the other thread; the one with that gorgeous b&w photo of him (I think that's the thread). I've been yakking my head off over there for the last little while.

Loisada said...

So I guess dear that you're volunteering to be the regular back mole checker?!

Hum.... me thinks there's already somebody taking care of that who'll use her strappy high heels to kick you right out of the house! Nice try, all the same Nik!

nikola6 said...

Uh...no Loisada.

If I can get as far as getting his shirt off of him, I'm gonna be checking out things other than his moles (if you get my drift and I know that you do).

As for little missy and her high heels...

Well. I got me a pair too honey. And I could just imagine Rob sitting there with his Heineken in one hand. His Hot Pocket in another. With his feet up. Just sitting back to watch the evening's entertainment.

Two women fighting over him...with their shoes.

(sounds like a friggin' reality show)

Dessert First said...

Ahhh Cannes Rob, the only Rob that has visited my dreams.


Cheeky Chops said...

Meanwhile, during the cat-fight...

Robert will be inspecting the mole on my stomach~!

Kember.."Lower Robert, and it's tiny, so you have to get close." "Lower, lower, wait I think it moved." "LOWER~!"

And I have hooker-books..I WIN~!!!

Now it's time for (ahem) me to go be a "Lady" LOL ;p

nikola6 said...

Hey DF...

I'm gonna take a chance and open a new e-mail. When I do, I'll put it up on my profile. I gotta do something 'cause if you're coming to town, then I have meet you. I'll get to it in the next couple of days.

And someone asked me if I live near Belmont Shores. Yes, I do and I just love it. My favorite spot in Long Beach.

After In-N-Out.

nikola6 said...

Yeah. Guess I should be a lady too.

Although I don't see the fun in that AT ALL!

Cheeky Chops said...

Nope, not by myself. Not at all. But you know, girls and their toys.

Oops. Isn't that supposed to be boys and their toys?

Oh well, just a little slip of the tongue. ;p

Lady is going to bed now....


Dessert First said...

I would love your email as I don't catch up with you very often on here anymore. NRW keeps me away more these days :(

39 days till Robstock II

nikola6 said...

Just check my profile by week's end. I should have it up by then.
Can't wait to meet you.

Dessert First said...


SOOO EXCITED! Feel like a teen again - ah those where the days LOL!

drabrasil said...

I am falling for this guy every day of my life...
Oh Lord, have mercy!!!!
the smile, the hands, the hair, the eyes, the BICEPS!!!!

Cindygal said...

Cannes Rob will remain my favourite!
Rob was super hot,and I loved his Polo shirt!

MsTaurus14 said...

What a cute little butt in 2nd pic, and the one with the hand on the back of his head, those loooonnng fingers.....he kills me.

Carole UK said...

@DessertFirst - you and me both, matey! Every day that goes by, I love this guy more and more, he is so lovely in every sense of the word.

... and I am FAR too OLD to feel this way about a nearly to be 24 year old!!!!!

Carole UK said...

Nicola, what on earth is a "root" ?

Dessert First said...


I think Nik is try to say that moles have very deep roots and can sometimes turn into nasty things like cancer. I have many and keep a close eye on them as they can often be the first sign.

BTW Rob was born when I was 17 but....


Carole UK said...

Okay, just never heard of moles having roots before ...

SluttyPattz said...

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lallieb said...

Why does unsuspecting Rob from the back make me feel like a voyeur? I caught my breath when I saw these; I feel like I've had this upclose and personal encounter, watching him. It makes me want to reach out and touch him so badly, but luckily he doesn't know that I'm/we/the person who took the picture, is lurking there. Of course, if Nik was there, she'd blow my cover, walking right up behind him and lifting that shirt off his back to inspect those moles!! I love his speckled back and can't wait for RM DVD where I can rewind ad nauseum those scenes :))

Vangie said...

okay i am just putting my 2cents out,MTV having voting at 12noon today for global star rob is there and kristen is there now fair is fair i have no idea if voting is global but rob deserves to win this because he is more famous than kristen and is not because i love rob far is fair and that is my 2cents this he deserves to win

Petra Eller said...

I love Cannes-Rob. Best of all. Nowhere Rob seemed so mature and relaxed as in Cannes. Every move he made here, every interview he gave. Simply wonderful. And above all these wonderful views of the cameras of photographers on the beach. WOW.



Cheeky Chops said...

Hahahahahahaha now everyone sees where my mind goes when I'm half asleep in the middle of the night. :P

TotallyRobbed said...

I love those two little moles on his neck and love that this thread can branch off on the topic. Rob definitely has the kind of Mum who'll make sure he looks after every aspect of his health though.

jessegirl said...

Nik...don't send us back to the post with that glorious b&w photo. I'll die.

Nancy said...

God, even his back is gorgeous! What's not fantastic about Rob from any angle? He just kills me especially the sexy hair, shoulders, ass. I'm dead again ladies between these shots and Africa too. I know, you're trying to give us a heart attack so you can have him for yourselves. ~smirk~

Right on Nik. He's hot no matter what or where. We need Rob clones so we can have our cake and eat it too. -sniggering giggle- God I could eat him up whole.

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