It's Robert Pattinson's 27th birthday less than 4 weeks away! Do you want to celebrate with us??

It's Robert Pattinson's 27th birthday less than 4 weeks away! Do you want to celebrate with us?? 

With the tragic news developing out of Boston, we wanted to send our prayers and well wishes to anyone in our ROBsessed community this might have affected. We truly hope everyone is safe as well as your family, friends and loved ones. 
Please take care, be safe and hug those you love - physically and in our case, virtually.

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I mentioned our community in the special note and that's what this birthday post is about. Less than a month from now, the master of our domain, the lord of our manor, the king of our county, the muse in our dark recesses, is having his 27th birthday.

It'll be a week long celebration leading up to the big day but we want to do something special that you all can participate in. Why is that?

 photo Ohyeah.gif

We invite you guys to submit sweet words of awesome for Rob that we'll put together in a birthday tribute video that we'll post on May 13th! Here's what you do:
  1. Choose a picture or yourself that you'd like featured in the birthday tribute video. (HERE is the awesome post we did featuring all your messages a few years ago)
  2. If you're picture shy, you can still participate. Pick a picture of Rob, artwork, a cave that looks like your personal DR dwelling *wink* and that can be your image.
  3. Type a message on your image that you would like to share for Rob's birthday. If you need assistance, Kate and I are here to help. Just submit the message you'd like for Rob's birthday in the email and we'll add the message on your image for you. 
  4. Email your image and message to
  5. DEADLINE: Thursday, May 9th at 12pm PST
Got it? If you guys have questions, ask away in the comments. An operator is standing by. ;)

We didn't do the tribute video last year because we had the Robert Pattinson Birthday Countdown instead but we're going to do it ALL for the 27th birthday. We're "on it"! Look at our video for Rob's 24th birthday if you want to get your creative juices flowing and you'll find the video for Rob's 25th birthday on our sidebar as well.

Hopefully this gave you guys an idea and you're ready to rip open that heart of yours and let the love rain down for our favorite guy in the whole wide world. Don't let any boyfriends, husbands and sons read that last sentence. ;)

Also, if you guys have song suggestions, let us know! We're open to your musical recs and if we can get the song to play in the video without problems, your suggestion might make the cut. :)

So all hands on deck, ROBsessors! We gonna celebrate and have a good time....oh oh....I'm singing now....

It's time to come together
It's up to you, what's your pleasure
Everyone around the world
Come on!
YAHOO! It's ROB'S celebration :)


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