365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Nov. 30: Fave Pic of Edward

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Nov. 30: Fave Pic of Edward

Twinsies for Kate and myself... that first sight. O. M. G.

this was crazy hard. only one Edward?? so i had to narrow it down. i was only going to look at the first Twilight time period and i was going to pick an official photo. i must form rules to follow to make tough decisions LOL this is my winner. always. everything Edward in my mind. this is also my Edward in any canon or AU fic i read. and most of my HS fics that have Edward look mainly how originalward is described. it’s the Edward i had in mind as i wrote my own fic. this Edward is Lord of my Edwards. the one Edward to rule them all. thank you, Rob. the look couldn’t be more perfect.

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Without fail, this one is ALWAYS the winner.

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Has to be this. 

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And here he is in motion ;-} Strut for me Edward

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If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :) 

Click for HQ!

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