Tweets & Loads More Pics After The Cut
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Haha...Bill is funny "I quickly imprinted on the material" Kristen Stewart, Rob Pattinson, Taylor Lautner have joined him via @comingsoonnet
Awww can't wait :) Kristen is talking about the wedding scene and how it was something she was anticipating since the beginning of the series. via @comingsoonnet
Robert Pattinson is talking about the honeymoon scene, which was shot in Brazil. via @comingsoonnet
@PattinsonStew: RT @MTVstyle Rob Pattz talking about the honeymoon scene - "beautiful and warm in brazil and then HURRICANES" #SDCC
@PattinsonStew: RT @MTVstyle Robert Pattinson likened the rain in Brazil to a "honeymoon in England" #SDCC #twilight
@RobPattzNews Before that Rob talked about filming the honeymoon scene then 1stclip was of Jacob planning how to get rid of "the package"
@NextMovie #SDCC #Twilight First glimpse of Honeymoon: He carries her over the threshhold!!!
@Variety_JLD: Honeymoon clip. She looks at the bed. He looks at her. She looks at him, the bed, him. "You tired?" he says. IDIOT!
@NextMovie: #SDCC #Twilight sexual tension and longing looks at that bed that's totally gonna break!!!
@NextMovie: #Twilight #SDCC Bella prepping for sex. Hilarious and HAWT!!!
@DrownInIt: RT @hoboswearplaid: "Bella is naked and walking towards the water. Edward already in"
@hoboswearplaid: "Question for Rob: Did you have more fun playing Cedric Diggory or Edward?"
@NextMovie: Did Rob have more fun as Edward or Cedric? "Edward! Obviously!" #Twilight #SDCC
@RobPattzNews The honeymoon scene was AWESOME> everything is in - fave part Bella freaking out before she goes to meet Edward outside by the water>
@Movieline Breaking Dawn Comic-Con surprise: Bella as new blushing bride, preparing herself for the big night. Ends with both naked in moonlight #sdcc
via @comingsoonnet the honeymoon scene: The second clip showcases the honeymoon scene in an exotic beach hotel. Edward carries Bella over the threshold. They move to the bed and stand opposite one another. Edward sets luggage down and they stare at one another. "I need few human minutes," Bella says. "Don't take too long, Mrs. Cullen," says Edward, stepping outside to the beach and beginning to take his shirt off. Bella goes into the bathroom and tries to get ready. She's frantic and we get a musical montage as she brushes her teeth and tries to prepare. She can't figure out what underwear to put on and falls to the ground, frustrated. "Don't be a coward," she tells herself and heads out to the beach, wrapped in just a towel. Edward is already in the ocean, which glitters under the moonlight. She disrobes and heads in to join him.
@Movieline: Fan compliments Rob on his back muscles in the trailer. "I think I can speak for all of us when I say, 'Nom nom nom.'" #sdcc
@PattinsonStew: No doubt about it RT @AMCMovieNews "Twilight has really changed my life." - Robert Pattinson #sdcc
@BuzzSugar: Rob's favorite scene to shoot in #BreakingDawn: the birthing scene. #comiccon
@Twilightish: RT @natfinnonE: Kristen says the contacts rob is always complaining about really are that bad
cute. about his response to Cedric ques: He tries to give a diplomatic answer, saying he enjoyed playing both. "What am I saying?" he suddenly says, "Edward!" via @comingsoonnet
@PattinsonStew: RT @TwilightLexicon Rob loved filming the part when Edward was totally destroyed about Bella's pregnancy.
via @comingsoonnet "It's so weird that we're all so hot," Kristen jokes when Pattinson is asked about working with attractive costars.
@BuzzSugar: "It's great being surrounded by hot girls all the time -- it's why i became an actor" Robert Pattinson #comiccon
Taylor: "[Edward] beats me up a little in this one after he finds out that I imprinted on his daughter." via @comingsoonnet
RT @Movieline: Adorbs question of the day: Little girl asks Rob, "Do you like having the baby with Bella?" #sdcc
@BuzzSugar: "The look on your face looks like you're asking something else." Rob Pattinson to a young fan who asked if he liked having a baby w/ Bella
@NextMovie: Rob: "I really like babies... It makes everything more human" #SDCC #Twilight
@SkylarLSpencer: Bill Condon saying we'll be happy with BD soundtrack. Could it be??? My heart can't take it if Rob is on it.
Awww: "After the last premiere, that is it!" jokes Robert about staying in touch with his fellow cast members in the future. via @comingsoonnet
@Variety_JLD: "Everybody had a really good time but eventually I come to a point where I say, 'NO MORE'." Out-of-context Robert Pattinson quote
Panel is over.