Robert Pattinson as Edward on Comic Con promotional Twilight card

Robert Pattinson as Edward on Comic Con promotional Twilight card

"I've been waiting a century to marry you, Miss Swan."



Fans are lined up for Thursday and ready to go! So are we :) There will be so so so many goodies on Thursday. Are you ready?? Once there is official confirmation about Robert Pattinson's attendance, we'll post all the live streams available.

Adding crops because I love me some Robward. *still swoooooooooning*



And why not...


Visit the source to view Bella and Jacob cards.

UPDATE: USA Today also talked a little bit about Edward and his role as a hero:
The undead men of True Blood, as well as vampire Edward Cullen and lovelorn werewolf Jacob Black in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight book series, have become key heroes in pop culture, especially to women. Bill Condon, director of the final two Twilight movies, Breaking Dawn, Part I (out Nov. 18) and Part II (Nov. 16, 2012), sees Cullen and Black as part of a long tradition of rooting for the noble monster, dating to the original Frankenstein film in 1931.

"We've always had a complicated relationship toward monsters. Don't you feel like in every Dracula movie, you're sort of wanting him to get away with it?" Condon says, laughing.
Monster? Aww....Edward is not monster. I must have my Bella glasses on. ;)
Click HERE to read the article in its entirety

Source: USA Today | Via: @Kstewangel & @PattinsonStew | Larger image

More pictures of the irresistible Robert Pattinson at the Cosmopolis wrap party

More pictures of the irresistible Robert Pattinson at the Cosmopolis wrap party

Rob: Yeah gotta be careful around me.
Lady #1: Why?


Rob: Because I'm irresistible! Duh.


Lady #1 to Lady #2: OMG! I met Mr. Irresistible!
Rob: *gives dazzling smile* I can't help it.
Lady #3 on the left: *dazzled* he's soooooooo irresistible....
Dude with black hat: *chants in head* I CAN resist the irresistible. I CAN resist the irresistible...


Rob: Ummmm...excuse me? Ladies? You see me, right? David...they see me don't they?
Man in white pants: Whoa! Who's that man?! He's irresistible!


Rob: Maybe if I just....*assumes sexy smoking stance only Mr. Irresistible gets away with*


Rob: What?? That didn't work...have I lost it?!
Man in white pants: *keeps staring* No way. NO. WAY.


Rob: That's what I thought :)
Lady #452: *dazzled* he's soooooooo irresistible....


If anyone has been in the presence of Rob, you know he can't escape his irresistible-ness. Clearly men, women, cast, and crew are dazzled by this easy-going, funny, intelligent, talented, attractive brit. ;) Can't wait for us all to be dazzled on Thursday!

Click HERE to view more pics from the Cosmopolis wrap party

Photos: Source

New/Old fan pictures of Robert Pattinson and Charlie Bewley in Italy for New Moon filming

New/Old fan pictures of Robert Pattinson and Charlie Bewley in Italy for New Moon filming


GAH! Wish it was only Rob in this pic.....with that face....and LARGE!


Since Rob was sadly in the background for these pics, let's look at this hotness from the same day :)


Source: TwilightItalianMoms and Charlie Gallery | Via: Gossip Dance | Cropped Pic

New/Old Pics & Vids Of Robert Pattinson From The NYC WFE Premiere

Some really cute new/old Pics & Vids Of Robert Pattinson from the NYC "Water for Elephants" Premiere.

Read Michelle's fan story over HERE


Click & Click Again For Larger

LOADS More After The Cut

Caption Robert Pattinson - "Becoming Edward" Competition

OMG this competition is getting closer and closer.
This time the top three were only separated by a couple of votes!
I have loved reading through the captions and I'm so glad I don't have to chose because it would be impossible.

There can only be one winner though.
And the winner this time is..........


She captioned this pic with.....

"Sorry Christoph...The answer is still no. I will not bite you no matter how much you beg me too."



Angiebaby can you please contact us at and we'll get your book out to you asap.

And just to show you how close it was here are the top 3 captions after Angie's all separated by just a few votes!

"Rob: "Wake up, Chris, this is my shoulder, not your pillow".
Chris: "Oh, I guess it's just here to tease me". "

"Christoph, we've been over doesn't matter how much you beg, you are AUSTRIAN..I can't make you a member of The Brit Pack"

"You think IT's just gonna rub off on you, do you?"

Right onto today's competition. It's your last chance to win a copy of "Becoming Edward"


We want you to caption this pic of Robert Pattinson


As always, To enter for a chance to win a copy of "Becoming Edward" write a caption for the pic in the comments

Your fellow ROBsessors will vote by clicking that little "like" button next to your comment.
(Do not click "like" twice because it deletes the 1st vote when you do:))
The caption with the most "likes" wins.
Please keep your caption to 2-3 sentences at most ;-)

The competition is open worldwide!
You have until 10am (GMT) Thursday 21st July to enter ;-)

And remember if you're not lucky enough to win you can purchase "Becoming Edward" at the links below

OR It's also available at Smashwords by clicking HERE


*NEW* Pic Of Robert Pattinson Leaving Toronto (July 15th)

*NEW* Pic Of Robert Pattinson Leaving Toronto (July 15th)

Hello Biceps (and pecs!!)

(click on the pic for larger)


Lightened (thanks to Tink)


Head over to to check out the cute story to go with the pic

Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Buying Clothes For Comic Con?

UPDATED with more (scroll down)

Were Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart stocking up on some new (old) threads for Comic Con?

Maybe so...........according to the Facebook Page of Iguana Clothing they paid their Sherman Oaks Store a visit yesterday.
(There's still no confirmation that Rob is attending Comic Con but let's just say if he isn't there we would be VERY surprised!! )


I wonder did Rob pick up some plaid? Either way I'm sure he will look GREAT!


Source via Robstenation

More from the Iguana FB page
Thanks to Victoria for the tip!


Caption Robert Pattinson - "Becoming Edward" Competition

We had a fantastic response to the Caption Robert Pattinson competition that we ran the other day and it was very close right up to the end but the winner was


Who captioned this pic with.......

" What??? Dude .... are you serious??? Do they really call this FINGERPORN ???"


LOVE it!
Of course I'm all about the fingerporn (as you know) Which was probably why I picked this picture in the first place :-}

Cricrila can you please contact us at and we'll get your book out to you asap.

So here's your next chance to win a copy of "Becoming Edward"


We want you to Caption this pic of Robert Pattinson


Same deal as before, To enter for a chance to win a copy of "Becoming Edward" write a caption for the pic in the comments.

Your fellow ROBsessors will vote by clicking that little "like" button next to your comment.
(Do not click "like" twice because it deletes the 1st vote when you do:))
The caption with the most "likes" wins.
Please keep your caption to 2-3 sentences at most ;-)

The competition is open worldwide!
You have until 10am (GMT) Tuesday 19th July to enter ;-)

And remember if you're not lucky enough to win you can purchase "Becoming Edward" at the links below

OR It's also available at Smashwords by clicking HERE

GOOD LUCK & Have fun!

Daniel Radcliffe tells GQ (UK) that Robert Pattinson is a "sex symbol"

Daniel Radcliffe tells GQ (UK) that Robert Pattinson is a "sex symbol"

Trufax, Dan, trufax...


Via ElleCanada:

Daniel also admitted he doesn't think his fans view him in the same was as 'Twilight' devotees do Robert Pattinson because they have seen him grow up on screen.

He explained to the British edition of GQ magazine: "There's more of a sexual energy behind 'Twilight' fans. Because people have mostly grown up with me, they tend to think of me as an older brother kind of figure. Whereas I think Rob is the sex symbol. And also, I guess, he's out there more than I am, going to parties and things.

"I think everyone goes to more parties than me, so it's not really a big competition."
Well, Dan, it's not about him going to parties and things. He's just existing. That's all Rob needs to do. Exist. Let's look at him exist some more...








Who's going to see Harry Potter take a bow this weekend? Who's gone already? I got tix for Sunday. :) HP is breaking some of our Twilight box office records but they should. It's the last movie. Just like Breaking Dawn will break the records being set now. ;)

Lick & save for LARGE SexSymbolRob!

Photos: MelbieToast
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