Top 10 Stars of 2008 according to sugarslam

And guess who is at #1 :)

1. Robert Pattinson

Age: 22
Why He’s on the List:
No one rose to International stardom faster in 2008 than everyone’s favorite vampire, Robert Pattinson. Not only did Rob become the newest teen heartthrob, he also showed off his musical talents by performing his song, ‘Never Think’, on the ‘Twilight’ soundtrack. Rob is expected to have a new film, entitled ‘Little Ashes’ coming out in 2009, as well as shooting and releasing the Twilight sequel, ‘New Moon’.

Rest of the list is HERE.

The Honor Roll: 20 People That Made an Impact in 2008

We like to do things differently around here, and with every End of the Year Top Whatever List floating around the internet (which are bound by law to include The Dark Knight) and on our own site (which are bound by editorial edict to include Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo), we thought we’d take a fresh look at a different group of people.

So bust out the pomp and circumstance, because we’re presenting the people that made the biggest noise in 2008, the movers and shakers that either moved up the ladder into the spotlight or blew it up and took the elevator, the industry insiders and outsiders who made such an impact this year, that we’ll be looking for them to do even bigger things in 2009.

Since there’s no way to arbitrarily quantify moving and shaking, here they are in no particular order:

Robert Pattinson

Somehow Pattinson transformed a small role in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire into a role in a phenomenon of his very own, starring as Edward in Twilight and winning the hearts of every tween girl in the country. He’s already received some positive buzz for his role as Salvador Dali in Little Ashes and has several projects in development. Some of our readers may scoff his inclusion in this list, but as of publication, he’s ranked #1 on IMDB as the most searched for film entity, and that’s hard to ignore.

Thanks to Jae Lu for the link :)

New Moon Update on Reelz (a little gossipy)

Thanks to our delicious Kate for the link :)

Robert Pattinson + Vampire Lovin' = Box Office King

If only Wall Street had bet on Twilight. Or Hannah Montana. Or Kirk Cameron.

With a $167.3 million overall domestic take as Sunday, per Box Office Mojo, Twilight made more than four times its reported $37 million production budget—the best rate of return on any film in the 2008 Top 10, including The Dark Knight.

The Batman epic was a pretty good investment, too, very nearly tripling its gargantuan $185 million budget with a $530.8 million domestic take, Hollywood's second-biggest ever.

Here's a look of the top-grossing films of 2008 through Sunday based on numbers compiled by Box Office Mojo:

1. The Dark Knight, $530.8 million
2. Iron Man, $318.3 million
3. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, $317 million
4. Hancock, $227.9 million
5. WALL-E, $223.8 million
6. Kung Fu Panda, $215.4 million
7. Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa, $174.9 million
8. Twilight, $167.3 million
9. Quantum of Solace, $164.3 million
10. Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who!, $154.5 million


FilmFantasy - January 2009

Film Fantasy has a collector's edition featuring Twilight on stands. It has more than 50 pages of Twilight goodies :)

Thanks to Kate for sending us the link and Lion & Lamb Love for the scans. You can see the rest of the magazine scans HERE.

7 Pictures of Robert Pattinson we haven't seen before

Rob Pattinson defends Heath Ledger?

I was going to make the title: Rob Pattinson tells off an a-hole that called himself a comedian but decided not to. The story doesn't sound real, I don't believe anyone would think THAT would be funny. And this is from US Weekly so there is always a doubt on the story but here you go:

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