Showing posts sorted by date for query "day of Robmas". Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query "day of Robmas". Sort by relevance Show all posts

On The 4th Day Of Robmas, Robert Pattinson Gave To Me

Deep Breath everyone, heeeeeeeere we go......

On the fourth day of Robmas, Robert Pattinson gave to me.........
Four Charitable Causes
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Continued After The Cut.....

On the 3rd Day Of Robmas, Robert Pattinson Gave To Me

Three turtle doves ... errr no no no
*blows tuning whistle*

Three trendy do's

A beard to rival Santa's
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A soul patch to tease us
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Stubble to perfection
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Two Movies Filmed...

 photo TCOAL.jpg  photo TLCOZ.jpg

and a leading man performance for 2015!!!

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to be continued tomorrow....

On The 2nd Day Of Robmas, Robert Pattinson Gave To Me...

We're getting into the swing of things now... Robmas is upon us. La, la, la, la, laaaaa.... are you ready?

On the second day of Robmas, Robert Pattinson gave to meee...

Two Movies Filmed...

 photo TCOAL.jpg  photo TLCOZ.jpg

and a leading man performance for 2015!!!

image host
to be continued tomorrow....

On The 1st Day Of Robmas, Robert Pattinson Gave To Me...

On The 1st Day Of Robmas, Robert Pattinson Gave To Me...

It's that time of year when your ROBsessed mods recap Rob's year in one of the most creative and festive ways possible....the 12 Days of Robmas! Sing with us and count down 12 Rob events that stood out in 2015!

*blows tuning whistle*

A leading man performance for 2015!!!

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to be continued tomorrow....

The ROBsessed Advent Calendar Day 1

Can you believe it's this time of the year already? I don't know where 2015 went but Robmas is one of my favourite times of the year.

We'll have all the usual Advent Calendar treats for you again, along with some great giveaways along the way too so keep an eye out for them by checking in everyday.

It looks likes Rob's ready to get going. Are you?

 photo original.gif

Well then click one box number 1 to get today's treat!

 photo AdventCalendarDay1.jpg

Encore for the 12 Days of Robmas 2014! Play our game and match the months with Robert Pattinson in Day 12!

Encore for the 12 Days of Robmas 2014! Play our game and match the months with Robert Pattinson in Day 12!

The 12 Days of Robmas 2014 are over (cries) and we want to give the banners an encore performance in case you wished you could see any of them just a tad longer. Kate and I were your banner makers this year but if anyone would like to join us next year, shoot us an email to let us know!
Enjoy the ROBsessed 12 Days of Robmas 2014 banners!

Kate: Odd Days
Tink: Even Days
 photo Day1-1.jpg
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 photo Robmas Day 5.gif
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 photo Robmas Banner Day 7.gif  photo 8th.jpg
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 photo 12th.jpg

The final day of Robmas, Day 12, included a Rob from every month of 2014. For a little ROBsessed fun, see if you can figure out each month and share your results in the comments. I'll come back later and let you guys know the answers. :)

The Robs were numbered to make the game easier and if you click the pic, you can view larger.
 photo NUMBERED12th.jpg

MERRY ROBMAS! Who won 1st, 2nd and 3rd in our ROBsessed Holiday Video Challenge?

MERRY ROBMAS! Who won 1st, 2nd and 3rd in our ROBsessed Holiday Video Challenge?

This was a such a gem when we got this from PromoRob and it's fun to revisit it on Christmas day

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Click HERE to view the original video

We hope everyone enjoyed the RobHoliday Season and we can not thank all the videomakers enough for sharing your talent with the ROBsessed family. It's greatly appreciated and fills the season with joy. Here are the top 3 Robmas videos selected by ROBsessed readers!

1st PLACE WINNER by DreamingofRob

2nd PLACE WINNER by OliveColouredVoice

3rd PLACE WINNER by verenajj

 photo CircleButton.jpgCONGRATULATIONS!!!! 
Please email to collect your prize! (1st place, $100, 2nd place $50, and 3rd place $25).

All other entrants will receive a ROBsessed button! Please send your mailing address to

Thanks again to everyone for making the RobHoliday Season special with your beautiful videos and Robmas spirit. Until next time...

Although it's been said...
Many times...
Many ways...

Encore posting of all the videos after the cut!

On The 12th Day Of Robmas, Robert Pattinson Gave To Me...

On The 12th Day Of Robmas, Robert Pattinson Gave To Me...


And now, sing it loud and proud!!!!

On the twelfth day of RobmasRobert Pattinson gave to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..........

Twelve months pleasing fans.....
(click the pic to see the month!)
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Eleven Sexy Suits.....

 photo 11SexySuits.png  

Ten Countries Visited.....

 photo Day 10 Robmas.gif

Nine Glimpses Onset.......

 photo robmasday9.jpg

Eight Panty Droppers......

 photo Robmas Day 8 .gif  

Keep the tune alive under the cut!

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