Robert Pattinson in Seventeen Magazine - Argentina

Scans of Robert Pattinson in Seventeen Magazine - Argentina

Updated with the translation below...


What would you do if someone gave you a phone number to call Robert Pattinson? I went completely crazy!, among hundreds of magazines in all of Latin America, only Seventeen had the privilege of having an intimate chat with the hottest guy of the moment, and I got to conduct the interview!

Before I dialed, I went through my questions and practiced some expressions so I could sound cool and relaxed, as if chatting with him were the most natural thing in the world. I tried to forget the fact, that he's one of the most popular celebrities in the planet, that millions of girls are crazy in love with him, that his smile alone can lead to the most hysterical screams from his fans, and let's not even talk about the effects of his gaze.. between melancholic and seducing.
Alright, I'm ready to dial and have an interesting and cool chat. Rob is in an L.A. hotel room, waiting for the phone to ring. One more time I go through the words in my head to sound secure and natural. I dial. The phone rings five times (the longest rings of my life) and all of a sudden I hear a "hello." I can't avoid it, his voice is as seducing as his image, I forget about my plans, and completely throw myself into an intimate and exclusive chat with the sexiest guy on earth.

17: It's incredible to be talking to you, thank you for this interview!

RP: Wow! that's nice. (point in our favor!)

17: How was it to live the experience of the Twilight Saga?

RP: It was great, I mean it was an unexpected experience. Three years ago, I would have never imagined my life right now. I am incredibly busy all the time, traveling around the world, It's wonderful!

17: Kristen Stewart is a very passionate actress, how is it to work with her?

RP: Kristen's always been great, I mean, in a professional way. I think we have very similar attitudes when it comes to work. What I mean is the way we approach acting and how we look at the scripts and everything around a film, you know, both of us take things very seriously. It all depends on how far you want to go, to have a pretty great work relationship.

17: You had a lot of action scenes in Eclipse, was there a particularly complicated one?

RP: Hmm, I guess the hardest action scene was the fight scene. There is this great battle at the end of the movie. The set we were filming on was filled with artifical snow, and that snow was made out of paper. All of a sudden it got wet and the floor got incredibly slippery.. it was worse than real snow!
So after a while, it was terribly hard to work there.

17: What was the biggest lesson that playing Edward has taught you?

RP: Something similar to what my dad told me once, that if you are a good person with the whole world when you are becoming famous, when you stop being famous those same people will be good to you. I think that is a good thing.

17: The best part about being an actor is...

RP: I believe it's the daily work, as you prepare to play a character. It's an extensive investigation about whatever you think will help you.. whatever! You can listen to music, enjoy the arts, read books or simply study people. I think it's the only job that allows you to do all of that.

17: Is there a particular phrase that rules your life?

RP: Hmm.. no, I really don't have one. But I try and understand everything and everybody, I believe in that.

17: What advice would you have liked somebody to give you when you were young?

RP: I can't think of anything right now.

17: What was the most extreme moment that you've lived with your fans?

RP: Probably one of the most extreme experiences is when I visited Mexico City during Twilight. We were trying to leave a movie theater where they were showing the first of the films in the saga. There were hundreds of girls outside, and one of them opened the door to our car. We couldn't close it, and the driver just took off without closing the door. It the end it turned out to be funny, but a bit extreme.

17: What would surprise your fans about you?

RP: I don't know, probably nothing (laughs), that I'm not a vampire.

17: Is there any trait that you share with your character Edward?

RP: One of the key things that we have in common is that Edward doesn't have the need to express himself with words. Actions show more than anything you have to say. I think I share that with him. I try not to say much.

17: If you could have Edward Cullen's powers, just for a day, what would you do?

RP: Uff, I don't know, I'd probably spend all day climbing and jumping the tallest buildings.

17: What type of things keep you grounded?

RP: The normal stuff, my family and I've had the same friends all my life. My agent and my manager are pretty good, and they never allow my ego to get too big.

17: You participated in the effort to help the people affected by the earthquake in Haiti, how was that experience like?

RP: It was amazing. When you become famous, you spend a lot of time thinking what that's all about, or what to do with all that attention on you. When you discover that you can use fame to do good things, it's amazing. I hope that what I did helped, and that it really made a difference for the people of Haiti.

17: Do you thing that with those actions you inspire other people?

RP: I don't know, I'm trying. I believe that if you work hard enough, it does make a difference. I try and inspire people in a positive manner, and with luck that turns into something good for the world. You can't judge yourself when you are contributing to the planet, or when you're inspiring others. That's for other people to say.

17: Is there something that bothers you?

RP: A lot.. millions of things (laughs), almost everything bothers me (laughs).

17: Do you have a dream that's pending?

RP: I think recording an album. I would love to make that dream come true. I'm always writing songs, but I never give music enough time, much less to start working on an album.

17: These days you have many admirers, when you went to school were you also this popular?

RP: (Laughs) in school? in school nobody is. By no means.

Scan Source @JessicaRathbone ~ Translation Source RobpattzNews

Robert Pattinson on the cover of Atrevida Magazine

Robert Pattinson on the cover of the June edition of Atrevida Magazine


Glad they didn't make me choose between Rob and a Jonas Brother this time!


Robert Pattinson & "Eclipse" In Italy's "Dark" Magazine

Robert Pattinson & "Eclipse" In Italy's "Dark" Magazine


Click for Larger

Thanks to Fiammetta from RobertPattinsonMoms for sending us the scans

Silicone Bust Of Robert Pattinson As Edward Cullen

Silicone Bust Of Robert Pattinson As Edward Cullen

Somebody actually paid $1,399.00 for this in an ebay auction. Yes I'm serious!


I'm not saying that a lot of work didn't go into making this but what is it about these things that never look quite right, there's always something off about them and I'm sorry but there is no way I would part with that much money (if I had it) for this!

Here's what the listing says about it:

This is a RARE life-size 1:1 museum quality, one of a kind, silicone bust of Edward Cullen, played by actor Robert Pattinson in the hit film Twilight, Twilight: New Moon, Eclipse. This is NOT an Edward Cullen doll, this is a full size head. It was custom made by a movie industry FX artist in between jobs. I was going to piece together a full statue. This is an amazing bust that looks entirely real. (Kate: No it doesn't!) The soft silicone is real to the touch. The punched hair is amazing, the eyebrows, lashes, hairline are hand inserted. The eyes are industry grade glass eyes. The entire piece is foam filled with a core up the neck so he can be easily mounted on a stand or put together as an historic museum quality statue (Kate: STOP! mind out of the gutter Kate, mind out of the gutter! :-})

Mmmm... It does look better than the wax model I'll give it that but no thanks I think I'll pass. I prefer the real thing!


New/Old Videos Of Robert Pattinson At "New Moon" Premiere

New/Old Videos Of Robert Pattinson At "New Moon" Premiere

I love the little wave! SO cute.

Madness is right! (turn down the volume on this one)

Cineplex Interview With Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart

Cineplex Interview With Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart

Really good interview with Rob & Kristen where they talk about what to expect from "Eclipse". Rob talks about buying a house and doing fight scenes with Taylor.



The love stuff comes easy to Robert Pattinson by now. What the actor’s most worried about is how his fight scenes with bigger, brawnier Taylor Lautner will look in the third Twilight movie, Eclipse.

Grisly deaths plague Seattle. Vampires fight werewolves. Vampires and werewolves unite to battle, um, badder vampires.

This time out, the lissome, ethereal-looking Pattinson has to get more physical with the pumped-up Lautner, and he just hopes audiences buy their fight scenes.

“There is a bunch of fighting,” says the 24-year-old Brit. “In the most simplistic of ways, trying to be intimidating to Taylor is just physically humiliating. In one scene, I tried to grab him and his shoulder was too big! That was embarrassing.”

While physical strength may not be Pattinson’s, well, strength, he does have an uncanny ability to brood and smoulder in a way that drives the ladies nuts. But while it works well on-screen, that low-key nature can also come off as aloof, even falsely self-deprecating, off-screen. And Pattinson’s the first one to admit it.

“The problem is, mainly, that I’m really finicky about looking pretentious for some reason,” he says. “I think, because I haven’t done too much work and I’ve become so, kind of, big, people have a hyper-judgment of you. I always thought the best way to deal with that is just to kind of play down everything. But I never saw the result of that being people saying, ‘Why can’t you just shut up? We’re so sick of the humble act. When’s he going to stop pretending to be humble?’”

Read the rest over at Cineplex

US Weekly Looks At Robert Pattinson's Cute Cut

US Weekly Looks At Robert Pattinson's Cute Cut

Well it looks like I'm not the only one who absolutely LOVES the new haircut and I think it makes him look cuter that ever!


Thanks to Twilightish for the scan
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