More Pics Of Robert Pattinson On WFE Set (27th July)

More Pics Of Robert Pattinson On WFE Set (27th July)


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Robert Pattinson "Water For Elephants" Tennessee Filming News

Robert Pattinson "Water For Elephants" Tennessee Filming News


CHICKAMAUGA, GA. (WRCB) - A family in North Georgia is about to become part of movie history. Carol Cross says her husband and his brother own the home where scenes of the movie Water for Elephants will be shot later on this week.

The Cross family says they were approached about the film in the spring. Since that time numerous film crews have traveled back and forth to Chickamauga, Georgia to scout and prepare the site.

"A man just approached him and asked him who owned the house and wanted to know if it would be ok if they considered shooting a movie there, "Carol Cross says.

The family says crews spent months and miles on the interstate trying to find the perfect location to shoot the scenes dating back to the 1930's.

"It has no electricity it has no water, no one has lived in it for 12 years," Cross says.

Channel 3 Eyewitness News has learned actor Robert Pattinson, famous for the Twilight movie series, will be coming to Chickamauga later this week to film scenes.

Much of the equipment used to shoot the movie is being held at the Chattanooga Choo Choo hotel.

"Sure we are going to be part of the history and there is gonna be people talking about this for years to come," Cross says.

Choo Choo officials wanted us to make it very clear they have extra security on the scene for the movie equipment.

We have also learned film crews will also shoot at the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum.


*NEW* Robert Pattinson Interview with Cinescape

*NEW* Robert Pattinson Interview with Cinescape

*NEW* HQ Pics Of Robert Pattinson On WFE Set (27th July)

*NEW* HQ Pics Of Robert Pattinson On WFE Set (27th July)

The book Rob is reading is 'My Friend the Mercenary'.
You can find out more about it Here
Thanks to Mona & Ellie for the info.


How does he manage to make drinking a can of coke look like the sexiest thing on earth? Seriously How??


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More After The Cut!

Robert Pattinson on the WFE set - July 27th 2010

Look at the goodness we have to come - sneak peak of Robert Pattinson on set today.



Source via WaterForElephantsFilm - thanks to RPattzGirl for the tip

Robert Pattinson - Scans and Translation InStyle Germany

Photobucket Photobucket


Unbe­lie­ve­ably sexy

Twi­light Star Robert Pat­tin­son about love with­out rules, the first, excit­ing love, why he would love to have a dog and why he only lives in hotels.

Robert Pat­tin­son drinks tea with milk for break­fast. He switches off the air con­di­tion­ing and in exchange opens a win­dow. Dur­ing the inter­view in the “Four Sea­sons” Hotel in Bev­er­ley Hills the 24-year-old Twi­light star wears a black t-shirt with beige Levis jeans. His leg­endary hair is cut short at the sides. That’s because of his role in the circus-drama “Water for Ele­phants” set in the 30th, which he shoots at the moment along­side Reese With­er­spoon and Christoph Waltz. A huge dif­fer­ence to Edward Cullen, the vam­pire, with which mil­lions of girls have fallen in love. In the third film of the series, named “Eclipse”, Bella (Kris­ten Stew­art) has to avow to her undy­ing love. In real life both of them remain silent about their rela­tion­ship. Robert con­tin­ues to be a man girls dream about.

All your “Twi­light” col­leagues said that you were in love with Edward after read­ing the books. In love with a vam­pire that abstains from sex before mar­riage. What do you think of that?
I think that Edward’s afraid of sex (laughs). No, I kind of under­stand his point of view, because the stage in which you are not sure of your­selves in a rela­tion­ship is the most excit­ing. Maybe I’m old fash­ioned in this respect. There shouldn’t be rules for love. Some cou­ples meet in a bar, sleep with each other the same evening and live hap­pily ever after.

What do you think of girls that cry “Marry me” at your film pre­mieres?
It’s mind-blowing but it’s just a part of my job.

You once said that you had the deep­est rela­tion­ship with your dog…
I was only partly seri­ous. Unfor­tu­nately my dog, a West High­land Ter­rier, died last Decem­ber. He was 18 years old. I love dogs and I’d love to get one again, an older one that’s already been trained. Do I want a dog that’s already per­fect? That would be like get­ting a fur­nished apart­ment. Very impersonal.

But you’re used to that right? You only drive rental cars, live in hotels, eat in restau­rants. How does it feel to be home­less?
It’s nec­es­sary. In Los Ange­les I live in 5 dif­fer­ent hotels, because after two days the paparazzi will be wait­ing in front of the hotel. I don’t buy a house because of that. After one week thou­sands of peo­ple would know were I live – that’s no home.

How is it to live in a hotel?
The room service’s not good for me. In Lon­don I was addicted to greasy Indian chicken dishes. Now in L.A. I order 5 healthy dishes, which are deliv­ered in the morn­ing. I’m only able to make toast and I add bar­be­cue sauce to every­thing (laughs).

Do you some­times feel lonely in the hotel?
There’s no time for that. I’m sur­rounded by peo­ple all the time. On the set you ask three­ hun­red peo­ple “How’s it going?” every day. I could eas­ily live two months with­out talk­ing to a sin­gle person.

Was it prefer­able not to be famous?
No, only more bor­ing. For­mer I wasn’t allowed to enter clubs. Now I’m avoid­ing them. The four months pre­vi­ous to the first “Twi­light” pre­miere were the months I par­tied the most. All of a sud­den I was stand­ing on the guest list of the coolest clubs of L.A. The paparazzi didn’t know me back then but all of the bounc­ers let me in. In Lon­don things are dif­fer­ent. If you slip the bouncer 200 pounds, you get in, no mat­ter if you’re famous or not. But I think my clubbing-times have passed.

The box at the right hand cor­ner is just his cur­ricu­lum vitae but in the sec­tion pri­vate there stands: lives in Los Ange­les, loves Kris­ten Stewart

Scans - Translation

Ruby Jerins talks Robert Pattinson

Ruby Jerins says Rob is like a big brother, talks about their screen test & the crazyness in NY


Robert Pattinson was like a big brother to his Remember Me co-star Ruby Jerins, she has revealed.

The 11-year-old plays the Twilight star's younger sister in the tear-jerker, and said their on-screen chemistry was just as real once the cameras were switched off.

"He's really fun and very funny, he was like a bigger brother except he wasn't mean - sometimes big brothers can be mean," she said. "He is very supportive and respectable, and easy to act with. I really admired his work from the beginning, and he was really nice to everybody."

The actress added: "It is extremely easy to bond with him. When we first met at the screen test, he suggested we should hang out a little and build chemistry but we never got to - it wasn't really necessary because we did a lot of waiting around on set, so we got to know each other then and goofed around." (Kat - this makes my ovaries tingle!)

Ruby - a Twilight fan - was amazed by the constant presence of fans and paparazzi around the Remember Me set in New York.

"It was crazy. From the time when we woke up, all these fans and paparazzi would already have surrounded the set. They were all over every scene. It was definitely a new experience for me," she recalled.

Source via KstewRobFans
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