More pictures of Robert Pattinson at Arbitrage luncheon + more info and fashion ID

More pictures of Robert Pattinson at Arbitrage luncheon + more info and fashion ID



Hollywood-Elsewhere gave us a bit more info on the event and a couple more pictures. Not the most flattering thing said about Rob but I liked they said he had a kind face and warm smile:
Roadside threw a luncheon today for Arbitrage star and possible Best Actor nominee Richard Gere at Pizzeria Mozza (641 N. Highland Avenue). Gere delivers one of his career-best performances in Nicolas Jarecki's film, but yes, the Best Actor field is very crowded this year. But the equation is (a) Gere is exceptional in Arbitrage plus (b) he's also been humping it hard and long and honorably for 35 years now, so give it up for the guy.

For some reason Robert Pattinson showed up toward the end of the luncheon. I'm taller than he is. He has a kind face and a warm smile, but his eyes blank out when he listens to someone talking. When he's trying to concentrate or show respect to whomever is speaking, his features go flat. That's L.A. Times reporter John Horn to RPatz's right (or our left) and Arbitrage director Nicholas Jarecki (right).

CJ also reported on Rob's tshirt: Robert Pattinson chills with Richard Gere today while wearing a @STRAYRATS "YÜTH" tee!

Click HERE if you missed the first batch of pictures
HQs: Source

*NEW* Pics Of Robert Pattinson & Richard Gere At The Arbitrage Luncheon

*NEW* Pics Of Robert Pattinson & Richard Gere At The Arbitrage Luncheon Today In LA

Weekend Rob is such a giver. Maybe this drought won't be a drought afterall!


Click for HQ

via Source

RobHoliday Season Caption Contest! Caption Robert Pattinson in Madrid to win a prize!

RobHoliday Season Caption Contest! Caption Robert Pattinson in Madrid to win a prize!

T'was the night before RobHoliday Season,
And all through the dark recesses...
Not a female was sleeping,
Because ROBsessing shatters them to pieces.

HO HO HO! Merry ROBmas! 

We officially kickoff the festivities tomorrow, Dec. 1st, but we're so pumped up, we wanted to start the season of giving now! Rob The Giver inspires us. :)

While we have many things planned throughout the month (ROBsessed Holiday Video Challenge, ROBsessed Advent Calendar Surprise, 12 Days of ROBmas, Cosmopolis Countdown GiveawayROBsessed Awards, 365 Days of ROB), our first treat is we're hosting a caption contest, each week, all season long! More about the rules and prizes below but first....



Caption Contest Guidelines: 
  • To enter, write a caption for the picture in the comment section. 
  • Your fellow ROBsessors will vote by clicking the little "vote up" arrow beneath your comment. 
  • Do not click the "vote up" arrow twice because it deletes your vote when you do. You'll see the voted number light up blue when your vote is counted.
  • The caption with the most votes wins. 
  • Try to keep your caption to 1-3 sentences. ;) 
  • The contest is open worldwide & you have until 9pm (PST) Sunday, Dec. 2nd, to enter.
  • Next contest will be Friday, Dec. 7th.
Now for the prize!
  • Winner: You'll win the eBook version of the newly released (Nov. 25, 2012) Wallbanger by Alice Clayton
  • Runner up: You'll win the eBook versions of the 2010 series, The Unidentified Redhead and The Redhead Revealed, by Alice Clayton
I've been an avid Twilight fanfic reader for over three and half years. I also know many of you venture into that world so you might be familiar with a guy who had a tendency to bang some walls. ;) Well that Wallbanger is now a published Wallbanger.

I have vivid memories of being curled up in my leopard Snuggie on the streets of Westwood, camping for New Moon premiere, and reading. One of the fanfics I was reading was this story. It was fun (and funny), sexy (with sex), and I loved figuring out which version of Rob matched Wallbanger in my mind. I do that with all fics, don't you? Since VFRob was a big deal back in Nov. 2009, he influenced my Robmatch when I read this line: I could picture him: soft faded jeans, hiking boots a la Jake Ryan from Sixteen Candles, off-white Irish cable knit turtleneck sweater, hair all in disarray.

Oh yeah. I'd like to go to there.

The publisher for Wallbanger has graciously given us 5 copies of the eBook to giveaway to our readers! For the next 5 weeks, we'll be gifting out Wallbanger and Alice Clayton's first series for the runner-up. The publisher has another gift for us after the season but we'll tell you about that giveaway later. ;)

Here's what Alice had to say about fan fiction, Wallbanger and Rob:

Fan fiction gave me a voice. It gave me a community. It gave me the courage to trust my sense of silly and throw it all at the wall and see what would stick. Writing fan fiction was the single most broadening experience of my adult life. Other than Shirtless Rob Day. Which is still the best day ever. (Tink: AMEN.)

Wallbanger was such a fun story for me to write, and while I wasn't sure if I would ever publish it, it just kept calling to me. Or thumping to me, yeah thumping. That's how Wallbanger rolls. I had to put it back out there, I had to trust that this story, regardless of where it came from, was strong enough to stand on its own. And the response has been overwhelming. I'm so proud of this book, and the community it came from. When each chapter of Wallbanger went up, I got emails from readers around the world, telling me what they liked and what they loved. What made them laugh and what made them mad. And as new readers discover the story of Pink Nightie Girl and her Wallbanger, they tell me the same things. It's amazing.

If you'd like to purchase the books now, check out the links below for the Kindle version and paperback:


*NEW* Breaking Dawn Still Of Robert Pattinson As Edward & Some Older Stills Now In Better Quality

*NEW* Breaking Dawn Still Of Robert Pattinson As Edward & Some Older Stills Now In Better Quality

Brood for me Robward!


There's also a Behind The Scenes pic that we haven't seen before


Click For Larger

Older stills/promo pic that we had before now in better quality

Source / robertpattinsonau / RobertPattinsonMoms

Thursday Treats Courtesy Of Robert Pattinson

Thursday Treats Courtesy Of Robert Pattinson

There is so much smiley, giggly Rob in these videos that it's impossible not to crack a smile while watching them.
Thanks so much to Mizz for sending us her supercute videos

Sit back, watch and enjoy, "I think you'll like it"

People mag reports Robert Pattinson's night out and about at Chateau Marmont with friends

People mag reports Robert Pattinson's night out and about at Chateau Marmont with friends

4 years ago throwback picture but it's a fave of mine. He's seh-heh-exy in it and when I read the article, this ChateauRob was what first popped in my mind even though there are a few ChateauRobs.


Rob's back in Los Angeles and it looks like he might have been spotted hanging with friends at Chateau Marmont the other night. From
With his Twilight duties behind him, Robert Pattinson enjoyed a night out with a male pal on Tuesday. The two met up at West Hollywood's Chateau Marmont, where Pattinson grabbed a table and sipped on a Stella. Not long after their arrival, though, the men were joined by a group of six friends – including singer M.I.A., who capped off her signature eclectic look with an oversized hat. Pattinson, in a jacket (but not his usual baseball cap), "looked happy and relaxed," a source tells PEOPLE. Though he frequently left his pals for breaks on the smoking patio, "he only paid attention to his guy friends, laughing and letting loose a little bit," the source continues. After about an hour, the whole party said goodbye and left the venue.
Thanks Cyn for the tip!

Robert Pattinson in Cosmopolis - On Demand, Blu-ray and DVD


I feel like we've been waiting forever for this. Cosmopolis will be On Demand in just short of three weeks, December 18th and then a reminder that it will be available on DVD and Blu-ray on January 1st, 2013 - what a way to start the year - Robert Pattinson in your living room!

You can pre-order your Blu-ray or join the wait list for the pre-order of the DVD (strange) below.

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