PICS: Robert Pattinson weathering The Lighthouse in new stills from set

PICS: Robert Pattinson weathering The Lighthouse in new stills from set

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Source: Eric Chakeen

PICS & INTERVIEW: Robert Pattinson chats with LA Times about The Lighthouse and other sexual activities

PICS & INTERVIEW: Robert Pattinson chats with LA Times about The Lighthouse and other sexual activities

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Excerpt from LA Times interview: Robert Pattinson, Willem Dafoe and the ‘orgasm that won’t stop in ‘The Lighthouse’

Robert Pattinson knows he needs to stop talking about masturbation.

Case in point: At a Q&A last weekend for “The Lighthouse,” the loopy, claustrophobic chamber piece that pairs him with Willem Dafoe, Pattinson couldn’t even bring himself to say the word when asked about a scene in which his character engages in self-abuse so furiously that the euphemism “self-abuse” actually applies.

And yet, shortly afterward, sitting across from Dafoe in the sleek Pacific Design Center office space of indie film distributor A24, Pattinson admits that he’s been purposefully leaning into the subject while doing interviews for “The Lighthouse.” A friend just sent him a screenshot of headlines featuring his name and masturbation, asking in a follow-up text, “So ... um ... how exactly are you promoting this movie?”

“I do find it quite entertaining,” Patttinson says, chuckling. “It definitely gets people talking about the film.” He pauses, considering. “I don’t know if it gets people to actually see the film.” He bursts out laughing at the thought. “The other day, I was saying to A24, ‘I’m not sure how successful I am at doing this promotional stuff.’”

Dafoe chimes in, purring: “Was it good for you?”

“The Lighthouse,” which opened last weekend to an enviable per-screen average and expands nationwide this weekend, doesn’t lack for topics to discuss. It’s a late 19th century tale of two lighthouse keepers, “wickies,” to use the parlance of the times — Ephraim Winslow (Pattinson) and Thomas Wake (Dafoe) — trying to keep madness at bay when a powerful storm hits their desolate New England island station. Director Robert Eggers shot the film in black-and-white and in a boxy aspect ratio that accentuates the story’s prevailing cabin fever.

As for the story, there are sex dreams about mermaids, ill-tempered seagulls who seem possessed, flatulence employed as “deliberate displays of power,” visions of Dafoe’s Thomas as Poseidon (and as a mermaid!) and, at its center, the mystery of the lighthouse itself, a secret Thomas seems to understand, greedily guarding his knowledge from Ephraim.

“People see what they want to see,” Dafoe says, delighting in the film’s ambiguity. “Some people talk about a father-son story. Some people see it as boss and employee, master and apprentice. Some people dig into the homoerotic stuff. Some people just like the farts.”

The movie’s leads have little in common other than their angular features or, as Eggers puts it, “four of the finest cheekbones to ever grace the Earth.” They did both love Eggers’ first film, the unsettling Puritan-set horror story “The Witch,” and separately approached the filmmaker, indicating an interest in collaborating.

But the actors part ways when it comes to preparation. During rehearsal, Pattinson prefers to talk about the script; Dafoe, citing his theater days with the experimental Wooster Group, just wants to dive in, holding nothing back. Dafoe never stops performing. Pattinson needs the adrenaline shot that comes when the camera rolls, the “controlled moment between action and cut where it’s too late for everyone.” Too late? “You can’t get fired,” Pattinson elaborates, laughing.

Job security was low on the list of concerns of a production that filmed at Cape Forchu in Nova Scotia, where production designer Craig Lathrop and his team built a full-scale lighthouse station. The weather was windy and freezing cold. And when conditions weren’t nasty enough, Eggers turned on a fire hose to douse Pattinson, as the actor trudged around the barren landscape hauling a wheelbarrow full of coal.

“That was actually exhilarating,” Pattinson says. “Anything that makes you not have to act. Willem can actually act. I have to literally just say, ‘Please hit me with a shovel.’ So I appreciate the fire hose at the end of the day.”

“How do I deal with this charming self-deprecation?” Dafoe asks. And he really means it. Since the actors kept their distance throughout the shoot, they’re just now getting to know each other. Pattinson offers an observation about Dafoe’s acting technique, prompting Dafoe to cry, “I don’t have technique! I have instinct!”

Click HERE to read the rest of the interview but it also includes a SPOILER for the end of the film in the form of a Rob quote!

Source: LATimes | Glenn Whipp

VIDEOS: Robert Pattinson talks The Lighthouse with The Academy, Fandango, Rotten Tomatoes and more!

VIDEOS: Robert Pattinson talks The Lighthouse with The Academy, Fandango, Rotten Tomatoes and more!

Are you loving all these interviews or what?? Rob is joined by Willem in The Academy chat that was after a screening of The Lighthouse and Robert Eggers joins Rob in the Fandango and Rotten Tomatoes chat (longer than the one we posted earlier this week). We end with just Rob. Always a pleasure. :)

PICS: More gorgeous pictures of Robert Pattinson at the Governors Awards Gala (Oct. 27)

PICS: More gorgeous pictures of Robert Pattinson at the Governors Awards Gala (Oct. 27)

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70+ HQs under the cut!

Robert Pattinson talks about the success of The Lighthouse, A24's impact on the industry, diving back into fan frenzy with The Batman & MORE!

Robert Pattinson talks about the success of The Lighthouse, A24's impact on the industry, diving back into fan frenzy with The Batman & MORE!

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GREAT interview with The Playlist while Rob is promoting The Lighthouse.

An excerpt:
I moderated a Q&A last night with Robert and Max [Eggers] and Robert kept saying that if he didn’t think you were wet enough he would take the hose and spray it on you. 
I mean, even if I was the most patient person and this was my job, if my director kept doing that, it might annoy me a bit. I mean, it’s kind of fun. It’s like anything which is these extreme things to react to it allows for [a] more extreme performance and Roberts one of the only people I’ve ever worked with who never says… I’ve never done a movie like this where you were never told to tone it down, ever. It provokes a really kind of primal instinct in you when you’ve got a fire hose in your face and you’re kind of like, I don’t know, you really rage against it. It’s kind of fun.

Outside of “Good Time,” I think this is, for lack of a better word, the most “passionate” character you’ve had? It’s the most angry that I’ve seen you on screen ever, maybe? At least for more than one scene. When I asked Robert about that, he thought it was because no one has offered you a role like this before. Do you agree with him? Or do you feel like you found something in this film? 
I mean it is a quite unusual role. There’s a couple of speeches at the end when there are two kind of key moments when the character is so drunk he can’t distinguish whether he is himself or the person that he’s talking to. I was like, “O.K., so that’s the level of drunk and it’s pretty high.” And then a few of the last scenes when he’s just really, really losing his mind and they were just so funny and sort of wild and you just knew that you could feel how much you needed to rev yourself up for it and I don’t know. I guess, yeah, I guess it’s just the part really. I mean there’s very few scenes where people, yeah, where people do like rage for a sustained period of time. But I think it’s one of the most fun things to play. I’ve always been sort of on the lookout for it, but it’s actually quite rare to find.

This movie is definitely rare, in many ways, but it’s exciting how well it’s doing at the box office. I don’t know if you’ve seen, but the numbers for the expansion are fantastic. Does that give you hope that in this era of blockbusters, these sorts of movies will keep getting made? 
I think it’s incredible. I mean, I’ve done some weird movies. [Laughs.] And this is definitely [a] pretty weird movie and to see that there’s a hunger for it. And I mean it’s pretty, it’s great. And hopefully, it’s a harbinger of where things are going to go in the movie industry. I just always look at movies that are coming out. Like I was talking about this with [producer] David Crane about movies and things like “Existenz” and stuff like that. They could be an art-house movie that was also mainstream and that will be wonderful for me because that’s exactly the type of movies I want to make. But yeah, seeing people go to it and be excited about it? It’s sort of a strange kind of event movie, like a certain uber of people.
Click HERE to read the interview in its entirety.

Source: The Playlist

NEW: 20+ gorgeous pics of Robert Pattinson at the Governors Awards gala (Oct. 27)

NEW: 20+ gorgeous pics of Robert Pattinson at the Governors Awards gala (Oct. 27)

GAH! Why so stunning in your Dior tux, Rob????


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Source: RPOnline

VIDEO:Robert Pattinson & Robert Eggers Talk 'The Lighthouse' With Rotten Tomatoes

VIDEO:Robert Pattinson & Robert Eggers Talk 'The Lighthouse' With Rotten Tomatoes

Grab a cuppa, get comfy and enjoy!

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