Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart - Harper's Bazaar Outtakes!!!

A huge thanks to KStew411 :)

I now present you Mr. and Mrs. Cullenson :)) Did a wedding photographer shoot some of these?


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DirtyD said...

Leak it! Leak it good......

Fucking Gorgeous!!!

Melissa said...


Like, seriously?? I think I just died a little bit. Those pics are effing AMAZING!!!!! They both look WONDERFUL...BEAUTIFUL..etc...OMG.


Kristin said...

aahh love!!!

stephhxx said...

Yes please.

Emily said...

Breathe...just breathe.

His smile melts me. Those are two very beautiful people.

RobstenLovex said...

And i am DEAD!

Rayodeluna said...

Ohh myyyy I just died!!! Soo cute!!! haha I love you! haha When is this coming out? December!?? Thank you so much! Now I'm happy for the rest of the day!

Nancy said...

OMG!! I love them!! I want more! =)

IHP said...

DYING! He looks so happy!

Unknown said...

Awww... the smile!!!

And I love her shoes!!!


Eu said...

I love the first pic, they look so sweet together!!!

Miss Amy Ripp said...

ahh, that second one is GORGEOUS!!

Linda said...

She looks like an erotic version of snow white here... *sigh* To be honest, I know the Robsten thing is not true, but I SO wish it would be! They always look happy and relaxed together. :) Especially Rob...

Laura said...


SluttyPattz said...

Ok her shoes - I WANT THEM.

Is it wrong that I want that I now have an adam's apple fetish after viewing these pics.

I love giggly/smiley Rob.

Linda said...

The pic with the flowers is just can see the beautifulo

GOROB said...

#2 shouldn't be an out take,I love it! Are they both on the cover? Rob looks really smitten and Kristen looks really shy! Awwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!

Krystle said...

Rob is so cute :) Look @ the way he smiles at her!

I really like the second shot - Kstew's shoes are rockin'!

Unknown said... (via @KStew411)

heather said...

WOW!!!! They both have just stunned me! HOT SEXY SMOLDERING BAD ASS!!!! LOVE THE CLOTHES, HER HAIR, THE LOOKS. I love it. I want more!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...




Del🌙 said...

Omg, these pics are so effing awesome I want to cry!!!

Anonymous said...

My god ! it's beautiful sorry for my englis I'm french !
Thanks for this pictures !!

Tenneil said...

wow just plain WOW!!!

Julia said...

the 2nd one is so great!! but...what's that white thing under Kristen's shoe? a bubble gum? the price tag?

Unknown said...

Cherry clockwise said...

Does Kristen have her dress in pics 1 and 3 in too different colors?

How can I ask such a question? I should be dazzled right now. Wait, I'm talking nonsense… I AM dazzled! That's why I ask such a question.

… And I feel a bit jealous … Ow, bad, baaad.

Cookieluv26 said...

they look so georgeous. they always look so happy and relaxed together. i LUV IT!!!! when does this issue hit the stands?

tnan said...

Wow, seriously hot leaks! Clicking and saving in case of they get yanked ;-)

~MindyMc said...

Stunning! Just stunning! My,my,my. Whew! When does this issue hit the stands?

Unknown said... I wanna be a part of that cute little sandwich...

Cherry clockwise said...


That's it Maìra, you made me scream with the links!

Steph said...

omg... i can't breathe.

kdc2239 said...

When was this?

spellbound said...

They're all gorgeous but the 2nd one...that is art, beautiful! He's so happy here! I love seeing Rob happy!

tnan said...

Yeah, if these were the outtakes, imagine the real spread. HB giving VF serious competition this month. And we win!

Can't get over how vampish she looks. Her skin is so translucent, it's practically glowing.

Cherry clockwise said...

That's it. I'm crying now.
Post-traumatic effect.

Anonymous said...

You go girl...that's some fuckhotness.

Anonymous said...

You go girl...that's some fuckhotness.

Anonymous said...

These must have been done before Kristen cut her hair. They are gorgeous.

Unknown said...

Updates by The Office AND The Training today... and now all of this: (via @KStew411)

Too much for me... DEAD!

Marna said...

This is the first I'm hearing about this, when is this out? They're leaking outtakes before pictures in the magazine are leaked? How strange. This is kind of an odd look for both of them I think, not sure I'm loving the pics, maybe they'll grow on me.

Maria said...

no they're after she cought her hair, during the filming of Eclipse, she's wearing her wig in the photoshoot :)

they are both absolutely gorgeous, no words...I'm not even gonna talk about the chemistry, even blind people can see it now...THANK FUCKING GOD!!!

Pet73 said...

Okay, am I the only one who thinks that the first pic is so much of a disadvantage for Kristen? It looks like she doesn't have breasts at all. I know she is very slim but why must the photographer show so prominently that she is almost flat?

christine said...

Why is she wearing a trash bag?

Ellie said...

I'm. died. dead.

What wonderful, hot pictures of Rob and Kristen.

Such happiness.
Just beautiful.

SluttyPattz said...

is she wrapped in a designer mermaid garbage bag?

heather said...



Sarah said...

FREAKIN CUTE AS HELL! And ethereal and gorgeous. I love the crazy stuff Kristen is wearing. And hello Rob

solas said...

They are both quite beautiful. I usually like Kristen with brown hair, as she seems softer then, but the black hair is striking. Is this before she cut her hair, and did she dye it before cutting it? or is this a wig?

Anonymous said...

They want to kill us, lol.
Effing hot!gorgeous, both of them!!! xDDDDDD

Cherry clockwise said...

I found her hair really dark on these compared to its original colour, so it's probably a wig.

vafla89 said...

Awww I love Rob's smile!! It is so genuine!! These two are so good together and they look really happy!!! ^_^

I know it's stupid but I can't take my eyes off of Kristen's hair... it's so obvious that it's fake, (it's like a part of a wig) especially at the 1st and the 5th photo...

twilight said...

Why did they put beautiful Kristen in a garbage bag?

Butterfly25 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tnan said...

What the.., just saw the 'proposal' and the motorbike one! Seriously gorgeous shots! This is BREAKING NEWS quality guys!

Unknown said...

UH oh... click and save fast cuz the "please, remove these pictures" have already started...

Butterfly25 said...

Rob and Kristen on the motorcycle!!!!!!!! How hot is this!!!!!! And Rob on his knees!!!!! I can't stand this. This is surely their best photoshoot ever!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my God.....Bogart and Bergman, Taylor and Burton....Stewart and Pattinson....? Thud....Gorgeous; lovely; artistic, bbeautiful....I'm happy....

bonemama said...

It's the part that gives it away as a wig. Why do they keep doing this to her? And before she put the long dress on she probably said you want me to wear what?
The pics otherwise are really genuinely sweet.

heather said...

Click and save! I love the clothes, I think they are a perfect match for their personalities. Rob needs to wear skinny tight pants everyday!!!

Dagny said...

For the love of all that's holy!!!!

Delilah said...

Isn't that magazine where they are supposed to confirm they relationship?
In that case, this pictures are telling us the story.
Anyway, he's so freaking HOT and BEAUTIFUL

fayezeewayzee said...

I keep opening my mouth...but nothing is coming out...words cannot describe these!!

rpattzdude said...

real nice pics always hot :D

Unknown said...

these are very sweet pictures of them. although i have to admit, esp the first couple, there is something posed/disjointed about them..i can't really put my finger on it though lol

i guess thats the nature of photoshoots though-so choreographed. but in any case these are gorgeous pics of them

LM said...

Oh yeah, there is chemistry between these two. Cute, lovely, and yummy. Thanks!

JJ said...

Holy SHIT! Can't breathe, can't breathe...THUD

bonemama said...

Maybe rob will keep the tight pants frm this shoot and maybe wear the stoli shirt at the premiere! Wowza!

twmmy said...

Maira the links don't work ! Somebody send the motorbike picture? I dont see it !

raya said...

simply..beautiful...both of them seems like enjoyed the photo shoot...they look so happy...I know we r not sure about robsten...but robsten rocks..cannot imagine any other woman other than kristen for rob... :)

Karina said...

Gah, my twilight babies are so beautiful together! Great rapport between them, she usually looks very stiff in model shoots, I don't think it's her thing. But he gets her to loosen up that little scowl of hers!lol Lovely, the lot of them...

spellbound said...

@Delilah...HOLY CRAP! I had forgotten about that! *mouth is hanging open* Well, we'll just have to wait & see if there was anything to that rumor. Time will tell. The one with Rob on his knees kills me...she is smiling but he looks serious, lol

Babs said...

Kristen looks gorgeous! The pics of them hugging are so sweet. God what I'd give to be so close to his chest.
How tight are Rob's pants? Niiice :)

heather said...

I didn't see the motorbike one either! They have put up a lot more on Twitter, and I'm clicking and saving like crazy. There are going to be a lot more!! I am so in love with these two, damn!

valda64 said...

OMG they both look adorable, but Rob is so hot and cute at the same time, the smile is breathtaking! To many wonderful pics in one day, I'm having big trouble in breathing regularl :P
....and I love her shoes too!

valda64 said...

OMG they both look adorable, but Rob is so hot and cute at the same time, the smile is breathtaking! To many wonderful pics in one day, I'm having big trouble in breathing regularl :P
....and I love her shoes too!

WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone said...

Whether they're just friends or something more, there is this unbelievable tenderness between the two. This photoshoot is so lovely! Its a comfort after all the crap of the tabloids.

Unknown said...


hang on, I guess it will be up here pretty soon.

Moonless-No-More said...

WOW. I'm left speechless. These are beautiful pictures of two very beautiful people. WOW. I absolutely adore the way they look at each other. And they look so happy, the way Edward and Bella are by the end of Breaking Dawn. Hello, they have to make that movie.

solas said...

Looking as pale as she appears here, and so strikingly beautiful, she looks as Bella ought after being 'turned' in Breaking Dawn.

Anonymous said...

This month is going to cause me to have a brain aneurism! OMFG he is so EFFING amazing. KStew looks so beautiful - I'm sorry, these two are not THAT GREAT actors, they are in LOOOOVE, i don't care what they claim. I would leave my husband for this man. OMG. PS Is that gorgeous dress actually made of a trashbag? SRSLY who can make a trash bag look good?

zeldafitzgerald said...

this is like a huge fuck you (am i allowed to swear, ladies?) to vanity fair isn't it? i'll tell you one thing, i'll be buying harpers for the first time in my life. my boyfriend is going to be so annoyed :)

spunkinator said...

is it weird, that I find his adam's apple, so fucking sexy?
he's an angel.
< 3
motorcycle one is my favorite.

Marna said...

I don't see a picture with a motorcycle anywhere, where is it? After looking at these some more, I think part of the problem with the pics is that Kristin is too young for the clothes she's wearing. She really doesn't have the presence to pull them off, especially the gown (does she look like Avril Lavigne in the 1st pic to anyone else?). It needs a woman, not a girl. She looks like she dressed up in her mommy's clothes. Rob's jacket just looks like it shrunk, he looks better in the motorcycle jacket.

Unknown said...

@Marna: Refresh! Motorcycle pic is up!

Karina said...

I think she actually pulls off the look beautifully-she's very statuesque and has very classic features that can be played with well. Her shape in the first picture is ridiculous, so beautiful and long.

The only difference is that Robert has modeled for years, he knows how to work a camera better. Kristen does much better in front of a movie camera with expression I think, but is less natural modeling I've noticed.

Unknown said...

Greeeeeeeen of envy!!! He just looks beautiful.

Cherry clockwise said...

Please please, stop it! I can't handle it anymore and I have absolutely no will left to close the page! My fingers keep refreshing, again and again.

Loisada said...

LMAO Teri, I did automatically think of a mermaid. But I'm thinking they were trying more for an updated Gilda look. Definitely a sexy 40s vibe in hair and gown.

Marna said...

Ah ha! motorcycle picture! Love that one, & Kristin looks much better. But her hair is definitely fake. That's going to be a problem for Eclipse, it's distracting. I guess I'll just have to stare at Rob all the time.

Kelly said...

That is the luckiest damn biatch on the planet.. and yeah I'm f*cking jealous!

That's all.. nuff said

Golnaz said...

Rob and Kristen look freaking amazing!!! Love the pics! Love the tenderness of a lot of them. But that motorcycle pic of them with her turning back. So hot!! They are so beautiful

Karina said...

Loisada-YESSS! GIlda! I own that movie, straight up Rita Hayworth they are channeling for Kristen, and Robert looks like a cool 60's Brit dude with those pants and pointy boots.

Kelly said...

I wonder how eay it is to get the button on those pants undone...

yep.. I went there.. straight to the gutter.. but we have drinks here.. come on down!

Whoops.. sorry, no pun intended

Unknown said...

Oh myyyyy... Can I have him? Please, please, pleeeeeease!

GOROB said...

That piece they put in her hair at the part is really messing up the pictures! You can especially seen it in the one where he is caring her! That does not look like a wig from that side! Who ever did the job on Kristen's hair did a piss poor job I think! Other than that I love the pictures,boy I thought HB would do better than that! I wish they had of let her wear her natural hair and style it or put it up or let her run her fingers through it like she always does! Sorry for the rant but I just want her to look her very best otherwise Kristen and Rob look great!

Kelly said...

And if they could give her extensions for this photo shoot why the hell did she have to wear that god-awful wig for Eclipse?

Unknown said...

I´m glad these are outtakes... I hope they fix/photoshop that glue/seam on her wig... it looks awful from some angles...

Oh, and here is another motorcycle pic form RPLife! Hotter!!! (if that is even possible...)

Unknown said...

Unf, the motorcycle picture of them is HOT--straight out of that scene from "Breathless" when the girl runs away with the bad boy on the motorcycle!

And the blue background shots are sooo GLAMOUR SHOTS cheesy, like they took them in the mall! But they are almost the cutest cause of their expressions, they are the least posed and adorable...

Unknown said...

The only thing I dislike is how you can so clearly see Kristen's front extension :(

NadiBlob said...


Mr. and Mrs. Cullen .. lol xD

Well leaked! ;p

NadiBlob said...


Mr. and Mrs. Cullen .. lol xD

Well leaked! ;p

Delilah said...

You can see the glue in the extensions of KStew! EPIC FAIL!

Unknown said...

Maira--oh shit, that picture is hotter! These two are fracking hot sex on a motorcycle, damn....

Anne said...

Kristens extensions are on display on almost every photo.. Not so nice - they'll probably photoshop it away for the magazine.

Kelly said...

I love that when he smiles his eyes crinkle up.. when he really smiles his whole face smiles

RPLover said...

Kelly said it before I could: "That is the luckiest damn biatch on the planet.. and yeah I'm f*cking jealous!"

you guys are just gonna have to stop it now, I just can't take it. I'm not strong enough, I'll admit it. please, no more, I'll have to call 911.

Unknown said...

they are obviously going to photoshop all the hair shit people, just be happy she's not sporting that goddamned mullet for once! I mean, good for her for her utter lack of vanity with cutting it off in the name of joan jett, but I will take this wig and extension stuff anyday over her wearing that mullet...

Anonymous said...

Robert est toujours comme ça pas besoin de faire croire que c'est parce qu'il pose avc kristen! -_-'

Anonymous said...

Vous n'êtes pas fan de Robert vous êtes fan de la saga! je suis fan de Robert et je ne réagis pas comme vous au sujet des photos! je suis contente de voir des photos de Robert mais pas de Kristen!

Kelly said...

@RPLover I know right.. the only thing these pics are good for for me is to photoshop my face into them... they are the intimate.. they will be a nice little addition to my fantasy world... just saying

PS I'm kidding by the way.. they really are beautiful pictures.. no matter what these are two really attractive people.. but she's still a lucky biatch :)

Loisada said...

Karina, think you're right. Kris has the perfect plastic but isn't comfortable tapping her inner vamp and making love to the camera... a Rob specialty!

The shot where he's palming her ass in the backless dress?! Or protectively cradling her at the top of the staircase?! The man has turned me to jello once again.

Loisada said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angela said...

I think someone at HB has been reading some fanfiction!

Her back is so flawless, and his hand looks so huge and placed just so, by that buckle.

It looks very Breaking Dawn to me, like Edward is sheepish and proud of his vampire Bella.

Divinesally said...

BEST KS RP PHOTOSHOOT EVER!!!!!!!!! woot woot!!! OMG OMG OMGOMGOMGMG They are so BEYOND SEXY together! yup I'm dead...don't know who's typing this right now...the funeral is on Saturday. You all are welcome to come.

heather said...

The hand on the back is KILLING ME!!! Breaking Dawn better happen, because I need Isle Esme NOW!

Now I know why I loved the dress, it's PRADA.

Anonymous said...

I love both of them smiling! There are some pics are very very gorgeous, but there are some are unnatural a bit... IMO, VF outtakes from last year are much better than this HP

Anonymous said...

pourquoi vous voulez tant qu'ils soient enemble? Vous ne savez pas comment ils seraient ensemble, peut-être qu'ils ne pourraient pas s'entendre! -_-' ça se voit que vous êtes fan de la saga!

Anonymous said...

KStew with long hair, those were the days. I want her haie to grow ASAP, please?

JLD said...

These are great photos and both look fabulous. There is definately a close bond between these two but whether it's more than friends remains to be seen.
Good luck to them if they are but I do think people should give them space and not pester them to reveal all. They're clearly very private people who don't want the world to know what they're up to 24/7. I think that should be respected. Just my opinion.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pet73 said...

art-name- I'm with you, I also like the old VF photoshot better - looks so much more natural.

Anonymous said...

Robert est toujours comme ça, pas juste parce qu'il pose avec Kristen!!

Unknown said...

People can be happy to see KS pics and still be fans of Rob, can´t we?
Just appreciate, click and save... and photoshop it later if u feel like it...

gracefulgrace said...

Love these photos. Yummy and very sweet. Not sure about the hair piece on top of Kristens head though. They could have blended that in better. She's beautuful without that.

Unknown said...

JLD--amen. I think they just want to be left the fuck alone to be honest, good for them. lol

RPLover said...

his fingers on her back are going to be my complete undoing. I can't help it, I'm only human-I am so jealous right now that my brain is shutting down! they are gorgeous, and he is so amazing I can hardly breathe!!

Anonymous said...

c'est le photographe qui a demandé à Rob et Kris d'agir comme ça!

twmmy said...

Yes, I see the motorcycle picture. They are so cute. I hope no Taylor - Burton pair with six marriage, only (hm) Robert Pattinson - Kristren Stewart friends.

RPLover said...

I'm right there with you, Kelly! ;))

Pet73 said...

In the pic of both of them standing near the column, Rob's trousers are too short - didn't the outfitter not recognize that Rob is tall? (shakes head in disbelieve)

Unknown said...

I love the motorcycle picture where all the hands are holding the bike up. Or pushing it. Whatever.

Loisada said...

THe photos that launched a thousand fanfics!

Yes they are very posed and artificial, but still lovely. These are movie star references, from James Dean to Hayworth with many other in between. They are playing, and not at Edward and Bella, and certainly not at letting us glimpse Rob and Kris. This is pure Hollywood at its glossy dream machine best!

Dahlia said...

Wow, those are fucking stunning!! Everything about them both is gorgeous!

p.s. Rob on his knees in THOSE jeans.... *thud* Yes please!!

crooked smile said...

wonderful incredible .......

Cherry clockwise said...

Bien sûr qu'on sait qu'ils posent pour les photos. Ici on soutient seulement que même s'ils sont des acteurs, ils restent avant tout des êtres humains. Après, chacun se fait sa propre idée. Mais si tu veux vraiment qu'on entende ta vision des choses, prends au moins la peine s'écrire en anglais. Au moins tout le monde pourra te comprendre. Et si tu es vraiment un fan de Rob, je ne vois pas pourquoi voir Kristen sur les photos t'énerve à ce point. S'il l'apprécie.

Back to english now.

Anni said...

holy shit .-... so amazing .. they match so great togehter ... amazing

Pet73 said...

So is this only publicity or are they finally confirming Robsten in HB? We will have to wait until the issue comes out. When will this be?

Anonymous said...

is anyone else's computer sizzling right now?

Unknown said...

Loisada-EXACTLY. This is fun dress up, and they are having the two little hobo hipsters get a completely different look referencing different glamour eras, a lot of 40's influences for Kristen, and Robert's totally doing as someone else said that really cool Brit 60's period where the pants were short and tight and the ties were skinny. LOVE how they dressed him especially.

dyakilin said...

OKay. This is the first Outtake entry I'm going to bookmark. I love all of it!!!!

Unknown said...

The common gossip re: Harper's Bazaar is that this is actually not so much about Twilight but them as actors, it's more about them.

And suppossedly, they wouldn't address the dating rumors for this article, they kept it off the table for discussion. I think this interview came about in October or September I believe.

whocares said...

omg they look so beautiful together! gorgeous, both of them! they should have done a better job with kristen's wig tho... is it just me or is there like some white stuff on the hair - glue or something? it's quite noticable in the close-ups. i love her dresses and the vamp look... she's gonna look so good as vamp bella in BD!

sassy28 said...

omfg they both look stunning and rob on a motorbike = me died *thud*

Babs said...

Love the back of K's dress. And Rob's hand on her back. And the 'You wish you were me so badly right now' kinda look on her face. Friggin' awesome :)

Anonymous said...

it is no mistake these were leaked the day after VF crap hit the fan!

twilight said...

Hope he comes clean about his relationship with her in the Harper's article. I'm still mad at him today after his denial yesterday. I know it's lame but I can't help it. You all will flame me, I know, but I'm just so disappointed that he wasn't a gentleman about it. A gentleman wouldn't have let Kristen do the walk of shame from his hotel room on so many occasions and then just denied their relationship. That's just so uncool. Wanting privacy is fine, but letting Kristen look like slutty isn't cool.

Pet73 said...

Maybe Kristen didn't want Rob to confirm?

Suz said...

What a beautiful and theatrical shoot.

Unfortunate use of glad products.. but the other black dress is sublime.

I love this Edward and Bella shoot.

I makes me ready for Breaking Dawn!

Dagny said...

Just yesterday I said to myself after seeing the Vanity Fair pics, the only thing left now is to see Rob on a bike.

And here it is! God is good!

Love them!!!!

Pet73 said...

They def. talked about this subject - if they are together of not.

Anonymous said...

What Harper's Bazaar U.S. edition? what month?

stephhxx said...

Pshh. Vanity Fair what?...

Pet73 said...

"or" of course :/

Maria said...

this isn't a bella and edward shoot, it is a kristen and rob shoot...

jesus his hand on his hot!!!cave-rob in action!!

Anonymous said...

I'm SO jealous of her in the "proposal" pictures..... Oh yeah and in all of the others as well!

Cherry clockwise said...

Is the storm over? Gah… I got hit by a lightening bolt, and I feel so hot now.

Can you make an other wish now you can change the future? (thinking about what we don't have yet)

Kelly said...


A true gentleman acquiesces to the wishes of the lady, be it his lady love or his best friend...

Until you have had a chance to sit with them and hear the whole story you never have it all and in turn you should not hate either of them. she didn't do any kind of walk of shame unless you were in the room with them , he didn't do anything wrong... if you care for them, you have to care for all of it, including their privacy and how they choose to deal with it.

Unknown said...

Ohhh Man, these are great!

Someone said something about an Adam's Apple Fetish... I totally have one right now!!

Kelly said...

@ Suz

I adore you.. thank you for putting it in perspective :)

I can't wait for Breaking Dawn either :)

Babs said...

now we have adam's apple porn too LOL

Marte N. said...

Maybe we should blame the economy, but it actually looks like they only gave Kristen extentions on one side.. :/

And as someone else mentioned, the photos are totally "Breaking Dawn-y". Hehe. I hope Kristen will be able to dye her hair Bella-brown again and then get some PROPER extentions for BD. WIGS SUCK! I guess she didn't dye her hair back to brown and use extentions in Eclipse because she did the Joan Jett-movie at the same time?

Anywhoooo - love the photos! :D

tnan said...

The pic by the column where he's got her by the throat.. Ooh naughty naughty Rob!

That and the bike shots, definitely favorites.

Dagny said...


I wish gurl...You KNOW what I'd wish for!

And it wouldn't be some picture!

heather said...

I'm with you amazeofgrace, they knew what they were doing. VF can go suck it!

I'm with you as well Rosa, I think anything is better than that mullet!!

If these pics haven't been airbrushed or photoshopped yet and the hair is really the only touch up I think that goes to show how beautiful these two are.

Are they picking one of these for the cover? Hmmm...I'm hoping for any of the cycle ones..:)

Dagny said...

I'm all for stubble porn!

I'm thinking of the VF one where he's buttoning his shirt.


Pet73 said...

Hm, you girls think that looks "Breaking Dawn-y"? I'm not quite sure, Rob doesn't look very "Edward-ish"?

AustinMamaDrama said...

You CAN NOT deny the chemistry they have. So amazing.

tnan said...

Wish he kept the leather jacket on for the bike pics.

These pics reminds me of the Brangelina spread (where they're playing house) around the time they did Mr/Mrs Smith. Not commenting on existence of Robsten, just the style of the pictorial.

Loisada said...

rpattz-zone: Ecoute bien Hidden Fairy. Tu commences à nous taper sur les nerfs avec tes critiques sans fin de Kris. C'est sa co-vedette et quelqu'un qui lui est cher, raison suffisante de faire preuve de respect à son égard ici. On s'en fout de savoir si oui ou non ils ont noué une relation amoureuse off-screen.... Pourrais-tu faire de même au moins pendant tes petits séjours ici ?

And yes, few here understand you in French, so perhaps English would be better in the future?

Anonymous said...

Now all that is left.. The COVER and INterviw.

No matter what the real story is with them think they are great togther. Eirther they BFF or Lovers.

Dagny said...

Losaida I love your Avi.

bonemama said...

AA porn thats awesome..babs!

Dagny said...

@Rosa 3:54

Did you mean "the" or "to"?

Haley Hickman said...

Wow...these are great! Some are a little cheesy though. The close ups with the blue background remind me of Step Brothers or a family portrait at Wal-Mart but that's just me.

Cherry clockwise said...

Hi Loisada! Enchantée! : )

@Dagny : you said buttoning? I thought you meant the reversed movement?

Anonymous said...

clicked and saved (check)
Breathing in brown bag (check)
shot of wiskey (have to move bag
1st - check)
Difibulator charged and ready (check)

Suz said...

If if were not an edward and bella shoot..why the need for the extensions?

I'm not being argumentative.. I assure you..

I see this as an Edward and Bella shoot.

Very dramatic, dark, staged and beautiful.

In a word... very "Harper"

Barbielicius said...

I just came from College to see this..Im still Speachless!!

Kelly Louise said...

TOO. Damn. Adorable. And way to deny your relationship with this photoshoot Robsten.. not that I'm complaining.. wow.

Dagny said...

Got me there HiddenFairy!

Stubble anyone?

Now if I could just get Rosa 3:54 to answer.

Jujubes said...

The pics are beautiful, but all this talk about how intimate they are is just silly. They're posed.
I love that you can see someone's hands holding the bike steady in a couple of pics. HA!

They both look adorable though. I guess this takes the heat and negative press off both Rob and Kristen from yesterday's debacle.

Cherry clockwise said...

@ Haley Hickman : I thought they looked like highschool students on these too. Made me smile, and even laugh when I read Gozde amazing comment: "Did a wedding photographer shoot some of these?"

Xylem said...

Oh. My. God. There is so much in these pictures! Rob and Kristen ARE together but its not Robsten... its way bigger than that. I am convinced after looking at these pictures. Robsten its cheap and suggests Bennifer or something like it and these two are way past that. The adoration on his face towards her is just...poetic. It's like he forgot there was a camera present... and I agree with whoever said it, they are not THIS GOOOD AT ACTING. I am just happy Rob is happy. I blame the mullet for all the angst, they'll obviously be ok when she grows it out. So a last few thoughts:

1. I just shed a tear for Arangano. Poor, poor guy.
2. The happiness in Rob's face is just beyond words.
3. I think the photographer reads fanfic because these images sure fit a lot of fic I've read about Ksteubella and Robward.
4. After seeing the pictures in which he has his hand on the small of her back, I don't want hear any indignant denials or surprises from them about why people assume they are together.
5. I just hope that when its over he is not too crushed, because it is obvious he is the one that is ALL IN this...

Anonymous said...

*THUD* Wow these are amazing. Wish I could be the photographer behind that lens!

I believe in ROBSTEN!!!!!!!!!!!

Haley Hickman said...

She has extensions can see her short locks in one of the close ups..

These are amazing! Great for out takes!

Unknown said...

i agree with some others... this is a beautiful Bella/Edward photoshoot even if her wig is ridiculous lol (you would think Harpers would do better!) I like how they kept Rob more natural looking instead of making him look like a vamp like they have in past photoshoots but Kstew's look is definitely Bella-inspired and so is the whole look of the photoshoot...they both look great here even though Kstew is still a little intense for me 90% of the time lol

Unknown said...

Suz--why extensions: They are going for a 40's glamour girl look for Kristen. The mullet ruins that image, so they gave her a veronica lake style wig/extensions to complete the look they were going for. This is suppossedly not a Edward/Bella shoot, but they deifnitely went for a particular look for them, British 60's cool for Robert and American 40's glamour for Kristen.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my fracken gad!

These are magnificently and overwhelmingly dazzling!

It's beyond "chemistry". (THE WORD.)
It's as if they are spending their honeymoon on an island that happened to have an English manor.

(@#%@$^@%&#@!! Gosh, they could have amazingly beautiful babies! Oh-uh..)

Rob looked so smitten in these photos. (They looked happy. I want to see the video of these photoshoot. Behind the scene videos.) He's bangin' the modern look. Yeah, he can do the bloody tight pants alright.

KStew is so "mouth-watering" as always. What a gentleman Rob is--always just gingerly caressing--not grabbing (KStew's silky-smooth back).

They tried to project the kind of old Hollywood-Vogue-ish glamour with the sharply parted KS hair, etc. (I thought, ugh, they could have flipped KS real hair over to cover the wig's clips.) But also very modern, very current, almost techno, very hip, and yet classy -- very part of their personality.


Pet73 said...

Okay, girls, if this is "Edward and Bella" like, what are they going to say in that interview that will relate to the pics - that BD will be made? - grrr

I was so hoping for a final word on all that Robsten mess (don't understand me wrong, I'm so not pro Robsten) but I can't stand all the speculations anymore and I urgently want to know it myself (of course, they are not obligated to say anything, I know).

Sorry bout the rant, don't want to offend anyone of you - I'm a bit out of balance now :(....

jmm4832 said...

It's kinda sad that those two aren't together in real life cause they look gorgeous together.

Michelle said...

i NEED to see a video of kstew walking around in that Hefty dress. It's making me giggle just thinking about it.

Pandora said...


Im with you on that. This shoot is far too staged and looks like the usual Hollywood overglossy thing. Its made for promotion issues and as much as I understand the wish for it to reflect something real.
In my opinion its Twilight related and only meant for promotion.

I dont think they are that deep to do a photoshoot with a major magazine to "show" their hidden love. Whats the bloody point. *snorts*
Come on! Be real!! XD

Angela said...

I think she looks more Bella in these shots, than Rob does Edward.

But, I like it because my Edward (in my head) doesn't have red lips and bloodshot eyes, he looks just like ROB!!! Just like this!!!

Works for me!!!

Unknown said...

YOu guys, because it's not really twilight related promotion wise doesn't mean it's about their relationship at all. This is a fashion mag basically, these two are doing a fashion shoot, they are being stylized into different personas than their usual hobo hipsterness.

It's suppossed to not look natural, the way VF's shoot did last year. It's suppossed to look stylized and over the top.

I say they wanted them on the cover more than anything because the economy is bad and let's face it, all our asses will buy HB for the first time ever!lol

Iris said...

I LOVE the picture with the file name hb10, they look like a normal happy couple! It's so cute, I can't get over it!

Marna said...

I know we're all critiquing the pictures, but these are the OUTTAKES, the pictures that weren't good enough to be in the magazine. Hopefully we'll be happy with the ones they do print. Hopefully :-)

tnan said...

OK, I don't how you guys get the HQ versions, but I'm seriously hoping for one for the shot of him with his hand on her neck. The look on their faces, kinda intense!

Jessica said...

Oh my god! :D This serisouly made me Friggin' happy!!!!! They look so happy!! And the blue screen ones with smiling Rob :O......*faints* & the motorbike!! Now THATS what i'm talkin about ;) love me a biker dude!

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