365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb. 19 ~ Pic from Bel Ami presscon/photocall

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb. 19 ~ Pic from Bel Ami presscon/photocall

GAH. PressconRob is always awesome - expressive, thirsty and beautiful.

The shaved head bliss that was the Bel Ami Press Con... and only Rob can treat us to so many expressions!


"Hands down HAS to be this one. Do I really need to explain why ?!? Thought not! ;-))"


"i love this. it’s not super animated like he can get but it still has those eyes, beautiful and deep. a hint of a smile and intrigue. hair gone so you can really see…that strong, gorgeous face…"


Click the thumbnail if you need to review the February calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)


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