365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb. 21 ~ Pic/gif of Rob that reflects your mood

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb. 21 ~ Pic/gif of Rob that reflects your mood

Love these days! The three of us are ravenous, over-worked and lazy watching romantic, tragic period films.

"I’m not sure why but I’ve been eating all day and I’m still hungry o.O I just can’t seem to fill my stomach! "


"v. busy at work, pulled in a million directions, this sums it up!"


"i have the day off today and get to lounge around on the couch and finally watch my Anna Karenina BluRay. Joe Wright (director) has a thing for hands in his films and since i already see Rob as Count Vronsky - especially since IMDb claims he was considered - all these handsy scenes will feel like Rob to me…among other scenes *cough*. and not that i didn’t think Aaron Johnson was great…i really liked him as Vronsky. but im ROBsessed not Aaronsessed. i shall be envisioning Rob. :)"


Click the thumbnail if you need to review the February calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)


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