Robert Pattinson Dior Homme Movie....... Yes Please

Robert Pattinson Dior Homme Movie....... Yes Please

Maria is still gushing about Rob on twitter (well I think we have pretty much confirmed that she's Robsessed).
And I think her latest tweet seals the deal......

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Mr Bongarcon was once again teasing on twitter this morning with another tweet about DiorRob this time saying this little titbit......

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Yes he said Movie!!!!

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Dior have a habit of making mini movies (about 5 mins long) for their campaigns and while we HOPED we might get more than just the advert this tweet has us all hot and bothered.

The more DIORROB the better, right?

Start your preparations ladies because going on the details and pics we already have from Rob's Ad we're in for a steamy ride!
I'm taking extra precautions and getting sprinklers installed in the DR as we speak.

Check out Jude Law's Dior Movie below to give you a taster of what they're like and just imagine what Rob's would be like!

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