Showing posts with label Run Robbie Run. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Run Robbie Run. Show all posts

Bruno Crushes on Rob :)

Thanks to Victoria and Coral for the tip :)

Increased Security Measures on Remember Me Set

Here is what I think of this security mishap:

I think the lack of adequate security on the first day of shooting was due to the poroduction company underestimating the following that Rob has. The location of the shoot was all over the fansites 3 days before the shoot (we didn't post it). 3 days is a pretty good head start for a stalker.

Rob was pretty well guarded on the New Moon set and I believe they all thought the crazy people were after Robward Cullen NOT Robert Pattinson. Well news flash: They are after Rob. Would you leave a Brad Pitt set that unguarded? No? Well the same applies for Rob now. Unfortunately people know no personal boundries when it comes to celebrities.


The overly affectionate stranglehold Robert Pattinson suffered earlier this week on the set of his new movie Remember Me may have left the actor unscathed. (Those bruises he's been sporting lately are just stage makeup, ladies. Your services won't be required for kissing it better.) Still, surely something must be done to ensure no hardcore Twihards lay a finger on Pattinson's glittery skin. Where's security? Shouldn't they have someone monitoring this dude while he sleeps, already? Edward needs an Edward.

According to E! Online, the Pattz Attack earlier this week has put Twilight producers Summit Entertainment on alert.

"There's not even close to enough security over in New York for [Rob]," a studio exec dished to E!.
"They've certainly taken note," said another source. "Security yesterday was addressed. We may hear more any minute about how it's being increased. Or we may not. We're waiting."

In the meantime, Pattinson appears to be as vulnerable as Bella Swan with a paper cut, as paparazzi and crazy fans alike storm the shoot of Remember Me on location in New York City.

According to Entertainment Weekly, hundreds of girls have been gathering in the city's Washington Square Park to watch -- and squeal their love for a fictional vampire from the mountaintops -- during filming, and have even chased the actor between locations.

"They might as well call it [the movie] Paparazzi and Tweens, 'cause there's more of us than them!" the magazine overheard one crew member exclaim.

Thanks to Yvonne for the tip :)

Rob Gets a Police Escort

A New Security Measure: Umbrella

Hey Look! They beefed up security! They have him covered with an umbrella! Is it security to keep his "vampire pale"? Yeah, I think so...

From the set today. There seems to be bruises on his knuckles. Apparently it's make up for the movie but kinda makes me wish he had hit those crazies from yesterday.

Photocredit: SplashNewsOnline, check them out for more.

If you watch really carefully you can see that the bodyguard lightly smacks one of the crazies. Good!


The keeper of the unicorns was almost trampled to death by a mob of horny hyenas in NYC today. (Gozde: Wide awake unicorns? Then yeah, he definitely IS the keeper of unicorns :)) RPattz was making his way back to his trailer on the set of his movie Remember Me when the fangirls were unleashed and tried to impregnate themselves by dry fucking him. I can smell the chonie cheese from here and it's thick!

Somebody give them the q-tip! Turn the hose on them! Give them a squeaky toy to hump on! What am I blabbing about? None of that would work! Even if you tasered their asses and peppered them in the eyes at the same time, they still wouldn't let up. These psychos had a whiff of RPattz's magic dust and they are in the zone! Nothing can stop them.

The city of New York should probably keep a judge on set at all times to hand out restraining orders, because these crazy bitches are thisclose to crawling through the shit pipe to get into his trailer.

That being said, this whole scenario would be considered perfectly sane if you replaced RPattz with Prince Hot Ginge and the curly-haired loon in the plaid with me.

Thanks to Lindsey for the tip.

If you are on Twitter Re-tweet: #BeefUpRobSecurity Thanks to Tina for starting this.


Crazy blond lady, crazy lady in the pink shirt and the crazy lady in the blue, if you visit my blog, please don't! Step away form the computer and get some professional help.
WTF is wrong with you?
You can see the video HERE.
And Rob, you are TOO good to your fans, even the crazy ones. I can't believe you kept smiling through it all. You are worth the time we spend ROBsessing.

Source and thanks to Richie Buxo / for the pics.
Thanks to RobPattzNews for the video link.

Pap Video from June 10th

I love annoyed Rob :)

Thanks to Rocio for the tip :)

Rob Thinks He Can Get in Disguise :)

Robert Pattinson melted the hearts of many when Edward Cullen first appeared on screen in Twilight. The young actor is back in New Moon, but still admits he is shocked with the phenomenon Twilight has turned into. Pattinson sat down with Metro to talk about New Moon, his own success, and his character.

How is the filming going?

It’s great. To be honest, I am surprised at how relaxed it is. I was really nervous before we started because there’s so much expectation now. But with this team, everything seems to work really well. Everyone knows each other. It’s one of the most relaxed jobs I’ve ever worked on. It’s really strange. It’s going really well so far.

Last time we spoke, you told me that you still walked in the street without anyone recognizing you. I’m assuming that’s changed now.

I don’t walk in the street anymore, and when I do, I’m in disguise. (laughs) It’s actually a relief being back at work.(Gozde: Newsflash Rob, the hoodie and the ray-bans are hardly a disguise ;) It actually draws more attention. Try a pink wig next time :))

Were you surprised that Twilight became such a phenomenon?

It never ever fails to shock me. Even here. Yesterday, there were 300 people outside the set. It’s just crazy. Every day, every single person I meet knows someone who has a very strong attachment to the books. It’s very difficult to put your head around. I can go through customs at any airport in the world — every customs agent is like, ‘Can I get an autograph for my daughter?’ Every single time! It’s crazy! I just hope it doesn’t change the way I think and stuff.(Gozde: Again, newsflash, people are attached to YOU now not the book)

Which is your favorite motion picture vampire of all time?

I always liked the original Nosferatu. I watched 30 Days of Night recently. I thought it was really good. But I wouldn’t say that I was a vampire fan.

You must be offered a lot of roles now. How are you making your choices?

I judge things purely on the script. I’m booked up for this year. I’ve been doing the most different things you can possibly imagine. Every part is so different. I can’t say any of the parts I’m doing — they haven’t been finalized yet. But I don’t pick them in terms of genre; purely the script. If I like the script and I like the part, then that’s all that matters.

Are there differences in your preparation to play Edward?

I feel very familiar with the character. I’m a ghost, a figment of Bella’s imagination. I’m not really playing Edward. I’m playing a kind of disrupted memory, which is really strange. I’m trying to play him as if Edward’s constantly thinking that things are going to fall apart. It’s this idyllic relationship on the top. I’m very, very close to the surface. He’s so insecure about everything.

And from yesterday's Kristen Stewart interview:

How would you describe it to someone who hasn’t read the books or seen Twilight?

Anybody who’s ever been broken up with will probably watch this movie, and their temperature will probably go up.(Gozde: Our temperature goes up for another reason :))

How do I describe this? It’s a movie about ultimate devotion being ripped from you and thinking that your entire world that you’ve established is wrong. And then trying to get it back and realizing that it’s all OK. (Laughs) And vampires, werewolves, too, so that makes it even more exciting. Robert Pattinson is just so cute. So is Taylor Lautner. That’s what I would tell someone who doesn’t know about the movie yet.

Once again, thanks to Stella and Lynda for the tip :)

source: Metro News

So Yeah... That's Creepy....

Creepy yet entertaining :) It left my girls at Letters to Rob speechless and THAT should tell you something.

Will Rob Sit Next to Kristen or Paris at the MTV Movie Awards?

So how much did Paris pay to sit next to Rob? Yikes!

Thanks to Rocio and zzita for the pics :)
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