Will Rob Sit Next to Kristen or Paris at the MTV Movie Awards?

So how much did Paris pay to sit next to Rob? Yikes!

Thanks to Rocio and zzita for the pics :)


Maria said...

They just switched it up for the cameras. It's going to be Rob, and Kristen.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, no way can he sit next to Paris. Gross! I hope it's Kristen!!

Unknown said...

they better make sure it's just for the camera...
it's so dangerous that rob is breathing same air w/ paris...
oh puhlease...
let's pray for rob's safety...

Anonymous said...

EW ew EW ew EW ew.... I feel sick POOR Robert i'd rather he sit next 2 nikki reed

Anonymous said...

I think it's gonna be Kristen anyway, it has to be! They can not put Paris in the front row, at least not next to Rob...

crazy said...

haha~ MTV WOULD do something like that!
Oh I'd love to see the look on Rob's face if he has to get near that hot mess!

Redgie said...

Paris doesn't deosn't deserve to sit next to Rob! I'm glad it's just for the camera.

Oooh, I wonder what he'll be wearing tonight :D

dayzdnconfuzd said...

I watched the mtv pre-show thing they have on the awards, and kristen is on the other side of rob now. So, she's still next to him, just on the other side.

Cougar71 said...

I really hope that Kristen has just been moved to the other side. Otherwise, if Rob now has a new seat mate, that would probably mean that Kristen has decided not to attend the awards. If she didn't attend, my guess would be because her boyfriend is unable to attend with her. If he doesn't go, the rumors will be rampant once more.

Crazy Lady said...
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Crazy Lady said...

dayzdnconfuzd is correct on the seating. I saw it, too last night and I freaked that skanky bitch(is that harsh) is seating next to Rob. I mean did you see the pics of her at Cannes(one of those after parties) being all trashy, slut, whore like...you think going to jail would have humbled her sorry ass. Nope.
I really hope MTV changes seating and puts that trash in the back(alley) were she belongs.
I feel like I'm being mean, but I just don't like her NOT even as a 'BFF' for him...nope not at all!

zzita said...

Kristen will sit Robs other side
you guys are so lucky,you can watch live the show
how much i hate live in this country..eh:S
i must wait to thursday:S

annycullen said...

haha really? he's def gonna sit with kristen

rpattzdude said...

gooosh hit me on the face HARD ! noo first of all i cant watch MTV fucked up Movie even more fucked up Award because here in Sweden they refuse to send this god damned shit LIVE! and second here we go Paris paying for a chair and making it clear that she wants to sit next to Rob? oooh HEEELL NO! im so sorry but man im angry, mad piss off and most of all jealous of everybody that will see New Moon before me want to cry want to scream but most of all i want to slap me self. yeah thank you for this new man thank you ='(

Jewels64 said...

I'm still freaking out because on the ET blurb, it was said that Stephanie Pratt was also going to be sitting next to Rob....


Anonymous said...

who is stephanie pratt?

margot said...

don't even want to hear about PH ! bleh !

we'll see in hours, we'll see ...

I need some eye compesation for PH idea ... here it is, not for the first time here I suppose but still hilarious and mood-improving

Rob Pattinson's B-sides aka Ass Candy


Anonymous said...

rpattzdude: I live in Sweden to and Im soo dissipointed that they don't show it live here, but I found this site: http://twilightforever.tumblr.com/post/115468868/live-streaming-of-mtv-awards#disqus_thread
I really hopes it works tonight!!
and u can se live from the red carpet at least here: http://www.mtv.com/videos/misc/395363/live-from-the-2009-mtv-movie-awards.jhtml#FW_Comments3_2_headerArea

angel said...

why do they keep wanting these sluts to sit near Rob?
(sorry for the use of word but i can't help it)
paris & that pratt girl are both attention & camera whore...
it's infuriating even if it's only for publicity...

margot said...

and more - report on Robsisms as new language we all are participating to create (also was here once)



zzita said...

i dont care who sits next to Rob.i just want to see live
thx Stefani 4 the link..i hope its gonna work tonight(or tomorrow in Europe:])

kespax said...

They can't be serious, risking the most precious yummy man on earth being infected by her dirt breath coming too close, the cannes photos made me ill.

Oh holy hell he will need a swine flu vaccine/mask.

Or is it just because they want to totally slam the skank for the cannes slut display & pretending she hadn't heard of rob after previously chasing him.
steph & Mr beefy better be there to protect him.

So when will the entire world please shun this piece of garbage, I freakin detest the spoilt bitch, why does she exist - in public anyway.

Oh & I'm completely cranky, no mtv broadcast in Oz, & live streaming time is the middle of my working day, not fair

monika said...

he's sitting next to Kristen and Paris,there's just empty seat on both sides, between Rob/Paris and Rob/Kristen.

zzita said...

the empty seat is because they can bring an escort i think or not haha.. i dont know o.O :]

Georgie said...

So kespax wouldn't we even get it on MTV (Foxtel) later on? Live streaming will be 11am our time so I'll try and take an early lunchbreak - thanks for the links guys.

monika said...

he's basically sandwiched between K and P,if we ignore those two empty seats on both sides.
but the seating arrangement can still change a million times today.

marya said...

hey i found this site that is supposed to stream the awards live! its in spanish but i guess when the awards start theyll put the video up...
hope it works cause i dont want to miss it!

Anonymous said...

The skank must have paid to be sitting on the 1st row. It's so unfair, she doesn't deserve it. She should be at the back. It's an insult to all the actors and directors. Let's hope her boyfriend doesn't fingerf**k her right there in front of everybody. But she will probably be the butt of plenty of jokes.

kchambers77 said...

when will a serial killer/stalker do us a favor and off paris? she's such a goober lint.

i had the most awesome dream last night. jon theodore and rob pattinson fighting over me but in a gentlemanly polite way. so i went home with both of them. :O

Elena said...

That's messed up. Robert got the best seats in the house because of the amazing movie he made but it wasn't just him. Kristen was in it too. I don't even know of a good movie Paris was in. This better be for the cameras.

Suz said...

I am amazed that MTV thinks Paris Hilton is still relevant. She is a bit long in the tooth for their demographic?

...says "she" who actually watched the FIRST video on MTV, in real time!

Link: for anyone interested:


Hey, I am still amazed when MTV (which stands for Music Television) actually talks about.... music.

Go fukin figure.

Sophia Z.86 said...

Jeez, girls, I really don't worry about Paris... she is so uggly, weird and stupid... Rob, for sure, has better taste than that...

Anyway, I he doesn't have better taste than that, he will blow up with my ROBsession in a minute... I can't bear a stupid man!

LovetheLips said...

I don't know if I feel more sorry for Rob or for us...we're gonna have to watch Paris "posing" every time they're on camera in the same frame....ugh - way to kill our robuzz..

Sophia Z.86 said...

Elena, I don't think Paris worked in any movie... she is just a milionaire, isn't she?

Sophia Z.86 said...


What country are you from? You have some portuguese words there...

Cougar71 said...

MTV events would possibly be the only type of program that she would ever dream of being in the front row for since they are all about reality crap (whatever happened to the music??? They should just change their name to RTV...or CTV Crap TV). Anyway, it's a shame that respected actors such as Kristen and Rob have to share the front with an irrelevent no-talent sociallite, but that's they way it is on MTV.

spellbound said...

In her dreams she's gonna sit next to Rob tonight! lol

Stacy said...

Paris is a famewhore, and knows full well how much the camera will be on Rob a lot, so of course she wants to sit there. Poor Rob.

I wonder if he will bring anyone. Hopefully, so the sluts keep thief distance.

About the awards- is there any preshow on? Any kind arrivals show? I just see it starting at 8.

LovetheLips said...

Suz - link doesn't work...

LovetheLips said...

Suz -

correction...link works without the bracket at the end...

I remember loving that song...lol

Shani said...

My goodness, this is going to be a hot mess tonight. Paris will try her best to ignore Rob, but at the same time peep at him from side glances. All the while trying to show off her man to make Rob jealous. Because she got shut the fuck down at that Oscar after party.LMAO

What an effing soap opera!!! We have Kris on one side.Is she or isn't she bringing MA. Rob in the middle with agent Steph or manager Nick. Then on the other side famewhore Paris with bigger famewhore BF. *shakes head*

Mechevpao said...

I think I´m goig to through up, why is Paris hilton there? at the fron row.. near Robert? puaj

Dahlia said...

oh god poor Rob! poor poor Rob! :( Paris is such a skank, she needs locking in a cell and never being let out ever again!

Hopefully Robs BG will sit between them and he can beat her up if she tries to get her claws into our man! I'd love to see her get beaten up!

margot said...
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margot said...

hehe Rob will have to walk through Paris if (fingers crossed) wins anything ... and their knees could touch ... yaayyy .. and she can spring up and kiss him congratulating !!!!!

my head, my poor head ... have just found out I'm lucky not being able to watch it today... tomorrow I'll watch it after you tell me everything ... I might survive

Gemgirl65 said...

My friend Meli said that she saw this segment on E online, and get this...Paris is sitting IN BETWEEN ROB AND KRISTEN. Kristen is on the left...then Paris...then Rob.

My breakfast just came up a little.

showme said...


Paris Hilton better be scared of Kriten Stewart...i can see Kristen making her feelings for Paris BLATATNLY apparent.

monika said...

this is so MTV,they're doing it for shits and giggles and to hype up the whole thing,I'll be very surprised if Ebola does sit next to him in the end.

Anonymous said...

Leann: U have to be kidding me right now? They CAN'T put Paris between those two, Paris need to sit in the back, seriously. Im probably one of the few who doesn't hate Paris and think she's that annoying, but on awards shows like this she needs to take a step back a bit and let the actors who's actually talented have the limelight. And it would be so inappropriate to have her sitting there. MTV is gonna get lots of complaints after this if it's true...

Anonymous said...

Shame on MTV if it will be Paris!

a.vintage.melody said...

My guess is that they are putting Ebola PH front and center to throw attention at her lame BFF show that no one will watch. MTV is all about the self promo, non?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

MTV should leave the paper pic of Paris up. Rob will have a better chance of having a meaningful conversation with THAT Paris than the real one.

kristen said...

Oh dear God, PLEASE say this isn't true... the thought of Rob sitting next to Paris' skanky ass makes me throw up in my mouth a little. Seriously, he could probably pick up herpes just by sitting next to her.

KK - LOL, so true! I'm sure Paper Paris is more intellectually stimulating than the real one.

monika said...

IMDB banner ad for mtv movie awards


Shani said...

KK- Your priceless with the nicknames.

HEAR YE, HEAR YE!!! I declare that on this day 5/31/09 PH shall now and forever be known as Paper Paris.LMAO

Sara Tavares said...

if this thing about Paris in the middle is true, i´m sure kristen´ll kick her ass :)

and thanks for all those who send live stream links!
i hope it works tonight

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Kristen kicking Paris' ass? That would be reason to tune in to the whole show.

marya said...

sophia- im from spain...you?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

don't worry guys. it's definitely kristen. they are going to it together =]
and besides. paris will be bringing her boyfriend doug. no worries.

maha said...

( ivee ) loool I love your comment

God with you Robert

Sophia Z.86 said...

Marya, I am from Brasil...

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