15 Seconds of New Moon

Umm so yeah, I'm dead...

Thanks to everyone that sent the tip :) Can't name y'all but I SO appreciate the tips :))


the n said...

i cant wait!!!!

Kelli said...

i want to write something but i have like NO WORDS for this. and that is after only a 15 second blip and i'm dying here. can't wait!

Anonymous said...

I feel like Bella, I WANT MORE!!!!!!

Kelli said...

oh and i'm dead

...wowie! said...

Love it. Can't wait til Sunday...November 21st!

Dahlia said...

there. are. no. words! the butterflies in my stomach are doing flips! ohhhh, i cannot wait!!!!!!! squeeee!!!!! <3

rpattzdude said...

HAHAHA gosh feels like an eternety til sunday cant wait want want want :D

Anonymous said...

uh-huh oh yeah!

Kathy#1 said...

I can hardly breathe...love it...and it makes me warm with desire....ungghhh...

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Love it!

Martina said...

I want a birthday gift like that!

Liz Joplin said...

*screams* NOOO...I want more, more I tell you!

monika said...

last thing before I leave




Sexy said...

OMG...Can't wait!! We finally get the "I love you"...YAY :) And the way he touches her face...swoooon!!

Silmarienn said...

i cant wait for watching whole trailer.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Yes, I can't really stand the MTV Awards...but I'm probably gonna watch this year because I want to see the first trailer and won't have enough patience to wait for it to appear online...

annycullen said...

<3333333333 robward!

Shani said...

Yeah I need to see more of it to really love it. I'm not feeling it right now. It's to short.

Just A Girl said...

I so can not wait! Ahhh. I am definitely watching the movie awards Sunday!

Latebloomer said...

Ok... I know I'm gonna get slammed... but what is all the fuss over? I barely could make out anything about the kiss... i heard a very dispassionate "I love you"...

I like seeing Edward again... but... Whaaaat? (insert Rob's high squeaky voice)

I'm bracing myself for the tsunami of hate headed my way....

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Latebloomer - No hate...I loved it because just for a second...the whole thing felt a bit more polished than Twilight. Never stop putting your honesty out there, BB!! :)))))))))

Kate said...

The trailer will be on My Space tomorrow night too ;-)
They're not showingthe Awards here till monday night:-(

Shani said...

LB- Your not alone. I didn't hear her saying "I love You". Oh hell, something else I missed. LOL

Anonymous said...

Only 15 seconds....I want more. November can't come soon enough.

Tenneil said...

hmmm... i loved this... with that though there is a HUGH but... I like the eyes brow raise by Kstew.. but she doesnt sound like she really wants Edward... but whatever.... I have said too much...Still cant wait...

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

With all the shirtless pics (which I'm convinced were santioned by Summit for publicity) and the trailer on Sunday, this film is going SUPERNOVA fast...

Kelly said...

HOLY JAW PORN!!! HOW BADLY I WANT THIS MAN FREAKS ME OUT!! Stomach is in knots!!!! I am really to old for this crap!

MizzezPattinson said...

174 more long tortuous days....

Kelly said...

OK Ladies.. let's remember.. the book.. The "I love you" probably wasn't a declaration .. it was a statement.. remember she knows he's about to leave her.. I don't think the I love you follows the kiss.. I think it's for another scene. I'm not a huge fan of the girl...but.. keep the 15 seconds of fineness in perspective.. and remember it's a taste.. these are just want the are meant to be.. teasers... I feel teased... of course I always feel that way when I see him.

Kelly said...

he "Kiss Me" too.. with the eyebrow raise.. it's a dare.. it's saying "you can't leave me, you love me.. the whole Jasper trying to kill me thing is no big deal" she knows.. he doesn't think it can work between them after the party..

Of course these comments are just my take on it... it's how I see it, and as I have said I'mm not a huge fan of her.. she's young.. but I think.. if I am correctabout this scenes timing.. that if you think about it she did a pretty good job

Little Red said...

Eeeeek! Cannot contain excitment!!! Talk about wishing your life away ... roll on November!!!

maha said...

I want to see the movie

I can't wait anymore

Shani said...

Ten- You didn't say to much. That's why I think I wasn't feeling it. It just felt a bit off to me. There was no umphhhh!!!

Rob P Makes me J.I.M.P said...

oh brill as always robsessed!

Yvonne said...

WAY too short...but November can't come quick enough....

I hope they take the rest of this scene INSIDE on the BED where it's supposed to take place. They do look great together though, more mature and when they look at eachother, there is no need for words....

Yvonne said...

J.I.M.P. ----------> LOL, I get it! (I think, unless I just have my mind in the gutter...? Which is possible....)

Sara said...

Kelly- I agree with you; I saw those parts like that aswell.
I think Kristen did a pretty good job in those 15 seconds we saw.

Anonymous said...

...mmmmm.....where are those damn batteries.....

Kelly said...

Thanks Sara... yeah I reallty think this is like four or more bits of scenes put together to make the teaser.. it's also got us all talking.. so I guess it's doing it's job.. I still can't wait

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Kelly and Sara - She is good here, especially if she is manifesting the knowledge that things have suddenly become very pendulous between them...

Kelly said...

KK.. pendulous... you are hurting my BRAIN!!! lol... I'm gonna have to remember that word

Sara said...

KK- Good thinking. I can see the uncertainty in her eyes and the strain in Rob's jaw.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

More kissing scenes, yeah! Hope there are more teaser (and longer) coming real soon.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

an you imagine how painful that would be if you knew in your heart things were suddenly going south, and you were trying to salvage the the love of your existence? And Edward never says anything about it until BAM..."I've brought you here to the woods, Bella, to tell you that I don't want you, so I'm outta here." I am going to be hiding under my seat during that scene. Truly.

Shani said...

KK- At first I was like "pendulous"
WTF does that mean??? LOL Until I reread what you said and got it. You meant shift. See stop using big words during this time of day.LMAO Alot of my braincells have faded away aroud this hour because of work.LMAO

...wowie! said...

Kelly...love your commentary. Love it!

Shani said...

Kelly- I see me and you were thinking the same thing. LMAO

To much. Brain hurt!!!

Unknown said...

KK--I agree. In the book I just knew Edward was getting ready to bail 3 days before because he stopped talking to her. Classic move when a break up is coming.

showme said...

i agree with you Kelly...i think the I love you was taken out of context. they just threw it onto the end for the teaser.

that was a tiny tiny part of that whole scene and leading up to it and everything....

i'm definitely giving Kris some leeway here...

this is a good NM video...sweet, made me sad...

Sara said...

KK- I can already feel it and it's gonna hurt big time.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Shani - Sorry! That word was my attempt to use the last brain cell I have functioning on a Friday afternoon!!! :)

Shani said...

KK- I am really cracking up now!!!

Yvonne said...

KK...I need a friggen dictionary w/ you around :))) XO

But you're right, that scene is going to kill me. I really hope that it is so heartbreaking that I am bawling my eyes out. It needs to be...move over under that seat.

Kelly said...

KK.. I just know I am going ot be bawling like a baby... it's gonna be pathetic... I know it.. just crying my eyes out... I'll probably be crying as soon as it starts cause I know what's coming

Yvonne said...

I noticed, way after the fact, that they did that w/ Twilight's trailer, too....took things out of context, added lines that didn't go with the scene, etc. So, I'm sure that's what they will do w/ this trailer as well.

Yvonne said...

Kelly...LOL! poor bb! Me too girl...I think that is one of the reasons that more mature women like this series. We have all had these lfe experiences and we can really feel the heartache she'll be going through.

Shani said...

KK- I know that scene is going to hurt my heart. I'm going to make sure to bring plenty tissues as to not fling snot everywhere.LOL Sorry TMI!!!

TO Twicat said...

Sigh.... a nice moment....considering what he does the next day.

OK - am I the only one who stopped the video at the kiss and just......gazed at the way his lips formed??

Pattinsonforever - Invest in rechargables, girlfriend!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Kelly - Isn't that the truth!!!! Just knowing that some of these scenes are coming will work me up long before the actual scenes!!

Kelly said...

New Moon really sold me on the series.. it was my favorite book and I can't wait to see it.. and I don't care if I cry like a baby

Biel said...

I don't even know what to think .... I only have clear that Robert looks amazingly handsome!!! But I'm still confused with that Bella raising her eyebrow and saying: "kiss me!" That Bella's gesture has surprised me so much! She looks so self-assured, like strongly assuming the sexual initiative. (I cannot blame her, of course!!!)

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Maybe she's raising her eyebrow because by asking him to kiss her, she's trying to gauge where he is in his thought process after Jasper's freakout...

God. 15-second clip, and I'm turning into an armchair psychologist.

showme said...


been doing that daily on here.
"please. lay down on my couch"

i agree with u though...

showme said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sweetdutchie said...

Love it!! Can not wait till November.

riddleinside said...

Oh my gosh. I've been resisting to come today,I've got loads of work but felt that something was happening. Oh my gosh, I love how she did it, oh my gosh, I love this part, it's the most tearing part, she knows something is wrong, I love how they kept it to the book. I feel for her. She gave me emotions in just fews seconds.

and Rob was silent, his silence is heartbreaking, the way he looked at her before kissing her.

Can't wait to see the movie, really, I can't!!!

Chicago girl now in LA said...

KK~I'm betting you meant to say "nebulous."

I'm choking up thinking about the breakup. Been through it myself and walked around like a zombie for nine months myself at 18 years old. "Shivers*

margot said...

nor I care :D

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Chicago - No...I meant to say pendulous, as in undecided. I like the word nebulous, too, though!!!:D

How the hell ARE YOU? Are we actually here at the same time????

margot said...


riddleinside said...

KK you crack me and in the same time you described it very well. I love that part, I want to suffer (not that the one I love didn't kick my ass already) but I want to live that with her. I think this girl is amazing. She makes me love Bella while I really have some trouble with her in the book (sometimes). I just think she is clever enough to play it right, and I'm sure other girls would have made Bella very uninteresting and superficial. That's why when I see Kristen sad in the movie, I believe her. I need to be convinced when I watch a movie and this girl convinces me all the way.

Kimmie said...

That clip was crazy. the way that edward kisses bella also gives off like he is has something on his mind. but the clip just gave me gooebumps! can't wait for sunday!

Sophia Z.86 said...

How far are we from november?

Sophia Z.86 said...

Jeez, I want some too... please... (it is polite to ask please, girls...)

margot said...

riddle ! my girl !!!
me too, I prefer Bella performed by KS and think Bella from the book is at times a bit annoying, whereas in the movie she is more a person I could be friends with

RPnKSaddict said...

Three words I WANT MORE!

riddleinside said...

@ margot


Now my heart is aching, gosh I think I'm gonna come back to England in Novemebr to watch the movie in English. There's no way I'm gonna watch Rob with someone eles French voice. I need to feel the pain in their voices. Plus it's my friend birthday so it would be awesome to celebrate it together.........don't wanna go back to France :'(

RPnKSaddict said...

Kelly- I thought the same thing about the expressions exchanged, also what can we be other than teased with 15 seconds. It's just a blip.
Regardless I'm left wanting more witch is a doubled edged sword.
Just have to go and watch it another 5 times.
Looking forward to the mtv awards.

Biel said...

awww, thank you so much for being so clarifier, KK!!
I apologize for not being able to see that meaning (but I must confess that I haven't read New Moon yet and this just can't go on... I'll do it this weekend for sure) Anyway, I also prefer Bella in the movie and I do love Kristen's approach to the character

riddleinside said...

Rob's expression is perfect: he made my heart ache...did I say that already? No, seriousely this movie is going to be far better than Twilight. Who knows maybe after this, I will admit publicly that a) I'm a Twilight obsessed b)I'm simply Robsessed too. I may even write it on my fb status.

riddleinside said...

oh Biel, goodluck with the book, get ready for one week of depression :)

margot said...

in my country we have dubbing only in kid's stuff, even Harry Potter is in the cinemas version with the subtitles or version with dubbing

on TV films are generally with a lector (neutral voice, not loud) so one can hear not only the voices but also the actuall dialogues

I can't imagine not knowing the voice of Shean Connery, Marylin Monroe or RP

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Riddle - Just tell people. SAY IT OUT LOUD!!!! heeheehee

MandyW said...

Good evening ladies,

If only I had a time machine so that it could be November already. Actually though, I take that back, because think of all the Rob yumminess that I would miss.

margot said...

it came to my mind that I personally don't mind waiting till November ... I might recover / move on / chande staus or mode of action

hope and pray for future = follower and believer not obsessor

Kelly said...

Actually margot.. I think a lot of us are fans.. obsessed... perhaps.. but that will wain... life is full of wondwerful things and this young mans talents is new and fresh.. revitalizing... so if a few people ( a few hundred thousand people) get over excited about seeing him in a movie in November.. Obsesses or not.. it's bringing joy to people...

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Kelly - "it's bringing joy to people..." Nicely said!!!

LovetheLips said...

This clip has my heart aching...
Rob is theeee perfect Edward and I love Kristen as Bella...


Anonymous said...

If this is part of the released scene they are playing at the MTV awards it tells me that Summit finally gets it.

Last year with Twilight they had to keep pushing the only action scene at the end because they were trying to target guys.

Finally they get that women have a voice in the media marketplace. GIRL POWER!

Ellie said...

AJ, I totally agree with you.
They now know what we want!

Rob looks mesmerizing, going in for that kiss. *thud.

margot said...

gotta go and put myself into horizontal mode ...

see ya tomorrow

g'night and have nice and naughty dreams Robsessed women all ver the globe

Treasure_7 said...


kespax said...

Oh heavens he looks divine, shame we don't get any Rob speaking yet.

The quality of the film looks slick.

And oh crap I can't find anywhere that MTV awards are being broadcast in Oz I'm going to have to watch it on utube.

Katie W said...

First, KK, LOVE YOU!

Am I the only one that leans towards a deep sense of nausea in the very pit of my stomach at the mere hint of Edward leaving? I've read the book something like 10 times, and I ALWAYS feel wretched when it's about to happen. Like a death knell. Ugh. Like he's leaving me, or something!

I don't know if I can take this too much longer, I might self-combust. And Rob and Summit and these teases, hints, videos, and photos will be to blame.

Just got back from seeing Little Ashes, btw. Yup, supporting Rob all the way!

Katie W said...

By the way, for my two cents, I def. think the "I love you" is from another scene...

Yvonne said...

Very funny post over at LTR about the MTV awards...


Anonymous said...

Im soo excited!! I can't wait!

Chicago girl now in LA said...

OK, KK. I see it is listed in the third meaning...pendulous, that is. I'm always thinking in terms of "pendulous breasts," haha or other "parts." I admit I learned many a word in context.

Well, it looks like you're gone now. I keep missing you. ;(

Kathy#1 said...

Katie W - I'm seeing Little Ashes on Tuesday...can't wait!

cullenluv said...

I agree with Kelly about the "I love you' being from a different point in the movie but at least we get it this time! Sunday night will not be here fast enough! Didn't he look handsome in his dark jacket? What a beautiful man! Thank you for making him God.

Ms. Bonderson said...

That's what I want for my birthday, too. :D I'm much more excited for NM after seeing the pics and clips this week... can't wait!

Jewel said...

I'M NOT WATCHING THIS, okay I'm gonna watch it!!!!! WAAAH.

Celtibera said...

Ok, if this part shows up at the EMA's, this means I'm gonna be wide awake at 2am and it will be my b-day... too! :p

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