Zoe Griffin (Brittish Gossip Columnist) met Rob in Cannes @ amfAR.

Good news girls – Robert Pattinson is officially single.
I waltzed over for a little flirt as soon as I saw him at the AmFar charity dinner in the exclusive Hotel du Cap in Antibes.
After warming him up by telling him he is the second best looking vampire in the world, (because Brad Pitt was in Interview With a Vampire), we had a long chat about all matters of the heart.
I just wanted to eat Robert up / snog his face off when he told me: “I haven’t had a girlfriend in ages. I’m not very settled at all. I’ve spent every night of the last six months in hotel rooms around the world. I haven’t been back to my parents house in six whole months.There is no way a girl would put up with that.”
Uhhhh, HELLOOOOO – I’d give it a damn good shot and I’m sure many other girls would consider it.
But Robert added: “I don’t even find time to meet anyone. If I’m not working then I am doing interviews and if I am not doing interviews then I am attending corporate and charity events where I have to be on my best behaviour to stop photos getting out.
“Basically, I don’t have time for fun. It’s 2am now and I am getting up about 5am to go to Rome for five days. Then I’m going somewhere else and then to LA. I’m filming another Twilight that will be released this year and next year I should have three movies out.”
At this point, I was starting to think he was a bit of a moaner until he looked me in the eyes with his full-on glare and I tried not to swoon as he said: “I seriously need to party! I’m just worried that if I start partying I won’t stop as it’s been so long. What can I do?”
Given that he had to get a flight the next day, I told him that the best option would be to get some sleep. He’ll thank me for it in the long-term and remember me as I bet many girls don’t tell him that.
Big Hugs n Loves for Rocio for sending me the info and link.
i can always count on this site to be on top of everything,this was posted on twitter as a fan encounter, it never mentioned this was a pro blogger.
He's booked solid for the next.. what??.. Year? It's difficult to find love with a schedule like that.
How about we create a mail order catalog? *snort* We can streamline the whole process and just show-up. Girlfriend ready..
He really needs a girlfriend who takes care of him and to have fun with because he definitely hates all the interviews/events stuff. I volunteer! LOL
He doesn't need a girlfriend Nagging him " you need to spend more time with me ...." etc etc. Fly solo Rob. Enjoy life & your work. He is Buzzing at the moment -has so much work on, he doesn't need a girl strapped too his arm.
aww poor thing. he worked very hard for this.u'll find your soul mate someday robert ^^
just have fun while you're still single =P
"He’ll thank me for it in the long-term and remember me as I bet many girls don’t tell him that."
I`m sure there are many fans who say really nice things to him.
Gossip columnists are no angels. In the end, they make money on stories like this.
LMAO@Tess! I love it! We can have a catalog featuring different Robsessors in every major city around the world to meet him and keep him company in all of his said hotels....to uhh....talk and stuff. And comb his sex hair, and lovingly bring him diet cokes, and gently advise that he get rid of that hideous BBJ. There are many maaaany girls who would not only put up with that, but would probably give up major organs for it, Rob. And they probably wouldn't mind not seeing your parentals for more than twice a year eiher. Haha.
But seriously, I feel bad for our boy. He needs his own significant other to drag around the world like Kristen does to Michael Anga-whats-his-name. It's seriously tragic if he's really too busy to find himself a girlfriend if he wants one. They need to cast a perfect potenial girlfriend for Remember Me. I know this awesome girl named Sarah who would love to do the freakin job ::raises hand::.
Now excuse me while I get ready to take my pic for the mail order catalog. I think I'll pose in a carbon copy of his hoodiewoobie. Wait....did I say that out loud? Don't be getting any ideas, ladies ;)
You're onto something Tess and SB with that mail order catalogue (spelt the Queen's English way ha ha); I'll be the Robsessor representative for Brisbane, Australia!
I would like to volunteer as the representative for the Caribbean region.
And I come with the added benefit of multiple small islands all with palm-fringed beaches, clear water, blue skies and sun...
(Off to pose for my photo to send for the catalogue).
Sounds like a good location to film the honeymoon scene of Breaking Dawn!
It's a very good news that he's single.
When i see him in Cannes, he's just so wonderful. I coud touch his ass MDR. But, this idea is coming after see him. No funny.
And, I love your blog you know. I'm french and google blog is not very knows. It's skyblog or other specially. But yours, it's so perfect. I have a question. Do you would be affiliates with my site on Twilight ? ( http://twilight-central.com ). You can tell me on the TagBoard if you agree. And i'm so sorry for my bad english, i just speaking a little, and i hope that you understand me. Have a nice day. Céline.
Oh, I am soooooo hoping he is a "bit of a moaner".
Esme Isle, that's it (duh)
This seems to put the Life and Style story to death then. If it was 2 am and he had to leave at 5, no way he left with that chick. I'm glad he's busy. Next year he'll have 3 movies out!!! Man, I'll be at the theatre every damn day!
Suz: you crack me up...as always :)))
loved your comments ladies.
have a lovely day.
I'll propose myself tomorrow directly in Montepulciano!!!:))
I've also a card with picture and telephone num. ready for him!! :))
sorry for being annoying here maybe but the italian web-site/forum (Twilight Italia) that I used to spend hours on its off..
too many contacts and it went down :(..
fortunatly I've my Robsesseds and friends in Monte to keep me update!
Hello ladies:
Suz: Love your observation, and I concur!!!
I also suspect that he is using the terms "party/partying" euphemistically.
*Mrs. R wouldn't DREAM of asking RP to stop "partying"...once we start*
P.S. But on a serious note...it is sad that he is under so much pressure, and so severely swamped by work. True companionship is everything...whether derived from friends, family, or the right mate.
And, if we were to formulate a "catalog" ("Pattzalog"?) for RP to peruse, I would prefer to be in the "friend" edition—for being his long-term confidante would be infinitely more valuable, to me, than to be in his life on a temporary and disposable basis.
*photo already displayed above*
have you seen some coverage on tv about the filming of NM?? 'cause I saw nothing and I'm a little puzzled. I mean, we have this huge movie being shot in our yard and fans coming from all over Europe to get a chance to see Rob and the cast and apparently nobody's talking about it on Italian media...
some magazines wrote something about it...the set, the actors but I havent seen nothing on tv..
only a little part on the news dedicated tio Cannes where they said something (not so nice) about Rob....In italy security is unbelievable..no one is able to shoot anything in Montepulciano or take pictures cause all is closed and off limits...if they dont do something official with the media I dont think you're gonna see a lot from here!
Oh Mrs. R, I have to agree with you there. I'd far sooner be a valued friend.
In any case, I think I'm past the 'sell by' date for girlfriend status.
Georgie - Isle Esme. Yeah, we've got lots of Isle Esme's here. Nice for a visit, although not qute paradise to live on.
Rob must be convinced that all women are clingy and needy. Ooh... the boy needs a strong woman in his life to debunk that notion.
*waves hands emphatically*
I'm fine with telephone and texting, love - I don't have to see you everyday (although hey it wouldn't hurt the eyes too much).
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, eh?
He definitely needs an older, secure woman. Lots of volunteers in these forums, babe!
I'm not looking for a signifcant other either hon but sign me up for a good drunk/party lol.
Yeah, it's not even 9am on the east coast, its only been a couple hours at work, even in an abbreviated week....
*sigh* Off to my other office ladies! Peace :)
Hi jalarag!
The term "girlfriend" really fails to encompass the wisdom and experience of the "mature" Robsessor, doesn't it?
But as for being past any "sell by" date...I try to remind myself that no opportunity has expired until, well, I have "expired"!
And, honestly, none of us is THAT old, anyway! :)
I would tell him to get some sleep too. Of course, after we... oops!
"Rob, lover, come here and 'get some sleep' with me in my bed. It is really ok if you fall asleep after... I will be in the shower, waiting for you, gorgeous..."
Now, can anyone tell me what the hell happened to Crazy?
Hey, girl, got over your Robsession? I miss your crazy/talk in here...
As someone who has been in a relationship with someone who is on the road all the time, I think that anyone would eventually feel frustrated with a boyfriend who is never around, regardless of who he is.
If Rob isn't on a movie set, he's in TV studio doing interviews or on a press junket or promo tour.
Say what you will...I think the man is incredibly hot and talented and and and...but I've been there, done that. It is possible to be in a relationship and still be lonely. It would take a very strong woman to be able to deal with not seeing your guy for weeks on end with just the phone and email to keep you happy. (my ex was a racecar driver and was away on the race circuit from March to October)
I think this shows a great level of maturity on Rob's part. He knows what it's about and knows that it would be a very unhappy situation for her and for him.
However, if he had a night free and happened to be in the Toronto area, I happen to know a certain Twicat who would be willing to "put him up" for the night! ;-P
hey isn't this chick the one who is with rob in some pix out in london walking at night and it was cold and she was smoking- and in a cab with him?
This is definately not a good time to start a relationship, new love is so high maintenance...yeah, I think he should stay single completely for HIS benefit....
You know, I always think of how easy actors have it, and how much free time the must have when they're not filming, but this just goes to show that's not the case.
I just didn't realize Rob's schedule was that booked up ... altho, I find it hard to believe he didn't go to his parents house when he was in London over Christmas...
I'm as Robsessed as the next gal here, but I agree with you Mrs. R I would deinetly want to be in the friend section. Not because I wouldn't love to be in the other, but because Rob looks like such a fun person just to hang out with. And you know, being friends can always lead to more.
Do you really believe her? I think she´s fake... I mean come on who would say that “I seriously need to party! I’m just worried that if I start partying I won’t stop as it’s been so long. WHAT CAN I DO?"
I dont htink he would bare his soul to this girl!
I don´t think he can trust someone so fast that he tells her all his problems...
Estelle, I'm kind of thinking the same thing. I don't know anything about her, but a lot of that doesn't sound like Rob. And like I said in my earlier post, he talks about not going to his parents house in 6 months... what did he do over Xmas? I thought that was all down time.
LesaMara - I believe that girl was Makita Oliver.
Stacy - I too find it hard to believe Rob didn't go to his parents house in Dec. I think he just has completely lost track of time. That happens when your moving from place to place and so busy.
Victoria, that's true, he probably has lost track of time with all the craziness.
I'm still not sure I believe this chick tho.
yeah but he would not say those things to a strange girl. That´s not rob
Interesting if you click on the source - At the end of her actual blog it says:
"NOTE – For more about Robert Pattinson, see the Cannes postings on LaineyGossip.com. She always gets it right."
Hi MandyW:
Another lovely aspect of an enduring friendship with RP is that an unlimited amount of compatible Robsessors could enjoy this relationship with him—that is, if he were so inclined, and if he derived a benefit from it, rather than becoming more burdened with obligations— without feeling any competitiveness or jealousy toward each other!
I've come to the conclusion that I continue to Robsess mainly because RP is just the type of person I would have liked to have met, when I was his age.
But how often does life present you with the exact sort of person you need, at the very moment you need him?
And most men, at this young age (and—I hate to break it to you, younger ladies—at ANY age), are ill-equipped to relate to a woman—or to life, really—on any deep or complex level. RP seems to be ahead of his peers, in this regard, and I think (perhaps erroneously, but I like to think it, nonetheless) that he and I could, as we speak, have a very compelling and far-ranging friendship—with my questioning, expressive, and creative nature, and his guileless, adventurous, and mature (but generally jolly) approach to life.
*waiting patiently for opportunity to put friendship theory to test*
makita- you are right- now that you say her name- how could i forget- my last name is oliver...
LOL that sounded like i was calling you makita hhaa - when i meant to say yes- makita- thats right... hahah
Why does the tone of this whole encounter grate on my nerves? Self-professed flirty gossip columnist waltzes over to guy to warm him up, wanting to snog his face off. He says he's dying to party, but she sends him off to bed so she can be remembered as the one who cared enough to look after his best interests... His best interest being telling the world how moany he is? Looks like Lainey has found a chipie to do her leg work for her.
btw- you guys can call me sam- lesamara is all one name... everyone thinks it's Lesa Mara- however, it is just like Tamara but with an S and a la in front! LaTamara- LeSamara...Shit i may just change that to sam. thanks to my mom giving me the freaky ass name hahaha
not that any of that is relevant to this.. just saying ;)
interesting conversation, but I am skeptical. why would he "confide" in this gossip columnist?
I will check back to see the new pics I just saw posted on imdb.(I don't think you have it yet!) Rob is in white Edward make-up and wearing an open white shirt and the middle buttons are buttoned wrong!--it is too adorable.
Love Zoe's account of meeting Rob.
Lucky.....! I hope that somewhere in his heavy schedule (say it with a British accent...shed-ulle) he surprises us and puts out a CD.
....I sigh just thinking about listening to Rob's beautiful voice....sigh
Hello ladies. Partying may mean something different to Rob than what some of us think just like the Brits go to pubs all the time to hang out with friends and family, not necessarily for the reasons some Americans do...
I don't see any reason not to believe this account. I don't know Rob and certainly don't know what he may or may not say. He said himself that he took his stalker in Spain out and moaned and groaned about his life the whole time. Rob has also said that he has the tendency to tell his whole life story to anyone who is willing to listen. I read an account from a Twimom last fall(with pics) where Rob came out of his trailer on the set and talked to her for over 45 minutes about himself and his life. Also, there was a cool fan account by a London girl and her boyfriend where Rob talked to them for quite a bit and smoked with them outside the pub.
Maybe he is a moaney person. I've read fan accounts that say he isn't nearly as good-looking in real life as he is on film or in photo shoots. This doesn't mean they don't like him; it just means they are honest.
I think he is more guarded now, but he may also have been bored and just happy to talk to someone who wasn't all "You're such a big star and so unbelievable and I love you so much and I'm your greatest fan!" I think if you catch him at the right time, he'll talk. One can't go from being a fairly open, revealing person to a completely private person overnight.
I feel like I have some idea of Rob's personality based on watching and listening to him but in the end, I have no idea what this man thinks or says in real life apart from what I've heard from his own mouth. Did this Zoe embellish a bit? Probably, but I have no reason to think the rest of it isn't based on some truth.
As for talking to a gossip columnist...perhaps Rob wanted something published that came out of his own mouth rather than a bunch of made up or cut and paste quotes to sell a rumour...Just a thought!! :)
Maybe he's secretly hoping the info gets out, so more women will try to make a play for him!!! Hahaha...you never know!!
don´t believe that everyone here is american. I´m german and think she is fake but I can mistaken but it´s just my opinion...I think she is just a fan and asked him for a picture and that´s it.
And why do we believe accounts like this are fake? Remember the Vancouver radio personality who published her account of talking with Rob? I don't remember anyone accusing her account of being fake. Was that because she seemed more likable or because she promised she wouldn't publish a pic of Rob or openly discuss what they discussed? Not everyone is that ethical. Perhaps Rob just doesn't give a damn that this stuff ends up online because what he supposedly said isn't all that private.
i think this sort of interview really happened,Rob didnt say anything so strange or weird to make me doubt about it...he already said about not having time for girls or feeling preoccupied for the crazyness around him and it was 2a.m. so opening himself a little bit was propbably his way to end up that night...
I say bye bye to all of u for few days I'll be in MOntepulciano,hope to meet Rob but if its gonna happen u wont see my picture here..i'll keep it for me:))
Albaville - Good luck to you!:)
And I'm not trying to stir anything up here...I was just pondering the criteria with which we designate real or fake. Like most of us, I take what others say about Rob with a grain of salt (unless it comes from someone like Bobby, Marcus, Tom, cast members, etc.). Everyone else in the media is blabbing about Rob's supposed love life or lack of it, why shouldn't Rob himself say something about it???
I guess I'm a bit too analytical today. Weird. Just ignore me...:)
hey i googled zoe and she is a journalist- apparently Ozzy osbourne's daughter hit her and zoe sued her! hhaa
yay singlee! (= no chance for me, but good to hear i guess. seriously he needs to have fun. comeee party with meee!
kk- i have been reading your comments and i think you have written alot of stuff that's right on the money with things i have thought about Rob- his blabbing- etc... we do tend to over analyze everything we see or hear (i am so guilty)... but i think i am right with ya on the last several comments... and you don't need to be ignored :)
KK, I agree with everything you said. I know this is quite shocking, as we have such differing viewpoints most of the time. *snort*
I thought it sounded exactly like something Rob would say at 2 a.m. at the end of a very long day, whilst drinking. Also, he exaggerates constantly, so "I haven't even been to my parents' house in 6 months!" is Robspeak for "Oh yeah, I actually spent Christmas there, I guess that was 5 months ago...oh yeah, and then I was there in February...and well yeah, they did come see me on my birthday two weeks ago...." Kind of how Rob's unwashed hair went from 3 days to 4 months in between washings. He perpetuates this stuff himself. It's part of the reason I heart him so...little liar. ;)
you are absolutely right, Rob does seem to exagerate alot. This isn't a bad thing, I know alot of people who share this problem. And since this was at the end of the night I'm sure he was trying to end the night by having a little fun.
Good afternoon to you Leann, KK, Mrs R, and all the restof you, hope you are having a great day.
KK- Everything you said does sound about right.
Leann- The boy does exaggerate. I guess it helps with his creativity being an actor and all.
A girlfriend right now would take up the little time he does have. I'm glad he is wise enough to understand that. In the long run he would only end up hurting the girl and wasting her time. When your in a relationship you want love and attention. And if it's going to last you have to put in the time for those things.
What he is going through so many other A-list stars have been there and are still doing it. They were able to form some type of a relationship and so will he one day. He's only beginning and he'll find an opportunity to share his life. We know she is out there somewhere....waiting.
did this girl intend to make him sound like a complete sleaze bag?
Wow Rob is just so down to earth!
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