amfAR Cinema Against Aids


Silmarienn said...

he looks tired.

Maryann said...

Smoldering look galore! Rob rocks that tux! :-).

Little Red said...

A brooding, serious Rob for a great cause - ah, that suit! Yum!

RPnKSaddict said...

Not many smiles in this set of pics. Maybe starting to get tired of all the photographs.
I feel for him, but at the same time I can't stop looking at the pictures. He's magnificent.

Martina said...

he looks very serious. :/

Maryann said...

After seeing the paparazzi video of Rob and others entering that yacht party I do not blame him for being FED up with the photographing lol. I suspect he's fed up by the entire Cannes thing already!

Melanie said...

He looks so serious! I'm in Rob overload from the past couple of days, but yummy I've enjoyed it.

Sara said...

I agree - I think he is looking a bit tired too - all those parties have taken it out of him !!

Stupid69Lamb said...

Yeah, he definitely looks tired and fed-up. But Maryann, you're right, nobody rox the tux like Rob. :)

Mechevpao said...

Looking great!! maybe a little tire, but who woudn´t be in his place!!

Shani said...

Cannes is a lot to handle,but like I said before this is nothing new for him. You just have to roll with the punches bb.

Another thing for me is I would love it if he would become involved with a really great charity. To give back and to be apart of something bigger than all this crazy fame. I doubt he'll be the next George,Leo,Brad,or Angie in that large of an aspect, but someone who could use a bit of their fame to make a difference like other celebs do.

Maryann said...

Laila ya made it on here!! :-D

Alexpz said...

what's up with the hair? it's getting so long that he can't hold it back...but he's still adorable. He does look tired...come here darling i'll rock u to sleep...hahaha

marya said...

does anybody know from when these pictures are?
shani- i agree with u all the way!
hes always saying that he feels like he cant give anything back to the screaming and adoring fans but just stand there and look pretty... i think being a part of a charity would definitely help that...

Mechevpao said...

Mmmm I don´t know Shani, sometimes when celebrities do charity it looks like they are doing a publicity stunt.

janehofstra said...

What? He's alone? Where's the bodyguard? LOL

I agree w/ everyone -- gorgeous, of course, but seriously in need of sleep and heavy duty undereye cream. But he's 23, he'll bounce back quick! Didn't we all at that age? Heaven knows my body knew before I did when I hit 3. Have fun Rob, honey, but make sure to stay hydrated!

janehofstra said...

Sheesh, I meant 30, not 3!

Nicky said...

the dude is lookin abit wrecked...poor guy.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Click on the next-to-the-last one and I dare you to not find yourself HYPNOTIZED!

I could barely go back to the blog...

Nikola Six said...

Yeah, he's lookin' a bit pooped and
let's face it, you can only smile so much before you want to scream. Still...he looks gorgeous. While I prefer Scruffy Rob with his beanie,
woobie hoodie, 2 day old tee shirt and 5 days of stubble (which in this instance would constitute a beard), my gawd...can that boy clean up or what? Damn, he looks fine in a tux (personally I think he could wear a burlap sack with a bungee cord tied around his waist and I'd still need to go change panties...who said that?)

Speaking of him being pooped...
It has only begun girls. If I've got my facts straight (and I usually don't), in less than two years time he's going to have filmed SIX movies; New Moon, Remember Me, Eclipse, Unbound Captive, Bel Ami and Breaking Dawn (as I'm pretty sure Summit is gonna wanna wrap this thing up by 2011). Not mention that by years end he's got to understand enough Camanche (CAMANCHE!!!) and ride a horse bareback (BAREBACK!!!), to look like he's been doing both for years. Holy shit kid.

Do you guys have any idea how hard it is to ride bareback? There's no saddle to protect you or stirrups to get you into that saddle. He's going to have to mount that horse on his own physical strength.

By Christmas 2010 he'll probably be in hospital hooked up to an IV.
But...this is his brass ring and it only comes around once or twice in a lifetime.

Hang on baby. You going for a ride.

Shani said...

Mech- He's not shallow like that.

Marya- Your right. I remember him saying that too. I kind of want him to feel his time up and be around people with more substance and depth.I don't want him around shady females ever again. He needs to focus on himself, get his career together (Rob that's what it is now, face it) , and plan for the future. Fuck all the other BS. He'll have time for that later.

MandyW said...

Nicola, youer facts seem pretty right to me. I knew he was in all these different projects but never actually stopped to count them. Wow, 6 different films, No wonder the man looks pooped, I would be too just thinking about all that.Though I do have to say, that is one sexy man.

Shani said...

jane- Hydration is the key.LOL

janehofstra said...

Chicago Girl - that happens to me quite a bit when I look at any pic of Rob where he's looking right at you (well, me), then I forget what I've been doing for the last hour and my assistant thinks I'm seriously whacked.

Nikola - reading that made ME tired! That sounds right, I just never stopped to think about it from his perspective...I was mostly just jumping up and down at the thought of seeing him on screen so much over the next couple of years. And thanks for the Rob mounting a horse image, my assistant is peering at me like I've lost my mind.

Shani said...

Nik- I know he thought that the groin pull he had got when he picked up Kris was bad. Hell, wait for the raw balls...LMAO

Shani said...

Jane- If I may be so nosey, you have an assistant??? What do you do???

...wowie! said...

His hair is doing some 80's, Duckie from Pretty in Pink...interesting.

monika said...

oh my Rob and Kristen New Moon kissing pic and some others:

Honey said...

I have to thank several sets of parents for helping to bring sunshine to my absolute BS of a week.

Thanks to parents: Rob's, Goz's and Dani's.

Thanks for all of you coming together (wow, that could totally be perverted if i wasn't of pure mind today) to bring us this blog.

Silmarienn said...

thanks for link

Estelle said...
The firt pics from new moon...

janehofstra said...

Shani - you pee it all out faster, the alcohol, toxins and whatnot(: That was always our theory during/after a night out, bottles and bottles of water, instant pick me up!

And to answer your question, I'm the financial controller for an independent book publisher. For now anyway. I haven't obsessed over a celebrity since I was in film school, and Rob's kinda forcing me to re-evaluate my interest in the creative arts.

Honey said...

Nicola, thanks for the break down (not the literal one but I could understand if it does happen) of his schedule.

Yay for us, hopefully yay for him.

I love that he's going native :)

Honey said...

Oops, spelled your name wrong Nikola.


Ladies, work has been terrible and I deserve and am in desperate need of a mani & pedi.

Have fun!

Shani said...

jane- Yep, I know that trick and so does Robbie very, very,(let me add on another one)very well.LOL
And I have never obsessed like this over any celeb. Most of us here haven't. Our boy is really speacial. I'm a Medical Staff Service Coordinator. I know mouth full...:P

MandyW said...

Janehofstra... I do that too. After a night of drinking drink two bottles of water and take two IB and, voila no hangover in the morning.

Shani said...

Well, let me get back to finshing up this stuff and I'll talk to y'all later.

Anonymous said...

I was just going to say how tired he looks!

Sophia Z.86 said...

Yes, he looks really tired, poor gorgeous. And he put too many hair gel...

"Rob, lover, need a relaxing bubble bath? I can prepare one for us... I can wash your beautiful hair -- actually, I can 'wash' ALL your hair -- scrub you all, every gorgeous detail. Sure you know you will have to 'pay me up'... but we both know that it is not a problem for you, even so tired..."

Sophia Z.86 said...


janehofstra said...

Later Shani! I should probably get back to work too...

margot said...

tired, red eyes

Mechevpao said...

OMG.. look at this news.. he is a very expensive boy!!!

Robert Pattinson’s $20,000 Kisses

How much is a kiss with Rob Pattinson worth?

The vampy leading man was auctioned off today in Cannes for the amfAR Cinema Against AIDS 2009 Cocktail Party. The bidding got so high that Pattinson was split between two bidders, who each paid $20,000 for the chance to meet, greet and win a kiss on the cheek from the ‘Twilight’ idol.

Other items that were auctioned off included a saxophone donated by Bill Clinton, and a vacation with newly engaged pair Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart.

Proceeds from the auction support amfAR’s work which includes AIDS research, HIV prevention, treatment education and sound AIDS-related public policy. To find out how you can support amfAR, visit

Nikola Six said...

jane- why you are most welcome for that image planted of Rob mounting a horse. 'Course the words 'Rob' and 'mounting' in the same sentence sorta sends the ol' imagination spinnin', don't it? Although in my case, it's gets my tick goin'. Seriously. I look at this guy or sit back and think about this guy and suddenly my eye starts a twitchin' (not to mention other parts of me. Lord. And. God.)

And Shani- yes, I too have been thinking about his balls. Oh, not like you pervs (well. okay. exactly like that), but also in relationship of his upcoming relationship with this horse. I mean, if he's honestly going to attempt this bareback with just wearing a breech cloth (or whatever you call it...a Camanchee nappy, then Holy Mother. He's gonna need a jock strap made out of adamantium to protect those precious balls or he'll end up never being able to father children (yeah, yeah I know, says he doesn't like kids. doesn't mean he's not gonna have any).

But kidding aside, if he doesn't get some proper training time in, he could get seriously injured, especially since he's not a jock or anything (don't you worry 'bout that baby. i'll take a guy with a guitar over a guy with a ball anyday) Like I said without the saddle it's almost impossible to do and dangerous (which is why most people do not ride bareback these days). It's the saddle that helps get you onto the horse and more importantly, keeps you on the horse. Without it, you must get on and stay on under your own physical strength. And in this case...ride like the thunder while doing it.

Me thinks boyfriend needs to get on a horse RIGHT DAMN NOW!!! Every free minute he's got filming Remember Me and Eclipse he needs to have his gorgeous skinny ass in the saddle. Well...saddle at first. And then throw the damn thing away. And while he's riding he could have head phones on listening to Comanchee. You know what he should do? Have his lines recorded so that he can listen to them and learn them phonetically. He should even have the headphones on while he's sleeping. I know that sounds weird, but I've heard it helps. Seeps into the brain. Crap. He's got a lot on his plate.

And finally...(told you guys to brace yourself as I can talk up a blue streak) so that's what the water bottle he's always carrying around is about. Not much of a drinker myself (however, I smoke like a chimney). Hmmm...goes to show you learn somethin' new everyday.

Now I really must get off this computer. I will not look at anymore pictures or read any more articles today. I will not. I will not. I will not.

Or...I might. Ya never know.

Anonymous said...

lmao...#2 looks like he's thinking... could we please get the pics over with...i need a fucking cigarette

$20k for a kiss from him? awww

Gemgirl65 said...

He looks kinda sad in these pics. Even his hair looks down. :(

Anonymous said...

leann: your avi is untagged out there now!

caninecologne said...

holy fk! - lick them lips baby!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

30! You still around?

lostinphilly said...

Yes, our Robbie looks very tired and worn out. But he does need to get alot of rest with all that is gonna be on his plate with six films coming up!Also looking forward to seeing the bareback riding and what he'll be wearing in Unbound Captives(and long hair, swoon!)He still rocks a suit (or tux) and looks as sexy as ever in these pics!!

Anonymous said...

when I die, I would like to reborn as
Rob's tuxedo.

Anonymous said...

...or anything he puts on.

Babs said...


that makes me think of Bryan Adams' song 'I wanna be your underwear'

enough said :)

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