What a smile...

Showing off that charming smile, Robert Pattinson was spotted on the set of "New Moon" in Montepulciano, Italy on Monday (May 25).

The Edward Cullen actor looked in high spirits as he strolled the grounds in a short sleeved plaid shirt with jeans and a pair of shades.

Meanwhile, Robert recently chatted with Spanish Panetalla Nacional magazine, asked whether the fame has changed him or the people he knows.

Pattinson tells: "I think deep down, people don’t really change, but it has varied the way that my friends see me, even my family. It’s weird, because the truth is that people in your life repeatedly treat you differently. But you’ll always know who your true friends are. I hope that there will come a moment where they, my family, and myself will get back to normal, because they know me, they know who I am and we have the same dreams. I don’t have the feeling that I’ve changed, I think I’m the same."


Anonymous said...

Oh yea.....come to mama! Just down the street, door to the right! Mmmmm.....

MandyW said...

At least he looks like he's having a good time, who wouldn't in Italy.

Jennifer said...

I love to see him happy.

Martina said...

I have endurable need to hug this man! :(

Suz said...

Hot Tramp..

I Love You


Sophia Z.86 said...


"Oh Rob, lover, please, don't change. But, if you think you wanna 'change', come here, I can HELP you with the 'change'... We could start taking those shirts off, then the jeans... and... yeah! yummy!!!"

annycullen said...

go robbb! (= so happy to see my boo happy. haha i wanna hug him so bad.

Dahlia said...

he looks happy so i'm happy!! very very happy, he looks delicious as always!

Melanie said...

Yes, when Rob's happy, we are all happy!

Yvonne said...

lookin' good :)

Jala said...

Anyone notice the cut off sleeves?

Rob, I love your style.

Shani said...

Someone is a happy bb. I wonder what was going on??? He is just cheezing away. Good for you bb. Keep your head up!!!

margot said...

hmmm ... this is, I think the first time in modern history, that one man can easily make so many women happy ....

Chicago girl now in LA said...

It is going to be a long process before Rob, his "friends"--real ones and those interested only in the 'fame ride'--, as well as family come to a workable place. Rob cannot go through all of this attention without being affected, nor can his friends and family.

And what about his aunt (?!?) who gave out those baby/toddler pics to that magazine? So, I'm sure Rob's fame has had a different impact on all connected to him.

I was surprised by the way people acted after I moved to SoCal and married DH. I'm still me. I have a small notion of what Rob is talking about...I honestly wonder if everyone is genuinely happy for him?

That said, I LOVE to see the plaid shirt with the cut-off sleeves...that's Rob! :))))

Tina said...

Wow I really think Rob is one person that will not let fame go to his head.

Gemgirl65 said...

Good points, Chicago girl. Sometimes people let envy get the better of them, no matter what their intentions may be. It's going to be an adjustment for not just Rob but everyone who loves him, and I'm sure he's already experiencing that. I think he's just staying as busy as possible so he doesn't have time to ponder any of the craziness too much...I think it's just too overwhelming for him, so he shuts it out as much as he can.

TO Twicat said...

He looks so much happier than he did in Cannes. He's back to doing what he loves...or he's anticipating the time off he has before going to New York.

Oana said...

Ok guys, I don't know how many of you read my post yesterday about my being in Montepulciano and deciding to refrain from any form of Robstalking (not that i ever seriously contemplated doing it) after seeing the twimob in action on the set of New Moon. There, even if you hadn't read it, I’ve just summed it up. The thing is, tonight i've just had another weird experience and i still have goosebumps to prove it :) This is going to be longish but please bear with me, I have to vent.
Having decided to avoid all Montepulciano madness, me and my friend took a cab to a nearby town and told the cab driver to drop us somewhere in the town center. This was like 4 hours ago, around 10 pm. We walked around without any idea where we were going, looking for a place to buy cigarettes. At some point we went up some random street only to turn midway as it seemed to be a residential area with no shops. As I stopped and turned around, a black van with dark windows slowed down in front of me and took a sharp turn right and up an alley that lead to (presumably) a hotel. Even if i hadn't recognized the van (i'd seen it on the set the previous day), the group of girls who seemed to materialize from thin air and ran frantically after the van made it obvious that inside had to be Rob and/or somebody else from the cast.
I froze on the spot, I mean, what are the chances of finding yourself in front of Rob's hotel (there are tens if not hundreds of hotels in the area) without looking for it? And my only thought was, please, if it was Rob inside that car, I hope it didn’t look like I stopped and turned on his account. I AM NOT one of THEM. What followed was really disturbing. I felt like on some secret military operation in the middle east :))) I sat with my friend on a bench for one hour and a half with our mouths hanging open watching flocks of girls running or driving up that alley, circling the hotel like vultures, tipping others off on the phone about the location, taking pictures with the hotel name plate (why???!!!) while one other similar van and the black Mercedes from the shirtless pics also made their way through. It was a really weird scene. We watched all these small (obviously rented) cars packed with girls, American, German, Spanish, Italian, all slowing down, all going up the alley, all down again and again and again, groups on foot running up and down, I even saw a young girl with her mom for God’s sake walking their dog around the hotel on purpose like 3 times, a guy dropping his girlfriend in the front to keep watch and picking her up later (what a douche!) and another guy escalading the wall between the curves of the alley (to get there faster???). And ‘m willing to bet that there was no sign of Rob up there, he must have gone directly to his room.
And all this while we sat on that bench growing more and more philosophical and also slightly paranoid (just like Rob :). Every innocent passerby seemed to us either a twihard or paparazzi, depending on gender.
And then we came to this conclusion: no wonder they become more and more reclusive, elusive and paranoid every day. They cannot even get out for a smoke on the terrace or enjoy a walk around the hotel after a hard day’s shoot cause fans somehow track them down and never give them a moment’s peace. Those girls weren’t there by pure coincidence like we were. And what’s worse, they obviously gave away the location to others so tomorrow the place will be swarming with twistalkers.
And my friend, in her wisdom, added this: for all of you less enthusiastic robstenites (just like us), THAT’s why actors inbreed :), cause fans prevent them from going out and meeting new interesting people (again, just like us).
And last but not least, without any intention to brag, even if my trip to Italy was not 100% for Rob’s sake, I DID plan it around this event and I did hope to meet him here. But there is a difference between meeting fate halfway and forcing yourself on people.
Whew. Tough day. Now I can go to sleep. At this rate, who knows what tomorrow will bring. Maybe Rob :)

Treasure_7 said...
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Treasure_7 said...

His smile is so cute.....

ssherrill115 said...

I never see him smile like that - he must really be having a nice time there. I'm glad to see him smiling!

Anonymous said...


Wow. Just wow. Thanks for this account, it is something to really think about. (And it gives me the heebie-jeebies.)

Mochachino said...
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Babs said...

Oana, I get your point and you gave me something to think about.
Some people just don't understand when they're crossing a line and that beyond a celebrity there's a person with feelings and fears who needs respect just like everybody else. Yes he's in the public eye and maybe it's ok that people take pictures of him but harassing him is way too much.

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