Official New Moon Trailer


Georgie said...

Thank you so much Dani! I was watching it live but it was very pixelated and stop-start so this has put me out of my misery! 20 November will now take forever...

Amanda said...

I love it! Who cares that it isn't exactly how it is in the book. I can't wait!

Kathy#1 said...
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Ash7586 said...

So excited!!!

CoyoteUgly said...

OMG!! I can NOT wait till November 20th!!!

Kathy#1 said...
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Honey said...

What a tease ;)

RPnKSaddict said...

We're all speechless squelling like girls. It looks really good.Can't even type. lol.

Tenneil said...

O.M.G... cant wait

RPnKSaddict said...

My sister is laughing hysterically. Robward overload. And Kristen was awesome I love her even more!

TheCheshireCat said...

Hey all! I've been lurking on here for a while now, but THIS has caused me to come out of hiding! Can't wait till November! Love the teaser and the site!

Anonymous said...


kumari said...

I slow motioned the phasing, you can see fur flying off, and each part of Jacob actually changing, I think they will fine tune the wolves in post production, but had to get this part done for the trailer. they haven't or just have finished filming, so the back work hasn't even been done yet. I hope we'll get more trailers as time gets closer!

MizzezPattinson said...

and I will not sleep until this comes out....for real......

Kathy#1 said...

Wow, thanks for getting this up so quick! I watched the trailer live and it was AWESOME. Rob was gorgeous, sweet, and awkward as always. Love him, love him! I especially loved Jim Carey's comments about "the kid from Twilight" haha..

Anonymous said...

OMG I am so excited! I've watched it like 10 times already.

marina mia said...

i love the trailer but the last bit with the phasing...sorry jake looks too cuddly to be scary. I was also hoping it would be a little darker but as a teaser trailer this rocks.


domisgone said...

So excited! I won't lie!

I was screaming and yelling when I was watching this... and don't get me started on the almost-kiss that Rob and Kristin nearly shared!

katykeene said...

Hmmm why do they have Rob dressed in suit-like outfits in this clip? Makes him look more mature. I was trying to work out if he has the same outfit on in all his shots. He of course looks gorgeous regardless.
Taylor..well it is obvious they are trying to sell this bit of beefcake?? He has no shirt on in the first shots(what a surprise) and before he morphs he does. This is obviously not a continuous scene.
The cinematography looks very beautiful.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

LOVED ROB...WHAT A KNOCK OUT HE IS... his acting was moving... they all look beautiful finally, in their better cloths...BUT I'M SORRY, THAT CGI WOLF, LOOKS JUST AS CHILDISH AS THE WHOLE LION AND WARDROBE ANIMALS DID...REALLY ANIMATED FAIRY TALE OR was suppose to be scary...

Kathy#1 said...

Welcome Cheshire Cat - they all come out of the closet on this site eventually! Ha..

I thought Kristen was so darn cute when she dropped the trophy... I jusst wished they panned the Twilight group in the audience a little more - or at all! Love the scene with Jacob transforming...

monika said...

he looks really mature and older than in Twilight,they better make the last two movies soon cause he no longer passes for a 17 year old.

katykeene said...

Agree Suzy.. didn't look BIG or SCARY to me either. Maybe it will be more effective on the big screen and seen in context. At least I hope so?
Will upset a lot I guess when I say I was neither surprised on overly impressed with the trailer.
(Except what I already said about Rob and the Cinematography.)

Suz said...

New Moon Trailer


justgayle said...

Yeah when Kristen dropped the award I was like OMG poor Kristen -- but I thought it was really cute when then panned to Rob's reaction to her dropping it and he was laughing so adorable and "real"!

kchambers77 said...

*runs around screaming banging pots and pans like steve martin in dirty rotten scoundrels*

albaville said...

This trailer is AMAZING!! love it, so beautiful, Chris made a great job directing this movie, I met him in Italy and is such a professional, talentful guy!!!
cant wait to see NEW MOON..cant wait!

maha said...

am so excited to watch the movie

gardenfairy said...

oh my god, i so cried when i saw it first! but i don't like that he is so "nice" to her in the forest. when he kisses her on the head and more or less tells her he leaves because of the danger that being close him implies. i remember him being much colder in the book telling her he simply doesn't love her, that is why he leaves!
anyway, completely different question:
can anyone of you fans tell me why jasper has the surname hale? that puzzles me for quite some time but i haven't found out yet. all the others are cullens, except rose who probably wanted to keep her old surname. but jasper? why not his own old one or cullen? maybe he secretly is rosalie's hubby?? can anyone tell me???

MandyW said...

Garden- Jasper has the last name Hale because the cover story is that him and Rosalie are twins adopted by the Carlisle and Esme.

Dandy said...

Holy Crap! How awesome was that!?

Martina said...

This morning I woke up 2 hours earlier so I could watch the trailer asap and it was worth it. :D

Sara said...

Brb, dying.

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