New Moon Still in HQ

Source - Twilight Sweden


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Anonymous said...


Lynnes said...

Love his lashes!

Anonymous said...

Oh sweet Jesus!

thud! (the sound of me hitting the floor)

This is a HOT photo!

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!

Kate said...

What can I say ???? YUM!!!

MandyW said...

This kiss looks STEAMY!!! Can't wait for NM.

Martina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
marya said...


Jennifer said...

I love that they got his ear white this time too, although there's just the littlest shade of red on it anyway if you look....

*sigh* To be that close to those lips...

Anonymous said...


Have nothin els to say..

Sophia Z.86 said...

Despite of the kabuki mask, he looks yummy!

Love his... everything!

Suz said...

Crist on a Cracker...

Just when I thought I could handle just about anything after Cannes.....

The little fucking mole..

Killed me dead.

Dahlia said...

oh god! i don't know whether to smile or cry... *fans self*

annycullen said...

OMG! robward<3333333 love him x95349856923459879754923875439285743 and so on..

DD said...

I love HQ. It is clear enough to see the little mole on his hairline. THUD.

Georgie said...

Not sure which blog to post this on...but I found on FB the MOST DELICIOUS LIP-CIGARETTE PORN

CullenGal09 said...

Helloooo! Just popping in briefly-for now-anyone there? Hot pics, eh?!? ;)

CullenGal09 said...

Marya! ((waves))

Sophia-what's up!

Suz-LOL-girl, you are too much, as always!

CullenGal09 said...

Anyone there? Did I miss everyone again? My timing sucks today-bahaha.

CullenGal09 said...

I'll try again maybe later-these pics are something else-just get better and better...the ones of him on set with partially open shirt-*thud*

ijustdieddead-it was a good day to die-;)

CullenGal09 said...

One last chance-anyone? I'm sorry again missed ya'll, but i'll try again later perhaps, if i can.

CullenGal09 said...

Suz-if you read this-your blogsite (pattykakes) rules. It's just lovely. Way to go.

Anonymous said...

Those eyelashes!!! Were they always so long? How did I miss this? He's so yummy even with the white face.

Lynn said...

Hello, lovelies!

Oh sweetest Edward....they look like the book here!


CullenGal09 said...

Hi Lynn!

CullenGal09 said...

Isn't this pic divine? Just achingly beautiful. It makes me so anxious for the movie!

Chicago girl now in LA said...


Love Rob always, though. ;)

CullenGal09 said...

These pics today have ben beyond drool worthy. Wonderful! Thanks Dani for the fabulous eye candy-well done!

CullenGal09 said...

Well, hello, Chi-girl!

CullenGal09 said...

How are you today?

CullenGal09 said...

Is life in the big city well today?

CullenGal09 said...

It's been kind of blah here, except for these pics-they brightened my day...;)

CullenGal09 said...

I was checking in for a few minutes, I missed everyone earlier.

CullenGal09 said...

My timing has been off today! :p

CullenGal09 said...

Robward is just delectable though-loving it!

CullenGal09 said...

Anyone there still? Everyone's busy today-back to work after holiday and all.

CullenGal09 said...

Chi-girl in La-you still there? Anybody?

CullenGal09 said...

Alone again. :( Sorry! Will have to try again later i guess.

CullenGal09 said...

One last chance-chigirl?

CullenGal09 said...

Alrighty then. Later then!

margot said...

Cullen ..... chill out :)))))))))

hello to those who just popped in :)))

I've been having an eye on the blog for all my day :)))) and streaming

margot said...

Dani ?

any info of Gozde ?

no info is good or not too good info ?

Anna said...

When Robward is concerned, the bigger the better. Yep, that's what she said :)

Shani said...

They look 10X better this time around. More believable.

Hairstylist that's not stuck in the 50's: Check

Makeup artist with good 20/20 vision: Check


KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Shani - Makeup artist with 20/20 vision? HAHAHAHAHAHA So true...

I would literally kill someone to have eyelashes like those! Why is it that guys get such long, beautiful eyelashes. Doesn't make sense to me...we're stuck putting on that white gunk then the black gunk to make 'em look longer...Gah...

margot said...

plus a vid link I gave earlier

Replay for Americans :

it seems to me that today I was streaming during the day during European day-time-zone, like a radio ...

margot said...

Boycotts and BarFlies is a one good FF

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

So our little blond friend from Cannes speaks to STAR magazine about her encounter with Rob...

"“We had a great time together! Rob's very sweet,” Erika Dutra gushes to Star through giggles in our June 8 issue. “He’s even better-looking in person than he is in photographs."

Better looking in real life? Now I know she's lying...JUST KIDDING!!! So much for her not being a talker...

marya said...

Georgie- you killed me with that pic! my goodness...lip porn...jawporn...oh my oh my...

DD said...

KK - I guess "Erika" won't be seeing Rob again. If they had such a great time and there was any chance that she would see him again, don't you think she would've kept quitet.

marya said...

by the way...did anyone see this reaally cool fanmade poster?? robs looking mighty fine in it...:)

MandyW said...

Your right it's not fair that guys get beautiful lashes and girls don't( i think its because they don't mess with them) My son is 11 and thinks his long lashes and blue eyes are a curse. He doesn't believe me when I say that girls are going to go crazy for it when he's older.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

DD - Absof*ckinglutely. If there was a chance I could hang out with him, I'd take it to my grave...

Georgie said...

Yep Marya...I have it on constant replay. For those who haven't seen it (wait for it to start moving):

marya said...

haha yeah at first i thought it was just a pic...and then it started changing in very interesting ways i might wow :O

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

DD - Of course I'd tell the Robsessors....:)

Georgie said...

Love the fanmade poster too!!

Georgie said...

I'll never get ready for work at this rate!!

DD said...

KK - Talking about it is not smart. I certainly would have kept my mouth shut and made sure he felt safe coming back. But that might be the difference between the younger ladies and those of us who are more "well aged".

DD said...

KK - Of course we would share any Rob related experince with the Robsessors, but they would never tell!

marya said...

holy shite! this might be one of the hottest things ive EVER seen haha now that i downloaded it on my computer it plays so much faster!!!!
thanks so much georgie youve made mi night :D:D:D

marya said...

sorry typo!
my night :D

margot said...

@ marya

it's good


lol, fans cut KStew out, that's meaningful !
they made Taylor bigger and Rob smaller , more meaningful even

that reminds me VOTE MYTV !

margot said...

ekhm ... MTV

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

DD - "Well aged..." True, true :))) Just like wine, we only get better with time...

marya said...

margot- actually i thought that this could be cool for like a promotional poster not like the actual movie poster...cause it illustrates the rivalry between them very well i think...
and of course those pants and tshirt are sooo much better for robward i think...much more like i imagined edward would dress...

marya said...

totally off topic...gosh i have this song stuck in my head...fairytale... dont know if theres anyone from norway here?? sure theyll know what im talking about...
sorry that was random...
back to rob :)

Lucy said...

I. . . No puedo . . . He's . . . Umm . . . Esque . . .

Crap, these latest pics have me stuttering in spanglish! This is what this man does to me!

Que chulo es Robward!!
I can't respirar bien *reminding self to breath*

DD said...

KK - It's the difference between "wine" and "whine".

marya said...

bb- im laughing so hard at your comment...
me pasa lo mismo cuando veo robward...:D

THIRTYGIRL2009 said...

Georgie- THAT IS SOOOOO HOT!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU. Once again hubby will have to thank Rob for tonight. lol

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

DD - Awesome. I need the humor...was just posting comments on a Robsten website to piss people off...That always cheers me up. :D

monika said...

so Erika speaks out? hardly surprising,just proved she's nothing more than a media whore, knew would run to the rags to sell her little story. first L&S,now Star mag. she's so making a fool out of herself since her story has been debunked. since I'm also a C.Ronaldo fan,I got used to golddigging attention seekers cashing in on those celebs. can sense such bitches from afar now.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone catch this link? Rob is so hot, he is even making a dorky polo shirt all the rage with men. *As if* someone is going to see some other dude in this shirt and think he's hot. I don't think so...

Only Rob! Hahaha.

DD said...

KK - you must need the humor if you are stirring up all the "teenies". There was a lot of talk about that here yesterday, so I stayed away. It's the topic that never dies, no matter how many times you beat it down.

marya said...

monika- im also a cristiano fan! man...are u watching the game tomorrow? i so am! :D:D

DD said...

A/LA - Yep, doesn't matter what our boy wears. He always looks ymmy. Even when he cuts the sleeves off a plaid shirt.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

DD - I agree. I only stir things up when I'm really in a crappy mood. I'm never mean...

DD said...

KK - crappy mood? I am home early. Caught some bug and chugging the Nyquil. But can't leave the computer alone. Don't want to miss any Rob goodies.

Gemgirl65 said...

KK - whatchoo doin' readin' Star magazine again...?

DD, hope you are feeling better!

This may be the cheesiest avi ever, but I just HAD to do it ya know.

BTW, I think the reason Rob looks so happy today is because Edward's Big Almost-Suicide Scene in NM is his favorite part of all 4 books. This is IT for's all downhill for Rob after this, as far as Edward Cullen goes.

Anonymous said...

KK- some of those kids need stirring up. They spout such hooey. Sometimes I want to, but I'm usually clutching my sides laughing at how they invent some of their theories...

monika said...

@marya,well of course I am:) there's nothing,absolutely nothing in this world that would stop me from watching it. really
I would never ever miss such a game,the biggest one this year. I'm so shititng bricks just thinking about tomorrow. go United! hehe

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

DD - It seems like everyone on Robsessed is getting sick...perhaps I should stay away for a few days??? :D

monika said...

lol oops *shitting*

marya said...

well im actually rooting for barcelona you know im spanish lol...but still...watching cristiano on the field is so gonna be worth it!!!

margot said...

"Poor Pitt he looks like he's trying too hard these days."


KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

A/L.A. Oh I laugh and poke holes at the same time :)

Leann - Can't resist a bullsh*t story once in awhile. There's plenty to choose from!

Gemgirl65 said...

brightredink, one of the things that bugs me the most about Twilight is Rob's pink ears and back of his neck! Hello, the kabuki make-up needs to go EVERYWHERE or forget it, make-up people! I just kept noticing it throughout the, like, destroyed me.

Yvonne said...

Just a quick 'hello' :)

Hi KK, Leann,LA,DD, Mon...

Interesting about lil' miss Bitch- oops I mean Erika....What an ass.

LA...not surprised about the trend of black-striped polos :)
That's our boy, the trend-setter LOL

DD said...

Leann/KK - Thanks. I know several ladies here have been under the weather.

I think its because we need some one on one time with Rob. We would all feel better then, wouldn't we!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - Kabuki makeup...LMAO

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Yvonne - I'm still convinced that Rob didn't actually buy that shirt. Someone made him wear it...:D

Yvonne said...

Leann, so true, the pink ears made me crazy. Make up looks much better now.

Yvonne said...

KK...LOL! Absolutely! :)))) WE KNOW what HIS clothes look like!

Anonymous said...

Leann-- thanks for mentioning how in Twilight, the makeup was only applied to the front side of the vamps. Yes! Everyt ime they turned their heads, you could see the line of white. urrrgh!

DD said...

The hair is better too. Doesn't look as "crunchy" LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi Yvonne! C'mon in! :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe Rob wore the polo because Stephanie or Nick forced him to wash his other shirts. ;P

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

A/L.A. I can just see it...

"Rob, all you need to do is put the clothes into the machine, pour some detergent in and push THIS button. It's like magic...everything comes out clean. Can you do this, Rob, or do we need to call housekeeping again?"

margot said...

Dear Ladies - you are a bit cruel to good ole Cathryn who delivered divine Rob to us on a plater , right to our eyes and hearts (not to our well educated , independent brains ... cause it's no case anymore )


I caouldn't agree more !!!!!

Gemgirl65 said...

Rob SO did not pick out that polo shirt. He rocked it, of course...but someone threw it at him and said "You're wearing this." It's soooo "Let's take the yacht over to the club for mojitos this afternoon, eh Muffy?" If it were up to Rob, he'd be rockin' the Stoli tee, suspender pants and shiteous Nikes while throwing back 6-packs of Heinie.

I love him either way. I seriously never notice what he's wearing. He looks a hot mess most of the time and I find him utterly delicious like that. And also delicious in tailored preppy clothes. And suits. And tuxes. Rob is Everyman, and yet like no other man on the planet...quite the peplexing conundrum.

Anonymous said...

Is the makeup artist named Cathryn?

-soft focus-
envisioning convo between Twi makeup artist & CH:

"Yeah, but with the budget you outlined for us, we can only afford enough Kabuki White #2 for the front of the actors' faces. Can't you tell them not to turn sideways?"

DD said...

We'll have to wait and see if the polo makes another appearance before we know whether or not is now part of Rob's wardrobe.

If you own 15 pieces of clothing, can you actually call it a wardrobe?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

DD - Yes...a wardrobe that fits into a grocery bag.

DD said...

Leann - You got that right. Rob is a series of conumdrums. But isn't that what keeps us wanting more?

DD said...

KK - Well, it certainly makes packing easier!

CullenGal09 said...

Hi y'all1 I'm baaaack! ;)

Anonymous said...

Leann- LMFAO!

If he wore that polo with some white jeans and a cap'n hat, he'd be very yacht rock.

If you like Pina Coladas
And getting caught in the rain
If you're not into yoga
If you have half a brain
If you'd like making love at midnight
In the dunes on the Cape
Then I'm the love that you've looked for
Write to me and escape.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Okay, everyone go to this link and check THIS Rob tattoo out...

Too bad it looks as much like him as I do!!!

I'm finding some bizarre stuff today...

CullenGal09 said...

Hey KK-my little hhodie woobie. ;)

A.La-what up?!?

Leann-howdy! Anymore dirty poems-hehe.

monika said...

marya, aha guess that's understandable. the two biggest football teams in the world clashing in the dream CL final,hopefully Ronnie'll be at his best and Messi won't turn up at all tomorrow night hehe for the sake of my team. think I won't have any fingernails and have nerves completely shredded by the end of the game. love and hate that feeling.

Lucy said...

Mayra- Chica, es que este hombre esta como quiere! Que rico!

The boy's got me Feenin' like Jodeci over here. (Did I just date myself with that refrence? ;))

Re the makeup: WORD to everything Leann said.

CullenGal09 said...


Anonymous said...

zomg KK!

DD said...

KK - OMG! That is ugly! And what's with the pointy hair. And it's huge.

CullenGal09 said...

Hi monika, Buddha. Still not word on Goz, guys?

CullenGal09 said...

KK-you so crazy-bahaha.

Gemgirl65 said...

A/LA...LMAO! Now they can afford enough Kabuki #2 for the Rob's entire torso in today's shoot! And as hot as it's been, they probably have to keep reapplying as it drips off of Rob in rivulets of milky sweat...thus requiring constant toweling off and reapplying of Kabuki #2 to his chest, back, arms, stomach, lovelines...

Someone, somewhere is getting PAID to do that. Instead of offering to pay Summit and Rob, as I would probably do.

CullenGal09 said...

So does everyone like the partly open shirt pic?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Pick your tattoo artists (and your tattoos) carefully, everyone...Edward looks more like Ed Grimley in this piece of "art".

CullenGal09 said...


CullenGal09 said...

KK-Ed Grimley-LOL.

Gemgirl65 said...

That tatt looks like perhaps if Richard Gere played Edward? And that's doing Richard a disservice. yikes!

CullenGal09 said...

LEANN!!! No dirty limericks tonight? You were on a roll last night.

Anonymous said...

Leann, I think you have the beginnings of a naughty naughty FF, my dear.

CullenGal09 said...

Leann-Richard Gere?!? LOL

CullenGal09 said...

A/LA-I agree! How are ya?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Sounds like I missed everything last night...

CullenGal09 said...

Leann-you have quite the imagination....;)

DD said...

Leann - Two kisses on the cheek auctioned for over $40K each. Just think how much they could get for applying makeup over and over on his whole upper torso. (You know you have to actually touch him to apply Kabuki#2)

CullenGal09 said...

Aw,KK! Leann was in rare form. She was coming up with some hot ones-hehe.

Anonymous said...

Holycow, KK.... that tattoo does look like Ed Grimley!! (sorry girl with tattoo)

Hulloo CullenGal... you have the flying typist fingers I see!

CullenGal09 said...

DD-Kabuki 2-LOL

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - Do you want to apply the makeup or just help him sweat it off??? HMMMMM?????

marya said...

hey cullengal!
monika- im gonna scream everytime cristiano comes on the screen...i always do that lol my mom thinks its soo annoying but i just ant help it...i really dont care that much about football haha but im definitely watching tomorrow
hey do u think rob and kris and the rest of the cast will be watching too? since the game is in italy and rob kinda sorta likes soccer...i mean hes a brit...he must know who messi is right? lol
something tells me not...

CullenGal09 said...

Hi A! Yeah-sorry. I'm hyper too, which doesn't help-in case y'all didn't notice-bahaha. ;)

DD said...

Leann/KK - I think if you have pay to apply the makeup, you should get to help him remove it. lol

CullenGal09 said...

Marya! Como est ca? (I know i didn't spell that right-lol-oh, hell-how are ya!

CullenGal09 said...

KK-sweat it off-LOL LOL LOL

CullenGal09 said...

DD-sounds fair to me-and quite professional...;)

Lucy said...

Hi CG :)

CullenGal09 said...

I so can't wait for MTV Movie Awards! Am I the only one?!?

CullenGal09 said...

HELLO BUDDHA! ((waves))

CullenGal09 said...

I am so ready for NM to come out-I have my xanax and tissue ready and everything-ha.

marya said...

cullengal fine thank you about to leave thinks we might not get new unbuttoned/opened shirt rob pics until tomorrow off

CullenGal09 said...

Robward is whoa, mummy!

Gemgirl65 said...

Hi CG...I haven't written any dirty limericks yet, but I'm sure they can't be too far away. So far I'm sticking to Dirty Dr. Suess.

KK, I'll happily be the cause and the cure for Robward's milky kabuki sweat, or any other milky substance that might...OK let's stop that thought right there. This blog is NC-17 after all. Don't want Jewels comin' with the smackdown on me!

I have naughty FFs going on in my head frequently...I just don't write any of 'em down. :)

CullenGal09 said...

Marya-I know1 :( Need the shirtless Robward-clocktower, clocktower...her i come.

marya said...

by the way cullengal no you are not the only one who cant wait for sunday!! its actually the only thing i look forward for the weekend...
hopefully nobody will cut poor robbie off this time...:)

CullenGal09 said...


KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Gotta go, ladies. I'll be back later tonight! Take care!

DD said...

KK - see ya. Gonna get some rest myself. See you ladies later.

CullenGal09 said...

Me too Marya! Robward is muey caliente! They better not cut him off-it'll be a sunday night smackdown! ;)

Anonymous said...

Leann- you are a riot, I swear. Milky... nevermind, LOL

Write something, though; you have a definite talent for conjuring up some very clear visuals in my head.

CullenGal09 said...

Bye KK!!!! Muuaaaahh!

Bye DD-take it easy.

I better go for now too-gotta get supper on for myself and the hubby, who's home and hungry! ;)

CullenGal09 said...

A/LA; Leann-milky-visuals-uh, yeah!!!! BAHAHA...;)

margot said...

this crap-tatoo-thing makes me sick

CullenGal09 said...

I'll try to get back on maybe later while hubby's in the shower-really do have to go for now. Bye!!! Luvs and puffy heart y'all.

CullenGal09 said...

Hi and bye Margot-dinner calls-check ya'll later! I'm out!

margot said...

LEANN ??? I've just read back ?? hehehehhe

marya said...

robward es muy caliente haha you got that one right...although caliente doesnt do him justice i dont hes much more than that...
ohhh yes :)
i can come up with a thousand other words in spanish that suit him much much better...wink wink :D

Anonymous said...

Bye everyone who is leaving! (can't keep up)

margot said...

by Cullen grl bb

showme said...

ok....i'm having shakes...where are some candid pics of him out tonight....***twitches hands***

i need my fix...i mean my pics...WHERE ARE MY PICS!


Anonymous said...


go for it, I know un poquito de Español, and I want to know the good palabras that descibe Rob. ;)

Como se dice "gorgeous sex-bomb"?


margot said...

hmmm... it would be nice to express thoughts in my native language, my English vocab is too limited :((

marya said...

haha A/L.A - gorgeous sex bomb?? hmmm let me see...
preciosa bomba sexual haha
omg it feels so weird writing in spanish here lol
but i got one much better...hahaha

showme said...

i like preciosa bomba sexual

that's hot

Gemgirl65 said...

A/LA, I do enjoy writing...I'll let you know if any crazy FFs pour out of my fingers one day. ;)

I need to go fix some dinner but I'm sure I'll be back later. Smooches to all my girls! See ya soon :)

margot said...

wspaniala sexbomba


Anonymous said...

¡Aye aye, Roberto! ¡El es una (un?) preciosa bomba sexual! Un hombre tan caliente...

(jeeze my Spanish sucks)

monika said...

marya, think he does know who Lionel is lol but I doubt he's a big football fan( like me for example.:p) so I kinda don't think he'll be watching,specially since it's not Arsenal playing. haha
ugh I so should be there, in Rome like right now.:/

Anonymous said...

sexbomba: what an awesome word!

Anonymous said...

bye Leann! xx

marya said...

haha no A/L.A thats pretty good actually! gosh if i saw him i would just start spitting things like that right out of my mouth...hahaha he'd be like whaaaa??
id feel so relieved afterwards...
the bad thing would be for someone to translate for him...
yeah thatd be awkward...
"i think she just said you have the cuttest...butt?"...

marya said...

monika- yeah me thinks rob is not really a football fan but hey who knows? i just wanted to have the illusion of watching soemthing on TV at the same he
hope barcelona kicks manchester ass tomorrow!! wohoo!! nah just

marya said...

A/L.A- lol yeah i like sexbomba too!
rob you are my personal sexbomba!! and oh so much more...

margot said...


gotta shut the computer down right now ... the thunderstorm is coming and it will be hudge - weather forecast is - to morrow colder by 10 C , right monika ? :))))

so, Robsessed allover the world
night night
be nice and naughty or nice meaning naugty or nicely naughty :)))

Lucy said...

Si Mayra, dinos como se dice lo que dijo A/LA? No estoy segura como se dice "sex-bomb". Bomba sexual, maybe? ;)
Rob's a universal (sex) language that every woman undertands. He needs no words to speak it, knowwhatimean? *wiggles eyebrows*

marya said...

bb- yeah i know what u mean haha hes like math...the same in every
a perfect representation of godlike beauty any woman would recognize no matter where...hahaha so cheesy!
anyways u got it right i believe...i think it is bomba sexual...gosh that sounds soo appealing...

monika said...

@margot, really? didn't know that aww that sucks, it was so nice and warm today,wanted it to last longer. damn you fickle weather hehe

Lucy said...

Oh dang! U guys r too fast! U beat me to it. Oh well, I see I was right on withthe bomba sexual!

marya said...

A/L.A- haha i like how u called him sounds like a really bad soap opera name...
i like rob better...

Anonymous said...

I have a tendency to rename all of my guy friends with Spanish versions of their names. So yes, there's a Roberto, and a few Juanitos, etc.

Maybe we only call Rob Roberto when we speak of Little Ashes, I think it's cute. ;) Then again, I don't watch many novelas.

Anonymous said...

nite margot!

Lucy said...

Sexbomba . . . Mmmmmm . . . Me likey that word. It' so . . . Perfect for Rob!

marya said...

hahaha laughed hard at the juanitos thing...hahaha such a cute name juanito...oh god
anyways im off
hopefully tomorrow the process of the unbuttoning shirt will be done and well have a happy trail day...yes indeed

Anonymous said...

I love that word so much I....


Anonymous said...

Night Marya... gracias por las palabras.

marya said...

hahaha A/L.A cant believe you added it to your name...i think i may need something like that too...maybe marya preciosa bomba sexual...nah that sounds like im calling myself that...oh well ill think of something...

marya said...

nighty nite yall!
el placer es todo mio :)

Anonymous said...

do it!

marya said...

ok its done...hahaha soo funny! i added the "rob is a..." so i dont sound like a selfish

Anonymous said...

haha night marya!

marya said...

toodles! :D:D

Anonymous said...

Fixed mine, too. Gotta get back to business, later ladies!

Lucy said...

Hasta luego Mayra!

A/LA - I love how u added it to u'r name! LOL!

I think that's my new fave word!

marya said...

haha great!
i might do the same i dont like how it goes behind the picture...
definitely dont want anybody missing the bomba sexual
now im reaaally gone...
adios amigos!

marya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
marya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RPnKSaddict said...

KK- Had a crappy day and I'm after reading that you stirred up mischief on some of the Robsten sites I'm LMAO. Thanks I needed that.Your awesome.

Leann- I don't care if your avi is cheesy.I love it.
I'd love to be that close to his face.

About the tattoo..OMG it's awful.yikkes!

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