New Moon Costar Calls Bullsh*t On Rob/K Stew Hook Up Rumors

Kristen Stewart's on-set dad thinks the hot hookup reports about her and Robert Pattinson—which have been extensively covered in Ted Casablanca's Awful Truth—are ridiculous.

"As far as I know, I'm gonna say bulls--t," Billy Burke said at Melanie Segal's MTV Movie Awards gift suite. "I'm not buying it. Please!"

Interesting. Then again, when do dads (even movie ones) ever know what the kids are really up to?

Burke just returned from filming New Moon in Vancouver, where he and Rob sometimes grabbed drinks at local dive bars.

So what's R.Pattz like when the cameras aren't rolling?

"He's a goofball," Billy said about Rob's real personality. "If people knew how much of a goofball he was, they wouldn't be falling all over the place. He doesn't take it all too seriously."

Source- E! Online


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Chicago girl now in LA said...

Thanks, Billy. Nice to hear an adult call BS on this very boring speculation...YAWN is right.

Anonymous said...

Goofball? What does that means?

albaville said...

yes I'm italian..can someone explain in other words what goofball means?

RPnKSaddict said...

Billy, Billy, (shakes head)a big part of why we love him is because he's a goofball.

RPnKSaddict said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RPnKSaddict said...

goofball= Not to serious, silly , jokes around a lot.

monika said...

thought it means a jerk,idiot,fool,imbecile,stupid

monika said...

how do we know he really said those things? it's for a gossip site after all. I've learned not to trust every word that gets printed in the papers/tabloids or written on the net.

kristen said...

RPaddict - exactly! One of the biggest reasons why Rob is so loveable is BECAUSE he's such a goofball. But of course it doesn't hurt that he's completely gorgeous, intelligent, funny, interesting, and has the brooding thing down to a science.

albaville said...

ok thanks,I remembered something like that but I wasnt sure :))
I'm so glad he's like this, just taking everything not too seriosly and dont feel like a STAR for real.
I just saw him yesterday in Montepulciano, I was a walker in New Moon..he's very sweet and has a killing smile..I LOVE IT!!
also he's so sexy, i was there during the shirtless scene, brethless, almost faint..what a guy!!

LovetheLips said...

um..goofball...not a bad thing - it's a big part of why I love him so!

Yvonne said...

I just said that a couple of days ago, my exact words were - "he's a goofball". It's obvious. But glad to hear he's not taking all of this too seriously. And as for KS,who cares? Other than TedC...

LovetheLips said...

Chicago- I agree...I'm soooooo tired of all the R/K crap...why should we care? really....

LovetheLips said...

Yvonne - too funny...are you telepathic?

RPnKSaddict said...

Monika- So you'd rather believe that he's a jerk,idiot,fool,etc.or just that there is something to the R/K thing? I don't get what you mean?
No offense ment.

Mommamary said...

We all know he and Kristen are not a couple. Hello, she has a boyfriend and he is onset most of the time. We aren't stupid. Hang in there, Rob. You may not see it in yourself, but you have the IT factor that Elvis had and I think this is just your life now. Please don't let it make you crazy. We just know great talent when we see it and everyone likes to be in the presence of greatness. But please stay the sweet, considerate person we have seen so far. Don't let this hype drive you crazy. We love you but want you to be ok.

Mechevpao said...

Goofball?? we noticed that and we like that!!
Lovely to hear, Rob doesn’t take it too seriously and that he hangs out with the guys, drinking beers, good for them.
About the BS comment for K/R gossip, well what is better to believe.. TedC or one of the coworkers of them??.. ooohh yes of course, big controlling studio (Summit) made all the actors sign a contract were they have to call BS to the rumor of K/R together ar they would get fired!!! O_o CUACK!!
Ok, I´m done joking hahahaa
And again.. repeating my self: we believe what is convenience to believe
Gosh I can not wait or the shooting of RM to start so we will get fresh gossip, Rob and his RM co-star … hahaha

RPnKSaddict said...

I'm tired of all the R/K stuff. I just like Billy and I could just picture him and Rob sitting around having a brew and being "goofballs", bet it would be a laugh riot to witness.

monika said...

'as far as I know' he may as well know nothing,nuff said. if it's true,who's gonna be next to speak for the duo regarding their personal lives? a cameraman? stunt doubles? lol

Mommamary said...

But even if Rob and Kristen were dating, it is nobody's business but their own. They are both adults and have the right to be with whomever they choose, just like any of us have. I hope he does find someone to love and share private life with. But she better be good to him! LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh now I know Rob and I are meant to be...."I'm a goof looking for my ball..." Oh wait, no, just his b*lls....!

MMmmmmmmm......cougar snarl.....

RPnKSaddict said...

Mech-I'm with you bring on the RM gossip and new girl. Just for something different. Poor guy really can't win and I bet the new leading lady will take some heat do the all of the Rob love life speculation.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Uhh, I would still fall over him-being a goof ball just makes him more endearing....

RPnKSaddict said...

It was cool in the commentary to hear how much Rob liked Billy, and his mustache.

Kate said...

Lyla you took the words out of my mouth. Him being a goofball makes him even more likeable !!LOL

RPnKSaddict said...

Have a great day ladies. I must go the cable guy is here.I'm getting my mtv.Yay!

Kathy#1 said...

Finally, someone on the set saying how ridiculous it is. I love that he's talking about Rob as a goofball. I think all of us here totally already know that - it's part of why we are obsessed! So, I hope our little secret didn't get outted!

monika said...

what's this bullshit?

Kathy#1 said...

Albaville, tell us more!

Kathy#1 said...

Monika, it absolutely does NOT mean jerk, stupid, etc.

Dahlia said...

Of course he's a goofball! Isn't that one of the reasons we love him so much <3

Stacy said...

The R/K stuff is old and ridiculous. How many times does it have to be denied for people to get the hint? And the Summit conspiracy theory is hilarious.

Regarding the link ... I dunno if that's true, I haven't heard about any problems with filming in Italy, or complaints like that from extras. But I'm laughing that it says he can't take KS as his date, like walking the carpet together for photo ops means its a date.

I'm sure KS will be there, altho she may be exhausted.

Stacy said...

And the "goofball" in Rob is a huge part of his charm. I love that he's not taking all this too seriously.

It would be very easy for him to let it go to his head, ya know?

TO Twicat said...

I happen to like goofballs! LOL! Silliness keeps you sane. With all the craziness going on around him, he's lucky he has the kind of disposition that keeps him from going off the deep end or from getting a big head.

As for the dating rumours...seriously. Who they date and don't date isn't going to stop the earth from turning or the sun from rising and setting. Life "will" go on!

But personally, I don't think they are...never have. I do think that they are the very best of friends and love each other based on that and no more.

Lisa said...

"If people knew how much of a goofball he was, they wouldn't be falling all over the place. He doesn't take it all too seriously."

...which is exactly why we ARE falling all over the place. Gotta love his sense of humor and his humility. :D

kchambers77 said...

but goofballs are my favorite. i love funny guys. so he just became 10 x more hot. dammit!

monika said...

@stacy, absolutely not implying anything,but how many times were Brangeline denied? many many times,and remind me what the truth was in the end?
dunno what's going on between those two but I wouldn't rely on other actors to get the legit info. We don't even know if those comments are true,it's from a gossip site,just like Robsten rumours. why make a selection of what to believe if it all comes from the same source? once again people believe what they want to hear,team Robsten that the relationship is true,team no-Robsten that it's all bs. the truth will come out eventually.

monika said...

jeez *Brangelina* can't even type properly now.

Mechevpao said...

have you seen this video of CH talking about Rob and why he is should win the award for breakthough??

I love the last part when she mentiones his interesting soul, and the books he reads and the movies he watches.. and she speaks with so much passion about him... aawwww

Stacy said...

I don't know about Brangelina ... I didn't follow them, but you have to remember that in most cases, these hook up rumors turn out not to be true. They happened to be true.

I do know that at some point, people need to stop analyzing everything about R/K and just take their word for it.

If there is something going on (and I highly doubt it) it's private.

You're right tho, people do see what they want to see, and if they want them together, they're going to see it that way, regardless.

The whole topic is just boring and old. It just sucks that it has to come up in every article about them/the movie.

showme said...

in rob's voice...

"oh billy burke, always busting my boner"

i call "bullshit" on Billy Burke knowing about rob's sexy stuff LOL

DD said...

Morning ladies: I was just reading the previous posts. According to the dictionary: goofball = one who acts goofy; goofy = being crazy, ridiculous or mildly ludicrous.

Billy just doesn't get it. Rob being a goofball is one of the reasons we all love him so much.

showme said...

i just read that other story. there's no way in hell kristen is not gonna be there...that's complete BS

showme said...

absolutely DD and everyone else who posted about goofball...

i and everyone else on here i'm sure have been calling him that since the first interview video we saw of him! LOL

that's the ONLY reason why i'm wanting to jump his bones came after obvsiously

and i, too, love CH talking about him and his interests...exactly, CH, exactly swoon

tracyvanhorne said...

Ahhh Billy & Rob out having beers together... sounds like a girls best fantasy :)

monika said...

'I didn't follow them, but you have to remember that in most cases, these hook up rumors turn out not to be true. They happened to be true'

which points to the fact we never can be sure of anything that happens in those celeb's lives.

DD said...

Nobody yell at me..but..

who cares if any of the other cast members show up? This is Robsessed. All I care about is whether or not Rob will be there.

monika said...

Hardwicke seems to have had a crush on him or smth.

showme said...

DD...i would agree, but the kissing will be a little hard to do w/out kristen there LOL

so, yeah, i need kristen there to see him pucker those gorgeous lips

showme said...

i think so too Monika!


DD said...

monika - I agree. CH has a "cougar crush" on the boy.

showme - the kiss is on film and he will be talking. He doesn't need KS to show off his beautiful lips.

Diane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tracyvanhorne said...

Uh, I need to lie down... have you ladies seen this??

Anonymous said...


showme said...

DD...the Best Kiss award, they always kiss live if they win

DD said...

showme - then one of us will have to volunteer to stand in lol

showme said...


that's different tho, they're not in her bedroom...

it's supposed to be really passionate...

but that was still hella good

monika said...

she said I love you woohoo lol

showme said...

OMG...i LOVE the ending where she says "i love you"

awwwww my heart my heart

showme said...

LOL DD...i'd love to see us all clawing each other to volunteer

Yvonne said...

she says "I LOVE YOU" !!!! FINALLY!

~ does a happy dance~

Yvonne said...

BTW, I love you too, Robward.

showme said...

we are such gushy romantics...LOL


monika said...

yay no more that crappy blue colour tint in the movie

WinWin said...

OMG, it's christmas all over again!!! and we got our I love you. I can see we are going to be be dead at the theatre in November.

So how many kisses are there? I can count 3. That's it useless for the rest of the day!!!

WinWin said...

I think this calls for a PattzSignal!!!

DD said...

WinWin - send out the signal! with a warning. New Moon will be hazardous to our health! Put the paramedics on notice.

showme said...

hey winn....i think it does call for that! :)

showme said...

DD...i knew at like 1:10 pm on Weds that New Moon was going to be hazardous to my health...LOL...the first time i saw him shirtless in profile....

Nov, Nov, Nov,'s so wrong to wish your life away...Look what these books and this man have brought me to....argh!

Gemgirl65 said...

Billy. Dude. We know EXACTLY how big a goofball Rob is and that's WHY we are falling all over him. Men...they never learn.

showme said...

LOL Leann...agreed.

how are you today? have u seen the video yet?

anna F said...

well, 15 s is quite short, hopefully it will be longer at the mtv movies awards^^;;;

why throw a teaser now by the way? there are 2 days left... well, I don't understand Summit sometimes.

Sam said...

goof ball is just silly, acts goofy.. not in a negative way.

WinWin said...

Leann, send out the Pattzsignal!!! 15 second NM trailer on ET!!!

Stacy said...

It wasn't really passionate after her birthday party, if I remember right. He was pulling away ...

That is a great change, and WOOHOO for her saying ILY ... that needed to be said in Twilight.

CH definitely has a crush on Rob.

showme said...

Anna, they're trying to kill us with anticipation!

Anna said...

About the trailer: Too much Kristen, not enough Robward. But it's alright for an appetizer I guess :)

IZA76 said...

I want to belive that they are NOT dating..please,but I saw K Stew IMDB profile and says that Rob is her boyfriend :(. WHY???

showme said...

stacy...actually, i think in the book it was...Bella says it's way more passionate than ever before, but also scared her (ie, she had a suspicion it meant more bc of it's ferocity)

i'll look it up...LOL

WinWin said...

Anna, I think MTV wants it out there so we would watch the awards show. That's probably the reason for all these interviews too with Billy and CH.

Mechevpao said...

OMG, the kiss!!! thanks for that link


DD said...

This kiss happened in Bella's bedroom. He was very passionate with her and it made her think about the way he kissed her when they said goodbye during the "James chase" in book #1. She liked it, but it made her worry.

showme said...

someone revive mech....

where r those paramedics!

Stacy said...

You're right, I'd forgotten. Well, that's all right. That was a passionate kiss, and little changes like that I don't have a problem with.

Mechevpao said...

Reviv me??... I´m already gone to the other life when I saw those shirtless pic, but I think this other world I´m in is full of Rob stuff and Twilight stuff.. that makes me keep fainting hahaha

Kathy#1 said...

I love that NM appears to be much better as far as colors, make-up, Rob's hair in it, passion, etc. I didn't think they did a good job with the white make-up and bouffant in the first one. Can't wait.....

Gemgirl65 said...

OK, that NM clip was waaaay too short. I wanna hear Edward speak.

Man, am I getting spoiled or what???

showme said...

Hopefully it gets more passionate...maybe that's just the beginning of the kiss! in fact, i bet it is...

i think that kiss is really impt. it sets everything up

(of course, i think every kiss is impt ROFLMAO)

Lizalou said...

Ah, i'm glad that Rob was hanging out with Billy. Billy seems cool as fuk. I thought he did a bang-up job in Twilight. In fact, I hated Charlie's character in the book - it was stale and lifeless. But on screen, Billy made Charlie seem like a real dad.

showme said...

Mech...i'm in that heaven too then... just like Bella says, "if you're here, i'm in heaven" agreed, heaven must have robpattz and twi in it LOL

Leann, YES! where was his voice! Argh...

WinWin said...

tracy and igro, I forgot my manners. Thanks for the links.

showme said...

Liza, i thought Billy was amazing in that. in fact, i looked forward to the parts he was in...

he seems so dry...but i don't know if that's him or his character...

i'm glad they hung out too. i've said before, rob needs good older actor mentors...

annycullen said...

hahah, you tell em billy! haha i still love rob even if he's a goofball<3

showme said...

yes, thanks so much girls for the links! ya'll rock

Mechevpao said...

Wait! what kiss are you talking about, the kiss where Bella realized something was wrong in the couple? that it felt like the good bye kiss when she was leaving to Phoenix with Alice?
I read the books in spanish, I don´t know if it got lost something in translation, but I think that the goodbye kiss in Twilight was "passionate" but she felt weird, like he was saying goodbye, and for the NM kiss where he gets taht feel between them, she has the same feeling about the other kiss, but I don´t remember her describing it as "passionate".. I got the sensation reading it like he was “caught into his mind” when he kissed her that time... bah who cares, I´m babbling here, I understand things different to other, so my point of view is not valid as normal hahaha

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Shome! Liza! AnnyC!

CullenGal09 said...

WIN!!! Howdy. ((waves))

Stacy said...

Anyone notice he's wearing the same shirt and pants as in Italy?

I'm thinking he stays over that night (he does, in the book, I think) goes to school and the break up is the next day ...

Edward's so miserable he stays in the same clothes!

Lizalou said...

OMG!!!! I posted before without reading the comments. OMG!!!!

How fine does he look in that new trailer??! WORLDS better than in Twilight.

I think I just became a puddle of goo.

Still not impressed with Kstew's acting, though

CullenGal09 said...

Just popping in-exciting weekend, yes? Billy Burke is too cool. Ruggedly hot too. ;) He's great as Charlie, and have you seen him with ryan Gosling and Anthony hopkins in "Farcture"? He's pretty good in it. He guested on "The Closer" too-he was a total sociopath in it too-delicously evil-VERY GOOD. Good actor for sure.

Sam said...

omg- just saw the trailer- 14 seconds.. they said 15 seconds- i feel cheated! hahaha Thanks to the person who posted the link ;)

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Stacy. Liza-I haven't watched the trailer yet-I can't decied if i want o or not, or try to wait until Sunday. Surely it's the same one.

CullenGal09 said...

Hi SAM/LesaM! How are you this Friday!

DD said...

CG - I love the Closer and thought that Billy was amazing as the evil guy. I really like him as an actor. He looked a lot different without the mustache.

CullenGal09 said...

Ya'll are killin' me. i can see right now i'm going to have to watch this damn clip.

showme said...


i just watched the funniest video of teenage boys watching twi trailer

this made me laugh my ass off..they obv all have girlfriends who love twilight and wanted to get them back LOL

Lizalou said...

btw, hi everyone!!

Damn, and I really thought my Robsession was waning. But after watching this trailer...Gah! My heart melted.
Fuk fuk fuk!!!


CullenGal09 said...

Hi DD! That's great. Wasn't he just tantalizingly awful?!? Way hot without mustache too-i'm not a beard/mustache person, really-but in rob's case, the scruff can be overlooked if he's in that mode! ;)

CullenGal09 said...

ShoMe-couldn't watch-would Piss me off. :p

DD said...

CG - it's just a teaser. Leaked to ensure we are all tuning into the MTV awards. But it is 14 sec of pure heaven. With all the hype, by Nov we will all be drooling mindless Rob-bots. lol

showme said...

hey cullengal :)

we are very spoiled girls today

mech, in English it was passionate but scary for bella...

passionate meaning intense i guess and not as controlled....

CullenGal09 said...

Liza-I repeat-y'all are killin' me. My self-control is seriously waning! ;)

Mechevpao said...

Yes Stac he using the same clothes in Italy.. O_o Edward stayd in the same clothes for 6 months??...
I know in this saga vampire don´t sweat or smell like human.. but dirty clothes for 6 months can´t smell any good hahaha

showme said...

DD coined a new term!!!


i am no officially a Rob-bot. have been since Weds.

Gemgirl65 said...

I'm good Showme...did you get my crazy email?

Lizalou, I'm usually underwhelmed by K's acting too.

Man..."I love you--" BLIP! Those bastards at ET really know how to kill a girl!

yeah, I hope Edward sneaks into her room one last night like in the book. That's where he kisses her really passionately, like it's one last I'm going all melty too!!

showme said...'s actually really funny. i loved it. it's all in good fun...the ending is crack up out loud funny.

Mechevpao said...

Ohhh thanks showme for that description, I guess I´m not a good Twilight Saga fan, that I didn´t get that hahaha, nor read the book more than once.. ehehe

CullenGal09 said...

Leann! ((waves heartily)) HI!!!

CullenGal09 said...

Hey there, MEchav!

Lizalou said...


You watch the trailer? Her 'i love you' was so uninspired. Flat. Dull. Lifeless.


I'm seriously concerned... if i can be reduced to a drooling basketcase with 14 seconds of footage... Maybe i'm not firing on all cylinders here...couple cards shy of a full deck...

CullenGal09 said...

ShoMe-ok-i might check it out.

showme said...

OMG Leann..i just saw your email...

i will be back! in an hour! LOL...

btw, read the first part, and thank you sooo much...i'm glad i'm not the only one that feels that way shooo...that i was hallucinating last nite.


CullenGal09 said...

Liza-you're doing it again-LOL

How can you be dull or lifeless aroudn him?!? WTH?!!!

Mechevpao said...

Hi CullenGal, how are you?
Hi Leann, how are you too?

CullenGal09 said...

ShoMe-LOL-see ya!

CullenGal09 said...

I'm ok today, actually, Mechav! All this excitement with NM and the MTV Movie Awards has eveyone buzzing this weekend already! How are you?

CullenGal09 said...

This has been a very good week for Robsessing, i must say.

Lizalou said...

CG - exactly!! if you're in a position to tell that man you love him... you oughta be shouting it to the sun, moon and stars!

Silly girl.

showme said...

Leann...seriously...did you steal my brain. can you read minds like Edward...

that was scary! i'll email u back later girl!

CullenGal09 said...

Will anyone NOt be glued to their tv's Sunday night?!? I think not. :p

Mrs. Robinsane said...


Pattzsignal intercepted!!

And the 15-second trailer...F—, YES!

However: "It's my birthday [...] kiss me"?

Oh, Stephenie Meyer!

If it were MY birthday, (yes, even my 18th birthday...or 15th, with "Edward" there ;P), I wouldn't be asking him for a f—ing KISS....

*please pardon Mrs. R's uncharacteristic "French"*

Mechevpao said...

Hey CullenGal
How am I?.. dead.. this weak is impossible to survive..

CullenGal09 said...

Liza-are you kiddin' me? SHOU IT OUT FROM THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN, BB! Then do what would naturally come next to him-bahahahaha. ;) OOps-didn't say that!

Lizalou said...

Mrs R,

Right there with ya! I wouldn't be asking for a kiss - i'd be *on* that!
And ok, ok, he's a vampire... so he loses control and bites me... what an effing way to go.

CullenGal09 said...

Mrs. R.! How are you, Milady!-LOL-we so feel you. don't even apologize.

Gemgirl65 said...

*waves at CG, Mech, Liza, DD...hopefully not missing anyone still here?*

Lord Lizalou, I agree. I'm sorry, but how much effort would it take to look His Holy Hotness in his bronzed contact lenses and say, with feeling and gusto, "I LOVE YOU!!!!! I SO F*UCKING LOVE YOU....GAWD....TAKE ME NOOOOWWW, PLEASE, ON THE HOOD OF THE MONSTER TRUCK!!!!!!!!!!!" ?????

Okay, maybe subtlety has its place.

WinWin said...

mechev, I thought that kiss happens in the parking lot or outside her home just before he leaves her? great, now I have to reread it again.

CullenGal09 said...

Mechav-it has been an overwhelming week of Rob's uh-goodies! Yeah....ahem. ;)

CullenGal09 said...

Leann-can iget an amen on that, sister?!?

WinWin said...

Mrs. R., your words of wisdom always blows me away! I heart you!!!

CullenGal09 said...

Win-i'm already just read the first chapter-it's an pverwhelming book-i am going to get it read AGAIN before movie comes out though, by way of refresher.

Gemgirl65 said...

Hi Mrs R and WinWin! I see we are on the same page...Bella's demands are quite small, considering. What the heck is wrong with her anyway! Oh yeah, that Edward bloodlust thing and the "oops, didn't mean to kill you" thing...pfffft!!!!

DD said...

I agree. A little more passion in the ILY, please.

There is no way I would ask for "just" a kiss on my birthday. lol

Shani said...

Lizalou- Billy stole those scenes that he was in. He sure did bring life to that character.

DEAD and Done with R&k. NEXT!!!

Billy, no shit Sherlock like we didn't know that already. That's why we adore him and it's what sets him apart from all the other cookie cutter actors out there.

CullenGal09 said...

NM is going to be the movie of the year-a veritable Thanksgiving time feast for the eyes and all other senses....ahem. ;)

Lizalou said...

eh fuck the subtlety, Leann... Edward needed to be talked to like that. He had a 'do-gooder' pole stuck up his ass ;p
A little raunch would do the man some good.

Mechevpao said...

Ohh Winwin, don´t take my description of NM, I hardly remember the book.. except for the part where Bella reunites with Edward in Italy, and the meeting with the vulturie

Sara said...

I came on here hoping you guys had seen the teaser clip too.
Who nearly fainted?
Raise your hands! *hand raised*

(and am I the only one seeing Rob differently, now that I know what is under all those godforsaken layers?)

CullenGal09 said...

Leann-LOL-yeah-can't let that whole vampire thing get in the way of pure Robward lust, can we?!? ;) Puts a whole ne wmeaning to "love bites", doesn't it?!? ;p

Hi Shani!

Gemgirl65 said...

OMG...are we seriously all sharing a brain today? All the's just, 'yup, what she said.'

Dayum, my lunch hour just went by and I never ate anything. This Robsession combined with bronchitis thing does wonders for a girl's diet. I've already lost 4pounds.

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Sara! ((waves))


Lynnes said...

Win~"I thought that kiss happens in the parking lot or outside her home just before he leaves her?" As long as it happens (a lot and for a long time), I'm ok with where it happens. ;P

CullenGal09 said...

Leann-tsk, tsk-you have to take xcare of yourself, especially at a time like that! ((Wags head))

Remember sweetie, you're just a fragile litle human....;) Take care of your lovely self.

Lizalou said...


If you mean are we more compelled than ever to try to find a way to get those clothes off the man - hell yes! ;p

DD said...

Leann - OMG You are right We have all joined into one Robsessed brain.

I am sick too and therefore on the blog.

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Lynnes!

CullenGal09 said...

This trailer is going to be the absolute ned of us all for real, i can tell.

Sara said...

CullenGal- *waves* hiyaa ;)


Gemgirl65 said...

Thank you, CG, I have not been taking very good care of my fragile human self...mostly because I stay up 'til Breaking Dawn posting on this freaking crackden called Robsessed! Thank God it's the weekend and I can get some sleep! :)

and then SUNDAY will be here...*sigh*

Bellanieve said...



CullenGal09 said...

Liza-you are so bad today!-LOL

DD-that's becuz great minds think alike! ;)

DD said...

Sara - like all true addicts, we are lined up for our "Rob fix" -- already anticipating our next "Rob fix" -- and wondering how we are going to make it to November for the big "Rob fix". lol

Gemgirl65 said...

DD...the shared Robsessed brain is good...but did we have to share all our germs too? Talk about a computer virus! LOL!

A/LA called this the 'cessed pool' last night...LMAO! I love it.

Lynnes said...

Hola, CG

Sara~I didnt faint, but I'm standing in a puddle. ;P

CullenGal09 said...

Leann-that's good to hear. You're a valuable little Robsessor-gotta take care of most passionate ones! ;)


Sara- hi back atcha!


Lizalou said...

CG - that's cuz it's friday *wink wink*

Oh and that damned trailer...

Gemgirl65 said...

DD, I am scared, I will be out of town for a few days...personal reasons...June 5 - 11...with access to nothing but a 56K modem. This blogsite will NOT load on a 56K modem.

OMG...what will I do???

Hold me! *whimpers*

Sara said...

DD- Spoken like a pro.

Lynnes- Let me guess, I wasn't the only one who saw the major jaw porn going on in those 15 seconds?

CullenGal09 said...

HOLA back, Lynnes! Puddle-bahahaha.

Leann-LA is so crazy!-"cessed" pool-ROFL!

CullenGal09 said...


Leann-Poor thing-that's not even right! :(

Sara-jaw porn-hell yeah-LOL

DD said...

Leann - Don't worry BB. We will take care of you. There is always email. We can send you small Rob fixes so you don't miss anything important. But you better schedule enough time when you get back to get caught up. lol

Lizalou said...

Hmmm I always see the jawPORN. The end of Twilight where he leans in to fake bite Bella is my absolute undoing.

His neck, jaw and shoulders - GAH! Is it too early to start drinking?

CullenGal09 said...

Ok now. I'm so going to watch that trailer soon-y'all have done it for me. You're wrong for that too. Damn enablers. HA ;p

Sara said...

CullenGal- Everything about the boy is porn for the eyes. I feel that he should come with a warning.

~Too much exposure to Robert Pattinson may cause light headedness and/or drooling.~

Lynnes said...

Sara~He's all porn -24/7 , 100% porn.

DD said...

CG - isn't that why we are all here? cuz we enable each other's crazed Robsession? Take the leap girl. It's only 14 seconds of your life, it won't kill ya...(wink,wink)

CullenGal09 said...

Liza-that scene does ahem. Sorry. (Composes self), was i saying?!?!?

Now i remember-yeah-that jawline is so lickable and nibbleworthy-sorry-it's true.

CullenGal09 said...

Sara-so true.

Lynnes-oh yeah.


DD said...

Lynnes - I agree. I love the jaw porn. But there is the hand porn, the lip porn, the hair porn, etc. Whoa wait. Isn't that why we are Robsessed? All yummy goodness.

CullenGal09 said...

I'm sorry, Rob, hon, but you should come with a frekin surgeon generals warning!

Gemgirl65 said...



And now I have to go back to work???

Late again...they will fire me!

later my sweeties!

CullenGal09 said...

"Mr. P may induce impure thoughts and acts, as well as weakness in knees and lightheadedness."

Lizalou said...

The entire g'damned prom scene does me in, actually. I especially love the part where he's helping her to the dance floor and he does the sexy, surprised eyebrow waggly thing when he sees Jessica and the others dancing.


CullenGal09 said...

Leann-bye sweetness! Muuuaaahh! Feel better.

Lizalou said...

Bye Leann!!
And CG, stop apologizing - we all want a piece of that insanely fine jaw

Sara said...

Bye Leann, hope you get some work done today ;p x

CullenGal09 said...

DD-so much to choose from-LOL

Liza-i hear ya.

CullenGal09 said...

Liza-LOL-you're on fire today, gal!

Lynnes said...

Liza~ *fans Liza* Don't worry, oxygen tanks and defibrillators are on their way. ;)

CullenGal09 said...

I don't think everyone's recovered fully from the shirtless Robward pics yet.

Gemgirl65 said...


I just enlarged the clip to fill my 19" widescreen.




RIP...with Suz...and everyone else

CullenGal09 said...

Eye candy for years!!!

DD said...

Lynnes - I hope they have oxygen tanks and defibrillators in the theatres in November.

CullenGal09 said...

Leann-you're back! BAHAHAHAHA!!! I'm here for you-shall i call for Suz with the Pattzsignal?!? ;)

Lizalou said...

Phew, thanks girls. I knew you'd be there for me.

I'm only having mild hotflashes now. Nothing a cold shower can't handle ;p

Just don't let my brain keep straying to the prom scene...

Lynnes said...

DD~Heck I need them for Sunday. Actually the last two weeks! Maybe we should order by the pallet for Nov.? Just to be safe?

CullenGal09 said...

DD-I'll have Xanax ready.

CullenGal09 said...


CullenGal09 said...

This movie is going to cause more widespread destruction than the swine flu and bird flu combined! ;)

Lizalou said...

We talked about it the other night, but I still think it would be an absolute blast to get the Robsessors together for NM.

They *would* need oxygen tanks and defibrillators and a few ambulances waiting on standby!

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