Interview below by The Risky Biz Blog

THR: Have you been to Cannes before?
Pattinson: I came here on holiday once when I was 12 but not since. I wouldn't appreciate it (here) as a holiday now.
THR: Let's talk about "Twilight." There are four books. Is the plan for you to do them all?
Pattinson: I have committed to the fourth one, "Breaking Dawn." But I don't know quite when Summit is going to shoot it because of my schedule.
THR: How is the script for "New Moon" different from the second book?
Pattinson: It kind of plays relatively close to it. I would still describe it as being a sort of supporting role (to Bella's story). I think it would have been a bit cheesy if it had just stayed as a voiceover part as my character is a voice in her head in the second book. They've shot these hallucination bits of the film. You're playing a figment of Bella's imagination and I was trying to do it in a really 2-D kind of way. I hope it doesn't come out flat and boring (laughs).
THR: What's the schedule for "New Moon"?
Pattinson: We've got four days left on the shoot for this. I'm going to Italy for the remaining days of the shoot.
THR: And then?
Pattinson: Then I'm going straight into filming (the relationship drama) "Remember Me," then have just three days off before going back to finishing up the third instalment in the "Twilight" series, "Eclipse." After that I am doing a film "Unbound Captives." I can't say much about that but I know the script needs me to learn Comanche! Maybe it'll be like in "Dances With Wolves!" My part is entirely in Comanche, ha ha.
THR: You've been shooting sequences from the second and third in the "Twilight" franchise at the same time. Is that harder for an actor than doing separate films?
Pattinson: Not really. We will just shoot the Vancouver bits (for 'Eclipse`') and then "Moon" is out later this year.
THR: How did "Remember Me" come about?
Pattinson: I read the script last summer and then met with (director) Allen Coulter and really liked it. It's quite a simple story but there was something about the character and way he spoke that was very similar to the way I speak. There is a naturalism to the writing and I really felt a connection to it.
THR: What's the script about?
Pattinson: I read somewhere it was being described as the modern day "Love Story." It isn't anything like "Love Story." It ("Remember Me") is really hard to describe. It about a 23-year-old guy and knowing someone for six weeks. You don't just fall in love and say, I'm in love, after six weeks. It's really a relationship story. It's very natural and the characters are incredibly real and well scripted. It's one of the few scripts I've read where you finish and realize you didn't really want it to end. I have no qualms in saying that (writer) Jenny (Lumet) is a genius.
THR: How so?
Pattinson: I went up to her house one weekend and we all hung out there and just chatted about the script and asked me what I wanted from it. She worked on the draft and about a week later she delivered this script. She'd captured little bits of my voice and all the inflections and mannerisms I have. The character in the script is quite similar to me.
THR: Playing yourself?
Pattinson: You can only really play yourself in a role once every 15 years I think (laughs). And you can only do it if its a good script and captures you properly. It is very therapeutic actually.
THR: Where and when?
Pattinson: It is set in NYC and will shoot there for eight weeks.
THR: You sound like you enjoyed helping with the writing of "Remember Me." A frustrated writer?
Pattinson: No, it's great when someone else is doing the writing for you.
THR: How do you see your career to date?
Pattinson: I didn't go to acting school, I fell into it. I don't really have conventional taste, and I want to only do films that I feel will be beneficial to my life. What we've molded with "Remember Me" is a very exciting and subtle work. I don't really understand acting as acting. I'm definitely not one of those people who can just look scared when they're told to by a director.
THR: How do you select projects?
Pattinson: If there's a good script I don't care who the director is that is attached. I like the most random scripts and I am really close friends with my agent. She really gets me and knows my taste. Occasionally she'll say, "I've got this really awful script but maybe you should read it anyway," and I look at a page and agree with her. I barely ever like scripts actually. After I did "Twilight," I really wanted to work but just didn't see a script I liked. I ended up doing nothing for a whole year. It was frustrating.
THR: Did the huge global success of "Twilight" affect you as an actor?
Pattinson: I prefer to do nothing than something stupid. I feel there's so much pressure because of this idea of career. It's a little worrying. It made so much money that now you get judged not by how good the film is but how much money the film your in is making. That's the scary thing now.
THR: Presumably there will is the hope that people who like you from "Twilight" will go and see "Remember Me"?
Pattinson: It's going to be helped by that. I just hope when people go and see it, they don't say, "Edward wouldn't do that." That's not going to be good!
THR: Do you still have a place in London?
Pattinson: I gave up my flat a year ago. I'm not really living anywhere at the moment because basically I am constantly working and on the road.
THR: Nothing to ground you?
Pattinson: I don't even remember where I left my car (in Los Angeles). It's probably been towed away by now. that's my only immovable possession and now I don't know where it is! (Laughs.) It was important to me because it was the first car I ever bought. Made me feel like a man, buying a car.
Maybe Rob should star in the next installment of "Dude, Where's My Car?" BWAHHAHAHAH
lol kk you kill me.
I wish that he knew there are those of us who can see that he's not Edward. I love the character, but I want to see other sides to Rob's imagination and craft through other roles.
Crap DH is home I'll have to pop back in later. Enjoy all the Rob deliciousness.
Oh what a beautiful oz morning, after watching a few utube clips of Cannes I understand that big dude holding and guiding him, crowds are going Rob nuts.
Oh yum being almost his gorgeous self in a movie, can't wait.
And Variety has an interview with him confirming Bel Ami, woohoo.
In reading this... again, I'm so taken with how grounded and unaffected he is by all that he's experienced since stepping into Twilight.
He's been without a home for how long??? sees family and real friends how often? By the sound of it, he's not slowing down for the next year either! You have to admire someone with that much drive, strength, and ambition, but take care of yourself Rob.
Hello ladies, if anyone's still there.
I went out all day today. Came back starving, exhausted and frustrated.
Clicked on ROBsessed and was greeted by a veritable Robfest.
I hardly know where to start.
Gozde, you must have worn your fingers out posting all those photos.
You have surpassed yourself, and that's saying something.
psssst Rob.
{whispers} next time you are in need of feelin like a man..
(ask for Suz)
P.S. If you find the car, that could work, too! (hope you find your car.)
LMAO KK! (per usual)
I simply lurve this boy/man/alien from Planet Perfect. And now how mad will we be to see "Remember Me" since it's essentially written for Rob, in Rob's own manner of Robness? I hope the original twist ending is scrapped. Sounds like it wouldn't even work with what the movie's actually about.
I finally have the answer about the car. it's not with nikki reed...thank God
Check this series of photos, this being the last of the series
Gives you an idea of why the overly protective security is so hands on - they were getting ready for a barrage of paps, look how pissed off blonde security guy is.
I also wonder if their English may be minimal???!!!Or at least it's just quicker to simply protect and guide precious darling.
Leann - Oh if it isn't the Robwench who totally threw my morning off at work...nice job!
loved this int. always reading rehashed ones that they say are new
Thanks so much for all these treats today. I love that it's confirmed that Rob is doing Bel Ami
LOVE LOVE LOVE the dock and beach pictures, he is so gorgeous and happy looking
Ladies i know it was like christmas day around here today but don't forget to vote for ROB at the MTV awards, we want him to win so vote a lot...we can do it
Don't be so sure, Marie. Nikki might have taken it to her lair.(For that story, see Ted C.)
I'm always worried that all the madness is going to change him, and then I come home to an interview that nobody else in the world could give except Rob. Smiles all around!
"Rob, lover, did you have to BUY A CAR, to feel like a man? Oh, gorgeous, please, come here and LET ME make you feel sooo much 'like a man'"...
Well, hey, KK, (and Diane too, waves) some lovely Robsessed person whom I don't remember posted the link this morning...I can't open up a gorgeous can of worms like that at 7:15 a.m. and not share!!!
This site is killing me softly with Rob's song today. OMG...I don't even like that song. WTH. I've gone mad, officially. There's only so much alabaster skin, ocean-blue eyes and mad-sex-hair-fondling I can take before I snap like a Rice Krispie.
I really, really gotta go shower, and it's only partly because Rob got me so hot. I'll be back shortly!
Um so...yeah, I can totally help you feel like more of a man if you need me to. You won't ever worry about the car again.
Jeebus...I need to get control of myself.
The night shots in the suit, oh yum, can't wait for the red carpet shots.
The security dudes are like bigbear dude and the mean enforcer dude.
I still want to know what is hanging on this necklace...
I already made that expose'
It's Joe Jonas's Purity Ring..
Rob (as the fuckee) got to keep it after their night of passion.
Hey guys! Good evening! How are you, Suz?
i'd love to hear rob speak comanche, or any damn language for that matter! hopefully, there will be A LOT of shirtless scenes in 'unbound captives' (sounds like a porno title)!!!
those cannes pictures are smokin'!
Hey Cullengurl.. wot up?
Hello all!
It's been a Robtastic day, that's what.
I've gotten all happy with my avitar thing now, Suz. What do you think of this one now?!?
Isn't it just delectable?
It's been Christmas in May today, seriously.
indeed it has, CG
indeed it has.
And it's only his first day.
Gonna be one hell of a week.
fabouleux. magnifique
Well, we already know where Rob's car is Kristen's parents' house (remember the pic of Nikki near it?). Silly Rob is funning us...AGAIN. I'm betting this bit will be quoted out of context.
ROB PATTINSON DOESN"T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS CAR Actor Robert Pattinson has been so busy with his career, he forgot where his car was parked...
any avatar showing Rob is a Win.
Nicely done, CG
I was just seeing who was on this eve.
Thanks Suz! Coming from you, that's a compliment. Very funny, Chi girl. So true.
Is it just me, or does Nik come off as a bit of a wench.
This whole thing with her and Rob is just blown out of all proportion.
KK!!!! "My hoodie woobie." How are you!
ChiTown, KK
Happy Tuesday in Cannes!
KK and Suz, you all are becoming my giels on this joint. ;)
CullenGal - Don't know cuz I don't know Nikki, Kris or Rob. They could all be assholes for all I know!!! Just kidding!
Feelin' feisty tonight gals!
Happy Mercredi, you mean, Suz! :)
Suz - I never knew I liked anything French until today.
KK-LOL. You bad girl.
Good God, what a great interview!!
Now I’m convinced, I don’t want Rob to be making movies I imagine he would be perfect, I want him to do whatever project he likes!!
He is going for a very unique career and he is not looking to satisfy fans, I hope people will understand that and stop complaining for the projects he decides to do next.
Cg, are you new around here or is this a new name?
You are a firecracker!
Scusez-I meant Happy Mardi. Mardi is Tues. in French. I've been out of high school french for too long.
I took spanish in high school. Rob es muy guapo.
KK I love french food, wine and Boys standing on southern french beaches!
Sort of, Suz. I'm more new at the blogging. I read comments and gelt like I knew a lot fo you for some time. Just ws a little shy about blogging at first, but now I love it! You guys are the best.
Rob est mucho fuego! Ariva! Andele', baby!
Wonder if Rob is still partying or curled up with hoodiewoobie?
Atta gurl CG..
glad you popped out of your shell
C'est ma journee a parler francais comme si j'etais a Cannes.
Ah la mer, ah le soleil, ah Robert!
Oh qu'il est beau!!!!!!!
Rob looked beyond amazing in these pics from today-he just floors me. Just when I think he can't get any better. HAVE MERCY!
KK party just let out.
it's blankie time.
and maybe even a little thumb sucking
Ummm...I'd say something in Russian, but I can't type in Cyrillic here...
Thanks Suz. Appreciate it. Makes you want to be a hoodie woobie-or whatever he ikes to curl up with-hehe.
Suz - Whaaaaa? THUD.
Are you aure it was a thumb-oops-that was sooooo bad. I need to quit-it's those damn pics-;)
Suz <---- gently smacks KK
Sorry luv
Rob is tres beau.
If Rob allowed sculptures to be made of his hands...he could retire right now with that pile 'o' cash.
Suz-make sure she's ok-breathe KK, remember to breathe. ;)
Suz - Ummm....yeah...thumb sucking...THUD.
KK~Yup! But will have to go pick up DH in a few. Dang...I'm missing all of the conversations! Maybe tomorrow... :(
when he puts that lil fucker in his mouth...
Chicago - We never get to talk! And we still need to discuss sanpaku eyes!!!
Those fingers-piano player fingers-dear God-the way they look when he plays-can you imagine what else they can do?!? Him massaging you?!? Oh, God. I'll stop. too much. *thud*
No buses?
We miss you and need you HERE!
Surely he can walk home..
Puts what in his mouth-Suz, really! ;)
Cullen Gurl...
I'm betting Rob is pretty tired after being felt up by his bodyguards all day. Now why didn't I look into that job on career day?
Suz, KK-I'm for real-I've been having wild fantasies about Breaking Dawn and Isle Esme today with these damn Riviera pics. My God. Visios of broken headboards and ripped up pillows.....I could go on.
i don't have time to scan through the posts on here so if this is old news- then so be it- but i found out what that necklace is...Found out what and where he got his necklace from
Its a Finn Large Mako Necklace.
Robert Pattinson recently went gaga over Finn jewelry's pavĂ© diamond shark’s tooth necklace at a photo shoot. The stylist on set was wearing said necklace and Pattinson ended up buying an 18-karat gold version on a leather cord.
Reply w/ Quote
3 Hours Ago
Suz-steady indeed-LOL!
A broken headboard and torn feather pillows is about all you're gonna get in the film version of BD unfortunately.
Cg.. of that I have no doubt
Is there anything Robsessors can't find out?
Hi Lesa. Thanks for that. That's been a hotly debated topic today.
Come on, K! I'm hoping for an R-rated BD. It's the only way to do it justice.
I want some hot Robward vamp action!
hey also on that link i sent there are some more pics and links to him at Cannes that i had not seen...and i thought i had seen them all today!
Seriously, though, BD is a derious story-hot, sexy, romantic, intense, violent-it needs an R rating I'm afraid to give it what it deserves as far as content.
Saw a clear pic of the necklace. It looks cool. Now if he could wear a ring or two. Those hands would be hot with a nice, funky, masculine ring.
Serious, sorry.
He was rocking that necklace, no doubt, ladies.
CG - If you want THAT kind of BD, you can find plenty of versions in fan fiction.
I was loving it with the black shirt with the stripes-yum!
CG, you should read the FF of the first night in the cottage..
major heat
k, They better make BD rated R because I want full descript scenes of the broken headboard and torn feather pillows
that's cool, but I mean the movie version, to do the story justice. It's pretty graphic, especially in parts.
totally irrelevant to the interview, but here's some new info on why not to drink too much pop.
clearly rob isn't this bad with his coca-cola drinking, but stilll...he could be building more muscles ;)
what book did you read?
The sex scene that never was....
I hear that, suz, and right on Mechev.
Suz - Oh yeah. That FF was definitely hot.
scene that never was? Suz?!? Talking about BD?
KK is was just what I wanted to find in BD..
Smoking FrenchRiveriaRob Hot
there was no sex scene in BD..
not really
fade to black..
next morning...
I mean, the intimate scenes are tastefully handled, and all, I'm just saying! Rob-sex scene-wow.
Breaking Dawn will be PG 13
Yeah-you're right Suz, but ehy could still do great things with it in the movie.
All that sexual frustration unleashed-shown on screen-whoa, mommy!
I'm not that far yet...
I want to anticipate New Moon fully...
I don't want to get all focused on BD, yet..
Just a thought. It's my fave book of the series.
Oh, yeah! NM will be awesome-no doubt. It's such an intense and heartwrenching book. Loved it.
The ending is unbelievable. Best of any books I've read in a long time. So emotional and intense, like i said.
CG - Feelin' a little randy tonight, aren't ya? :)
What's your fave book, Suz?
God, Suz...we could give a whole different meaning to the original Plaster Casters.
"Disco Stick" is playing on Dancing With the Stars. I now only think of Sex Drive Rob when I hear this song.
I think RivieraRob deserves a whole video unto himself.
Oh yeah, good evening everyone! :)'s the pics-that's all i'll say. It's the power of the pics! ;)
Leann if you go to my blog (from profile)
I made one today..
So right, Leann! Hello.
here is the link
Suz-oh snap-meant to tell you-saw that vid you made-awesome. Perfect song! LOL
Suz-you rock, girl~
You are now the official vid queen!
It was very creative indeed.
Did everyone leave? Getting too late?
Mechevpao, Hell To The Yes. We need some Bedward sex. Seriously. You combine Bella and Edward and you get Bedward. Which is fine with me, as long as I get to see the feathers flying.
Suz - May I use your link to watch your vid?????
I have to go too soon. I have some clothes to put in the dryer before bed. The hubby's work pants. Duty does call!
Seriously, Rob's bodyguard is WAAAY to into his job. Who can blame him? But Rob looks like he's enjoying it waaay to much as well. Should I be worried?
You go Leann! right on. KK-Suz's vid is the bomb.
Leann - I still think he's got the deer-in-the-headlights look goin'.
Suz, again i say, you rock.
KK -- god yes
it's only fun when you share your toys!
KK-deer in headlights-bahaha.
Suz-don't say TOYS! Not with these damn pics still in my head-lord! ;)
I'm tellin' you-I'm so bad tonight-I'll stop now.
Rob brings out that side-you can't help it!
You guys still there?
Thanks for the thoughts CG
Honestly with a subject like
anyone is an artiste'
He is the muse...
I'm about to have to get off here, soo I hope you all have a great rest of the evening.
night CG..
Read Isle Esmee and Warmth on there are links on the BD confirm thread. They were both pretty smokin if you ladies are up for some BD heat.
I liked Isle Esmee it was a bit tamer than the other one.
Thanks for helping with the mystery of the gold necklace.
Suz-he is that-muse-oh, yes. Beautiful boy-man!
Just have to take a phone call...
Rob's hoodie on line
Thanks for the tip RPAddict, and thanks Suz-naighty French dreams to you too, girl! We'll hopefully catch up again soon.
Where else am I gunna go, CG?
I'd like more comments on the Remember Me's him playing someone who's like him but not him? Does that sound right? I'm confused. lol
Thanks Suz, I just got outta the shower, now I need another one after your vid! Yummers.
wowie!, I wanna know that too. I, for one, can't wait to see the film in which he is practically playing himself. They still haven't found a female lead hot enough to stand next to him and not disappear though...good luck with that, Summit!
I'm back long enough to say a definite good-night to you all, ladies, and Robtastic dreams to youall too! Stay cool, Suz, KK, Leann, and RPADDICT! By the way,RP-your avi rules!
Wher else am I gunna go, Suz-muuuuahhh! Good nighty, and pleasant Robward dreams! ;)
You ladies stay cool! Robsess on!
Total change of topic. I know the Robkats are big fan fiction lovers. I've read I Love LA, and the Office. Somebody suggested Wide Awake, but the only link I found for it had an incomplete version. Another link? Or any other suggestions? After all those pictures today, I need some serious fiction!
Wide Awake:
That is to bad cause New Moon is a horrible book (what I read of it and I will be the first to admit that I did not finish it, because of the poor storyline and the writing) and well, Twilight as a series is hideous. It makes all females out to be obsessive village idiots!
I was really hoping MR. PATTINSON, (as he should always be addressed from this point forward) would just turn the fourth down and move on to much better things. I am sad to hear that he will do the fourth book.
Guess Hollywood and greed won again!
Great interview!
This is the interview I was waiting for :)
The character is smiliar to Rob in Remember me!!!! ummmm.......guys get ready for your robsession to reach a higher level cause through this role we're gonna learn much more about Rob :))))
@ pts_pnz
I don't think Rob cares about being called Mr. Pattinson (I don't even think he would like that!hello???)
I think being trusted for his choices and supported is much important to him.
I can understand that people don't like the Twilight series but let the guy do his job as he wishes. He just said in the interview that he chooses movies that contribute with something to his life. You and I have no idea what his job on the series is bringing to his life besides fame and new opportunities.
And instead of calling him Mr. Pattinson, try not to judge him by using words such as "greed".
This is work, there are commitments and reponsabilities towards people (not talking about the fans here but about professionals): don't think it's easy to take those kinds of decisions.
I like the way Rob chooses his roles, he did Twilight because he liked Kristen's acting in Into the wild, he played Dali portraying a gay romance...I don't think this guy cares about what people are gonna say about him, and to me as far as I feel he believes in his job I'm with him!
awww i feel bad that he's forgotten where is car is!! Lol he's so cute and sweet :D
I really liked this interview, it's good to learn little bits of his personality first hand. I can't wait to see Remember Me and I think it wouldn't take me 6 weeks to know that I'm in love with Rob, just about 6 seconds LOL
He said that he wouldn't appreciate Cannes as a holiday now- I wonder what his ideal holiday location would be?
Um...Shouldn't someone tell him that he could call Nikki to find out where his car is? There was a pic of her with it a few weeks ago, right? lol
Did y'all see the pic showing the close-up of his shark tooth necklace? I can't believe he spent $1000 on a necklace- half of what he spent on his CAR! LOL
Taaa-daam !
Robsession revealed in one of the most popular Polish internet portals (finally!) - there is a link to some minor general gossip site, here it is :,,2,robert_pattinson_bryluje_w_cannes,fotogaleria.html
The title says "Robert Pattinson sparkles in Cannes" and he's called "every female's favourite
I've just got back from the doctor's with my annual pollen sick-leave ... now I'll be Robsessing late at my night with you :)))
There is so much to catch up - I'm happy
I'll start with this interview to check out if it's any different ...
then ... the photos ... and that's my schedule for today
I can't wait to see his new movies... Rob is so awesome, but then you ladies already knew that! That's why I hang out here :)
Lovindashow: Thanks for the link!
"Made me feel like a man, buying a car." That just makes you go "awww"
Bless him, he's so grounded its unbelievable though. Perfect man? Definately!
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