Rob leaving "Inglorious Basterds"

Again big mwahs n thanks to kittyglam on Pattisonlife for the pics.


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keti said...

Who is this Bodyguard that keeps TOUCHING rob, Whats his name??
His hands are constantly on him WHAT THE ???

Jewels64 said...



janehofstra said...

What?! More?! Please stop! No, DON'T! Who needs a job, I can linger here all day.

DirtyD said...


Unknown said...

I'm on serious Rob-overload lately, and loving every hot second of it!

Suz said...


Unknown said...

Where the eff is my avatar??? UGH!

Suz said...

Body Guard RULES the EARTH

Jules. xoxoxo

Unknown said...

Hey Suz, I friend requested you on FB. What up??? :)

Suz said...

I have a bellyache

Too much RobSuga

Diabetic Coma forthcoming

DirtyD said...

Hey Suz, Karla!

Suz said...

Karla, do I know you?

; )

Unknown said...

Hey Jules!!

Kat said...

I love the bodyguard. I wanna hug that bear of a man and tell him thank you.

Hi ladies!

Suz said...

Karla, I don't have any fb request..

: (

Unknown said...

Suz, I haven't been on the blog in a while, but I'm a RK through and through.

Suz said...

he deserves MORE than a hug..


DirtyD said...

Hey Kat. Sir Kevin kind of reminds me of Steve from Springer!

Suz said...

I didn't get the request..


Unknown said...

Oops, maybe I just thought I did. Between my 3 kids driving me insane every day and all the Rob goodness on the blog lately, maybe I'm imagining things, ha ha!

Suz said...

I never keep a "Kat" waiting.

Unknown said...

Hey Kat!

Suz said...

karla, it's been one hell of a week!

and it's NOT over yet

Suz said...

Evening, Kat. xxx

Unknown said...

I'm getting pissed at my blogger account! I can't make my avatar appear :(

Ellie said...

Good evening, ladies!!!

CullenGal09 said...

Hey suz! I'm baaaaack! ;)

Suz said...

Ellie! xoxo

How you holding up?

as dead as the rest of us?

Unknown said...

Suz, no kidding! I feel like every time I look at the blog there is some new glorious set of pics that instantly melt the panties!

CullenGal09 said...

Ladies ladies ladies-Robviera is in the hizzouse!!! HA!

Unknown said...

Hey Ellie! Missed you, girl!

Suz said...

Welcome back CG

CullenGal09 said...

Karla-melted panties-bahaha!

Kat said...

Hello all... I'm on and off... catching up on shit...

Ellie... how was LA?

Suz said...

Karla, I don't even remember if I served dinner tonight..

Ellie said...

I am so on Rob overload today...I saw Little ashes this afternoon, HTB was delivered and waiting for me when I got home, and all these beautiful pics of beautiful Rob keep surfacing...

CullenGal09 said...

Man, I'm out of it for a few minutes and there's more motherbitchin pics--GAH!

DirtyD said...

Hey Ellie.

I am so jealous of you right now!

Suz said...

Kat, there is a lot of shit to catch up on...!

I see new videos posted.. and I just


CullenGal09 said...

Ellie, you lucky thing you...;) My HTB and BMH should be in the postie first of next week-can't frigin wait!

Ellie said...

Jules, Kat, Karla, Suz...and everyone else! MUAH!

Karla, it's been SO long since we've "talked"...missed you!

Kat, I friggin' loved LA!

Suz said...

Ellie, Art arrived safely in Philly today and I had to be with him again..

And the extended scenes in the Pub

Fucking Win!

Tenneil said...

Holla girls.... cannesrob... is a beautiful piece of work...

Jules, Ellie, Suz, Kat, Dirty D... cullen, karla.... hey...

CullenGal09 said...

I'll just have to TRY TO be satisfied with these pics and vids-it'll be HARD...hehe...but I'll try...mmmm. Plus i have Twilight (natch) and HA.

CullenGal09 said...

Tenneil, milady! What's up!

Ellie said...

Hi, Ten!

CG, so nice to meet you!
Suz, I haven't seen HTB yet. I'll prolly get to watch tomorrow night...

CullenGal09 said...

These pics and vids are blowing everyone's minds and computer's up-mine locked up, and I had to reboot and all, I swear it was from all the Rob-hotness!

Suz said...

Tenneil! xoxo

Catch your breath?

If the answer is yes... go look at Ron leaving Premiere... in fucking HQ


Tenneil said...

Ellie~ you saw LA today???

CullenGal09 said...

HTB is awesome, ay Suz? It is too good. Robart is dorkalicious fun for the whole family. Suz is his main groupie, right Suz?!?

Suz said...

Ohh shhhh

Sorry Ellie..

I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it...

Y'all know how I feel about Art


CullenGal09 said...

OMG-Suz-are you serious?!?

Karla said...

I'm dying to see LA! It's playing right now in Seattle but DH isn't too happy about me driving all the way there and back (90 mins each way) and going to a small theater (in a possible seedy neighborhood) by myself. I gotta scrounge up a friend that's interested!!! I wish y'all lived closer.

CullenGal09 said...

Hold up-Suz, remember to breathe-will be right back...

Suz said...

Yea, I have a thing about harmonica players..

WildCat said...

Evening, ladies.

Tenneil said...

Suz~ who's ron??? LOL
the one pulling his pants up... and straighten himself...

Karla said...

Hey Ten!! *waves*

Karla said...

Ok, found my avatar. I'm calm again.

Ellie said...

Oh, hi, Dirty D! How did I miss you? ♥

Ten, I DID!
Rob was so good in it!

Suz said...

OMG, I cant even type


WinWin said...

hi again ladies, i'm exhausted from all the drooling, blushing and daydreaming. 007 Rob killed me dead. How much longer is he at Cannes? I'm not complaining, but I thought he was also presenting LA and Summer House.

Ellie said...

WildCat, how are you? I haven't "seen" you in awhile!!xo

Suz said...

pulling up those pants after I....


Tenneil said...

Suz~ i fully understand.. its ROB OVERLOAD week.. I dont remember anything from... wait what day is it...????

TwiHartRK said...

Hey ladies!!! I have never in my life wanted to be a 6'4" balding, burly body guard, until yesterday. He's feeling up our boy and I'm JEALOUS!

Rose said...

Fucking stop already, OK?
This is motherbitching torture.
I can't stand it.

WildCat said...

I'm alright, just up to my eyeballs in alligators with work. Keep trying to do more stuff with less people. I find myself passing out from exhaustion more often than not.

How're you, Ellie?

CullenGal09 said...

OK-I'm back! Suz-thud is right, whoo! Those videos are toooo friggin much, man.

RPnKSaddict said...

Has anyone gotten anything done the past few days. I can't bloody well keep up.
Yesterday I couldn't stop looking at all the coverage and chatting with everyone.
Today all I could do was check in every few hours for a peek.Had major family stuff to tend to.
Thank god for Rosessed and all the Rk's and Robsessors here.You've all helped me keep my sanity to day.
Even from a distance.

Suz said...


Isnt he due in Italy on Friday?

I need a few days to recover!

CullenGal09 said...

Teeneil-overload is an understatement! Rose-LOL!

Suz said...


Hold Me?

TwiHartRK said...

RPAddict - I have not gotten a thing done that you can't complete while drooling and staring at the computer...

Ellie!! I'm so glad you loved LA. I'm gonna try and see it this weekend.

Tenneil said...

ALIE~ *waves franctically*

WinWin said...

I thought I saw pictures of wet hair Rob today and now I can't find him all freshly showered?!?!

CullenGal09 said...

RP-what up! WIn-good evenin'! RP, in case you havent heard-your avi rules!

Shani said...

Poor bb, he just got manhandled for the last past three days. Hell, forget about the fans. They need a restraining order against that bodyguard.LOL

Rob probably got so many black and blue bruises on him and is so sore. It. Ain't. Even. Funny. But I'm gonna laugh anyway. HaHaHA :P

Suz said...



Karla said...

My eyes are still burning from staring at the New Moon poster. He looks so effing hot with the neck tendon, hand and jaw porn - God help me, I'm off to look at it again!

TwiHartRK said...

Hey T - *waves frantically back*

CullenGal09 said...

Hello TwiHeart-nice username!

Rose said...

Suz~ come here, sweet pea...

Karla said...

Hey Alie!! *waves to the b-day girl*

CullenGal09 said...

KARLA-neck porn-LOL! Try HA with the mole porn-ooh!

Melissa said...

SERIOUSLY!!!!! All these effing pics from Cannes are going to be the death of me. My heart is already failing...I can't breathe...AND THEN I have to see this touchy-feely bodyguard all over ROB...I mean, really, does he have to tote him around like a toddler?? Every pic he's in he has arms wrapped around Rob's waist...under his hand clutching and arm..WTF. Sure, sure, I'm sure he needs security, but WTF. I think I'm going to start calling him "Chester the Molester"...what do you think???


Suz said...

Shani, that bodyguard RULES

He is exactly what Rob needs!

He is the BOMB!

CullenGal09 said...

Rose, you may have to rescusitate Suz-bahaha.

Karla said...

Hi Rose! How's your heart holding up? Mine has stopped beating :)

Suz said...

Suz <----mumbles incoherently and stumbles into Rose's arms..

ahhhhhhh that's better

Rose said...

Fucking bodyguard... doing my motherfucking job.

Ellie said...


CullenGal09 said...

Welcome back Suz, you fragile human-;) Melissa-chester molester-bahaha.

Ellie said...

Ah, Sweet Rose, hello!

CullenGal09 said...

Say it Rose! You go girl!

Melissa said...

Meh...I know Rob needs a body guard..whatevs. I have come to terms with it. FUCK. I think I'm jealous of the body guard. Wait. Did I just say I was JEALOUS of a body guard. I am seriously losing it here peeps.

Tenneil said...

Rose~ hi....

Melissa!!!! hello girl

RPnKSaddict said...

Any Twilighters might want to know that New Moon will be at Twicon with the cast and new footage in hand. Please god I hope Rob will be there.It's on July 23. I don't know how if he's filmilng Remember Me. That's just as important if not more so. I want him to be well rounded in his career. He'll be happier for it.

I hope my How To Be will come in the mail tomorrow.

Ellie said...

And Mel's here, too?


Suz said...


the booze flows freely in Cannes...

we all could use a BodyGuard now and again to prop us up!

(also could we blame chester if his heart stopped beating, too?)

kespax said...

Someone on imdb has described what the big-guy is doing, It's called "close protection", it's used when moving VIPs through unstable crowds. They key is that you always have the protectee within your control and grasp.

They do this with Presidents, Prime Ministers, and so on.
Oh it's so cool to see how he guides him on and off boats, down steps, and freakin everywhere doing everything - like he's the precious darling he is.

And you just know Rob is laughing and joking and embarassed by it but just like a kid - he's able to totally relax cause he knows someobdy is looking out for him.

I can just imagine Rob asking big dude - what you gonna do if I just run off ( he is used to running away after all); and big dude laughing his arse off and saying, yeah right just try and get out of my clutches and laughing too.

CullenGal09 said...

He's going to be in Italy Fri.? Holy Crap. We don't stand a chance, ladies.

WinWin said...

Suz, what? Friday. I'm dead. I haven't been able to get anything done at work. I'm going to burn in hell.

Melissa said...

'Ello Rose, Ellie, Alie, Suz & Karla... :P

DirtyD said...

Hey Rose, Alie, Wildcat, Mel!

CullenGal09 said...

Suz-we couldn't blame him one bit.

Ellie said...

But what a lovely way to burn, WinWin!

DD said...

Karla - where are you from? I am in Washington too.

I can't get anything done. All I do is look at His Hotness.

I love the Kevin the BG. It would be nice is Rob always had "protection". Keeps the crazies at bay.

Suz said...

Rob is as big as Obama


Looks Through You said...


Love Rob!

Umm...I was reading Apples & Oranges by McVampy on but, it's gone. Does anyone know what happened to it?


TwiHartRK said...

Thanks ladies - all these pictures of Rob for my birthday?? You shouldn't have. Well, ok, yes you should. Don't worry I'll share.

Thanks CullenGal - it was that or TwiHot...

Karla said...

Hey Mel!

WinWin said...

Allie, is it your Bday? Happy Birthday. Big Robkiss for you!!

Hi, ten, CG, Rose and everyone else here! Are my eyes the only ones burning from staring at a computer monitor too long????

WildCat said...

Hi Suz, Hi TwiHeart....I think everyone else are new names to me, so Hi! LOL

Anonymous said...

hey girls :D

what a fantastic day huh?

CullenGal09 said...

When does he leave France? Tomorrow? Friday?

Rose said...

You would think after looking at these fucking bullshit pictures all damn day... I would be in heaven...
Flames. Pitchforks. Rose screaming for eternity.
Yeah... Thats where the fuck I am.

RPnKSaddict said...

Cullen- Ment to say thanks last time you mentioned I just didn't have time until now. Soo Thanks.

Suz said...

Melissa, do you need me to hold you?

Karla said...

DD, I'm on Whidbey Island. What about you??

CullenGal09 said...

No, Win! We're all in the same...boat-hehe. Sweet torture, huh?

Tenneil said...

Happy Bday Alie....

Suz said...

Rose, I have not had an intake of breath since Monday.

DirtyD said...

Rose- we are all screaming with ya bb!

Rose said...

Hello my saviors... my reason for still being sane.
I love each and every one of you.

CullenGal09 said...

Your welcome, RP! Your avi does rule.

Melissa said...

Why, yes, Suz, I DO need you to hold me. I am seriously hurting here... :P

Anonymous said...

what's up rose? why such a shitty day?

Suz said...


Happy Birthday
to you
Happy Birthday
to you
Rob dressed in a tux
just for your special day.


Ellie said...

But Rose, you have three of the best pics yet...remember that!

Tenneil said...

Hey TS!!! whadda up??

TwiHartRK said...

Thanks for the info. on the gaurding technique. I'm loving the big burly Mr. Clean dude.

Rob deserves some "close protection"

CullenGal09 said...

Remeber to breathe, Suz-you're just a fragile little human-hehe-keep tellin' ya, BB!

Melissa said...

Rose~Does it help to know that I puffy heart you?

DD said...

Karla - I'm in Olympia.

Kespax - Thanks for the explanation about "close protection" technique. Sounds like something I would like to provide.

CullenGal09 said...

Happy B-
Day alie!

Rose said...

TS~ Because Rob is so damn fucking perfect... and it just breaks my black heart.

Ellie said...

Hi, TS!

Suz said...



Suz<-----opens arms wide.

We will get through this together!

I seriously think we should pick a city and meet up for New Moon.

I will fly anywhere to hold hands with you guys!

TwiHartRK said...

Hey TS!

Rose said...

Thanks Mel... It DOES help!

And yes, Ellie... my 3 pictures...
*deep breath*
yes... that helps.
Thank you.

TwiHartRK said...

Suz - you know I love it when you sing to me :)

Ellie said...

Suz, I'm skeert, too..will you hold my hand?

CullenGal09 said...

Well, ladies, I gotta go, I'm afraid. Duty calls, and I'm getting tired! All this Rob goodness just wears me out-hehe. The hubby needs some attention too-you know how it is ladies. don't want him to think I'm ignoring him! It's been fun, as always.

Rose said...

Happy Birthday (Rose)Alie!!!

I so heart you.

Anonymous said...

gotcha rose... but you have something from him

DirtyD said...

Don't be skeered ladies. Just think of the Volterra scene. Hopefully they don't fuck us though..

WinWin said...

ten, twiheart and melissa, hi!!!!

I'm still so happy that Rob is still Rob in his interviews. So cute and adorable with his answers. lol.

BTW, I'm sure he will fly in for ComiCon. I'm so excited for his NY filming. I better start paying attention to people in the streets and hit every cheeseburger joint in town. My poor ass!!!

Suz said...

Ellie, I will hold anything you want!

I am skeert, too! But I will hold on tight! xxx

Anonymous said...

alie: happy birthday :)

hope it's been a great day for you!

Rose said...

Yes, TS... And I look at them a zillion times a day...
I roll around on them...
I kiss them...
I try to hug them... which is kinda hard to do...

WinWin said...

Goodnight CG09. Happy Robdreams!

Diane said...

Now that's a bodyguard who takes his job seriously. He's not going to let anything get to our boy. Big sigh of relief here. Notice how the quality of Rob's bodyguards goes up in direct proportion to his hawtness which is expanding like the freaking universe!

CullenGal09 said...

Rose-LOL-that is heartbreking...he's a heartbreaker! Good night, fellow Robsessors! Pleasant and "fun" Rob dreams to all of you, especially Melissa, Suz, Rose, and Alie, cuz it's her B-Day!

Gemgirl65 said...

Rob is getting more play from BG than he's gotten from women in years. What is wrong with this picture? Oh yeah, I'M not in it!

Seriously...I'm glad Rob has protection and won't get stabbed or shot or kissed to death, but for cryin' out loud, this dude's hands are gonna have to be photoshopped out of every stinkin' RivieraRob pic there is!

Suz said...

D, some of them are pretty hawt..
fucking could be a win!


Ellie said...

Nite, CG! Happy Robdreams!

TwiHartRK said...

Night CG!

Rose, I love you BIG time.
And Rob would love you LONG time.
I just know it.
And we are gonna get through this.
I just know it.
Something tells me he is only gonna keep torturuing us with this bullshit.
Slow, sweet, torture.

Anonymous said...

bye cg :)

CullenGal09 said...

How can you not dream about him-looking like he does-Robviera-Holy Shizznit!

RPnKSaddict said...

You all have a great time tonight,morning, afternoon....
I'm beat and I need to take one last look at His Royal Hotness before lights out.
Rob hugs all around.

Suz said...

Night CullenG.
Sweet Cannes Dreams!

Suz said...



Rose said...


Tenneil said...

Nite CG~

wow all the love in here tonight is overwhelming....LOL

Rose ~ you dont have them framed over the mantel yet... or made into pillows...???

CullenGal09 said...

Night TwiHeart, thanks! Thirtysomething-good-night. This is for real-'night to all and to all a Roberrific night!

Ellie said...

Ladies, ime for my happy place...
hope to talk to you all again soon.

Nite, my sweet RobKats!
Olive juice!

Anonymous said...

oh rose... don't crinkle the pretty

but i would do the same

i might actually carry them with me everywhere...

Rose said...

Ok... I forgot who I was saying good night to...
I suck.

Gemgirl65 said...

Happy Birthday Twi-Heart! What a present, eh? 4,000 more pics of Rob looking devastating! Is it heaven (for the eyes) or hell (for all the other parts than aren't getting any?)

And good evening, ladies. Anyone still standing? Anyone still breathing? The casualties are piling up, I do believe.

Suz said...

wow, just wow

babbles said...

I love that Rob seems to really be having a good time in Cannes, His big buff body guard can't keep his hands off him, makes me laugh...

Karla said...

Night, Ellie!!! Olive juice!

Rose said...

LOL TS... I actually have them as my desktop at the moment... so I can look without touching. HAHA

Tenneil said...

Nite Ellie.... sweet rob tux dreams to you...

Suz said...

Night Ellie luvie..

HUGS and Kisses

Breathe in Breathe out!

CullenGal09 said...

Suz-you're a too Tenneil...signing off...Robviera wishes and Robward dreams! Cannes is motherbitchin! Cullengal out...;)

Anonymous said...

suz!!! :) thanks for the lyrics as always... you know i heart you

good night miss ellie :) hope to see you again soon!

Rose said...

Good Night Sweet Sweet Ellie.
I love you to the moon and back.

Karla said...

Hey Babbles!

Suz said...

Rose can you smell his Dior Homme?

babbles said...

Hello my Lovelies!!!!

Tenneil said...

Hey Babs... hello girl

Suz said...

TS... We's tight!
Amos Lee

sealed our fate!

TwiHartRK said...

LOL Rose!!
It was Cullen Gal I think - but she's taking RP with her I guess.
And Ellie is going to her happy place...

Loves you Ellie!!!
Happy Robador dreams bb.

Ellie said...

Oh! Real quick...hello to my Brooke! ♥

babbles said...

Ellie xoxoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

lmao rose... that's fucking brilliant! i'm so happy you got them... i mean wow. what a guy. really.

Rose said...

Hey Babbles!

Suz... he touched them...

WinWin said...

Regadring COmiCon:

babbles said...

Hi Rose... and he touched WHAT?

Anonymous said...

aaahhh yes suz... amos. but don't forget ray! mmm mmm mmm

TwiHartRK said...

Babs!! Hey babes!
We are jealous of the bodyguard.
Kespax says it's a bodyguard technique called "close protection"
Rob needs it to get through the sea of crazies in Cannes.
He looks like he's handling himself well and giving us LOTSA eye candy. YUM!

Suz said...

Rose is my hero..

makes me hope I might get some mail someday...


WinWin said...

Well, I guess this means he won't be at Bobby Long's shows that weekend in NY.

babbles said...

Although he is currently at the Cannes Film Festival, Robert Pattinson (Cedric Diggory) is scheduled to attend the Comic-Con International in San Diego, CA to promote The Twilight Saga: New Moon in a panel discussion with other stars from the film on Thursday, July 23. According to Summit Entertainment, there will be exclusive footage of this new Twilight sequel as well as a surprise or two.

And we all know Comic-Con LOVES Rob...

Rose said...

He touched the pictures... that he signed...
with his hands...

Anonymous said...

hi brooke :)

winwin: you are on it girl... thanks! i have a friend going... must get her to take pics for me

Sabrizzle said...

Hi loves!

Rose said...

How does Rob find time to do this shit?

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